Adolph Hitler and The Secrets of The Holy Lance

Adolph Hitler and The Secrets of The Holy Lance


This book was written by two men, one a sailor and one a soldier, who served on opposites sides during World War II. They were enemies then, but now are friends. Each one dedicates this book to his brave comrades-in-arms who honourably served their respective countries. To those who fell in combat and now lie in Bitburg or St. Avold or Other cross marked fields, we pray that their souls rose up like birds escaped from the fowler’s snare may they rest In honour and in peace.
Whether we live or die we are the Lord’s
If he who is but flesh cherishes wrath,
who will forgive his sins?
Let us not therefore Judge One another
anymore: but judge this rather, that
no man put stumbling block or an occasion
to fall in his brother’s way.
The Holy Bible New Testament

Fallen Comrades

The heart is cold now
And the pulse beats slow
But memory ever wanders
Back amind the mournful
Shadows of the past,
And as the silent phantoms
Arise grim review,
Fast falling tears
Pay tender loving tribute
To our cherished comrades
Of the long ago.
From One Who Wore the Gray – By Lewes F. Levy
Yazoo RangersC.S.A,. 1863

The Last Soldier

All soldiers are kindred arid war never changes.
It is a cruel and relentless juggernaut delighting
In human misery and demanding human lives.

Let the Survivors of the causes for which hosts
of noble heroes perished. stand firmly together,
and as their ranks grow thin, ‘Close to the centre’
Let them march relentlessly forward to storm the
last great fortress. over which the pale flag flies,
and before whose batteries the bravest must at
last succumb and furl their colours forever.”

And when these last soldiers have fallen, let there
be no more —
“One Who Wore the Gray” (modified 1863)

The Last Days of The Red Throne

The Last Days of The Red Throne


IF ONE STUDIES THE SCRIPTURE OF TRUTH CONCERNING THE DAYS OF NOAH, and believes the written Word, it becomes clear that many who lived prior to the catastrophic flood lived to an incredible age (Genesis chapter 5).

Something horrendous obviously happened to the earth and it’s special relationship in the heavens at this time because the Scripture begins then to record a tremendous decrease in the life span of individuals like Shem, Eber and Nahor who lived after the great deluge (Genesis Chapter 11). Within only a few generations that span had decreased to about one tenth of it’s former – and thus it follows that those of us alive today actually age ten times faster than those who lived before the flood.

In like fashion, we witness in these days such a rapid advance in the field of technology that it seems almost beyond comprehension. Within only seconds, we can now contact someone living several thousand miles away, simply by using a telephone; we can also stand face to face with that same individual after flying through the heavens at incredible speeds for just a few hours. In addition, today, billions of pieces of information can be stored in computer systems and then retrieved in a matter of seconds at the touch of a few keys. Without doubt, we are witnessing “the time of the end” when, as Scripture says, “many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased” (Daniel 12:4).

Since the Bible shows us that this would occur not only in the “last days”, but also in the latter part of the last days, such an increase in knowledge actually heralds the end of an age. Before the curtain finally closes on this era however, certain prophecies written many centuries ago must be fulfilled.

The History Racket

The History Racket


ANDREW LOWNIE (PICTURE ON COVER PAGE) BLOWS THE WHISTLE ON THE HISTORY RACKET TO PETER JUKES AND HARDEEP MATHARU who explore the real threats to history – emanating not from ‘wokeists’ intent on rewriting the past but an establishment elite regularly burying inconvenient truths to maintain Britain’s mythic narratives.

He seems embedded at the heart of the British establishment. His house nestles in the Georgian back streets behind Parliament, close to the precincts of Westminster Abbey and the network of right-wing libertarian think tanks on Tufton Street. His father was a judge and the portrait of his wife’s grandfather, General Sir Archibald Ritchie, who led the 26th Brigade in the 9th (Scottish) Division at the Battle of the Somme, stares out imperiously above his desk.

But literary agent and historian Andrew Lownie now finds himself on the wrong side of Britain’s official history. He has become a rebel against a system which, in his eyes, consistently and deliberately censors and distorts our national past.

While the last decade or so of online propaganda wars have exposed the ‘information operations’ of digital data firms and state-sponsored cyber warriors, Lownie is fighting – at huge personal expense – against a more insidious form of manipulation: that of our fusty national archives.

Bartlow Hills Barrow Cemetery

Bartlow Hills Barrow Cemetery


BARTLOW HILLS WAS ORIGINALLY THE LARGEST GROUP OF ROMAN BARROWS IN NORTHERN EUROPE and includes the highest burial mound in Britain. The seven mounds covered extraordinarily rich burials containing a wonderful collection of artistic objects, the best found in Britain. Mound IV, the largest, is 45 feet high and 144 feet in diameter. Mound II is still visible as a low rise, I is just discernible and III is totally destroyed. Their steep conical shape, originally surrounded by a ditch, is typical of Roman burial mounds.

Large wooden chests with iron fittings were found in five mounds and there was a brick cist in another.

Cremated burials, with food and drink in exotic vessels of decorated bronze, glass, and potter and other sacrificial offerings had been deposited in the chests, which were buried with lamps still burning in them. Items found included an iron folding chair and remains of flowers, box leaves, a sponge, incense, and liquids including blood, milk and wine mixed with honey.


The Eclipse of AD 664

The Eclipse of AD 664


This was the first total solar eclipse to be observed and recorded in England, thee path crossing the northern parts of Ireland and then a band reaching from the present Scottish border down to York. But there is something about it which has been puzzling scholars since 1590, and has yet to be resolved. We know, from modern computations and records in monastic archives from Ireland and across continental Europe, that it happened on 1 May. The puzzle is that the English monasteries recorded it as occurring on 3 May, and we know this was no mere slip of the quill The record was deliberately falsified, and this was not a trivial deceit.

What Happened?

The year 664 is notable for two other events: an outbreak of the bubonic plague, and the Synod of Whitby, where the decision was taken by King Oswy of Northumberland to desert the Celtic Church and take up instead with the Roman Church.

The latter had made incursions into the British Isles from 597, when Saint Augustine and his missionaries arrived and established the first cathedral at Canterbury. Upon this religious conversion hinged the future of the entire British Isles, for it led to the unification of England and the end of paganism.

The Marlborough Mound Notes

The Marlborough Mound Notes

Merlin’s Mount is in the grounds of Marlborough College, only a 100 yards off the A 4, but partly concealed by the college chapel. It is freely accessible.

In the grounds of Marlborough College stands a rather bizarre conical mound of grassed earth with a spiraling path all the way round. It is known locally as ‘Merlin’s Mount’ or ‘Merlin’s Grave’ for here the great wizard is supposed to have been buried (or perhaps imprisoned by the Lady of the Lake). Perhaps he chose this spot as his last resting place because of its religious significance. The sarsen stones of the largest circle at Stonehenge, which Merlin is said to have built, came from the Marlborough Downs.

Whatever the circumstance, this famous burial mound or barrow later gave it’s name to the town which grew up around it: ‘Merlin’s Barrow’ becoming Marlborough.

The British Crown Runs The US Legal System

The British Crown Runs The US Legal System

IN OUR CONTINUING EFFORTS TO SHED MORE LIGHT UPON THE CONNECTIONS BETWEEN AMERICA AND BRITAIN, we would like to show that the U. S. legal system is not only built upon the British Bar, but is, in fact, still subject to it. This idea that the British monarchy “controls everything” in the world is usually considered a conspiracy. But once you have read excerpts from The Crown Temple by Rule of the Mystery Babylon below, you may find yourself re-examining true history of U. S. Law.

History Is Often More Shocking than Fiction, and in This Case It Is Extremely so

The American Intelligence Media recently posted an article showing that the British system of secret committees and privileges for the elite are still operative today, as they have been for centuries. No one may formally ask about the British Crown’s “business”; therefore, few Americans or Brits know much at all about the economic insider trading and manipulations in which the Queen of England is embroiled.

Australia Turning Really Authoritative?

Australia Turning Really Authoritative?

The greed of governments in their pursuit of money is the single greatest threat to creating a Dark Age. With New Zealand imposing a $5,000 fine for just landing there and you refuse to hand over your pen and passwords to your phone for them to search, now we have Australia going really nuts to the point that they risk tech companies simply banning the sale of their products in the country.

The Assistance and Access Bill 2018 in Australia will force Google, Apple, Facebook, and other technology groups to help Australian authorities decode certain forms of encrypted communications on their systems, or face fines of up to AU$10 million. The government says the legislation will help protect against terrorism, fraud and child abuse crimes, claiming it aims to ensure criminals “have no place to hide.”

The problem that arises that failure to pay taxes they also call criminal. Hence, the hunt for money is greatly aided by this type of legislation far more than any other pretend criminal activity. While the government has stopped short of demanding backdoor access to tech companies’ systems that would allow the government to tap into end-to-end encryption services such as Whats App, it does demand access to data at “points where it is not encrypted.”

Apple, FOR INSTANCE, would not be made to create a backdoor for their iMessage where every user’s encryption key is different. But the government could request access to the single encryption key for its iCloud services. When you send a message to a friend, it’s encrypted as it travels between the two devices, and when it arrives, it’s decrypted for your friend to read, which is when the government should get to read it.

The Australian government is cleverly demanding not a backdoor, but a “side door” to gain access to whatever people are sending.

Psycho-Electric Weapons

Psycho-Electric Weapons

A JOURNALIST WHO REQUESTED DOCUMENTS USING THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT received additional files on “remote mind control” and the effects of “psycho-electric weapons”.

A journalist working for the non-profit organization Muckrock made a bizarre discovery after requesting documents from the US government through the FOIA. Indeed, as part of an ongoing investigation about Antifa and white supremacist groups, the journalist sent a request to the Washington State Fusion Center, a Department of Homeland Security, which specializes in counter-terrorism, detecting criminal activity, disaster planning, cyber-security and other threat assessments.

Along with standard documents such as emails, intelligence briefings, and bulletins, the journalist received a bizarre filed named “EM effects on human”.

One document describes the effects of “psycho-electric weapons” including “forced memory blanking”, “forced rigor-mortis” and even “forced orgasm”.

Another document explains biomagnetic fields and brainwaves (Alpha, Beta, Delta, etc.) two concepts that are extremely important in MKULTRA and Monarch mind control.

How England Got its Name

How England Got its Name

The creation of a new ethnic identity of the English people was one of the most important developments of the later Anglo-Saxon period from the ninth to the eleventh centuries. Five centuries earlier, there had been no political or linguistic unity among the different peoples of German / Danish origin who had settled in the country and who spoke different dialects and were ruled by a handful of small tribal kingdoms. Then, from the reign of King Alfred onwards, Scandinavian invasions and the rise of dynasty of Wessex gradually led to the emergence of a single kingdom controlling most of the land and population, and to the belief that the English constituted a single community bound together by common descent, cultural tradition, language, church and loyalty to the king.

In the later stages of this development, around 1000 AD, a new name, Engla land, came to be attached to the kingdom of the English and it has lasted until the present day as one of the most famous and long-lived country names in European history.

Several historians from the later tenth to twelfth centuries called attention to this in their writings, so there has never been any question about the approximate date when it took place. The earliest of these was the late tenth century Latin chronicler Aethelweard of Wessex. After looking into the continental origins of the Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes, he notes that the land earlier called Britannia had taken its present name Anglia from one of the victorious invaders, the Angli: (Britannia is now called Anglia, taking the name of the victors).