Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 196

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 196

Tracing The Covenant People From Joshua To Solomon

JOSHUA NOW STEPS FORTH AND PICKS UP THE LEADERSHIP MANTLE FROM MOSES, YAHWEH once more outlines this land He has given to Israel and it stretches “From the wilderness, and then Lebanon unto the Great River Euphrates, all the land of the Hittite’s, to the great sea, toward the going down of the sun. Thus these people are told: “Be strong, be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed, for the LORD thy God is with thee whether-so-ever thou goest.” (Josh. 1:1-9)

Nearly six centuries after the death of Abraham, these Covenant people now stand on the east bank of the Jordan River awaiting marching orders from a new commander. Israel’s national unity reached the highest peak in her history at that time. Under the leadership of the great Levi, Moses, Israel’s sons and daughters had been schooled in the observances and administration of God’s laws, both national and Ecclesiastical. Only the young, strong and courageous remained to cope with the arduous tasks of conquest and homesteading. Their spiritual understanding is revealed by their pledge of loyalty to Joshua as he took command and issued his first orders to the officers and to the people.

Under Joshua, the Israelites had what was called a military dictatorship. But oh, what a difference from today. In this case it meant guidance of National affairs in cooperation with YAHWEH for the benefit of all the people. As Joshua commanded, as YAHWEH TOLD HIM WHAT TO DO the people obeyed. And YAHWEH did wonders on this day as the Israelites crossed the Jordan River. The “Ark of the Covenant” went first into the river, and the waters ‘held up’ so that the “Ark of the Covenant” stood in the midst of the river while the Israelites crossed. The waters which came down from above, stood and rose up in one heap, a great way off at Adam, the city that is beside Zarethan. (Josh. 3:16)