Someone Had to Say it – Review

Someone Had to Say it – Review

WHEREVER THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE IS SPOKEN THE NAME OF PATIENCE STRONG IS KNOWN to the millions who have found consola­tion and a philosophical uplift in her verses. For the past 50 years these verses have been published without a break in the national press and various periodicals. Apart from a weekly item in the SUNDAY MIRROR and WOMAN’S OWN Miss Strong has increased her readership throughout the world with a contribution to the quarterly magazine THIS ENGLAND, a feature which gives her an opportunity of writing on subjects outside the scope of the weeklies.

A Lesson or Two for Today’s Clergy

A Lesson or Two for Today’s Clergy

The clergy of the churches in Britain have no knowledge of science and little knowledge of their Bibles.

There are differences between races. Professor Wesley C. George, Emeritus Professor of Histology and Embryology, formerly head of the Department of Anatomy, North Carolina Medical School, wrote:–

‘There is no human race but a human species composed of four main racial groups: the Caucasoid, the Mongoloid, the Congo-id and the Australoid all of which differ from each other far more than many animal groups which are scientifically accepted as being different species. These differences are fundamental being those of physique, psychology and intellect. There is evidence to show that the Caucasoid people, the white race, have creative abilities and talents that have not yet been demonstrated to any extent by the Negro race.’

So How Did Trotskyism Originate ?

So How Did Trotskyism Originate ?

WE ALL HAVE NOTED the Labour Party trying hard to disassociate itself from the Trotskyist Militant Tendency which has infiltrated itself inside the Labour Party for some considerable time.

But who was Trotsky?

The international Mega-Bankers Rothschild and their subsidiaries, the Warburgs of Germany and Kuhn Loeb of New York; were determined on a revolution in Russia. Powerful men in Europe and in the United States sent Lenin and Leon Trotsky to stir up this revolution. They wanted to gain control of the gold reserves in the Imperial Russian Banks and to make way for the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine.

Lenin had been in Switzerland in 1905, where he had been exiled for trying to topple the Czar in the abortive revolution of that year. Trotsky was also in exile and working as a reporter for a Communist newspaper on the lower side of New York city. He had worked for several years asa tailor in New York.

What The Eurocrats Have In Store For Us

What The Eurocrats Have In Store For Us

THOUSANDS OF POUNDS are being spent to induce our nation to give up its sovereignty. Read The Treaty of European Union and supporting documents PE/87/00 Fin.B. and European Communities 1-1200/83/B of 30th January 1984; from the Office European Parliament, 2 Queen Anne’s Gate, London.

Members of the Euro-assembly are elected from an electorate of 500,000,000 voters. At the recent Euro-Election held in Britain only a third of the voters went to the polls. Members of the Euro-Assembly represented as little as 8½ to 12 percent of the electorate. Such a lack of interest hardly constitutes a mandate for what is happening in the Assembly.

On the 14th of February an entirely new and revolutionary Treaty of European Union was adopted by the Assembly. This Treaty was put before the Assembly by the Communist Spinelli and was approved by an overwhelming majority.

The Euro-Assembly was given the task of drafting the Treaty of Union “because it. Is the only political Institution of a parliamentary type to be endowed with the highest political legitimacy recognised by the democracies.” Note the shadow of deceit.

The strategy to confer legitimacy on this treaty took the form of the European elections on the 14th of June; and was intended as a very cleverly contrived coup d’etat.

The Subversion Of Britain Part 2

The Subversion Of Britain Part 2


PROTOCOL X of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion says: “We shall destroy among the Goyim the importance of the family and its educational value.”

They aim to destroy the family life of the nation, to destroy human love and consideration, to break down innocence and individual reserve at an early age and to teach a general sexual free-for-all, providing contraceptives free of charge paid for by the taxpayer, while at the same time trendy clergymen preach the Marxist gospel of loving everybody, meaning of course sexual lust with no spiritual value.

The Family Planning Association adopts a humanist approach and Lady Birk, wife of the chairman of the International Publishing Company, is the only representative on the Health Educational Council and is appoint-ed by the Secretary of State. The IPC publishes risqué magazines such as Honey, which advocates loose living and inter-racial marriages. The Family Planning Association influences the young to participate in extra-marital sex. Marriage is rarely mentioned in FPA publications, which encourage the break up of, marriages and condone an attitude of free sex. Claire Rayner, a Jewish radio ‘entertainer’ who gives sex advice to the Goyim, is involved in this organisation.

The Subversion Of Britain Part 1

The Subversion Of Britain Part 1

IN HIS BOOK History of the French Revolution (1848) Louis Blanc wrote that: “The project of Jean Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Order of the Illuminati, together with five Jews, Weseley, Moses Mendelsohn and the bankers Itzig, Friedlander and Myer, was by the sole attraction of mystery, by the sole power of association, to subject to the same will, to animate with the same breath thousands of men in every country in the world . to make new beings of these men by means of slow gradual education, to render them, even to the point of frenzy or death, obedient to invisible and unknown chiefs: with such a legion to secretly … surround sovereigns, unbeknown to direct governments, and to lead Europe to that point where . . . all monarchies are brought down, all privileges of birth declared unjust, the right of property abolished . . . such was the gigantic plan of the founders of Illuminism.”

In the situation today, where men and women have been brainwashed and’re-educated’ by a controlled press and news media in order to make them subservient to unknown world chiefs’, few people think logically but instead are blindly content to follow where led. There is national inertia,but the masters control dissent by bully boys and demonstrations. They control the courts, the press and the places of learning. They mobilise Blacks, half-castes and brainwashed students to coerce the white race either to conform to their designs or to remain silent while it is being racially destroyed.

Slavery Today

Slavery Today


The white Caucasoid race especially that section settled in North West Europe are the most intelligent of the races. Their intelligence, skills and energy have created the whole of modern technology. They are the producers of real wealth from raw materials. Ever since the times of William III aliens settling in the British Isles have used this creativity of our race to gather to themselves the profit by USURY, the lending of purchasing power credit money at compound interest. We are now in debt to international bankers and financiers to the tune of billions of pound sand never will be able to pay back the principal together with the interest and as a result the value of our currency continually diminishes.


Despite Margaret Thatcher’s explosive speech “We are being swamped”and the Tory Party’s promise to stop immigration from the third world to gain your vote, immigration from the coloured world continues at an accelerated pace. No sooner had the Tory party gained power than they began allowing in thousands of ethnic Chinese “‘The Boat People”, many of whom gained their wealth providing for the needs, moral and immoral,of the United States troops in Vietnam.

Settlers In East And Central Africa

Settlers In East And Central Africa

It all began with David Livingstone who died a lonely death at Lake Bangweolo in Central Africa in 1873, lonely save for the companionship of his two African servants who carried his body to the far away coast.Livingstone had seen great territories devastated by tribal war and by the slave raiders. To see the remains of Africans massacred by Africans as I have done fills one with revulsion at such inhuman wickedness. Living-stone, in his letters to Britain, suggested that British settlers should be encouraged to settle in the Shire Highlands in the country now called Malawi where the climate was suitable. There they could produce raw materials for export, which would be the means of commencing legitimate trade and at the same time provide the funds for bringing in some form of law and order and education to the native tribes, rapidly being wiped out, by the slave raiders and by the savage Angoni.

In 1880, by the terms of the Brussels Agreement all European powers with interest and influence in Africa, agreed to stamp out the slave trade in areas under their influence, to stop the sale of firearms and intoxicating liquor and to bring in legitimate trade. In order to do this, Britain reluctantly agreed to survey the Uganda railway and took over control of British East Africa from the Imperial Fast Africa Company. This railway was described by the British newspapers of the time as running to nowhere and carrying nothing. The real purpose of the railway was stated to be for enabling troops to be moved more quickly from place to place, for controlling tribal warfare and the slave trade and to enable traders to bring down the ivory from the interior to the coast. Originally the Arabs had brought the ivory from the interior to the coast and the slaves from them to exchange for guns and forced the slaves to carry the ivory to the coast where both ivory and slaves were sold in the slave markets of Zanzibar

Science And Race

Science And Race


Professor R. Ruggles Gates, M.A., Ph.D., D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S.,D.Pol.Sc., together with Professor Wesley C. George, M.A., Ph.D., and Professor Henry Garrett, Ph.D., D.Sc., wrote in conjunction:

“We do not believe that there is anything to be drawn from the sciences in which we work which supports the view that all races are equal or alike, or likely to be equal or alike in anything approaching the foreseeable future. We believe, on the contrary, that there are vast differences and vast areas of difference within mankind, not only in the physical appearance, but in such matters as adaptability to varying environments and in deep psychological and emotional qualities as well as mental abilities and capacity for development. We are of the opinion that in ignoring these differences and depth of difference modern man and his political representatives are likely to find themselves in serious difficulties sooner or later.”

Satan’s Attack On Israel

Satan’s Attack On Israel

REVELATION 12:1-6 & 17.

“And there appeared a great wonder in Heaven; a woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet and upon her head a crown of twelve stars; and she being with child cried travailing in birth and pained to be delivered. And there appeared another wonder in Heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns upon his heads, and his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven and did cast them to the earth and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered for to devour the child as soon as it was born. And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God and to his throne.”

Verse 17: “And the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God,and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.”

In Revelations 12: 9 we read:- “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent called the Devil and Satan which deceiveth the whole world:he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him.”

Dragon, Serpent, Devil and Satan are all the same personality.