Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 40

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 40


THIS IS MY FORTIETH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY FOURTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. At the time I am preparing this teaching letter, various people have been inquiring of me what my opinion is of the curious new calendar which Pete Peters is promoting. I would advise anyone not to be gullible, but prove all things as we are instructed to do in Scripture. I believe it would be prudent to exercise some caution on so drastic a proposition. I will tell you this: I have to question anything that might come out of the Pete Peters camp, as we are admonished not to appoint any of the “mixed multitude” to give us guidance.

It was the “mixed multitude” which followed us out of Egypt that gave us all kinds of problems, and we still have a “mixed multitude” with us today. As for Israel’s calendar, it is spelled out quite clearly in the Bible. There was no problem with it in the time of Yahshua, for He was the Passover Lamb, and was sacrificed exactly at the proper time. If I ever find the time, I intend to put together a study and address this matter, but for now, the subject of Two Seedline is paramount. According to the proponents of this new, strange calendar, “God will kill you if you don’t keep it” (shades of the Babylonian priesthood). It is my considered opinion that Pete Peters has lost most of his credibility by criticizing the Two Seedline doctrine, and now he is desperately trying to gain it back by this spectacular, new revelation.