Our National and Racial Destruction The Cause

Our National and Racial Destruction The Cause

THOSE OF US WHO HAVE LIVED BEFORE THE LAST WAR have witnessed the continuous degeneration of our nation with filth and debauchery and race mixing being peddled on the television screen. We have witnessed lies and deception being relegated to us by the National press especially with regards to white settlers in East and Southern Africa. We have witnessed the land for which we fought being filled with Negroes and Asiatics and other people of vastly different cultures and genetic background to our own. We have been subjected to laws concocted by aliens to make us second class citizens in our own country. We hear daily of older women, who in their younger days toiled in munitions and clothing factories to keep our fighting soldiers supplied being mugged by Negroes and raped and having to pay heavy rents to Asian landlords. We have addled pated persons peddling left wing rubbish from their pulpits and teachers indoctrinated with alien ideologies infesting the minds of our children with gibberish. We ask ourselves why? Why are we, a nation that has done more for the development in backward races, than any other people, so afflicted?

Our nation has been lied to and betrayed

The elected lenders of the nation are the betrayers and behind them are a comparatively small group of men whose objective is to enslave the whole world of humanity in a one world government. This small group of men have gained into their hands the currency of the nations. Our elected leaders and administrators have been enmeshed with promises of riches and power or have been intimidated with their indiscretions and threatened with blackmail. To understand the conspiracy which is destroying our nation and the white western world, we must go back to the second half of the 18th century.

A Trojan Connection With Britain

A Trojan Connection With Britain

SCHOOLBOYS KNOW THE LETTER WRITTEN BY CARACTACUS TO CLAUDIUS CAESAR. But not everyone knows the letter, written about a century earlier, from Cassilbellaunus to Julius Caesar. This is no doubt because it does not come to us from Latin sources. It is given in full by Geoffrey of Monmouth, the twelfth-century writer who, despite his detractors, possessed three advantages: he studied under his uncle, Uchtryd, Bishop of Llandaff, in South Wales; he was himself Bishop of St. Asaph, in North Wales; he also possessed an ancient manuscript from Brittany, which he quotes widely. From any of these sources he could have obtained a copy of the letter of Cassibeliaunus which we quote:

Cassibelaun, king of the Britons, to Calus Julius Caesar. We cannot but wonder, Caesar, at the avarice of the Roman people, since their insatiable thirst after money cannot let us alone whom the dangers of the ocean have placed in a manner out of the world; but they must have the presumption to covet our substance, which we have hitherto enjoyed in quiet. Neither is this indeed sufficient; we must also prefer subjection and slavery to them, before the enjoyment of our native liberty.

Identity Truth Upheld

Identity Truth Upheld

RECENTLY THERE CAME INTO OUR POSSESSION A BOOKLET WIDELY CIRCULATED IN NORTHERN IRELAND, written by Mr. W. ). McCormick, M.R.C.V.S., supposedly to expose the teachings of Herbert Armstrong and the Worldwide Church of God. Normally such a publication would not have aroused our interest, Mr. Armstrong being quite capable of defending his own sect and their beliefs, however Mr. McCormick has seen fit to devote some nine pages of his book to an attack on the Gospel of the Kingdom, or as he is pleased to term it, British Israelism, specifically naming one group, its magazine and its foremost speaker. Many baseless, inaccurate and unscriptural statements are made as Mr. McCormick turns vainly in one direction after another, seeking to disprove that the descendants of the Lost Tribes of Israel are found to day in the nations of Celto-Anglo-Saxondom.

Such an attack comes as no surprise to us, since all down the centuries those who have dared to break with the vain traditions and dogmas of men and to stand for the Truth which God Almighty has, by the Holy Spirit, been pleased to progressively reveal, have all suffered scorn, ridicule, and where circumstances permitted, outright persecution. Martin Luther, the Wesleys, General Booth and George Jeffreys all endured the same opposition and misrepresentation as we do today in our stand for the Israel Identity Truth. After prayerful consideration we have therefore decided to take up the pen in defence of the Identity Message, because we are convinced that to allow such an attack to go unanswered would be dishonouring to God and His Word in which are exhorted to:-

“contend earnestly for the faith” and to:-

“be ready always to give an answer to any man concerning the hope that is within us”

Whither Bound

Whither Bound

THERE CAN BE NO QUESTION IN THE MIND OF THE STUDENT OR OBSERVER THAT THE TREND OUR NATION IS TAKING, that the policies being endorsed and ratified by the administrative power, the policies being pursued by advisors in many areas of portfolio of authority, some which have never been created by the people, that the trend is not the path our forefathers have taken in the past. It is not the course which made this nation great. In fact, we are at the crossroads tonight, in many areas of decision.

We find ourselves not unlike the declaration of the prophet Joel, who talks about multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision. Unfortunately, we have the parity of prophecy and of time. In fact, we are told that the road the great masses travel upon is not the route to security and development, or the attainment of God’s Kingdom. The road into which we find Christ referring to in the book of Matthew, states unto us very clearly. That broad is the gate, wide is this route to destruction. And he tells us that not many enter into the right gate. It says, ‘Enter ye in at the right (straight) gate; for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be who go in thereat. But straight (right) is the gate, and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life and few there be that find it.’ (Matthew 7:13-14)

With Violence Shall Babylon be Cast Down

With Violence Shall Babylon be Cast Down

WE TURN TO THE SUBJECT ‘WITH VIOLENCE SHALL BABYLON BE CAST DOWN. ‘REVELATION, CHAPTER 17 AND 18, contains so much in the content of God’s word concerning Great Babylon. We understand that great Babylon was at one time a great city. And we understand that Mystery Babylon the Great, was the enemy of Israel, this Kingdom of God. Babylon had a powerful and highly organized system of administration. It was a city that worshipped Baal, for the priesthood was involved in all the politics of Babylon, and had ruled over all the ancient world at one time in its history. And in the areas of its trade it gained control over the nations of the world. It established its vital power of usury and extended its authority into the ends of the earth. In fact, in all history, God looked upon Babylon as the most evil of all the most vital powers. So God declared its destruction, and Daniel, when a captive in that land, described how Medo-Persia would be the power to break down Great Babylon.

You can turn to the book of Jeremiah, and read: ‘the portion of Jacob is not like unto these brutish nations in their vanity and their work of error. HE is before all things, and Israel is the rod of HIS inheritance, the LORD of Hosts is HIS name.’

Will The Christian Church Take A Government Czar?

Will The Christian Church Take A Government Czar?

WE ARE TURNING IN OUR SUBJECT TO A DISCUSSION THAT IN OUR SOCIETY WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN CONSIDERED YEARS AGO. And if suggested twenty years ago, would have made those listening, so say, ‘surely this must be madness.’ But now here in 1962, one week after Easter, we are discussing with you this fact. Will the Christian church here in these United States accept a government Czar over religion? You will say to me, ‘surely this is not possible. This could not have happened in these United States? There is no department of government with any authority over the church. Does not the Constitution of the United States say that the Congress of the United States not make any laws concerning the establishment of religion?’

There is nothing they can do concerning the freedom of the processes of religions activities to carry out their own design. All of these things may be true. And the freedom guaranteed by the Bill of Rights and by the Constitution that no authority is given to the Congress, in this area, to make laws concerning religion. But the Congress has not made any new laws concerning the establishment of Religion. Nor have they sought to stop the right of religions bodies to carry out their vision and to worship God after their own heart. No attempt has been made by Congress to do these things.

Why You Cannot Turn Back

Why You Cannot Turn Back

THERE IS NO DOUBT BUT THAT WE AS A PEOPLE ARE IN TROUBLE IN AMERICA TODAY. There is also no doubt that the areas we get into trouble as a people, and a race, are those areas where we have violated directly the laws of God. These are the laws which are the foundation of the establishment of laws of the Kingdom for Israel. These laws said that Israel was to be a separate people, they were not to dwell with strangers in their midst, for their own security. In fact the laws of God were very strict on this area, and when Israel observed these laws they were well off. Then when the great nations which descended out of the people of this Book violate these laws; then they are in trouble.

We are told that in the Latter Days many will depart from the Faith. We are told in Timothy that many not only will depart from the faith but that they will give heed to evil spirits and doctrines of devils. Thus the laws of God which have followed our people thru thousands of years are all set aside, and people believe in the doctrines of devils. I tell you that instead of trying to make one family out of all races, and instead of trying to make one world government over all people we should be strictly the strategy of Satanic design, against the great white nations of the western world. Against your culture, your civilization, and your background from whence you came. This white civilization is in great danger today only because of the attitude of leaders who have been seduced by a lie, and are seeking to spread the program of the world order, and have seduced people who are spreading this lie, and calling it the program of God. It is more important for you to be on the side of God, even though they call you a bigot as you stand for the Word of God than for you to accept the world order which is headed for destruction.

Why We Are Here

Why We Are Here

WE TURN THIS AFTERNOON TO THIS SUBJECT AS TO WHY WE ARE HERE. That may seem to be a strange subject, but those who are seeking to influence the minds of our youth and the college youth of our nation with the very objective, started a symposium a little over a year ago which has gone through a great number of Eastern Colleges. And they made it available to practically all of the students on the campus to participate in this symposium. And the physiologists and philosophers who were supposedly leading the staff, set this symposium into action both in New York and in Harvard University and other Eastern States. They said this is most essential for a proper foundation of philosophy and for social science and for an understanding of political philosophy. Thus they started this symposium as to ‘why we are here.’

Shortly after that several denominations of Christendom who had heard of this symposium, thought that they would add to this, the subject ‘Why we are here.’ And I heard about the content of the first symposium which was taught to bring about a social revolution which is being used today to rape your nation and your faith. I was equally disturbed by the fact that the churches had decided to put out a pamphlet to answer this ‘Why we were here.’ And then seemed to have such a little understanding of why they were here as well. In fact, while one was built with agnosticism, the other was built with the frustration of not knowing what it was all about anyhow. And it seemed to be the purpose of being here, was to keep everyone from being caught up in some terrible torture when they die. And that seems to be a rather silly objective anyhow. So one is almost as superstitiously sad as one was agnostically evil.

Races in Chaos

Races in Chaos

I AM GLAD TO BE ABLE TO WRITE THE FOREWORD FOR THIS BOOK, particularly as its aim is to provide a directive against the hazards encountered in the propagation of the doctrine of miscegenation.

In this book Mr. Finlay has dealt with a difficult and contentious theme, one in which there can be no compromise. He has blended as simply as possible the scriptural admonitions against the corruption of flesh with the considered opinions of men of science.

Mankind is ever searching for truth, for without this he has neither food for wisdom nor principle for conduct. It is obvious that light from a source other than that of man is imperative in this search, for the finite mind of man is unable, on his own, to arrive at the conclusion of fact. Scientific experimentation during the past fifty years has led to a greater understanding of much of the mysteries which surround the origin, nature and behaviour of homo sapiens. Scientific facts are established through continued and repeated testing of conclusions—but what has prompted and instigated the experiment?

No flame is kindled without a spark, and in science this, I believe, is the activity of God in revelation to man. Science is a word which grips the imagination and is surrounded with an aura of romance. In fact, science is a hard taskmaster, ever demanding corroboration of fact until truth emerges, proven and irrefutable.

Why The Nations of The World Cannot Disarm

Why The Nations of The World Cannot Disarm

TONIGHT WE ARE CONSIDERING WHY THIS DISARMAMENT PROGRAM WILL NOT TAKE PLACE AND WHAT CIRCUMSTANCES PRESENT EVIDENCE THAT THIS CANNOT HAPPEN. We are well aware that the most important source of information for today is the revealed word of God. We are also aware that all the word of God is not altogether found in the one book which we possess. But the word of God is in this Book. We have in these compiled volumes, the word of the Prophets. And these men were men like you and I, but specially selected by God. And unveiled to their consciousness were these purposes. With each revelation and with each demonstration of personal manifestation, their knowledge increased. And they were told these things as to what to write in these records. They participated in the panorama of history which effected your race and their experiences. The things which the prophets recorded were the voices and revelations and experiences which God gave them, as well as the pictures which He passed before their consciousness. And they recorded these things.

I have often been asked by Clergy who have apparently been effected by the pseudo-theology that is taught in many places of today and these Clergy say: ‘Dr. Swift, do you really believe that the prophecies of the scriptures are true? Don’t you just believe this is something someone wrote and people accepted them?’

They seem quite amazed when I tell them I believe the prophecies of the scriptures. They say: ‘But how can you believe with your study of archaeology and anthropology and these other factors of modern science, in the supernatural pattern of the prophets?’