The Subversion Of Britain Part 1

The Subversion Of Britain Part 1

IN HIS BOOK History of the French Revolution (1848) Louis Blanc wrote that: “The project of Jean Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Order of the Illuminati, together with five Jews, Weseley, Moses Mendelsohn and the bankers Itzig, Friedlander and Myer, was by the sole attraction of mystery, by the sole power of association, to subject to the same will, to animate with the same breath thousands of men in every country in the world . to make new beings of these men by means of slow gradual education, to render them, even to the point of frenzy or death, obedient to invisible and unknown chiefs: with such a legion to secretly … surround sovereigns, unbeknown to direct governments, and to lead Europe to that point where . . . all monarchies are brought down, all privileges of birth declared unjust, the right of property abolished . . . such was the gigantic plan of the founders of Illuminism.”

In the situation today, where men and women have been brainwashed and’re-educated’ by a controlled press and news media in order to make them subservient to unknown world chiefs’, few people think logically but instead are blindly content to follow where led. There is national inertia,but the masters control dissent by bully boys and demonstrations. They control the courts, the press and the places of learning. They mobilise Blacks, half-castes and brainwashed students to coerce the white race either to conform to their designs or to remain silent while it is being racially destroyed.