Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 169

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 169

Genesis III – Bible Study

Vs:1 “The serpent was more subtle than any Beast of the field, that the LORD God had also made.

THE SERPENT IS A SYMBOL OF LUCIFER THE FALLEN ANGEL NOW KNOWN AS THE SERPENT, THE DEVIL, or Satan. The word ‘subtle’ means wise, and here also you find this phrase ‘Beast of the Field’. The field in symbolism is the World Order, and this Beast is referred to as a living creature or being. An example is called up to memory as in Revelation 4:6., where there are 4 beasts around the throne, and this is symbolism of the marching orders of the Children of Israel. Thus the ‘Beasts of the field’ and the field is the World (order), thus here is found this reference to some living creature, but someone also besides the Adamic Race, and the race from the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil.