Jews and Blacks

Jews and Blacks

What explains continued Jewish support for black causes long after blacks have unequivocally turned against their erstwhile ally? Or, in modern psychobabble, “Why does she still stay in the abusive relationship?” Moreover, how might this Jewish co-dependency be undermined? Is there a handy twelve-step program for this disorder? Given that the entire contemporary civil rights political agenda (affirmative action and related “colour sensitive” evils) might collapse into a mere nuisance without Jewish money, brains and dynamism, these are hardly trivial questions.

The Historical Record

To begin with, let me read into the record two facts as one submits court documents. Exhibit A is the Jewish contribution to black well being. This monumental bestowal properly requires a massive tome. Jews have already assisted as prominent leaders and financial benefactors. The Julius Rosenwald Foundation virtually single-handedly bankrolled the NAACP’s Legal Defence Fund (Rosenwald’s generosity likewise once helped educate 25 to 40% of Southern black children!). Decades back the Jewish philanthropists Jacob Shiff and Felix Warburg were similarly munificent. More than half the lawyers and freedom riders assisting Southern black civil rights activists during the 1960’s were Jewish. Martin Luther King, Jr., James Farmer, among many others, all relied on Jewish advisors (and Jewish gelt [money]). The Jewish Anti-Defamation League, the American Jewish Congress, and the American Jewish Committee (among numerous other Jewish organizations) have been “movement” stalwarts. Elected Jewish leaders have uniformly been pro-civil rights, while ordinary Jews are the most racially liberal demographic group. The Wall Street Journal recently noted that nearly all high-ranking black executives worked in Jewish run corporations. And on and on. Perhaps only Israel has drawn more fervent support in the pantheon of Jewish causes!

Exhibit B is wretched black anti-Semitism. The facts are again plain–even Ivory Tower academics admit it. Repeated national polls show blacks more anti-Semitic than whites, even when statistically adjusting for socio-economic status. A 1992 survey revealed that blacks were often twice as likely as whites to endorse anti-Jewish stereotypical, e.g., Jews favor shady business practices or have excessive economic power. More telling is explicit Jew-hating permeating black popular culture. The virulent anti-Jewish messages of Public Enemy, Professor Griff and other rap artists evidently do not offend black audiences judging by the millions of records sold. Damning Jewish Ghetto merchants (even long after they have sold their stores) is apparently an honoured black tradition. That both Malcolm X and Louis Farrakhan have risen to respected mainstream figures among ordinary blacks (and NAACP, as well) despite praising Hitler’s killing of six million Jews speaks louder than any poll.

Independent Proof Jews Behind Race Mixing

Independent Proof Jews Behind Race Mixing

In order to understand Jewish thinking on this matter, one must first recognize that the Jews are a very unique people.

The Jews are bound to one another by three different means— which no other people in the world have in common.

1. The Jews have one religion—Judaism!

2. The Jews are of one nation—Israel!

3. The Jews are of one Race!

Race is defined as a group of people who have inbred with their own kind for centuries and exhibit like features and characteristics. Thus the Jews of today are a tight-knit race, and highly conscious of the great gulf which separates them from White Christians.

Gentiles do not have even the basic rudiments of unity existing in Jewry. We are of many different churches, different nationalities and from divided language groups of Europe. Feuds, wars, jealousy and hatreds have always divided our White Folk.

This division has made it easy, for a skilful and highly organized Jewish minority to dominate us.

If anyone is in doubt about Jewish control over our daily lives, let them check on who owns all the stores on Main Street. Find out who controls the three T. V. Networks. (Sarnoff heads NBC, Paley (Palensky) heads CBS and David Goldenson heads ABC.)

Check who controls Hollywood, or which racial group controls many of the giant combines buying controlling interest in thousands of formerly Christian owned companies in America!

Germans Helped Build America

Germans Helped Build America

Twice in this century, within a span of only 24 years, the rulers of America felt called upon to combat an alleged threat to democracy and world peace by waging a “holy war” in Europe, against the will of their people. Twice they repudiated their own founding ideals and drew on their inexhaustible resources to stand by the side of powers who had divided the world amongst themselves in brutal colonial wars – joining forces against a nation that had no possessions beyond its own borders after the First World War, and from which they had only gained benefits in the past.
In costly battles Germans had once contributed to winning young America’s independence from the British Crown. The nation’s subsequent development from primitive beginnings to a position of world leadership in industry and trade is unthinkable without the hard work, efficiency and high moral virtues of the German immigrants.
But the Germans, as numerically the largest ethnic group in the United States, were not only the driving force in America’s material development. Germans set the tone in education and research, and insofar as one can speak of American culture and American intellectual life, it was the enrichment brought by the Germans, with their naturally cheerful way of life and particularly their unparalleled patronage of music, that helped overcome the sterile Puritanism of Anglo-Saxon life, to the benefit of the entire nation.
The following accounts, which are based on the reports of well-known emigrants, shall give an idea of the scope of German achievements in America – and also of the betrayal committed by a power-hungry financial and political clique against the most honest, loyal and decent among their citizens, and against their native land.

The British Royal Family and The Jews

The British Royal Family and The Jews

BRITAIN HAS BEEN INTENSELY LOYAL TO HER MONARCHY’S, most ancient origins. However, the Queen has favoured the multi racialists, and turned her back on the more conservative and loyal, true White Britons. It is therefore no surprise to learn that the British monarchy is today surrounded by Jews and Jewish influence, and that Prince Philip also has Jewish blood.

In 1851, Alexander, son of the Grand Duke of Hesse – that same family who raised the Rothschilds to power and hired out their subjects as mercenaries to fight the American colonists in their revolt against George III of England-contracted a morganatic marriage with the daughter of a wealthy Polish Jewish commoner who had grown rich as a supplier of arms to the war ministry. Since she had been baptized a Christian, the family permitted the marriage, and revived an old family title for Alexander and his Jewess. The title was the Count of Battenburg. This was the beginning of the Battenburg line.

The Hesse family later , made Alexander Prince o f Battenburg, and his eldest son by his Jewish wife was Prince Louis of Battenburg. Prince Louis came to England to join Queen Victoria’s Court, where he became an Admiral of the British Navy and a personal friend of King Edward VII. During World War I, because of the German propaganda, he decided to disown the German side and changed his name to Mountbatten, and he also received an English title, Marques of Milford Haven. His son, George, who bore the same title, was best man at Queen Elizabeth’s wedding to Prince Philip and led a very free and easy going pleasure loving existence which earned him no small reputation.

Racial Biology of The Jews

Racial Biology of The Jews

THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE WAS TAKEN FROM VOLUME III (1938) of the very important series, Forschungen zur Judenfrage (Studies on the Jewish Problem), the first six volumes of which were published by the Hanseatische Verlagsanstalt in Hamburg during 1937 to 1941. The nearly fifty articles in these six volumes represent the thinking on the Jewish question by some of the best German minds of that time. The authors of the articles were specialists, in some cases internationally known specialists, in a variety of fields, including anthropology, demography, genealogy, genetics, history, law, literary scholarship, musicolo­gy, philosophy and theology. The earlier articles in the series were given as lectures before meetings of the Reichsinstitut fur die Geschichte des neuen Deutschlands, Forschungsabteilung Judenfrage (National Institute for the History of the New Germany, Research Division for the Jewish Problem). It is not at all difficult to imagine that the research efforts which went into these articles cost the erstwhile German government hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Reichsmark.

Although the research was subsidized by the National Socialist government, the tone of the articles is by no means generally and uniformly hostile to Jews. Baron von Verschuer’s article, for example, is nearly free of value judgments and it concedes in a number of passages that Jews have special strengths characteristic of their race.

By 1936 a number of circumstances had converged which made possible the publishing of this large body of research by non‑Jews on the Jewish question. Such a constellation is highly unlikely ever to appear in the sky again, certainly not in our lifetime, and that is a fact which in itself gives these volumes a unique position and value in the serious study of the Jewish question.

One circumstance was the importance which the German government attached at that time to the Jewish question and its willingness to allocate considerable economic resources to the study of the question in an attempt to find a constructive solution to it. This circumstance was combined with the willingness and ability of German scientists and scholars to come to grips with the Jewish problem as far as their areas of expertise were concerned.

Etruria-Celtica Etruscan Literature and Antiquities Investigated

Etruria-Celtica Etruscan Literature and Antiquities Investigated

THESE Volumes continue the inquiry commenced in my former publication, the “Gael and Cymbri;” I now repeat what I said in the preliminary observations to that volume:-

“Having been impressed with the idea, that the demonstration of the true origin and history of the Irish people, would afford powerful aid towards elucidating those of other European nations, I have pursued this investigation for many years, and the results have justified the accuracy of the opinion I had formed beyond my most sanguine expectations.”

In that volume I endeavoured to demonstrate the identity of race of the Irish, Britons, and Celtic Gauls, of Caesar’s day, and suggested that they were all of Phoenician origin; I now place before the world the results of further investigation, acknowledging that, upon some points, I have since found reason to change my opinion, and, as my object has always been not to affect infallibility, but to demonstrate truth, I have done so without hesitation. There was not, however, much to recall, subsequent inquiry has, for the most part, established general postulates.

A trifling spark may kindle a great fire, accident often supplies the clue refused to laborious research—

“Latins se tames aperiente nutter plus quam imponebatur oncris sponte suscepi.”—QUINCTILIAN
In reading in Suetonius, the life of Augustus, I found that Aesar, in the Etruscan tongue, signified God. The import in Irish being the same, it struck me forcibly that this might not be accidental, but that the Etruscan language might be essentially Celtic, and, therefore, capable of interpretation by the Irish. On examination, the conjecture proved well founded; the results of the investigations, consequent on the discovery of this clue, will be found in the following pages.

Did God Build a “Nation” or a “Race”?

Did God Build a “Nation” or a “Race”?

THE “TITLE” of my thesis is directed to those that may not be familiar with the Christian Identity Message or to those that “know” about it but have a different Scriptural viewpoint of this matter because they only use a select few verses of Scripture that they twist out of context to “prove” their ideas. For those in between, I hope this to be an informative “review.”

I find my article necessary because “someone” (and a few others) who claims to have been in “on the ground floor” of the Christian Identity Movement, states God was building a “NATION” when he called Israel and NOT a “RACE” and refers to TWO main verses of Scripture to prove his/their doctrine, as well as a few other “minor” verses that are twisted out of context. The problem and confusion here lies in the fact that “NATION” is referred to MANY times in Scripture in regards to Israel, so I can understand where that viewpoint comes from, but then again, when you look at the BEGINNING of that “NATION” and the pertinent verses that accompany this subject, it is CLEARLY about “RACE”!!! Yes, God clearly built a “NATION” of Israel, but He did it with a specific “RACE” of People, and THAT should have been clear to the people who claim to have studied this situation.

The Big Book of Race

The Big Book of Race

THIS IS A COLLECTION OF FACTS AND EXPERIENCE arranged specifically to open the eyes of anyone fortunate enough to read it. “Racial Equality” is a fantasy. It is false. We are led to believe it for the sake of feelings. We all have been led to embrace a lie just because the truth is offensive. Yet to see through it all, you’d simply have to ask yourself, if we’re all equal, how come we are always having to come up with excuses for the failings of others?

Well, the answer is simple. We, the people of the White world, have been lavished with a guilty conscience. For whatever reason, we’d rather believe that everyone is equal. We are not all equal. Ask yourself, what countries of the world are the ones receiving the bulk of immigrants? White countries. What countries enjoy the highest standards of living? White countries. What countries wield nearly all the power in the world? White countries. What make up the greatest society the world has ever seen? The White countries.

If you are sceptical, read on, and either solidify your beliefs in what you call the truth, rejecting what you’ve been told is bigotry, or be shown the true light of the world.

First things first. What have you been taught all your lives? That people from all over the globe are all equal. We are equal to one another; the only thing to separate us is the colour of our skin. This leads you to believe that racism is based on nothing but pigmentation, and therefore, is complete trash.

Well I’m afraid that’s simply not true. There are numerous physical differences between the races, but there is no need to get into them simply because they are inconsequential. The size of your stature, and anything else, do not dictate to your muscles the actions you take. What we want to look at are the mental differences, the ones that really matter.

When the White race was unfortunate enough to stumble upon Blacks, what sort of condition were they in? Well, the simple answer is, the condition they’re still in. Africans were, and are, in a condition of complete and total squalor. They lived, and live, in poverty. They were, and are, totally unable to construct a functioning society.

What will your typical politically correct Joe say to this? Well the Blacks were denied the means to build a society like Whites and Orientals had.

The Races of The Old Testament

The Races of The Old Testament

THE FOLLOWING PAGES MUST BE RECEIVED with the indulgence due to first attempts in a new field of research. Ethnology itself is but a young science, still busied in collecting its facts and arranging its materials Biblical ethnology is younger still. Indeed, it is only within the last three or four years that a study of the ethnology of the Old Testament has become possible. We owe the greater part of the materials upon which it must be based to that prince of living excavators and practical archaeologists, Mr. Flinders Petrie. The casts and photographs of the ethnographic types represented on the Egyptian monuments, which he made for the British Association in the winter of 1886-7, have at last given us a solid foundation upon which to work. To Mr. R. S. Poole belongs the merit of first calling the attention of anthropologists to the unexplored mine of facts preserved in the pictures of the ancient Egyptian
artists, and to the leading members of the Anthropological Institute that of obtaining a grant for their reproduction. But the grant by itself would not have carried us very far ; there were needed the seeing eye and the observing mind of the explorer, to select the most typical and best preserved examples, and to photograph or model them with scientific skill. The results of Mr. Petrie’s labours are given in the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science for 1887, in a report by Mr. Petrie himself on ” Racial Photographs from the ancient Egyptian Pictures and Sculptures,” and in a supplementary paper by the Rev. H. G. Tomkins on the ” Collec­tion of Ethnographic Types in Egypt.” Further articles on the same subject have been published by Mr. Tomkins and Mr. Petrie in the Journal of the Anthropological Institute, and the Babylonian and Oriental Record, references to which will be found in the footnotes to the present volume. With characteristic generosity, Mr. Petrie has allowed an unrestricted use to be made of his photographs in illustrating the pages which follow. Those who desire a complete set of the photographs, which number several hundreds, can obtain them at the low price of 45s. from Mr. Browning Hogg, 75, High Street, Bromley, Kent.

Ancient Germans

Ancient Germans

ABOUT THE MIDDLE OF THE THIRD CENTURY there appeared near the lower Rhine a confederacy of German tribes known as Franks. They are believed to be the same which were known to the Romans in the time of the first Emperors, as Sigambri, Chainavi, Bructeri, Catti, &c. Of these the Sigambri, (a tribe, said by some writers to have descended from the Scythians), were the most powerful. All specula­tions upon the origin of the German tribes, their relation to other branches of the Arian race, and the routes by which they reached Europe, belong to the sciences of ethnology and antiquities.

Scholars are agreed that the languages of the Celtic, German and Slavonic tribes, with the ancient tongues of Persia, India, Greece and Italy, have enough in common to prove that they are but modifications or branches of one original language, spoken ages ago by the common ancestors of these people.•

The land was not a common possession, but the soil in part became the property of the individual freeman, and the citizens who were such only by virtue of their interest in the land, were distin­guished by their proud and independent spirit. They disliked enclosed villages, and especially walled towns, which seemed to them like prisons, yet they sometimes surrounded a strong place with wall and ditch as a refuge. Every proprietor set along his borders block-houses, built firmly and strongly of trunks of trees, and the gables washed with lime. He cultivated his land by the labour of slaves, or received contributions from his dependents. For himself, war and the chase or idleness, were the only occupations worthy of a freeman