Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 40

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 40


THIS IS MY FORTIETH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY FOURTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. At the time I am preparing this teaching letter, various people have been inquiring of me what my opinion is of the curious new calendar which Pete Peters is promoting. I would advise anyone not to be gullible, but prove all things as we are instructed to do in Scripture. I believe it would be prudent to exercise some caution on so drastic a proposition. I will tell you this: I have to question anything that might come out of the Pete Peters camp, as we are admonished not to appoint any of the “mixed multitude” to give us guidance.

It was the “mixed multitude” which followed us out of Egypt that gave us all kinds of problems, and we still have a “mixed multitude” with us today. As for Israel’s calendar, it is spelled out quite clearly in the Bible. There was no problem with it in the time of Yahshua, for He was the Passover Lamb, and was sacrificed exactly at the proper time. If I ever find the time, I intend to put together a study and address this matter, but for now, the subject of Two Seedline is paramount. According to the proponents of this new, strange calendar, “God will kill you if you don’t keep it” (shades of the Babylonian priesthood). It is my considered opinion that Pete Peters has lost most of his credibility by criticizing the Two Seedline doctrine, and now he is desperately trying to gain it back by this spectacular, new revelation.

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 39

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 39


THIS IS MY THIRTY-NINTH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY FOURTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. Since the time I completed my thirty-eighth letter for June, there continues to be more information in the way of archaeology being found concerning Egypt. The latest production on television was entitled Egypt Beyond The Pyramids on the History Channel. I found it very interesting when they portrayed Ramesses II The Great with an oversized Hittite hooked nose.

This background relationship has been substantiated by information I have presented in past letters. If you have a copy of Howard B. Rand’s Primo-genesis, you can turn to plate 11 at the end of the book, and it will show that both Ramesses I and Ramesses II (The Great) of the Nineteenth Dynasty were related to Esau through Duke Amalek whose mother was Timna (a wife) to Eliphaz from Adah, one of the Horite-Hittite wives of Esau. I don’t know where Rand got his documentation on this, but it sure fits the overall picture. With Ramesses II having that big oversized hooked nose, we don’t have to guess as to what Esau’s non-Semitic wives looked like.

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 38

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 38

THIS IS MY THIRTY-EIGHTH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER, and I am now in my fourth year of publication. Since the time I completed my thirty-seventh letter for May, there has been a series on television entitled Secrets Of The Pharaohs. As I am usually working on my teaching letters a couple of months ahead of time, I recorded this series of television programs in February of this year.

The first of the three showings was on the 18th Dynasty of Egypt which we have been considering as being contemporary with the Israelite captivity in Egypt. The second in this series was about the building of the Great Pyramid of Giza. Recently they have found a buried city near there which they believe was used to house the workers that built it. The third in the series did not relate to our study. There was also a program on TLC entitled Egypt’s Lost City which was about Akhenaten’s city known today as Tell el-Amarna. About a year ago, I caught a four-part series entitled Egyptian Mummies.

Part four of that series was about Tutankhamen. This is simply amazing as I no more than got a good start on the subject of Egypt and all this information is being addressed on television. Also, since lesson #37, I found a book entitled The Bible Is History by Ian Wilson. This 1999 book is simply outstanding and filled with useful and fantastic information. Also, I was advised by a person on my mailing list there was a good article in the January, 2001 National Geographic entitled “Ancient Ashkelon.” As you may see, with all this new information, in addition to my previous research, I have been quite busy.

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 37

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 37

THIS IS MY THIRTY-SEVENTH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER and starts my fourth year of publication. This is a research effort into areas not generally covered by the average type of Bible study. When we really take the time to explore these various things, they are usually quite different than we ever imagined. We have to approach these topics like a detective in order to dig out all the assorted details.

We have been comparing Egyptian history with that of the Bible in the last few lessons. Because we have covered so many aspects of this subject, there is not enough space to review them here. So that you won’t miss out on what was covered before this lesson, you may wish to get the back lessons leading up to where we find ourselves at the present time. You will notice, if you have been following this series, we have been establishing conclusions based on documentation from both Biblical and secular history along with archaeological evidence.


Because we will be discussing the Hyksos again in this lesson, I found a very good book entitled A Short History Of Ancient Egypt by T. G. H. James, who on page 95 made a very interesting observation concerning them:

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 35

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 35

THIS IS MY THIRTY-FIFTH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY THIRD YEAR OF PUBLICATION. These lessons take many hours of investigative study and are designed as research publications. Sometimes, I spend up to three hours or more on one paragraph. By digesting these short presentations, you have the advantage of having laid out before you the tools needed to expand your own study on these subjects. In the last lesson, we continued Israel’s step-by-step walk through Egyptian history. We investigated the subject of the Shepherd Kings; who they were and were not. We scrutinized the writings of Manetho, the Egyptian priest, as presented by Josephus. Then a narration of the life story of Joseph was presented up until the time Joseph sent his brothers, less Simeon, home with the provisions they had gone to Egypt to obtain. We will be picking up the story in this lesson where we left off in the last.

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 34

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 34

Monthly Letter Number 34; February 2001
By Teacher Clifton A. Emahiser
1012 N. Vine Street, Fostoria, Ohio 44830; Ph. (419) 435-2836
ISRAEL Covenant Two Seedline Racial IDENTITY

THIS IS MY THIRTY-FOURTH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY THIRD YEAR OF PUBLICATION. In this lesson, we will resume our investigation of Egypt and how it fits into Biblical history. With this research, we will be getting into areas not usually encountered in the average study of Scripture. Some of these things may seem strange and quite different than you ever dreamed they might have been.

I believe that once we learn something of these seemingly bizarre circumstances it will add to our understanding of Yahweh’s Word considerably. As usual, these matters are altogether different than we were ever taught they were. In the last lesson, we found out there were two different pharaohs ruling in Egypt at the same time during the Hyksos period, and that the pharaoh at Thebes was subservient to the Hyksos. Then, too, we learned that Joseph was probably sold to the authority at Thebes rather than the Hyksos.


Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 33

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 33

ISRAEL Covenant Two Seedline Racial IDENTITY

 THIS IS MY THIRTY-THIRD MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER and continues my third year of publication. In the last couple of lessons, I have been trying to reconcile Biblical and Egyptian history. If you don’t have those last two lessons, you may want to get them to prepare a foundation for the present lesson. In lesson 31, we learned what Egyptian history definitely is not. It was established with substantial archaeological evidence that Israel’s stay in Egypt surely happened during the 18th Dynasty, or New Kingdom. It was proposed that Moses was named after a line of pharaohs, namely the pharaohs whose names ended with “mosis.” In lesson 32, we were able to place the contemporary time periods of Joseph, Moses and the Exodus with 18th Dynasty Egyptian history.

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 32

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 32

ISRAEL Covenant Two Seedline Racial IDENTITY

THIS IS MY THIRTY-SECOND MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER and continues my third year of publication. In the last teaching letter (#31), we began a study of Egypt. First we learned what Egyptian history is not. I demonstrated, with archaeological evidence, how one person’s attempt to shave 1000 years off Egyptian history simply cannot be correct. With the archaeological evidence I presented, we can now be more positive than ever about the general time period for the Exodus. If you don’t have lesson #31, you will need it to bring you up-to-date. As a matter of fact, you will need several of my later letters to really get a handle on this important subject. With this lesson, we are going to try to reconcile Egyptian history with Biblical history. This is not the first attempt to make such reconciliation, as many a scholar has given it a stab in the past. If you will check out various references, you will find all kinds of suggestions for contemporary time comparisons. Thorough Bible research and study is more than just reading a few verses once in a while.

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 31

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 31

ISRAEL Covenant Two Seedline Racial IDENTITY

THIS IS MY THIRTY-FIRST MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY THIRD YEAR OF PUBLICATION. In the last two letters (#29 & #30), we covered the Hurrians and Hittites. We found they were a Mongolian people. We also discovered that the Egyptian pharaohs took women of these peoples into their harems, and later pharaohs were from these bloodlines. We found that not only did the pharaohs mix blood, but also there was much mixing by the Egyptian people themselves. In lesson #30, I diverged from this theme to the topics of Biblical tithing and new research on Two Seedline doctrine. Also, we covered, to some degree, the archaeological find at Ebla.

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 30

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 30

ISRAEL Covenant Two Seedline Racial IDENTITY

THIS IS MY THIRTIETH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY THIRD YEAR OF PUBLICATION. I was browsing through the channels on television recently, when I came across a so-called “Christian Channel” in this area. They had a man on this station advising his listeners how to get their finances in order. It was a call-in type of program. Never did he advise them not to go into debt in the first place. Anyway, one of his desperate Christian listeners asked advice on how she could work her tithe into her budget. It was interesting what this Christian financial adviser was counselling this woman to do. He simply instructed the woman, she could pay her tithe to anyone she chose. This type of advice was totally unbiblical. The first mention of tithe in the Bible is Abraham paying his tithe of war spoils to the Priest of Salem who was no other than Shem.