Your Personal Destiny

Your Personal Destiny

WE ARE TALKING THIS AFTERNOON ABOUT A SUBJECT WHICH IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TO EACH ONE OF YOU, AND THIS IS YOUR DESTINY. In the past we have talked about your National Destiny and about the nation’s of God’s Kingdom, and of course your Destiny is found within the Destiny of Nation’s and in the Destiny of people who constitute God’s Eternal Purpose. But it must also be considered from the standpoint of how it relates to you as individuals. Probably one of the greatest problems that we have today in Christianity and among the Churches of Christianity is the varying concepts that we have in its sects and of the various denominational divisions of Christendom.

The reason for the variant concept largely lies in the subject matter which they had, and of the understanding they possessed concerning the material which they used. Someone said: they used the Bible, they had the Holy Scriptures, how could they err in their concepts? Still we do find a great diverging view existing among the Churches as to the Destiny of Men, and the processes through which they might pass and what conditions would take place. There is a converging concept upon some great Truths, and it is still today that every great branch of the Christian Faith recognizes that Jesus is the Christ. But there are still distinctions even in this point as to whether he is one or three. Or whether God is made up of a multiple of people, or whether God is made up of ONE person.