Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 39

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 39


THIS IS MY THIRTY-NINTH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY FOURTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. Since the time I completed my thirty-eighth letter for June, there continues to be more information in the way of archaeology being found concerning Egypt. The latest production on television was entitled Egypt Beyond The Pyramids on the History Channel. I found it very interesting when they portrayed Ramesses II The Great with an oversized Hittite hooked nose.

This background relationship has been substantiated by information I have presented in past letters. If you have a copy of Howard B. Rand’s Primo-genesis, you can turn to plate 11 at the end of the book, and it will show that both Ramesses I and Ramesses II (The Great) of the Nineteenth Dynasty were related to Esau through Duke Amalek whose mother was Timna (a wife) to Eliphaz from Adah, one of the Horite-Hittite wives of Esau. I don’t know where Rand got his documentation on this, but it sure fits the overall picture. With Ramesses II having that big oversized hooked nose, we don’t have to guess as to what Esau’s non-Semitic wives looked like.