Where Did the Twelve Apostles Go?

Where Did the Twelve Apostles Go?

When Paul preached the gospel at Rome, where was Peter? Why is the book of Acts strangely silent about the twelve apostles after their departure from Palestine? Here, revealed at last, is one of history’s best-kept secrets! WHY HAS the truth about the journeys of the twelve apostles been kept from public knowledge? You read plainly of Paul’s travels through Cyprus, Asia Minor, Greece, Italy. But the movements of the original twelve apostles are cloaked in mystery. Why?
Now It Can Be Told!
Did it ever seem strange to you that most of the New Testament, following the book of Acts, was written by Paul, and not by Peter? Did you ever wonder why, after Peter initiated the preaching of the gospel to the Gentiles at the house of Cornelius (Acts 10 and 11), he and others of the twelve apostles suddenly vanish from view? And why only Peter and John reappear, for a fleeting moment, in Jerusalem at the inspired conference recorded in Acts 15?
You read, after Acts 15, only of Paul’s ministry to the GENTILES. Why? What happened to the twelve apostles?

Your Personal Destiny

Your Personal Destiny

WE ARE TALKING THIS AFTERNOON ABOUT A SUBJECT WHICH IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TO EACH ONE OF YOU, AND THIS IS YOUR DESTINY. In the past we have talked about your National Destiny and about the nation’s of God’s Kingdom, and of course your Destiny is found within the Destiny of Nation’s and in the Destiny of people who constitute God’s Eternal Purpose. But it must also be considered from the standpoint of how it relates to you as individuals. Probably one of the greatest problems that we have today in Christianity and among the Churches of Christianity is the varying concepts that we have in its sects and of the various denominational divisions of Christendom.

The reason for the variant concept largely lies in the subject matter which they had, and of the understanding they possessed concerning the material which they used. Someone said: they used the Bible, they had the Holy Scriptures, how could they err in their concepts? Still we do find a great diverging view existing among the Churches as to the Destiny of Men, and the processes through which they might pass and what conditions would take place. There is a converging concept upon some great Truths, and it is still today that every great branch of the Christian Faith recognizes that Jesus is the Christ. But there are still distinctions even in this point as to whether he is one or three. Or whether God is made up of a multiple of people, or whether God is made up of ONE person.

Your Covenant with Death

Your Covenant with Death

AS YOU TURN TO THE BOOK OF ISAIAH, YOU WILL FIND THAT ISAIAH 28:15, SAYS ‘O YE SCORNFUL MEN, ye leaders of Israel, because ye have said we have made a covenant with death and with hell, you are in agreement when the overthrowing scourge shall pass through, and it shall not come unto you. Know ye then, ye scornful men, that I will destroy your covenant with death, and your agreement with hell shall not stand, and when the scourge shall pass through, they ye shall be trodden down.’

This, my friends, is a significant situation as we look back over our history in the past. For you and I are a part of the pattern of a great society, a great civilization, a great culture and a great Kingdom. We have watched the development of the program of God’s Kingdom from the days of the begatting of the Adamic race down to the fulfilment of this great nation of which you and I are a part. As we look back over these patterns of prophecy, we can recognize that our history is a fulfilment of Divine prophecy. For God has prophesied and declared the development of HIS society and HIS Kingdom.

And HE planted your race in the earth for the overthrowing of evil, of this there is no question. But in the course of this design, we have watched the fulfilment of Biblical patterns of history from Adam down to the establishment of the Kingdom at Mt. Sinai, and from that Kingdom into a great nation, and from that nation into its divisions and its migrations. And then in to a great nation and a company of nations as God has fulfilled these prophecies which HE has ordained. In all of this, HE promised that HIS Kingdom should emerge, a growing Kingdom, the mighty Kingdom which HE had ordained. We have watched this expansion of the House of God. We have watched the Westward migration and its occupation of Western Europe, and then its colonization to the ends of the earth as they developed Australia, South Africa, and came to this continent, and to other areas of the earth with their programs of civilization.

Uncle Joseph

Uncle Joseph

IN CHRIST IN BRITAIN WE ESTABLISHED THAT A MAN NAMED JOSEPH OF ARIMATHEA WAS THE VIRGIN MARY’S UNCLE. It was he, along with St. John who buried Jesus after the crucifixion. Joseph, in the tin trade, made a lot of trips to Britain, where being a rich merchant made close contact with British Royalty; namely Kings Beli, Lud, Llyr and Arviragus, who gave Joseph and his companions some 2000 acres of land, tax free. On these trips to Britain, Joseph took Jesus, as we showed through many geographical, historical and traditional references. The details of this study are taken mainly from “The Drama of the Lost Disciples”, by George F. Jowett. The four main topics of this page are God’s plan of Trusteeship, Joseph’s Company of disciples coming to Britain, the outflow of Missionaries from Glastonbury, and why England was chosen for the sanctuary of Christanity.Historians William of Malmesbury, Maelgwyn of Llandaff and Polydore Vergil all place Joseph of Arimathea at Glastonbury. Even the four Church councils of Pisa 1409, Constance 1417, Sienna 1424 and Basle 1434, mention that “the Churches of France and Spain must yield in points of antiquity and precedence to that of Britain as the latter Church was founded by Joseph of Arimathea immediately after the passion of Christ.”

Irish and Scottish Genealogy

Irish and Scottish Genealogy

MANY HAVE HEARD, AND ARE VERY FAMILIAR WITH, THE TERMS “IRISH” AND “SCOTTISH”, and really don’t know the difference between the two. The Irish and Scots are really the same people except they arrived in Britain two thousand years apart. The ancestors of the Irish arrived in Britain about 1600 B.C., while the Scots arrived about 501 A.D. It is simply amazing that two groups of the same people would wander through the earth and end up locating within a few miles from each other two thousand years later in Britain. Because there are two different groups of the same peoples concerned here, we will have to treat them separately even though they came from the same family. We will first investigate the background of the Irish.

The Irish are a very ancient people, and their history covers a large span of time. If we will take the time to do a little arithmetic, we will soon see we are talking about approximately 3,500 years or better. With the United States being 223 years old (1999), you can see the Irish history is about 18 times as old as we are. When one considers all the things that have happened since 1776, it is staggering to imagine what has happened to the Irish people over a period of 3,500 years.

The Sonnini Manuscript

The Sonnini Manuscript

THERE IS CONVINCING EVIDENCE FROM HIGHLY CREDIBLE SOURCES THAT BRITAIN RECEIVED THE GOOD NEWS OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD direct from Palestine within a few years of the Crucifixion. Some of the apostles — Paul in particular — visited Britain. The antiquity of the ancient British Church, never in any degree subordinate to Rome, has been established beyond doubt. The firm Glastonbury tradition that Joseph of Arimathea and his companions formed there the first Christian community in Britain is substantially supported.

The Sonnini Manuscript, translated from the Greek by C.S. Sonnini from an original manuscript found in the archives of Constantinople, was presented to him by the Sultan Abdoul Achmet.

Sonnini was travelling in the Middle East during the reign of Louis XVI — who held the French throne from 1774 to 1793. He published his travels, in French, between those two dates and after his discovery of the manuscript. The manuscript itself was translated into English and published sometime late in 1799 and was available — at the earliest — sometime around 1800.

The manuscript was found interleaved in a copy of Sonnini’s Travels in Turkey and Greece, and purchased at the sale of the library and effects of the late Right Hon. Sir John Newport, in Ireland, whose family arms are engraved on the cover of the book. This book had been in the possession of the family for more than thirty years — along with a copy of the firman of the Sultan of Turkey, granting to CS. Sonnini permission to travel in all parts of the Ottoman dominions.

You Before The World Was Framed

You Before The World Was Framed

WE NOW GO TO A SUBJECT, WHICH IS VERY IMPORTANT ONE WITH WHICH PEOPLE SHOULD BECOME MORE FAMILIAR, since it contains areas of tremendous interest to the Bible student; as it surely should, since it pertains to the household of the Most High God. We are now going to talk about you, you, before the foundations of the world, you, before the worlds were framed you, in the beginning. Strange as it may seem, there is one problem that has been besetting Christianity for some time, and this is, as they follow the passages and texts taught in individual denominations to support areas of doctrines of the faith, and have familiarized themselves within these areas, dealing with important events, such as events around the Messiahship of Christ and His atonement; here they have lost all concept of the great background of our history as it relates to us, before we entered into this world of experience.

Genghis Khan, The Mongols and Asia to 1300

Genghis Khan, The Mongols and Asia to 1300

THE KNIGHTS AT THEIR TOURNAMENTS, IN THEIR FINERY, ARMOUR AND EMBLEMS OF ANCESTRY, believed they were the foremost warriors in the world, while Mongol warriors thought otherwise. Mongol horses were small, but their riders were lightly clad and they moved with greater speed. These were hardy men who grew up on horses and hunting, making them better warriors than those who grew up in agricultural societies and cities. Their main weapon was the bow and arrow. And the Mongols of the early 1200’s were highly disciplined, superbly coordinated and brilliant in tactics.

The Mongols were illiterate, religiously shamanistic and sparsely populated, perhaps no more than around 700,000 in number, living in good-sized felt tents. They were herdsmen around an area called Karakorum. They had been moving across great distances on the grassy plains — steppe lands — north and east of China, frequently fighting wars over turf. Before 1200 they had been fragmented, with various tribes fighting one another — their divisions encouraged by neighbors such as the Ruzhen (Jin) of northern Manchuria, who wished to see the Mongols remain weak.

In the late 1100’s and early 1200’s a Mongol military leader named Temujin (Temüjin) was creating a confederation of tribes, Mongol and non-Mongol but which would be called Mongol. He was a good manager, collecting under him people of talent. And, when necessary, he warred. In 1202 his forces fought and defeated the Tatars to his immediate east. He had no hope of them, so he put the surviving men to the sword and distributed the women and children among other tribes.

A Game of Cards

A Game of Cards

THE FOLLOWING CURIOUS ARTICLE IS TAKEN FROM AN ENGLISH NEWSPAPER OF THE YEAR, 1773 and is called the “Perpetual Almanac of the Soldier’s Prayer Book”, by Risand Dane a private soldier belonging to the 42nd Regiment, who was taken before the mayor of Glasgow for playing cards during divine service.

Being sternly reprimanded for this act, the soldier explained as follows, beginning with the ace: “It reminds me there, is but one God. When 1 see the duce, it reminds me of the Father and son. When I see the three it reminds me of Father, Son and Holy Ghost. The four‑spot reminds me of the four evangelists: Matthew Mark, Luke and John. The Five reminds me of the five wise virgins who trimmed their lamps, there were ten, but five were foolish.

Ye That Have Killed For Gold

Ye That Have Killed For Gold

WE ARE GOING TO TALK TONIGHT ON THIS SUBJECT, THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE KILLED FOR GOLD. Turn to the 5th chapter of James, and it says, Go ye rich men and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.

Now; it does not say that all rich men are evil. God is talking now to the wicked rich men. “Ye have heaped up your treasures in the latter day.” And he is talking about now. Behold your fraud, you have taken from the labourer and it has reached the ears of the LORD of the Sabbath. You have been seeking after gold in this day of slaughter, Ye have condemned and killed the just, and they have not resisted you. And God has more to say but we will come back to that.

Now; He is talking about a certain people, he is talking about how they raised their fortunes and raised their power, in the days of war and they do this on the bodies of men. I want you to know that one of the strangest things that you have to deal within revelations is that Lucifer who is ‘son of the morning’, and overseer over one quarter of the Universe, who would not then accept the concept that God was going to have a family, sons and daughters, that would be greater than he was. Actually went so far into the areas of perversion that he turned from the truth and refused to accept the light. He thus became the most twisted person in the Universe. He who was a light, bright, shinning like the sun became so enamoured by material things, that he lusted after gold and after silver, and after jewels, and then he only had one tenth of the glory he used to have.