Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 178

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 178

Bible Study – Genesis 2

IN GENESIS I., WE LEARNED THAT THERE WAS A GREAT FLOOD ALL OVER THE EARTH AND THAT THE “WORLD THAT WAS” UNDOUBTEDLY WAS DESTROYED BY WATER. Then a restoration of the earth occurred, and everything again restored, even people, both male and female were put back and then we see that everything restored once more looked good.

We also learned that the title “God” includes both YAHWEH and His household, the Elohim as this restoration was performed. Then there must have been a long, long period of time, and the Darkness of Satan and his household came into earth after being run out of the heavens, and we have to go to the real old books and traditions as well as the Bible to get a glimpse of the catastrophes which occurred as Satan used the Negroes in a mongrelisation program to try to set himself up as master of this world. Confined here in earth we see lots of catastrophes took place such as continents sank, and mountains rose, all this over 11,000 years ago where there is still no trace of Adam until much later.

The Bible does carry some of the story as to the oppressors plans and archaeology discloses what must have taken place, but as to how many thousands of years between the first chapter of Genesis, where we find that Moses was just giving us bare statistics, and the second chapter of Genesis we do not know.

Now; you realize just why we say the Bible is not just to be read, it is a library of books for study.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 177

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 177

Bible Study Genesis Chapter 11

Vs: 1 And the whole earth was on language, and of one speech.


Vs: 2 And it came to pass as they journeyed from the east that they found a plain in the land of Shinar, and they dwelt there. This plain of Shinar later became known as Babylonia.

Vs: 3 And they said one to another, “Go to, let us make brick and burn them thoroughly and they had brick for stone and slime had they for mortar.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 176

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 176

Bible Study Genesis Chapter 10

Vs: 1 Now these are the generations (family history) of the sons of Noah: Shem, Ham, and Japhet.

NOW; WE FIND THAT JAPHET IS LISTED LAST HERE, but then the genealogy of Japhet is first. And as you search the history books you find the names of the sons and grandson of Japhet, especially do you find the names of Magog, Gomer and Tubal.

The name Japhet means enlargement, and according to history and to the Swift ministry, at least some of the Japhet people in their migration after coming out of the high country back into northern India, went to the east, and for a long time they held to their racial cleanliness, but further down the line of their genealogy, after the demise of Japhet, this line began to mix with the Asiatics, and there you find those names, and as always this mixture then comes against Christianity. Read the books of Harold Lamb and you will find these names, as you also find in Ezekiel 38.

Before they lost their identity Gomer according to Herodotus would begin the lineage of those known in Assyria as Kimmerians, the forerunners of the Celts. Thus, this grandson of Japhet did not mix the race, but some of the lineage would go on eastward and eventually be absorbed while some would go westward.

The sons of Magog are not mentioned here as these must have been absorbed first, where as the sons of Madai and Tubal also were absorbed in the east, and no longer listed in the generations (family history of Adam Noal). The sons of Javan are listed and you find these names mostly in the west.

Noah and not doubt some of the children went on down the trail that other Adamites had taken, and Noah was living in Petra when Abraham and his mother came to live with Noah for protection.

Thus the sons and grandsons and daughters of each had a certain destiny to fulfil in this program of God, and no doubt it was carried out.

Verse 5, tells us that at least some of the children of Japhet’s son Javan, went south and west, and we find traces of them on the isles of the Mediterranean.

The sons of Ham were Cush, and Mezraim, and Phut and Canaan, and you remember than Cush begat Nimrod.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 175

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 175

Bible Study Genesis Chapter 9

NOW REMEMBER, UP UNTO NOW NOAH’S SONS AND THEIR WIVES HAD NO CHILDREN, so now they need to have children and replace some of the Adamic seed lost in earth in the beginning. The Ark remember was a symbol of the deliverance of Israel and Noah and family are also in this symbolism, as were all the Adamic race if they do not mix their race, but if this occurs then the Adamite is breaking the law, and punishment awaits, and the child is not an Adamite.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 174

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 174

Genesis Chapter 8 – Bible Study

Vs: 1 And God remembered Noah and every living thing, and all the cattle, that was with him in the Ark, and God made a WIND to pass over the earth, and the waters ceased:

NOW, GOD HERE IN HEBREW IS ALSO ELOHIM, because here every living thing is included and it was YAHWEH and his family who set in place this program to build HIS kingdom, in earth, and here to be destroyed in this place of beginning was all those and everything which was used to try to hinder this kingdom.

Vs: 2 ‘The fountains of the deep and the windows of heaven were stopped and the rain from heaven was restrained.’

Vs: 3 And the waters returned off the earth continually; and after the 150 days the waters were abated.’

Vs: 4 ‘And the Ark rested in the 7th month, and the 17th day of the month upon the mountains of Ararat.”

So, the Ark came to rest on a Sabbath, Seventh day, of the month, and the 17th day of the month upon the mountains of Ararat.’

Now; 7th day is Adams number, and Sabbath means Spiritual perfection, and the number 17 denotes a combination of Spirit and order, for this is the 7th, prime number. Other numbers like 25 and 27 and so forth, follow the laws of the smaller numbers, thus 24 would be 12 times 2, so 24 is just a higher form of 12.

Now; I should call your attention to this, there is always this fight between the Childred of Light and Childred of Darkness and they have their pattern of numbers and their meanings, and if 42 is the number of Anti-Christ in their numerology, then there is also the numerology of the Childred of Light and the higher numbers according to the Companion Bible, the higher numbers take on the meaning of the lower numbers as their most important feature.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 173

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 173

Bible Study Genesis Chapter 7

THE TIME CAME AT LAST, NOAH HAD PREACHED FOR THE 120 YEARS AS HE BUILT THE ARK, and had been laughed at, by the people in that area who could not see that their cup of iniquity was full, but just the same the time came and:
Verse 1: And YAHWEH said unto Noah, come all your household into the Ark, for thee I have seen righteous before me in this generation (family history).

Verse 2: “Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and the female, and of beasts that are not clean (not for food) take two, male and female (for reproduction).

The clean beasts for food, or for sacrifice when they come out of the Ark, and here you see the number 7 which means spiritual perfection, and Adam’s race number is 7.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 172

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 172

Bible Study Genesis Chapter 6

NOW, YOU ARE UP TO THE TIME OF NOAH’S DAY, and here in this chapter and history takes you back, and then forward and we read:

Vs: 1 And it came to pass, when men (Adamites) began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born to them.

Vs:2 Then the ‘sons of God’ saw the daughters of men (Adamites), and that they were, FAIR, and they took wives of all which they chose.

Here these are not Adamites called ‘sons of God’. In places they are called Angels, but remember, it is only by a Divine Specific Act that one can be called ‘sons of God’ such as what happened to the Adamic race.

Now; Angels are spirits and were created by God and there was some of those Angelic hosts who fell. Now; “And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved unto the judgment of the great day. ” (Jude 6) Now; they left their own habitation, or kept not their first estate, and the time of their fall is given as in the days of Noah.

“Which sometimes were disobedient, when once the long suffering of God waited in the days of Noah while the Ark was being prepared.”

These fallen Angels had taken bodies as did Lucifer and they were seizing the women in the high Tarim Basin and their offspring were giants. They were normal size as they took bodies but their genes were of their first habitation and their offspring were giants and they even became cannibals there in the High Tarum Basin.

These were not ‘sons of God’. They were Nephilim or fallen Angels who kept not their first estate. This was again a tactic put forward by Lucifer to try to stop this kingdom of God in its beginning. (Ap:25 and 23)

A little later on you will see these Nephilim again, for there were others also in the world, besides these in the Tarim Basin, and they would try always to stop the growth of the Kingdom of YAHWEH. They are to be found among the Cainanites, the rephaim and the Hittites and so forth.

Vs: 3 And the Lord said, “My spirit shall not always strive with these men who are now flesh, but their days shall be 120 years.”

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 171

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 171

Bible Study Genesis Chapter 5

Verse 1: THIS IS THE BOOK OF THE GENERATIONS OF Adam, In the day God created man in the likeness of God made he him.

Verse 2: Male and female created he them also, and blessed them and called their name Adam and Eve in the day that they were formed.

HERE WE FIND THAT THIS BIBLE THEN IS THE BOOK OF THE RACE OF ADAM. In the first four chapters of Genesis you have had the story of what you needed to know to understand this Bible. You have now had the two main opponents of this story, Lucifer as the old Serpent, the devil or Satan, and his family in their drive to stop the building in earth by this Adamic Race, the KINGDOM OF YAHWEH. We see how the Adamic family was picked up and set in place in the physical, cleansed and started on their path in their destiny. Always they would have to contend with Lucifer and his family and especially the children of the lineage of Cain. Thus you have here a listing of Cain’s posterity so that you would understand this.

The old books then pick up the story as the migration came out of that High area, and Chapter 5 is just an outline as to the lineage of Adam to bring you to Noah. Then on down to Abraham later, but remember these men also begat other children. Thus here were many more Adamites than those listed in the Bible.

Adam was the son of God (Luke 3:38) and although he fell and in the process he became totally physical, still he lived 930 years, but he was 130 years before everything was straightened out so that he became the father of a son whom he called Seth, and this son would inherit the spirit of YAHWEH AND BE ABLE TO PASS THAT SEED FORWARD THUS THE RACE COULD BE BUILT. We do not have to much record of the other children of Adam and Eve who were born, except that there had to be others between Cain and Seth, because Seth would have to be after the seventh gestation so that the womb was cleansed. Then after Seth there were others and daughters as well, for Seth would marry a sister to start the race forward. This would be allowed to start the race and perhaps other brothers would do the same, but now the race would be started and soon there were many Adamites, and cousins would also marry.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 170

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 170

Bible Study – Genesis 4

Vs:1 “Adam knew Eve his wife and she conceived and bare Cain and said I have gotten a man from the Lord.”


“Not as Cain who was of the wicked one, and slew his brother.”

In the old books then when Cain was born then Adam asked: ‘where did that one come from? And Eve answered: ‘I have gotten a man from the Lord.” She did not say Lord God, as it is written before. They have here in scripture used many names for YAHEH, first Lord, then Lord God, and other titles. Was this done to confuse? There were on the earth at that time, and still today, many men called Lord, for this is a title. Another thought, if Eve did not have a child from Satan, then she did not transgress, did she?

Vs:2 “And she again after bare his 1/2 brother Abel, and Abel was a keeper of the sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.”

Here in symbolism thus Abel would be of the sheep nation, and Cain would be of the World Order under Satan. Abel being from Adam and Eve would honour his father and mother, and they could teach him of his heritage, whereas they were symbolized of the great shepherd of the Star Bible.

He was a good child and obeyed his father and mother, but Cain was of a different nature. He was interested in the World Order now around them and he would not obey Adam and his mother Eve. It was necessary for the boys to bring an offering unto YAHWEH as they reached a certain age, this signified that they believed in the program of the Kingdom, and its fulfilment under YAHWEH.


Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 169

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 169

Genesis III – Bible Study

Vs:1 “The serpent was more subtle than any Beast of the field, that the LORD God had also made.

THE SERPENT IS A SYMBOL OF LUCIFER THE FALLEN ANGEL NOW KNOWN AS THE SERPENT, THE DEVIL, or Satan. The word ‘subtle’ means wise, and here also you find this phrase ‘Beast of the Field’. The field in symbolism is the World Order, and this Beast is referred to as a living creature or being. An example is called up to memory as in Revelation 4:6., where there are 4 beasts around the throne, and this is symbolism of the marching orders of the Children of Israel. Thus the ‘Beasts of the field’ and the field is the World (order), thus here is found this reference to some living creature, but someone also besides the Adamic Race, and the race from the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil.