The Last Days of The Red Throne

The Last Days of The Red Throne


IF ONE STUDIES THE SCRIPTURE OF TRUTH CONCERNING THE DAYS OF NOAH, and believes the written Word, it becomes clear that many who lived prior to the catastrophic flood lived to an incredible age (Genesis chapter 5).

Something horrendous obviously happened to the earth and it’s special relationship in the heavens at this time because the Scripture begins then to record a tremendous decrease in the life span of individuals like Shem, Eber and Nahor who lived after the great deluge (Genesis Chapter 11). Within only a few generations that span had decreased to about one tenth of it’s former – and thus it follows that those of us alive today actually age ten times faster than those who lived before the flood.

In like fashion, we witness in these days such a rapid advance in the field of technology that it seems almost beyond comprehension. Within only seconds, we can now contact someone living several thousand miles away, simply by using a telephone; we can also stand face to face with that same individual after flying through the heavens at incredible speeds for just a few hours. In addition, today, billions of pieces of information can be stored in computer systems and then retrieved in a matter of seconds at the touch of a few keys. Without doubt, we are witnessing “the time of the end” when, as Scripture says, “many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased” (Daniel 12:4).

Since the Bible shows us that this would occur not only in the “last days”, but also in the latter part of the last days, such an increase in knowledge actually heralds the end of an age. Before the curtain finally closes on this era however, certain prophecies written many centuries ago must be fulfilled.

Australia Turning Really Authoritative?

Australia Turning Really Authoritative?

The greed of governments in their pursuit of money is the single greatest threat to creating a Dark Age. With New Zealand imposing a $5,000 fine for just landing there and you refuse to hand over your pen and passwords to your phone for them to search, now we have Australia going really nuts to the point that they risk tech companies simply banning the sale of their products in the country.

The Assistance and Access Bill 2018 in Australia will force Google, Apple, Facebook, and other technology groups to help Australian authorities decode certain forms of encrypted communications on their systems, or face fines of up to AU$10 million. The government says the legislation will help protect against terrorism, fraud and child abuse crimes, claiming it aims to ensure criminals “have no place to hide.”

The problem that arises that failure to pay taxes they also call criminal. Hence, the hunt for money is greatly aided by this type of legislation far more than any other pretend criminal activity. While the government has stopped short of demanding backdoor access to tech companies’ systems that would allow the government to tap into end-to-end encryption services such as Whats App, it does demand access to data at “points where it is not encrypted.”

Apple, FOR INSTANCE, would not be made to create a backdoor for their iMessage where every user’s encryption key is different. But the government could request access to the single encryption key for its iCloud services. When you send a message to a friend, it’s encrypted as it travels between the two devices, and when it arrives, it’s decrypted for your friend to read, which is when the government should get to read it.

The Australian government is cleverly demanding not a backdoor, but a “side door” to gain access to whatever people are sending.

Psycho-Electric Weapons

Psycho-Electric Weapons

A JOURNALIST WHO REQUESTED DOCUMENTS USING THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT received additional files on “remote mind control” and the effects of “psycho-electric weapons”.

A journalist working for the non-profit organization Muckrock made a bizarre discovery after requesting documents from the US government through the FOIA. Indeed, as part of an ongoing investigation about Antifa and white supremacist groups, the journalist sent a request to the Washington State Fusion Center, a Department of Homeland Security, which specializes in counter-terrorism, detecting criminal activity, disaster planning, cyber-security and other threat assessments.

Along with standard documents such as emails, intelligence briefings, and bulletins, the journalist received a bizarre filed named “EM effects on human”.

One document describes the effects of “psycho-electric weapons” including “forced memory blanking”, “forced rigor-mortis” and even “forced orgasm”.

Another document explains biomagnetic fields and brainwaves (Alpha, Beta, Delta, etc.) two concepts that are extremely important in MKULTRA and Monarch mind control.

Mind Control in Australia

Mind Control in Australia

POSITIONED IN DISTANT SOUTHERN CLIMES, far from the perceived centres of human civilisation – the thin coastal belt, broad plains and scorched deserts of Australia offer an enticing laboratory for the sciences of experimentation and herd manipulation.

Wrenched from the hands of its native population through a bloody series of wars and oppression, the modern nation of Australia was established as a British penal colony in 1788. Doubtlessly much has changed and developed since then, but still it’s difficult to shake the image of Australia as contiguous and eternal penal colony.

Since federation in 1901, examples of Australia as anything but felicitous imperial servant are few and far between. The nation cheerfully delivered its young to be blood sacrifices in the imperial territorial jousts of the twentieth century and various Anglo-American imperial intrigues throughout the latter twentieth century and early twenty-first.

Beginning in the 1950’s, Australia had the dubious pleasure of being Great Britain’s nuclear sandpit. All manner of outrageous and unforgivable atomic ‘experiments’ were conducted across West and South Australia, as unrelenting clouds of nuclear fallout drifted over the largest populations centres on the eastern Australian seaboard (the effects of which were covertly studied by the ‘mother country’ for decades thereafter). Like a serially abused child, this nation of ‘Larrikins’ and ‘Eureka Rebels’ barely raised a mute whimper.

Things Christians Need to Know

Things Christians Need to Know

IN 1914, AT THE ANNUAL DINNER OF THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION, JOHN SWINTON, the editor of a well-known newspaper, was about to retire. In his retirement speech he said: “There is no such thing as an independent press in America, if we except those of the little country towns. You know this, I know it! Not a man among you dares to utter his honest opinion. Were you to utter it, you know that it would never appear in print. . . I am paid to keep my honest opinion out of the newspaper for which I write.

You too are paid for similar services. Were I to permit a single edition on the newspaper for which I write, to contain an honest opinion, my occupation . . . would be gone in less than twenty-four hours. The man who would be foolish enough to write his honest opinion would soon be walking the streets in search of another job. It is the duty of the New York journalist to lie, distort, to destroy, to revile, to toady at the feet of Mammon, and to sell his country, and his race, for his daily bread, or what amounts to the same, for his salary.

We are tools and vessels of the rich (International Bankers and their affiliates such as the C.F.R.) behind the scenes. We are marionettes. These men pull the strings and we dance. Our time, our talents, our lives, our capacities, are all property of these men – we are intellectual prostitutes.”

These words are more true today than when they were spoken over 75 years ago. We do not have a “free press, in America. It is completely “controlled,” and we hear exactly what the “masters,” want us to hear.

Ernst Zündel and the Wicked Silence

Ernst Zündel and the Wicked Silence

I CAN’T THINK OF ANOTHER PERSON WHO HAS HAD A LARGER IMPACT on the way people think than Ernst Zündel. By standing up to the powers that be, and with a lot of help from his friends, he got the Supreme Court of Canada to eventually and begrudgingly validate the truth of what he was saying.

He got Holocaust Revisionism verified as a real subject with real questions about the historical record, and about the lies that continue to be told that utterly distort the truth of the world.

Of course, the truth never matters when it opposes the designs of the ever present Deep State, that notorious Jewish succubus which sucks the life out of all states and all people.

So far from being able to celebrate his landmark legal victory with his friends, instead Zündel suffered years of imprisonment (at least seven, that we know of) and a permanent ban on public speaking that lasted right up until a few days ago when a heart attack took him away forever.

And all this because they found him innocent!

The charges were all spurious, never clearly defined. He was initially charged with a hate crime for publishing a book by Richard Harwood (a pseudonym) titled “Did Six Million Really Die?” Two trials drew Revisionist experts from all over the world, and they demolished all the fictional Jewish claims. Somewhere along the line somebody blew up Zündel’s house.

(Since that time, officials at the Auschwitz site have lowered their supposed death toll from 4 million to 1.4 million, but using Jewish mathematics, commentators on the Jewish TV networks continue to use the 6 million figure.

Britain Betrayed

Britain Betrayed


Long ago it was realised that if any group could control the mass communications media that group could control most minds in a country. Numerous well informed people have unanimously declared that all of the media, TV, radio, newspapers, advertising, book publishers etc has long been firmly under the ruthless control of one minority group: International Jewry headed by a few super-rich billionaires at the pinnacle of which sit the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. In his book The Hoax of the Twentieth Century – an in depth exposure of the 6 million fraud – Prof. Arthur Butz described all of the media in the West as “a Lie Machine”.

Money rules this world. The people who create and control money Control Everything, politics and politicians, secret societies, the police, the judiciary, education, the military, the church ad infinitum. The puppet politicians at Westminster have long represented Banking and Moneyed Interests, not the interests of the British people. Bankers look after their lackeys and creatures well. For services rendered, lucrative positions, handsome directorships and fame and fortune while the British people rot and their country is given away.

The controlled media has long been pumping out misinformation, distortions, downright lies and masses of trivia to keep the public occupied and amused with sweet nothing. Now, in more recent years, a deluge of rampant degeneracy, obscenity, blasphemy and violence to undermine and destroy all morality. As people see, hear and read, so They (Politicians of all parties) are guilty of the Greatest Treason in All of Our History. They have flooded our tiny Island home with millions of the coloured races and implemented oppressive and evil Race Laws to force the British to submit to this policy.


Winston Churchill – Further Notes

Winston Churchill – Further Notes

WHEN HIS FARTHER TOOK CHURCHILL TO HARROW PUBLIC SCHOOL, the headmaster asked him to write an essay. He failed to do so and handed in a blank sheet of paper. All was well however, the headmaster could see his potential. He had to – the governors would have been very angry with him turning down the grandson of the Duke of Marlborough!
The inability to write essays continued. Bert Piper was a a cook on the Isle of Man steam Packet Co., When I was there. His brother was Liverpool City Recorder and their father had been in the same class at Harrow as Winston Church and wrote his essays. Twice when reading biographies of Winston Churchill I came across a man, different name each time, described as a “Literary Secretary”, which I read as ghost writer.
Winston Churchill had a large research team for the production of his 5 volume history of the second world war. Were these and his “Literary Secretary”, the actual writers of this history? Winston Churchill merely acting as editor, cutting out anything unfavourable to himself. He did say history would be kind to him, for he would write it!

Opposite Leeds University is a second hand bookshop. The proprietor obtained a set of the history with one volume missing, he thought it would be a good sale, so he searched around in the book trade and replaced the missing volume. They were still on his bookshelves. That’s what scholars think of Winston Churchill’s History. Winston Churchill received the Nobel Prize for Literature!!!

The Hoskins Report China

The Hoskins Report China

NASDAQ, Wal-Mart & Downsizing America

FORGET? I THINK NOT! WE’VE SEEN IT BEFORE AND WE’VE LEARNED. Scotland was invaded and conquered by England’s cartel and forced to pay tribute to agents of its figurehead king.

My ancestor was lucky, he was banished to America. The rest of our poverty striken Saxon kinsmen laboured in the fields until sheep-wool became more profitable to the cartel owners than their farm labour. Then, the cartel imported sheep, burned our villages and sent our kinsmen to Edinburgh and Glasgow to live in 6 floor walkups and work for starvation wages in the cartel’s mill and shipyard corporations. Families were still living in these walkups with one bathroom on the first floor when I visited Scotland in 1982 – our own Saxon kinsmen!

The overflow Scottish population was loaded on ships and sent to work vacant Catholic farms in Northern Ireland. There, they again laboured for a pittance and fought the Irish Catholics whose land they took, while both paid tax-tribute to the same cartel who stood back laughing – having done it to them many times before.


John Lynch, founder of Lynchburg, was one of these Scot-Irish survivors. My own ancestors were English, Scottish and Irish. My wife’s ancestors came from France and England. In America we all prospered. Then the Royal Cartel repeated in this country everything they had done to our ancestors in the old country. Having enough, we withdrew from the king’s cartel, and in leaving we stated the reasons why:

The Hoskins Report Esau’s Illusions

The Hoskins Report Esau’s Illusions

ESAU’S STRENGTH IS “DECEPTION”. His ability to deceive comes from his study and knowledge of the WORD. The Book of Jasher 7:23-30 reveals that the WORD is “Adam’s Cloak”. Covered by Adam’s Cloak man is covered with God’s Laws and thinks logically.

The Cloak of Adam was stolen by Ham and used to do evil. Nimrod inherited the Cloak and the whole world believed him to be their leader when he used it. Esau coveted the Cloak. He lay in wait and slew Nimrod and stole the Cloak and has used it ever since to deceive mankind. Organized religion is today paid by the international merchant to censor the WORD. While pretending to be clothed in Adam ’s Cloak of Truth they actually wear Esau ’s Cloak of Deception.

“Thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.” Rev 18:23

The Dollar Illusion

Take a minute and look at a dollar bill. It was created out of nothing. Banks can create as many pieces of “nothing” as they like any time they want and use these created “nothings” to buy whatever they wish – things like land, ships, cities and men[1].

It’s legal. Lawmakers passed laws making it legal. Lawmakers passed these laws in exchange for the bank owned media giving them favourable publicity so they could be elected to their cushy jobs. Of course, it should be emphasized again – the media is bank-owned – and it is the banks who create “nothing” out of thin air which they used to purchase the media.

Our sound money system is a gift from Esau[2] – it is media created – it is an illusion.