Ancient Celtic Scottish Viking Sites in New Zealand!

Ancient Celtic Scottish Viking Sites in New Zealand!

UNBELIEVABLE TO ORTHODOX HISTORICAL OPINION? Yes! But so were any New Zealand dinosaurs thirty or so years ago. Now there are many books on such creatures and they have been accepted by orthodox institutions in NZ.

So what is the probability of old pre-Maori, Celtic sites?

If you have an open and inquiring mind there are many facts, artefacts and oral and written histories that confirm the existence of pre-Maori populations in NZ. Our archaeology has yet to be properly investigated by archaeologists that do not have pre-conceived or politically motivated agendas.

Very ancient written records in Europe and the old world confirm knowledge that New Zealand and Australia existed. However getting access to and acknowledgement of these records is difficult. Concocted historical opinion has been based on deliberate intent to discredit and cover up such knowledge. NZ and Australia are not the only countries bound up by such conspiracies. However this article is about a particular NZ example, with some general observations thrown in.

The following is an example of an oral history supported by records held in Scotland. A book about this particular story, with supporting documentation is due for release sometime in the year 2000. As information is slowly released and clarified the story on this page is kept updated. For now it is simply an interesting saga with all the intrigue, and bravery of any Icelandic Saga. The heroes in it eventually suffer horrific deaths though this does not prevent their genes from carrying on generation after generation in a new land. In that, perhaps it was a more successful settlement than was the Viking settlement at Brattahild in Greenland.

The Faith of Our Forefathers

The Faith of Our Forefathers

THIS IS NOT MERELY A “BOOK”, it is a story with a Biblical background which can shake the world. The simple story told in “The Faith of Our Fathers” is one that should be read by every family in America and in Western Europe. Clergymen, Attorneys at Law, Public Officials as well as young students, will obtain a better understanding of their government and the Constitution of the United States of America.

In these days of tribulation, with enemies of God all about, one is reminded of the words of Napoleon Bonaparte when he said, “Ninety five percent of winning a war is to know your enemy”. The story of this book advances Napoleon’s advice by saying, “How can you know your enemy unless you know who YOU are?”

A clergyman once said, “love your enemies”. In a discussion with other clergymen that followed, he was asked where he derived his philosophy and he replied, “The Bible, of course”. The clergyman asking him questions then said, “I will agree with the Bible, now please tell me where the Bible says to love God’s enemies?” With this question, the first clergyman was stumped. He had no answer! In another instance, a clergyman was broadcasting a radio sermon. He was preaching that Christians should love everything (even Satan)
Upon reaching the “race” question he said, “All of the different races of people on earth are the same”. Later that day another clergyman telephoned the radio preacher and expressed interest in the sermon. He had a question. He asked about the statement that “all of the different races are the same”.

His question was “If the races are the ‘same’, then why did you say that they are ‘different’?” With this, the clergyman who gave the sermon promptly placed his telephone receiver on the hook. He had no answer!

Those who read “The Faith of Our Fathers” will no doubt be stimulated to further research and study. It is hoped and we pray that their findings will assist in the accomplishments that God’s Word has prophesied. They will have “ANSWERS”! Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.

The Stories of Lost Israel in Folklore Appendix

The Stories of Lost Israel in Folklore Appendix

MANY REASONS AND MOTIVES have prompted men to assume other names. Circumstances have arisen which, for the sake of protection, have called for an alias. The hiding of a man’s identity beneath an assumed name has enabled him to pass unnoticed where recognition would have involved peril. One of the most difficult tasks of police authorities is to strip a suspected person of any aliases under which he or she may have been living in order to disclose the individual’s true identity. Men have mysteriously disappeared from their frequented environments by the simple device of changing their names. Memory is short and a person is soon forgotten, although he may be still living in very close proximity to his former surroundings. Thus, the use of an alias is an extremely effective means of obscuring identity.

A Whole Race Disappears

Only once in human history, with its multitudinous vagaries, has it been recorded that a whole race completely disappeared from sight, seeming to leave no trace behind it. So completely was its identity obliterated that, although still in existence and better known to the whole world than any of its contemporaries, the nations comprising it having a foremost place in history and envied by those striving for world dominion, it still passes unrecognised by the world generally as to its true identity.

A commonwealth of nations and a great nation living under an alias! Truth is often stranger than fiction and it would need the pen of a genius and the imagination of some great writer to vividly depict and weave into story form this hiding of nations and the obscuring of their identity while they unobtrusively play the great­est role that has even been the lot of any race in the unfolding drama of human relationships.

St. Paul In Britain or The Origin of British as Opposed to Papal Christianity

St. Paul In Britain or The Origin of British as Opposed to Papal Christianity


THE MORAL SOILS OF THE VARIOUS COUNTRIES on which the first seed of Christianity fell differed materially in their state of preparation for its reception. The Gentile soil was more favourable than that of the Jew. The reason is obvious. Christianity is the divine idea of one mind, Jesus Christ. It existed in the Old Testament only as the ore in the mine. No Jewish interpreter of the ancient Scriptures deci­phered them in the same sense as Jesus of Nazareth. His explication and application were declared sub­versive of Moses and the Prophets, and rejected with intense bitterness. The Law of Moses not only failed to bring the Hebrew race to Christ, but rabbis and laity took their stand upon it as the eternal covenant, the whole language and spirit of which disproved the exposition of the Nazarene. It is also obvious that if the Christian solution of the Mosaic revelation be unsound, such revelation is incapable of any consistent solution whatever. But this fact, now witnessed by history and chronology, was yet to be ascertained in the Messianic century.
Deeper proof of the sincerity of their faith in their own Messianic idea the Jews could not give than by rising upon it against the weight of the whole Gentile empire of Rome. As a nation they were destroyed, but the false idea which destroyed them remains indestructible. It still moulds the mind of the Dispersion. Practically, therefore, the Mosaic Law cannot be regarded as a successful preparation for the Gospel. Our Saviour’s first ministerial act, in His Sermon on the Mount, was to repeal its most striking enactments, and to abolish its spirit of exclusiveness and sanguinary retaliation. Nothing in the Mosaic covenant not expressly re-imposed in the New Testament binds the Christian. The almost total rejection of His religion by the Jews, and its acceptance by the Gentiles, was repeatedly pre­-signified by our Lord, especially in the remarkable parable of the lord of the vineyard and the husbandmen.

My Country

My Country

Right at the outset it is vital that you understand this vital truth: There have always been two Americas. There were always two Israels in the Old Testament. There was the Israel of YHWH, that is both the envisioned Israel and the godly remnant within the nation. Then there was the other Israel, the Israel of Baal and Ashtoreth. This was the Israel that God exiled, both in the Assyrian captivity of the Northern House, then in the subsequent Babylonian captivity of the Southern Kingdom of Judah.

America has had a similar history. From its inception as a haven for those of the Puritan faith, to its Declaration of Independence in the late 18th century, there were always two streams of thinking, philosophy and faith in American life. This dualism was Israel’s curse and has been America’s.

America is frequently mentioned in both Christian and secular circles as a shining example of liberty and freedom. Of that, there is no doubt. The problem is: What kind of liberty and freedom from what? Liberty and freedom are not terms that can be universally applied to all people unless there is a context. For example, to a devout Muslim who believes that society should be under Sharia law, Western notions of democracy and the judicial system are not liberating; they are bondage. To a Christian reconstructionist, who believes in a Biblical model of government, economy and law, the present consistency of Western democratic governments is equally as repulsive as it is to the radical Muslim. And equally as oppressive. Although it is an extreme example, here is one that serves the point well: To a paedophile, laws that prohibit paedophilia are oppressive and curtail the freedom to molest.

Links in The Chain of Evidence Connecting Israel to England

Links in The Chain of Evidence Connecting Israel to England

A MOVEMENT, originally introduced by Mr. John Wilson, has been furthered by Mr. Edward Hine, Mr. William Carpenter,and other well-known authors. It has for its object the proof of the identification of the Lost Tribes of Israel with the British nation.

The author’s attention was first drawn to the sub­ject through the perusal of Mr. Edward Hine’s pamphlet entitled “Twenty-seven Identifications! He immediately took up the question, with an earnest desire to find the truth, and to investigate, to the best of his ability, the statements which were sub­mitted in support of the theory. The result is this little work, and although it will probably seem crude to some and inconclusive to others, yet the author trusts that it may at least furnish a few stepping‑stones for investigators with firmer and younger feet than his. Influenced as he is by a powerful interest in the question, and by a firm conviction of the iden­tity of the Israelitish and British nations, he felt that it was his duty to make known to his fellow Israelites, however imperfectly he may fulfil his purpose, all he knows of so manifestly important a subject.

The author, in commencing his researches, con­sidered it advisable to select one family, and to endeavour to trace it to its source. Nothing was more natural than to choose the noblest family in the land, and having, as he believes, been successful in tracing the royal line to Judah, he dedicates his work to the Heiress of Judah’s Sceptre.

Lectures on Ancient Israel (1-3)

Lectures on Ancient Israel (1-3)

THE following Lectures are intended to prove, that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, who is verily a God of truth, is fulfilling His word with regard to the multitudinous seed,—the many nations to come of the house of Ephraim; and that as truly as He has accomplished His purpose, in giving the One Seed, Christ, to come of the house of Judah. These nations have, from the begin­ning, been in a state of training for their high and important destiny, that of sheering forth the praise of Jehovah, who is the God of Nature and of Provi­dence, as well as of Redemption, and whose wondrous wisdom is manifest in all.

The author holds, with many modern students of prophecy, that the prophecies must he literally fulfilled; and that Judah must mean Judah, and Israel mean, literally, Israel. At the same timer he agrees with those who apply, to these Christian nations, many of the prophecies respecting Israel: believing, as he does, that these nations have not merely come into the place of ancient Israel, but are truly the seed of Abraham according to the flesh—are of the so-called “lost house” of Israel—the leading tribe of which was Ephraim.

These nations have been brought forth at the time, and is the place predicted: they are the modern nations of Europe,—and especially those of Saxon race, whose glorious privilege it now is, to preach the gospel for a witness unto all nations ere the end come. how the promised aced have come to be sown in these countries, is accounted for in the latter part of the course; but the author earnestly requests a careful perusal of the first six. Lectures, as it is upon the Scriptural foundation there laid, that his after conclusions chiefly rest.

These he has supported by proof, as various in kind, and great in quantity, as, he trusts, will be requisite to substantiate the truth of the view he has been led to entertain. The plan of the Lecturer has been to look on the subject in all points of view: but especially in the light of God’s word. In that light would ever rejoice to look upon all around him, upon the world and its inhabitant, man; And the wondrous course of God’s providence, which all hath had respect to His people of Israel,–of whom He hath said in truth, “I have chosen thee, and not cast thee away.” Even after they were seemingly cast away, the God of ,Abraham still declared, by his prophet Jeremiah,—
“I am a Father to Israel,

Joseph of Arimathea Came to Britain

Joseph of Arimathea Came to Britain

CHRISTIANITY ARRIVED IN KHUMRY-WALES IN AD 37, in “the last year of Tiberius”. This is attested by the official historians of the Church of Rome, Cardinal Baronius, the Vatican Librarian, writing around AD 1530, and Cardinal Alford (Griffiths) – as well as by the British monks Gildas (Aneurin y Coed Aur), who lived AD 540-600, and Nennius, who wrote circa AD 800.

Later writers had to be very careful as Christianity officially arrived in Eastern England in AD 597, with Austin-Augustine of Canterbury, who converted the immigrant Saxons and Angles. Yet Austin met with seven British bishops in AD 600 at Aust in the west of Britain, on the Severn estuary. Pelagius, a British monk, had denied the doctrine of original sin as developed by Augustine of Hippo, arguing instead for free will. This was in the early AD 400’s. Before that, three named British bishops had attended the Council of Sardonica in AD 347 and three more the Council of Arles in AD 314. The Roman Empress Helena was, we believe, a Christian and a British Princess [see More 2]. Earlier still, King Lierwg (known to the Romans as Lucius or Luke) had corresponded with Eleutherius, Bishop of Rome, around AD 178-180, as Christian to Christian. All this is in the official Church records. There is also a record of there being archbishops in London from the second century AD [see More 1]. So Austin did not bring Christianity to Britain, though he did bring Roman Catholicism.


Israelites Were in America Before Columbus

Israelites Were in America Before Columbus

1992 marked the 500th Anniversary of Columbus’ voyage of discovery from Spain to what was then known as the New World in 1492. No doubt there will be those who will exploit the celebration of this event to emphasize the Hispanic as opposed to the Anglo-Saxon element in American Culture and society. However it is becoming an increasingly well known and documented fact, that not only were there North Europeans on the American continent long before the voyage of Columbus, but also that Phoenicians/Israelites sailed from the Middle East through the Mediterranean and across the Atlantic to these shores centuries before the birth of Christ.

I became aware of these exciting facts of suppressed history during my first visit to the United States in 1984. While attending the AMERICA’S PROMISE MINISTRIES camp in New Mexico that year I was able to visit the site at Los Lunas, near Albuquerque, and see the rock with the Ten Commandments carved in the ancient script.

My curiosity being aroused I went on to study the books Saga America and America B.C. by Professor Barry Fell of Harvard University, also Cyrus Gordon’s Before Columbus and They All Discovered America by Charles Boreland; from these books and various other research items the following facts emerge:

Isles of Destiny

Isles of Destiny

THE IDEA held by some that Christianity was first brought to Britain by the Roman Catholic Missionary, St Augustine in A.D. 597 is altogether erroneous as is proved by the following evidence. The fact is that the year A. D. 597 was the date of the introduction, not of Christianity, but of Roman Catholicism into Britain, Christianity itself having been brought into the British Isles just after the Crucifixion of Christ, more than five hundred years earlier. There is very strong evidence that Joseph of Arimathea with twelve other disciples of Christ, erected in England the first Christian church above ground in the world between A.D. 36 and A.D. 39. In doing so they would have obeyed the Lord’s instructions (Acts 1:8) to take the Gospel to “the uttermost part of the earth” or Ultima Thule, as the Britannic Isles were known in those days. It is my prayer that the contents of this short work may stimulate an interest in our British heritage and our national identity as revealed in the Bible.

Matthew 10 6-7 “These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not; But go rather to the lost sheep of the house o