Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 70

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 70


THIS IS MY SEVENTIETH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY SIXTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. With this issue, we are going to address a subject that is in much need of being brought to the forefront. Many of you have already noticed my continual attack on various false doctrines. This is the scatological (study in excrement) job Yahweh has placed on my shoulders. Recently, He has given me witness that I must continue, for we are now living in a day where more of this twisted theology abounds. I find all this a great responsibility, and everything I write, I write with fear and trembling! I do this because we are either gathering the sheep or scattering them, Matthew 12:30. There is no category in between. All one need do to scatter the Israel sheep, is conjure up some ambiguous, flawed premise arriving at a mistaken conclusion. Therefore, all truth starts with a correct premise, and only truth can set us free.

But it is even more serious than this, for Scripture tells us that if we continue in our arrogant ways, we will be turned over to Satan either for our correction or for our destruction. And yet this is not all, for though we put forth much effort to help build the Kingdom, our rewards at the Judgment will be taken from us and given to another. Therefore, we dare not deviate from the truth! With this in mind, I publish the ensuing:

The following is a reprint of a letter sent to Dave Barley from William Finck, September 17, 2003. Finck’s personal letter has been modified from a personal to an open letter with Finck’s permission:

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 69

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 69


THIS IS MY SIXTY-NINTH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY SIXTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. In the last lesson #68, we surveyed the teachings of Dan Gentry, Stephen E. Jones and Dave Barley. It was observed how, while teaching the Identity Truth, they nullify any beneficial building of the Kingdom they might have accomplished by disowning that Israel has an enemy. By refusing to identify Israel’s enemy, they scatter the Israel sheep rather than gather them (Matt. 12:30; Luke 11:23). They further sabotage the Kingdom by teaching universalism. They all seem to be following the subterfuge advanced by Stephen E. Jones. Since Jones wrote his The Babylonian Connection in 1978 (an effort to wreck the truth of Genesis 3:15), several others have picked up Jones’ toxic leaven. With this lesson we shall continue to expose Jones’ prevarications. I will now present an open letter to Stephen E. Jones written by William Finck.

Before making any comment, it will be necessary to review the offending passage at the heart of his postulation (for the entire quotation, refer to lesson # 68):

“The early Church began as the legitimate tribe of Judah, for they were loyal followers of the King of Judah, Jesus Christ, the legal heir of King David’s throne.

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 68

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 68


THIS IS MY SIXTY-EIGHTH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY SIXTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. WITH THIS LESSON, I’m changing the appearance of my Watchman’s Teaching Letter, as I believe that I have discovered some more readable fonts. As I explained in my lesson #24, I reduced my lesson from eight pages to four pages in order to send out two lessons at a time and still keep the weight under an ounce. It was necessary to do this in order to keep the mailing cost to a minimum.

This allows me to send two letters out every second month. After doing that, I experimented with various paragraph styles and also started to hyphenate words at the end of a line. Upon making those changes, I soon found I had the word-count equivalent to that which I had achieved with eight pages. With these new fonts, hopefully I will have just as readable a document as I had previously with eight pages. Many books we read have much smaller fonts than you are now reading.

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 67

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 67


THIS IS MY SIXTY-SEVENTH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY SIXTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. In the last few lessons, we have been covering the prophecies of Daniel. Then to get a clearer picture of Daniel’s prophecies, we took up the subjects of race and the Genesis 10 table of nations along with the creation of Adam. If you don’t have the lessons on these topics, you may not fully understand this current presentation.

Once comprehending the origin of the Genesis 10 White nations, we will then grasp the unusual world in which Daniel found himself. To give you some idea of that world, I will quote from History Of The Persian Empire by A. T. Olmstead, page 229:

“… ‘If now you shall think,’ he tells us in his tomb inscription, ‘‘How many are those lands which Darius the king seized?’ then look at the representations of those who bear the throne. Then you shall know, then shall it be known to you: The spear of a Persian man has gone forth afar; then shall it be known to you: A Persian man has smitten a foe far from Persia.’ Once each representative was properly labeled; today the names of only a limited number have been preserved, but we can still identify the Persian, the Mede, the Elamite, and the Parthian, as well as the Pointed-Cap Scythian, the Babylonian, the Assyrian, and the man of Maka [Maka/Makran being a 1st millennium B.C. term for Egypt].”

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 66

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 66


THIS IS MY SIXTY-SIXTH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY SIXTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. With the last three Watchman’s Teaching Letters, #63, #64, and #65, we have been discussing race and the general demise of the Genesis 10 White nations. It was necessary to pursue the subjects of race and the decline of racial purity among the Genesis 10 nations in order to get a true perspective on Daniel. These lessons are now taking on a tone of seriousness of the greatest magnitude. In fact, there is no other topic, the implications of which are more threatening to our well-being and posterity.

I have recently been forced to take an uncompromising stand on the creation of Adam and the progeny derived from him. I can no longer endorse or promote the 6th and 8th day creation theory. As a matter of fact, this premise helps promote miscegenation, as it gives the non-Adamic races dignity they don’t deserve. Even to compare them with animals is to disgrace animal-kind. There is absolutely no Biblical record of the creation of the other races.

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 65

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 65


THIS IS MY SIXTY-FIFTH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY SIXTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. IN THE LAST LESSON, Watchman’s Teaching Letter #64, we covered the demise of the Genesis 10 White Adamic table of nations. Today there is little left of them in their original racial integrity except for the true descendants of Jacob-Israel. With this lesson we will continue the same subject in somewhat greater detail. Again I will be using the notes of William Finck as a guideline for this, with some of my own comments appended. Therefore I will dispense with the usual quotation marks:

The Race of Genesis 10: We are only going to travel the history of this planet once. There are no second chances. One history, one Bible, one trek from the Garden of Eden to the gathering of the Wheat. If we find not the foundations of our race in Genesis chapter 10, then our history, along with our Bible, is absolutely unreliable and we are mired in futility! I (William) often begin oral explanations of Genesis 10 by quoting Epictetus, copied from the opening pages of Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament: or “the beginning of learning is the investigation of names.” And I must agree with Epictetus!

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 64

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 64


THIS IS MY SIXTY-FOURTH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY SIXTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. With the last lesson, Watchman’s Teaching Letter #63, it might appear that I am straying off the subject of Daniel’s prophecies. If that is the impression you came to, I would assure you that I have only diverged from that topic in order to once more address the ever important subject of race. I found this reiteration on race necessary, as there is still a lot of confusion on this theme.

You might also have gotten the impression from the last lesson that when I use the term “Israelite” that I am excluding all the other descendants of Adam, which I am not. When the designation “Israelite” is used, there is a definite association with the pre-Abrahamic descendants of Adam. To show you this, I will quote Deuteronomy 32:8 (KJV): “When the most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel.” Therefore, if we don’t understand how “the most High separated the sons of Adam”, we cannot comprehend the entire thrust of Daniel’s prophecies.

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 63

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 63


This is my sixty-third monthly teaching letter and continues my sixth year of publication. In lesson #60 we focused on the 4th chapter of Daniel. I have commented on this chapter several times before, but there is need to examine it in greater depth. To put the Babylonian stump-system into perspective which was to last “seven times” or 2520 years, I have devised the following graph to show how it has developed during that time. The average person on the street hasn’t the slightest idea what it’s all about, thinking everything is normal, while it is far from that. And they get ‘mad’ if informed otherwise.


Although we have many problems to day, the four in the above diagram represent the greatest. In the very centre is the issue of RACE. Then around the RACIAL issue revolve the MONETARY, the POLITICAL and the RELIGIOUS.

Once we can identify these four divisions of our dilemma, we can begin to rectify the status of our position. The above diagram is very much oversimplified. It needs to be broken down into smaller segments as follows: (1) Racial-monetary, (2) Racial-political, (3) Racial-religious, (4) Monetary-political, (5) Monetary-religious, and (6) Political-Religious.

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 62

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 62


THIS IS MY SIXTY-SECOND MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY SIXTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. Because there are so many bad teachings circulating around in all areas of Scripture, I find myself on a continuous treadmill in order to combat them. At the present time, I have so many irons in the fire, I don’t know which one to address next. The only advantage I can see coming out of this chaos is the fact that it makes the rest of us study all the more intensely. The problem with this is, they can dream these fantastic screwball ideas faster than I can quell them. Sadly, all this confusion is scattering the sheep rather than gathering them.

After I had all of my Watchman’s Teaching Letters printed up and distributed for March and April, I noticed a mistake on page 1, column 2, paragraph 3 where I mentioned Nebuchadnezzar I, and it should have been Nebuchadnezzar II. You might make a correction on your copy.

We have been doing a walk-through of Daniel’s prophecies, and it has come to my attention again that many of us (in fact, most of us) simply don’t know the history of both houses of Israel up until Daniel’s time. It is impossible, therefore, to make any sense of Daniel without this historical knowledge. Time after time after time, I read in Israel Identity materials that the ten northern tribes went into Assyrian captivity and Judah went into Babylonian captivity. Such a blanket statement is only about 50% correct (in other words, 50% incorrect). Now if one doesn’t want to be among that great majority who are only 50% correct, he will of necessity have to do some “study to show himself approved.”

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 61

Clifton Emahiser – Letter No. 61


THIS IS MY SIXTY-FIRST MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND STARTS MY SIXTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. With this lesson, we will focus on the 4th chapter of Daniel. I have commented on this chapter several times before, but there is need to examine it in greater depth. The 4th chapter of Daniel must be approached differently than other passages as it is written somewhat, but not entirely, from a subsidiary position. While in this style, contained within its story many revelations are given. We can detect its indirect orientation as it starts and ends with Nebuchadnezzar’s (Nabonidus’) words, yet Daniel is the author.

Why Daniel chose this style to reveal his prophecy is hard to resolve, and we can only speculate. Like novels of today it could just as well have started, “Once upon a time in the ancient empire of Babylon” etc., and ended “and they lived happily ever after.” But lying in-between the opening and end are major revelations. Unless we prepare ourselves for this mode of writing and get in the mood of Daniel’s theme, we may not get the entire thrust of his message. Being it is in this form, one must be able to separate fact from fantasy.