Lost Israel Found in The Anglo-Saxon Race

Lost Israel Found in The Anglo-Saxon Race

I HAVE CONCEIVED IT MIGHT BE WELL TO INFORM THE READER of this little volume of the manner in which I was first led to the investigation of the subject treated of in this work.

In the fall of 1882 I was preparing a lecture on the Great Pyramid of Geezeh, in Egypt.; and in doing so, I was perusing that great work, Our Inheritance, by Prof. P. Smyth, Astronomer Royal to Scotland. Marking such things as seemed adapted to my lecture, I saw, occasionally, things that I did not need, which I passed over without any particular examination. At one time I saw the term “Anglo-Saxon,” but as I had no use for that, I passed on without any examination whatever.

At length, having gone through with the perusal of that great work, and having arranged my notes somewhat, the thought occurred to me ––What, what did I see about Anglo-Saxons? I could not tell, nor where to find it. I therefore began turning back, scanning every page, if possibly I might find it. At length after a long search I found the place, and read’ “The Anglo-Saxon bring the identical descendants of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel”! So and so. What! what’. I said, what under the sun does the man mean? Is he crazy? or am I dreaming? Again and again I read the sentence, but to no benefit; I could make nothing of it. At length, having arranged the materials for my lecture to. my liking, I wrote to Prof. P. Smyth, saying:

The Basic Identity Message

The Basic Identity Message

THE MESSAGE OF THE BIBLE, as taught by most of today’s churches, is not Christianity at all; but a nameless, faceless, irreligious, Satanic philosophy. It is a liberal, one-world, one-race, Godless, sexless, homogenized hodgepodge of propaganda disseminated by the Anti-Christ and their millions of Christian lackeys who have had their brains dirtied and contaminated by the constant stream of vicious, soul destroying lies, half-truths and innuendoes fed to the public, twenty-four hours a day, three hundred and sixty-five days a year. The only unforgivable sin in the eyes of these liberals is discrimination, when actually, the inability to discriminate is a sure sign of feeble mindedness.

Has the lack of sound answers to the following questions turned you away from the Bible?

1. Was Adam and Eve the first man and woman?

2. Was it a serpent that beguiled Eve?

3. Was Eve’s transgression physical or moral?

4. Why, after killing Abel, did Cain say to God “You are casting me off the face of the earth,” when God merely sent him out of Eden into the land of Nod?

5. Why did Cain say “Everywhere I go, men shall seek to slay me”? What men?

6. If Adam, Eve and Cain were the only three left, where did Cain find a wife?

7. Why would Cain build a city for just himself and his wife?

8. Did all races come from Adam and Eve?

Identity of True Israel

Identity of True Israel

AS YOU KNOW the Christian Israel Identity doctrine underlies everything we teach and do and write. Similar, but not to be confused with “British-Israelism,” the Christian Israel Doctrine holds that the people generally known as the Caucasian people are the true and literal descendants of the Israel people of the Bible.

This knowledge unfolds many wondrous new insights into the Scriptures. At the same time, if we are Israel, then who are these people today called “Jews?” Well, judge them by their fruits, brother and sister Christians! This comes to the meat of our study today, as related, in part by Pastor James Bruggeman of Stone Kingdom Ministries.

Nearly 20 years ago a book, which was written by a noted Jewish author, should have shocked “Judeo-Christianity” to its very foundation. It didn’t! Promoted by Random House, which is a major (Jewish-owned) publishing firm, “The Thirteenth Tribe,”  by Arthur Koestler revealed that most modern “Jews” ARE NOT ISRAELITES! Under the heading of “A brief History of the Terms for Jew” in the 1980 Jewish Almanac is the following:

“Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an Ancient Israelite A ‘Jew’ or to call a Contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew.”

In fact, according to Koestler, they are not even Semites (descendants of Noah’s son, Shem); instead they descend from Japheth and are identified with Ashkenaz, Togarmah, Magog, and the Huns. The ramifications which this revelation and admission should have had upon “Judeo-Christian” theology are momentous to contemplate.

God’s Kingdom Plan

God’s Kingdom Plan

THE “OLD ORDER” IS GONE; and the old social standards, economic practices, governmental set-ups and religious systems, which have endured for so many centuries, are breaking down before our very eyes.

The issue confronting the world today is not one of saving the “Old Order,” but rather of determining what the “New Order” shall be.

World leaders everywhere are zealously striving to make the world over, and all of them are either totally ignorant of, or else completely ignore, the only program which can save mankind from a return to the “Dark Ages,” namely, “THE ORDER OF THE LORD.

The complete plans and specifications for this “New Order” are found in the Holy Scriptures; and with world leaders and statesmen bankrupt of ideas, except a return to the old Assyrian system of dictatorship and regimentation, it is high time that we turn to the “sure word of prophecy” for light and guidance.

In the Sacred Record, the prophets have left a pre-written history of the tragic failure of man’s attempt to establish peace and security under the jungle law of “Self-preservation as the first law of nature,” and every detail of their prophecies has been fulfilled to the present time.  In fact, more than 90% of these prophecies have been literally fulfilled and it is only reasonable to expect that the remaining 10% will be equally dependable.

We have now come to the “end of the age,” when the “kingdoms of this world” are to be weighed in the balance, and since all of them, without exception, have failed to bring peace and security to the earth, they will all be “found wanting” and be rejected.

In their place will be established the new “Order of the Lord,” in which every man “shall sit under his own wine and fig tree, none making him afraid,” and in which peace, security, justice and freedom shall be the inalienable heritage of every man.

In the hope that many may be led to “search the Scriptures” to learn of the Lord’s Plan of the Ages, which is the only hope for a sin-sick, war-torn world, we are devoting this entire number of the Interpreter to a brief summary of “The Story the Bible Tells.”