Letter 89

Letter 89


THIS IS MY EIGHTY-NINTH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY EIGHTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. With this lesson, we’ll continue our defence of the apostle Paul, which I initiated in lesson #88, where recorded history reveals its origin, showing Paul-bashing is nothing new. Most, if not all, of the condemnation of the apostle Paul is based on faulty research establishing flawed premises, and therefore, in the end, fostering spurious conclusions.

Before we get started in our defence of Paul, I would like to demonstrate a case in point where such “spurious conclusions” are misconceived. One such architect of misconceptions is the late Joseph Jeffers, whose perverted theology-factory has been taken over by one Dr. (ha!) Philip B. Evens. Jeffers and company are Paul-bashers extraordinaire. One of Jeffers’ twisted premises is that the Christ of our Bible was a fake and that the true Messiah was “the teacher of righteousness” of Dead Sea Scroll fame. To enforce such a spurious position, he attempts to show that his “teacher of righteousness” lived contemporaneously with Caesar Augustus some 50 years earlier. In Jeffers’ publication, Yahweh Yesterday, Today And Forever, on page 24 he makes the statement:

Letter 88

Letter 88


THIS IS MY EIGHTY-EIGHTH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY EIGHTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. With this lesson, we’ll continue our defence series. With the last several lessons we’ve defended Herodotus, Josephus and Eusebius. Without these historians, along with several other classical historians, we would have little tangible evidence that our Bibles are true. Yet in spite of this there are those who would irresponsibly throw all this evidence to the wind, completely repudiating every thread of evidence. With this lesson we will start defending the apostle Paul’s writings. It is simply amazing how many in Israel Identity, and even those in mainstream churchianity, are jumping on the bandwagon to bash Paul. It has now risen to epidemic proportions and is still growing.

Maybe someone should organize a national book-burning meeting for all these historians’ writings along with Paul’s epistles. They (not I) could go around to all the new and used book stores and collect all these writings after they have cleared out their own basements and attics. They (not I) could pick out a central location in the United States convenient for all like minded to meet for this great event. Maybe they (not I) could find a source where they could purchase all the matches, kerosene and razor blades at wholesale prices.

Letter 87

Letter 87


THIS IS MY EIGHTY-SEVENTH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY EIGHTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. In the last several lessons I have been defending the writings of Herodotus and Josephus; and in the last lesson I extended it to include Eusebius. Not that we find all these sources perfect in all respects, but without their histories we would have little with which to confirm our Scriptures.

Not only do we need Herodotus, Josephus and Eusebius, but we can use the witness of many of the other classical and early church writers’ histories. For instance, without Eusebius, we would know little about Constantine’s political and religious involvement with Christianity. Under Constantine, Rome adopted a single official religion. To say “a single official religion” might be a misnomer, inasmuch as it was imperative for Constantine to unite the pagans with the Christians in order to gain the throne! And it has continued in that vein ever since, though Rome has forever fallen never to be established again. As Daniel said (2:35):

“Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshing floors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.”


Letter 86

Letter 86


THIS IS MY EIGHTY-SIXTH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY EIGHTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. In the last lesson, I demonstrated how Eusebius highly respected the histories written by Josephus and used them extensively. Toward the end of the last lesson we saw how Eusebius understood that Yahshua’s prophecy at Matthew 24 was of the forthcoming destruction of Jerusalem and was not 2000 years in the future, as futurists claim, but imminent at His own time.

In December of 2000, I had prepared a brochure on this, but I was rebuffed even by those in Israel Identity, so I put the article on hold until a more appropriate time. With Eusebius’ help in the last lesson, that time has come! I presented the first four paragraphs at the end of lesson #85, showing prophecy that Jerusalem would be ploughed like a field at Jeremiah 26:18 and Micah 3:12, and it happened in 70 A.D. with Titus. Let’s now continue where we left off:

Ancient and Obscure Laws That Linger On

Ancient and Obscure Laws That Linger On

13,000 CRIMES AN HOUR DURING AN AVERAGE WORKING DAY IN LONDON, AS MANY AS 120,000 TECHNICAL BREACHES OF AN OLD LAW ARE BEING COMMITTED, ALWAYS IN BROAD DAYLIGHT, OFTEN UNDER THE VERY NOSE OF A POLICEMAN, by unwitting citizens and visitors. This works out at an approximate rate of over 13,000 crimes an hour if the working day is taken as 9 hours.

Nine hours is the normal shift for a London taxi driver, and in that time the average driver will pick up about 20 fares. Of the 12,800 licensed taxi drivers in the capital, some 6,000 are on the road at any given time, cruising along, keeping a sharp eye out for a raised arm or a waved umbrella and a sharp ear for a cry of ‘Taxi!’

And that is where the breach of the law comes in. According to the strict letter of the law, hailing a cab when it is in motion is illegal. Technically, if you want to hire a cab, you should go to the nearest taxi rank or ‘place appointed’.

If that law were ever strictly applied, there would be chaos in central London. Similarly, if some of the other laws governing taxis and taxi-drivers were enforced, London cabbies would find themselves in some bizarre situations.

There are 37 different Hackney Carriage Acts. Most of them date from the 19th century but some go as far back as the reign of Queen Anne (1702-14)—and none has ever been repealed.

Letter 85

Letter 85


THIS IS MY EIGHTY-FIFTH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND BEGINS MY EIGHTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. As of this date (4-9-05), Eugene (Buddy) Johnson has not repented of his blasphemous false teachings claiming that our Savior came from the Tribe of Ephraim rather than Judah, though this ministry has shown ample evidence of Johnson’s error and shared that evidence with him.

Johnson further claims that Tamar (Judah’s intended daughter-in-law with whom he fathered the twins, Pharez and Zarah) was a Canaanite. I sent Johnson, nearly 10 years ago, a photocopy of The Book Of Jasher, chapter 45, verse 23 proving that Tamar was of the House of Shem, yet he continues to make that same charge that all the descendants of Judah and Tamar are “Canaanite-Jews.” Since the Germans, Scots and Irish are direct descendants of Judah and Tamar (of which I am all three), Johnson strongly intimates that I am a Canaanite! Therefore, all of you who have German or Scottish or Irish lineage; Johnson is also claiming you are a Canaanite.

I thought you ought to know this before you send him some of your hard-earned-money to promote his lies. Probably 95% of Johnson’s followers have German or Scottish or Irish blood and it is amazing to me why anyone would continue to take the time to listen to Johnson continue to blaspheme their lineage, as well as the lineage of Yahshua Christ Himself!

Letter 84

Letter 84


THIS IS MY EIGHTY-FOURTH MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND ENDS MY SEVENTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. If you will remember, we are doing a series defending the writings of Josephus. It is not the objective here to imply that Josephus was perfect in all that he wrote, but he was a man of Israel who normally would have been a priest of the first of twenty-four courses had not Herod begun appointing to the priesthood non-Israelites of a non-Levitical background. Many today are accusing Paul and Josephus of being Canaanite-Jews. As Paul was not a Canaanite-Jew, but of the Tribe of Benjamin; in similar manner Josephus was not a Canaanite-Jew, but of the Tribe of Levi. This is important, as today we would be hard-pressed to prove many passages in our Bible without the writings of Josephus.

One of the very most important of Josephus’ writings is his recording of the absorption of the Edomites, which he surely wouldn’t have recorded had he been like Herod who burned all the genealogical records to prevent anyone from knowing his low, ignoble lineage. How foolish the charge that Josephus was an Edomite-Jew! We find this at Josephus’ Antiquities 13:9:1, which reads as follows:

Letter 83

Letter 83


THIS IS MY EIGHTY-THIRD MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY SEVENTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. We will continue here where we left off in the last lesson. Of all of Josephus’ works, none could be of greater value than his rendering of the Baal-Peor incident, where it was necessary for Yahweh to destroy 24,000 Israelites in order to halt the tide of miscegenation (race-mixing) with which the Israelites were seduced by the nefarious advice of Balaam to Balak.

Had this continued, it would have destroyed the young nation before it could be established. This incident is so similar to what is happening in all our Israel lands today, that it is applicable to our present situation! Truly, the “doctrine of Balaam” is alive and well in our day, and again, our race is on the verge of extinction! To demonstrate that Josephus was aware how serious a matter it was, I will now present his words without quotation marks from Antiquities 4:6:1-13:

Letter 82

Letter 82


THIS IS MY EIGHTY-SECOND MONTHLY TEACHING LETTER AND CONTINUES MY SEVENTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. We are picking up where we left off in lesson #81. We were in the process of comprehending how archaeology is proving Josephus correct in various parts of his writings. We also saw how Josephus’ histories link quite well with certain Scriptures. We will now see how Acts 23:24-24:27 fits with Josephus’ Antiquities 20:7:1. When you read the next reference, you’ll see how ridiculous it is to refute the evidence Josephus has to offer. We get the following information from The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, vol. E-J, page 264:

“FELIX, ANTONIUS … Procurator of Judea from 52 to 60 and successor to Cumanus. According to Acts 23:24-24:27, Felix was procurator at the time of Paul’s last visit to Jerusalem and his arrest there. When Felix was recalled by Nero, Paul was turned over to the new procurator, Festus.

“1. In Josephus. Felix, according to Josephus (Antiq. 20:7:1 ), was the brother of an influential Roman named Pallas. In 52 (or 53) Felix was named procurator. Some two years later, Felix was busy putting down uprisings by ‘robbers and impostors’ who ‘were a multitude not to be enumerated’ (War 2:13:2-3). By treachery Felix seized one such leader, Eleazar the son of Deneas, after giving him an assurance of no harm. He utilized the services of these robbers (identified as Sicarii) in the murder of the high priest Jonathan (Antiq. 20:8:5). A Jew out of Egypt (see Acts 21:38), who led a large number of Jews, was attacked by Festus; the leader escaped, never to be heard from again, but four hundred of his followers were slain (Antiq. 20:8:6; see War 2:14:6).

Review of the Heliand The Saxon Gospel

Review of the Heliand The Saxon Gospel

THE HELIAND: THE SAXON GOSPEL IS A SAXON REINTERPRETATION OF THE MESSAGE OF JESUS CHRIST into a fashion that the proto-Vikings could comprehend. Much in the same way the Gospel of St. Mark was written to accommodate a Greek audience, and the Gospels of St. Matthew and St. Luke to accommodate Hebrew audiences, the Heliand was written to adapt Christianity to people who had very little connection with the Mediterranean world.

This text is beginning to experience a revival as of late among dissident right-wingers seeking a way to better understand folkish religion. It should be of prime importance that Christians be familiar and (if possible) well-versed with the text in order not only to better understand their own folkish traditions and identity, but also to help bring identitarians struggling with the vapidness of modern, liberal Christianity into a deeper understanding of the faith.

History of the Text

The Heliand, meaning “saviour,” was written sometime in the eighth century after Charlemagne conquered the Saxon pagans of northern Germany. Nobody is sure who exactly wrote it, but it was probably written by a monk or missionary who was both literate and intimately familiar with north German culture, customs, and language.