Mistranslation Deceives Christians

Mistranslation Deceives Christians

THE one-worlders and do-gooders, which includes the bulk of our clergy, educators, politicians, pseudo-scientists, and intellectuals like to quite ­Acts 17:26 to. prove that all men are of one blood and descendants of Adam and Eve. In their customary deceitful way, they only quote the first half of the verse to make their assinine interpretation a little stronger. Acts 17:26 “And hath made of one BLOOD all nations of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation”. The second half of the verse coincides with the rest of the Bible showing that our Father placed the different races on this planet at different times and ordained that they should live among themselves within prescribed boundaries, not to move in with other races.

The key word here is “blood” but through . lack of knowledge and study, these false prophets are not aware that the word “blood” does not appear in this verse in the original manuscripts. It was added in by the translators. See The Emphatic Diaglott, Vatican Document #1209, which. was used when translating The New Testa­ment into English.

All Biblical authorities agree with this, even Scofield, see his note in your King James version. Ferrar Fenton has perhaps the best translation:

“Himself giv­ing every one life and breath and all things; because He made by One .(Christ) every race of men to dwell upon the race of the earth.”

I Corinthians 15:39 makes it a little plainer, so they never quote it, “All flesh is not the same flesh, but there is one kind of flesh of men (Adam), another flesh of beasts ( two-legged and four-legged), another of fish and another of birds.”

The Beast of The Field – Eli James

The Beast of The Field – Eli James

Children of Israel, there is a dispute within Two-Seedline concerning the “beast of the field” and the “beast of the earth.” Virtually all Two-Seedliners consider the “beast of the field” to be a reference to non-White hominids (humanoids that walk on two legs). As an example of this opinion, I have provided links, at the end of this essay, including Jason Blaha’s “Beast With a Hand?” which elaborates on this position. However, there seems to be some confusion on this point, so I have decided that a thorough word study is in order. Up until now, all Two-Seedliners I have studied agree that the other races were already in existence when Adam and Eve were formed in the Garden of Eden. For example, Dr. Wesley Swift taught that all of the non-White races existed for eons before Adam was created in the Genesis account. With this statement, I totally agree. Also, according to Swift, the White Race is only 6,000 years old. Bertrand Comparet and Sheldon Emry also believed this. In my opinion, however, the White Race, although the last in the order of creation, is very much older. Since the Genesis 1 account is dealing with eons (Hebrew yowm), not literal days, we must strive to harmonize the language of Genesis 1-4 with natural history. My Enmity Series goes into great detail about these eons and the order of creation. The Enmity Series can be found at www.anglo-saxonisrael.com

Book of Kailedy

Book of Kailedy

The Kolbrin is a collection of ancient manuscripts said to have been salvaged from the Glastonbury Abbey arson in 1184.

The Kolbrin is also said to have had a connection to Jesus, historically through his Great-Uncle, Joseph of Arimathea.

This Culdian Trust version of The Kolbrin was publically disclosed online by Professor James M. McCanney, M.S.

Who is Gog?

Who is Gog?

BRETHREN, THE WORD OF YAHWEH MUST BE THOROUGHLY UNDERSTOOD in these dangerous last days. One of the flock of the Company of Nations of Israel, has revealed to me that Dr. Wesley Swift taught that this world order would come to an end in the year 2011. I was gratified to hear this because I have come to the same conclusion based on my study of the Mayan calendar. Christian Israelites may rightly ask, “What does the Mayan calendar have to do with biblical prophecy?” Although the evidence is indirect, the associations of the Mayan End Date and the Judgment Day are worth considering.

Without going into great detail about the origins of the Zodiac, suffice it to say that the oldest traditions regarding the grouping of the stars of the sky into constellations assign authorship to none other than our forefathers Adam, Seth, and Enoch. The Zodiac, in fact, foretells the story of the First Advent, including the birth, life, mission, death, and Second Coming of our King. (The evidence for this fact is presented in these four books: The Gospel in the Stars, by Joseph Seiss, available from Kregel Books, Grand Rapids, Michigan; The Witness of the Stars, by E.W. Bullinger (Kregel), The Coming of Jesus: The Real Message of the Bible Codes, by Bonnie Gaunt, available from Adventures Unlimited Press, Kempton Illinois, and Raymond Capt’s The Gory of the Stars.)

What Was The Real Sin in The Garden of Eden?

What Was The Real Sin in The Garden of Eden?

DID ADAM AND EVE EAT THE WRONG APPLE, and cause death and suffering to be entered into the world for every subsequent soul on this earth, from that time in the Garden of Eden forward until the end of times?

Absurd as this may sound, it is what most Christians are taught from their respective Church systems (Denominations and Faiths). Let’s first look at it from their skewed perspective, then we will learn the truth from our Father’s Word; The Bible.

They (our religious leaders in the Churches, Temples, and Synagogues of today) would have us to believe that Almighty God would be so petty as to punish some twelve billion souls, because two of them were insubordinate in their selection of produce. Yet they don’t teach us why this would so infuriate such a kind, loving, and forgiving God; and kindle His wrath to such a magnitude that He would allow death to enter in for all of mankind.

They can’t answer why God would do that, because there is no answer for what did not happen, their facts are wrong from page one. And if you start out on any quest of any knowledge, whether the knowledge be of everyday issues or the knowledge be of the Divine and perfect plan of Almighty God; you must start out at a sound genesis (beginning) or you can never hope to end at a sound terminus (conclusion).

The Trees and Plants Mentioned in The Bible

The Trees and Plants Mentioned in The Bible

THE interest surrounding that limited portion of Western Asia which modern writers agree to call by its classical name of PALESTINE, is wholly unparalleled both in nature and degree. The love of the Swiss for their native mountains, or the Scotsman’s attachment to the land of brown heath and shaggy wood,’ affords but a faint type of that glowing and reverent affection with which Christians of every race and nation have constantly regarded their more than Fatherland—the birthplace of their faith and hope. The devotion which once drew pilgrims to its venerable metropolis,—to them the geo­graphical centre of the globe,—established hermits amidst its rocky solitudes, and inspired the grand but reckless fanaticism of Crusaders, finds its modern counterpart in a growing and intelligent interest in all that concerns the Holy Land, its history and topography, its past and present inhabitants, and its vegetable and animal pro­ductions. Science has taken the place of superstition; and without the loss of true reverence, sacred sites, long encircled with the delusive halo of legend and romance, are measured and mapped out by the careful hand of the surveyor.

The Sixth Law

The Sixth Law

IT IS SAID THAT THE TEN COMMANDMENTS are laws that are applied in every civilization, regardless of where this civilization is, or who initiated them.

When Moses received the Ten Commandments directly from God on Mount Sinai, the nation of Israel was isolated in the desert. No other nations were close by. Moses did not only receive the Ten Commandments from God, but also the Torah. He was on the mountain for forty days, and it doesn’t take that long to write ten lines.

Why were these Ten Commandments so important to God that He personally came down to earth to give them to Moses? If they were just ordinary laws that were already being implemented and followed by other civilizations at that stage, then why did they specially have to be given to Moses?

Between the time when Adam and Eve were formed and the Israelites were in the desert, around 2000 years had passed. During that time God had made a covenant with Abraham, and he had appointed Jacob as the founding father of the nation that God had chosen for Himself.

To understand this idea of God’s Nation, one must return to the time when the first two people were created.

In Gen. 1:26 we read for the first time that a being was created in the image of God. No others were created in His image. Thus it is understandable that God would select this special being for a special purpose or task.

Seventh Commandment Forbids Race Mixing

Seventh Commandment Forbids Race Mixing

THE SEVENTH COMMANDMENT STATES, “Thou shall not commit adultery.” We have been led to believe that means sexual relations with another’s spouse. The Tenth Commandment states, “Thou shall not covet thy neighbour’s wife” nor any other possession of your neighbour. Your minister will tell you, both Commandments mean the same thing. Do you believe, for one moment, that with only Ten Commandments, God would duplicate? No, I do not believe any reasonable person would. If just thinking about it is a sin, then it is only common sense that the actual act is also sin. This makes the Seventh Commandment absolutely superfluous. If God wished to repeat for emphasis as he does many times in the Bible, he would have put the two statements into one Commandment, connected them saying, “Again I say unto you.” The Billy Grahams of the world do not want you to know the true meaning of the Seventh Commandment. WHY? Let us investigate.

The Holy Trinity

The Holy Trinity

Of all Christian beliefs, the doctrine of the HOLY TRINITY, THE TRIUNE GOD — is for many people, the most difficult to understand.

There is however, the unquestionable authority of Jesus Christ himself for believing that the GODHEAD contains three separate and distinct persons, THE FATHER, THE SON and THE HOLY GHOST. (Matthew 26:19)

Jesus divested Himself of His divine power and became Son of Man, nevertheless He claimed absolute divinity. In fact the Jews charged him with blasphemy for having made himself “equal with God” (John 5:18). There was no doubt pf this, for as GOD the SON, He said, “I and my Father are one (John 10:30), although as Son of man, He acknowledged that “my Father is greater than I.” (John 14:28)

Of His own eternal GODSHIP, he said, “And now O Father, glorify thou me, with the Glory which I had with Thee before the world was.” (John 17:5)

The End Time Prophecy to Edomite Canaanite Jews and All Jews

The End Time Prophecy to Edomite Canaanite Jews and All Jews

KNOWING ALL JEWS CLAIM to be Ashkenazi Canaanite Khazar Edomite Blood by all their own admissions in all their encyclopaedias, etc etc as compiled here and the Scriptures very clearly say Jews are mongrels mixed and no longer related to Israel, but of Esau and Cain by Christ words, and the records of Scriptural genealogy; the Bible prophecies to them and their satanic seed. We’ve compiled some of the verses dealing with their END TIME DESTRUCTION as Prophesied by YAHWEH our God who promises to fulfil it in our days.

I use KING JAMES VERSION, sometimes I replace the name LORD with YAHWEH to add reverence to His name, and replace God with Elohim, and Jesus with YAHSHUA because: “His name is GREAT, and Greatly to be praised!”

Eze 25:14 “And I will lay my vengeance upon Edom by the hand of my people Israel: and they shall do in Edom according to mine anger and according to my fury; and they shall know my vengeance, saith the Lord GOD.”