Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 197

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 197

The Continuing Story Of The Covenant People – Leviticus – Deuteronomy

HERE ARE THE BOOKS FOR THE HEALTH LAWS AND THE NUMBERING OF THESE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL, so as to assume their marching formation and their style of life for their best health results. Leviticus is also the book relating to worship. And is only for those whom YAHWEH thus calls. For only those does HE seek to worship HIM. “Blessed is the man whom thou chooseth, and causes to approach unto thee, that he may dwell in thy courts.” (John 23-24 and Psalms 65:4). Here we are thus talking about worship just as the book of Exodus thus relates to redemption.

The Holy Spirit is not once named in the book of Leviticus whereas it is referred to in all the other books of the Pentateuch, because ALL relates to The Christ. And it is the spirit which works to Glorify Christ. (John 16:13-14) Thus YAHWEH begins here in the Old Testament with the burnt offering and ends with the Sin offering.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 196

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 196

Tracing The Covenant People From Joshua To Solomon

JOSHUA NOW STEPS FORTH AND PICKS UP THE LEADERSHIP MANTLE FROM MOSES, YAHWEH once more outlines this land He has given to Israel and it stretches “From the wilderness, and then Lebanon unto the Great River Euphrates, all the land of the Hittite’s, to the great sea, toward the going down of the sun. Thus these people are told: “Be strong, be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed, for the LORD thy God is with thee whether-so-ever thou goest.” (Josh. 1:1-9)

Nearly six centuries after the death of Abraham, these Covenant people now stand on the east bank of the Jordan River awaiting marching orders from a new commander. Israel’s national unity reached the highest peak in her history at that time. Under the leadership of the great Levi, Moses, Israel’s sons and daughters had been schooled in the observances and administration of God’s laws, both national and Ecclesiastical. Only the young, strong and courageous remained to cope with the arduous tasks of conquest and homesteading. Their spiritual understanding is revealed by their pledge of loyalty to Joshua as he took command and issued his first orders to the officers and to the people.

Under Joshua, the Israelites had what was called a military dictatorship. But oh, what a difference from today. In this case it meant guidance of National affairs in cooperation with YAHWEH for the benefit of all the people. As Joshua commanded, as YAHWEH TOLD HIM WHAT TO DO the people obeyed. And YAHWEH did wonders on this day as the Israelites crossed the Jordan River. The “Ark of the Covenant” went first into the river, and the waters ‘held up’ so that the “Ark of the Covenant” stood in the midst of the river while the Israelites crossed. The waters which came down from above, stood and rose up in one heap, a great way off at Adam, the city that is beside Zarethan. (Josh. 3:16)

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 195

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 195

What’s Next No. 5

FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO ASKED: ON DECEMBER 27, 1997, I took a detour and it was a long and bumpy road. Had not been feeling up to par for some time. Had been to the clinic and taken an antibiotic prescription, but some of the problems just did not go away, although it seemed to help a bit.

When Maurice came over that morning, he said, ‘Ella, are you all right?’ (He has built-in radar. Can’t hide anything from him). Then he called Jo Ann and talked to her about it. Then she called back and said my doctor was on call at the hospital that Saturday and that I should go see him. She made the necessary calls and we were on our way.

In the emergency room at Scott Co. Hospital, an exam was done. They did chest X-rays. The lung did not look good. Then Doc put a needle in my back on the left side and drew out about three quarts of fluid that had been in the sack around the lungs. He announced that the left lung had collapsed and soon I was in the back of the ambulance on oxygen, JoAnn was in front with the ambulance driver and Maurice was following in his pickup. We were on our way to Garden City St. Catherine Hospital where Dr. Miller awaited.

Things aren’t too clear to me from then on for the rest of the day. I was admitted to the hospital. But they tell me, they inserted a tube into my chest, then a small balloon through the tube and inflated that lung. Then they left the tube in, laying along side the lung and fastened a suction pump to that. The pump rested on a little table with wheels. It had two big bottles on the bottom shelf and I took the little green table on wheels wherever I went.

On January 18, 1998, the tube was finally removed and I started to see if I could get along on my own without the pump. I had another leak in the lung and delayed my coming home. But this healed quickly, and finally I am coming home.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 194

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 194

What Next – Part 4 – Revelation, Chapter 22

IN THIS LAST CHAPTER OF REVELATION, CHAPTER 22, then John is shown another view of this situation, and here he is shown a “Pure river of the Water of Life.” Here symbolically in other words this is the Living stream of people out of the spirit into physical earth, for a purpose. This involves Resurrected Life, and Eternal Life and as such is the gift of God. (Romans 6:23 and I John 5:12.)

Eternal Life is the gift from YAHWEH (God) through Jesus Christ (His embodiment. He that hath the son (embodiment) hath life. But He that hath not the son (embodiment) hath not life. “Thus he that hath not this one called ‘son’ because he came embodied out of his race, He that does not recognize this one Jesus the Christ, our saviour does not have Eternal life.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 193

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 193

What Next – Part 3 – Revelation, Chapter 21

HERE JOHN SEES A NEW HEAVEN AND A NEW EARTH FOR THE FIRST HEAVEN AND EARTH HAS PASSED AWAY AND NOW THERE IS NO SEA. (Division). Would you not say that this is telling you that this present world order ruled by Lucifer, which has trapped many of the children of the kingdom is now passed away? Now there is no division between the Kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of God here in earth. Now God’s people are under his protection. Their education here in earth is finished except for some hold outs who will soon realize what is being portrayed.

Now there is no limit on the capacity of this Kingdom to grow and advance here in earth as the children of God without this temptation of Lucifer’s kingdom to blind them. Now they can move forward in their destiny. Thus there is no limit for God’s Kingdom which now John understands is his race, the Adamites coming out of the heavens. And called the New Jerusalem, portrayed as a bride, adorned for her husband. This part of the story, is found in the Star Bible in the constellation of Andromeda.

This second verse is the key to unlock this chapter. For John now understands the program and plan of YAHWEH FOR THIS EARTH. How HE planned for the overthrow of Lucifer as well as your part in this great battle of purpose.

Thus now John can understand this symbolic city called New Jerusalem, which is this people of his race coming out of the heavens (spiritual realm) all of this time from Adam and Eve on down. No longer are you to long for old Jerusalem, that trouble spot of the ancient world and still the same in today’s world.

John is now seeing the end of this age, and he on mount Patmos was a long way back in history, but now he is seeing the unveiling of the people of God’s kingdom, who came out of the spirit realm into the physical for a definite purpose. Thus YAHWEH WHO IS OUR YAHSHUA would thus come and redeem his people of earth, and now at the end of the age remove the rule of this rebellious arch Angel.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 192

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 192

What Next – Part 2
Revelation, Chapter 20

IN THIS CHAPTER WE FIND THE STORY OF ONE MORE THING WHICH IS TO HAPPEN HERE AT THE END OF THE AGE. For here is this story of how Lucifer this rebellious Archangel who has been controlling earth for so long is now finally to be confined. As Great Babylon, his kingdom in earth falls then a Great Angel comes to earth with a great chain and Lucifer is changed up and put in the Bottomless pit (the netherworld. Lucifer will thus not cause any more damage in earth for a long, long time.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 191

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 191

What’s Next? (Part 1)

AS WE MOVE THROUGH NOVEMBER AND INTO DECEMBER YOU ASKED: WHAT’S NEXT? As always we must turn to the scriptures for the outline of events. We then remember that we have read: “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” The Apostle Paul then said: “Liberty is given unto us concerning this. Therefore stand fact in this liberty where Christ has made us free. Someone always says, but of course this is talking about transgression, things that are evil, and we are to be building a Brotherhood with all people, all nations, so that we can all go to heaven and not to hell.

We would suggest that we come down to earth and wake up, for did you ever know of any bondage that did not come through transgression, the violation of Divine law, or even national law? That is the way bondage comes. Thus when you are set free from sin, from this thinking wrong, then you will be free indeed. The Apostle Paul advised: “Be not confirmed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Thus you have to think free before we can live free.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 190

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 190

Exodus 2 – Where Did The Word Jew come From??

IN THE WRITINGS ON EXODUS, you have just read what even the concordance has to say about this word, Jew, which is so prevalent today. I would now like to back this up from an article pulled from my files. It is from an address by Ben Freedman many, many years ago as to the origin of this word and also as to the origin of the Khazars.

Ben Freeman, we are told by Dr. Swift, was not a Jew, although he had been raised by a distinguished Jewish family in New York City. Col. Doll, Chairman of Liberty Lobby, when introducing Ben Freedman as the speaker to this military group, told us that after marriage, Ben Freedman then moved over into the areas of Christianity. This took ‘guts’ to do. For then he was ostracized by many of his friends for believing that this country of the United States of America had objectives and ideals that did not appear in the minds of some of our alien citizens.

Ben Freedman was actually a Prussian in his true lineage. But like the Apostle Paul, he had a great education when young. For he thought that he was Jewish in all his young life. Thus we believe that he has a message for us of today as he did for these people he was speaking to many years ago.

Here is a summary of what he had to say: Ben Freedman

I am grateful to Col. Doll for the privilege of addressing you of this group. And if you will try to make a little use of this information I will give you, then maybe you can be helpful in saving these United States from the fate which has befallen Great Britain and also Czarist Russia, now the Soviet Union. I just returned from an extended trip in what is known as the Middle East. I am very friendly with the heads of government, the rulers who have known me from 25 to 30 years, who talk to me, and treat me as a brother. I stay with them in their homes, And we call each other by our first names.
Now what I am going to tell you may not make you fell any more comfortable, but the less comfortable you are after hearing me, the more chance you will exert whatever influence you can to save this country from a fate it does not deserve.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 189

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 189

Exodus 1 – The Book Of Redemption – Tracing The Covenant People

THERE WERE SEVENTY SOULS WHO CAME INTO EGYPT WITH JACOB-ISRAEL. And as you recall, Joseph was already in Egypt. These children of Israel in those years under the guidance of Joseph had been fruitful and increased abundantly and multiplied and waxed exceedingly mighty. And the land seemed to be filled with them. Remember it was a famine that brought them into Egypt, into the land where Joseph would be Prime Minister. You will remember that there were seven good years and seven lean years that produced this famine.

People have always been disturbed that Joseph took all the land for Pharaoh. And then after that asked the people to plant seed and he gave them the seed and then told them to give one-fifth to Pharaoh. But he had taken their land. But you must remember that this was a different type of operation at that time. On studying the situation, you find that Pharaoh was the sovereign over all Egypt. And if you go into that type of government, then you find that not only was it maintained as a sovereignty with nobody but Pharaoh or the Royal Household owning the property, but all Egyptians were considered their family. This was the king of Aristocracy that they had.

And Pharaoh alone could grant a Goshen unto the brethren of Joseph when they came into the land. So the entire Aristocracy was controlled by Pharaoh and his family. And around him were Priests who helped shape his decisions. But Joseph had no control over the existing structure of this government. He only worked under it and suggested the plan wherein the people would be taken care of in the years of famine. And in this situation, his own family would benefit. Therefore what happened to this Covenant people after the death of Joseph??

We are told in the scripture that there arose a new king (vs:8) who knew not Joseph. And from then on the status and fortune of the Israelites began to change. And they fell upon hard days of affliction; days of increasing bondage and persecution. As this bondage increased, we see that YAHWEH was raising up another leader to step into centre stage to lead the Covenant people out of bondage.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 188

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 188

Messiah (The Covenant People Story Continued)

AS WE TRACE THIS COVENANT PEOPLE, we come to this time when we read that a Saviour has been born. Why was this necessary, is the question sometimes asked?? Because these Covenant people here in the flesh, although they tried, and produced some great leaders, still our people could not walk and keep on the narrow path of the Old Covenant without stumbling and bringing on judgements.

After all, part of the program was for each generation to receive an education here in the flesh. This physical envelope is the container for the spirit to enter the physical world. Thus our people enter the physical world by the breaking of the water in the birth process. But the spirit which entered this physical body was not a baby spirit. No. It was a full grown spirit. And this spirit consciousness was with the Father before the world was framed.