Hoskins Report Arab And Turk Invasions

Hoskins Report Arab And Turk Invasions

When the Vandals invaded Rome they discovered warehouses loaded with spices, silks, and expensive goods from the Far East.

Romans had only a vague idea of where these costly goods had come from. It was a trade secret. All they knew was that they had come from somewhere on the other side of the the deserts beyond the borders of the Roman Empire. Those who did know didn’t talk.

The thing that everyone understood was that a pound of pepper was worth a pound of gold. The spice trade delivered coveted goods, and bags and chests of gold and silver were returned in payment. Rome was drained of its gold and silver. Someone on the other side of the desert collected it. At the last, Rome had no gold and was forced to adopt the barter system. The spice merchants in the Far East owned the world’s supply of gold. That gold allowed the spice merchants to buy anything that gold will buy – priests, kings, armies – anything!

Hoskins Report The Storm & The Unforgivable Sin

Hoskins Report The Storm & The Unforgivable Sin

LONG AGO, IN THE DAYS WHEN CAMELS CARRIED THEIR PRECIOUS CARGOES OVER THE SPICE ROUTES – the spice- merchants divided the world among themselves[1]. Each spice-merchant then created franchises within his allotted territory and hired kings to manage them. Each franchised king raised his own personal banner to mark off “his country” from the franchise of another.

He built castles and garrisoned them with soldiers to keep and police what
he had been assigned. Each king had to guarantee that the merchant’s goods would be safely transported and delivered to their destination and that the slaves that came with the king’s franchise did their allotted work. Each king permitted to keep a percentage of the take as his income.

The job of king was “the good life” and so it had many applicants. Each applicant bid against other applicants, each making all sorts of concessions to get the job.

On occasion, the people of the land, tired of being slaves, listened to their ancient god and demanded rights that had been taken from them by the king and his spice-merchant employer. Such revolts were expected reoccurring events and so preparations had been made to deal with them.
“Trade-priests” were the first line of defence. It was their job to bless that which the gods cursed. They were paid to say that the king and his employer were right and the people were wrong. This blessing of the priests was meant to keep the slaves happy and less likely to object to their slavery[2].

Hoskins Report Trade Religions Sell Indulgences

Hoskins Report Trade Religions Sell Indulgences


All religions have two basic creeds.

Christianity has two basic creeds. The first is THE WORD – God’s Laws, statutes, and judgments. The second is “TRADE-CHRISTIANITY. “Trade-Christianity” sells Indulgences to permit merchants to violate God’s “Laws. Statutes, and Judgments”. sellers are called “Baal-priests” by the faithful[1].

Trade-Christianity” actively censors the 70% of the Bible dealing with government which might hinder the merchant paymaster and his trade. “Trade-priests” do what they are paid to do, and Christians despise them for it.

Trade Religion in Virginia

Before the Revolution, almost everyone in Virginia was Episcopalian – “Church of England.” The king was its head. He appointed bishops and they appointed ministers. There were Presbyterian and Baptist dissenters, but their lives were hard. Very hard. One of my grandfathers preached to his congregation from the barred window of the jail at Bowling Green. A grandmother who married a Baptist preacher was disinherited and her name stricken from the family Bible.

Dissenter Beliefs

Dissenters read the 70% of the Bible that deals with government and discovered that they were being deprived of specific basic rights promised them by their God. The king’s own Episcopalian priests said that only the king entitled to these rights. Dissenters quoted the Bible and insisted that Christ was their only king, that the King of England had stolen their “God-given rights” and made monopolies for himself – that taxes were wrong, and that black slavery was evil – that neither the Blacks nor the Indians should even be allowed in Virginia. The king’s church insisted that the king had the right to do as he liked.

Wednesday Night Bible Study 30 November 1966

Wednesday Night Bible Study 30 November 1966

QUESTION: Leviticus 18:21. Who is Molech?

ANSWER: He was a fallen Angel, a war god. But human sacrifices were poured out to Molech to keep him from bringing punishment, revenge, from Lucifer back upon the people. When they didn’t worship Lucifer then Molech would punish them, so with living sacrifices they would pacify Molech who would pass it on to Lucifer.

QUESTION: I was thinking. If people everywhere were to die, then why did early church people pray that people live until Christ came?

ANSWER: I am not sure that they did. In other words, as far as everyone dying, they have accepted this down through the years and they die. but I don’t know that they prayed this at any particular period of time. We at the end of the age might pray this as we would like to see Christ come at this hour. In fact, unless they are elderly people then most will make it anyhow. But as to the scriptural position there is no known necessity from the standpoint of condemnation of people dying since Christ raised from the dead. “As from one man came death, by another came Life.” But the pattern is that people accept death and then as they finally accept they pass on.

QUESTION: I remember reading years ago that no one passes on until they accept it.

Wednesday Night Bible Study 28 September 1966

Wednesday Night Bible Study 28 September 1966

QUESTION: Is there any Judah blood still left in the Jews?

ANSWER: In the first place Judah blood was not in the Jews. There is only three places in the Old Testament where the word ‘Jew’ is used. This is Yehudin and they were referred to, or they used this because they were referring to and calling people, as of Judah when they were actually the abomination of Satan. This was not done until the King James Version of the Bible. They never called Abraham a Jew before this, they were always called Israelites.

Now; a whore tried to trap Judah, and then later tried to bring that offspring back into Israel, years later. But this offspring if it had been Judah’s would have by this time been married back into his mother’s people several times and there would have been no Judah blood there.

Actually the scripture would tell you that this was a trick for there was no Judah blood in the Jews. The Jews of Jesus’ time were Canaanite’s and if they came from Cain by no stretch of the imagination would there be any Judah blood. When Jesus said: (John 8) ‘ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do, your father was a murderer from the beginning’. He was talking about Cain, who was the first murderer as it effected our race. Jesus said: ‘I am from above, you are from beneath.

Wednesday Night Bible Study 28 December 1966

Wednesday Night Bible Study 28 December 1966

We have a question that was sent in: Asking for the true mane of God.

The name of God is a personal, proper name, which is YAHWEH.. The word God is not a proper name, it is a title that has been bestowed on HIM, such as the title of King, or of Caesar. Now we find that after changes were made in the Scripture then Genesis 1:1 says: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Until the bible was translated into the Douay Version and the King James version, the true Scripture said: “In the beginning, Yahweh created the heavens and the earth.” So YAHWEH is the name of God and always has been.

It seems that when Jewry was trying to get a grip on the Priesthood in Jerusalem as they worked into that area at the time of the Maccabaen and Hycranus Priesthood they started to influence and change the scriptures to make them conform to the Talmud. Here at Jerusalem the Jewish Rabbi later said: “We must take the name of Yahweh out of the mouths of the people and we will put in the name of the Tetragrammaton, and thus they will not use the word Yahweh, instead they will use the name of Adoni or Elohim. ” Well Adoni means Lord and the word Elohim is another word for God, but is not HIS name. So here at Jerusalem they used the word El and the word Elohim, and then they passed a law at the Temple that said: the people could not use the name of Yahweh anymore, instead they must use the words, Adoni, and Elohim.

After this as time went on the name of Yahweh was taken out of the mouth of His people. Ever since that time the struggle has continued to come up with a name for God.

Wednesday Night Bible Study 27 April 1966

Wednesday Night Bible Study 27 April 1966

QUESTION: What is the 28th., chapter of Ezekiel talking about?

ANSWER: Lucifer.

“The word of the lord came again unto me saying, son of man say unto the Prince of Tyrus, thus saith the Lord God; because thine heart is lifted up and thou hast said: I am a God, I sit in the seat of God in the midst of the seas, yet thou art a man and not God, thou hast set thine heart as the heart of God, behold thou art wiser than Daniel, there is no secret that can be hid from me.”

These words come when Tyre is a very wicked city and the king of Tyre is Lucifer. In other words, Lucifer is here incarnate at this time. Now Lucifer can be incarnate in many ways, and he was embodied in various periods of time. Here he was as the King of Tyre, and so Ezekiel was told to say to Lucifer the above things, then also to say:-

“With thy great wisdom and with thine understanding thou hast gotten thee riches, and has gotten gold and silver into thy treasures, by the greatness of thy wisdom and thy traffic, thou hast increased thy riches and thine heart is lifted up because of thy riches.”

Wednesday Night Bible Study 26 May 1966

Wednesday Night Bible Study 26 May 1966

QUESTION: Do we have a time table for the sinking of Atlantis, and the relationship to the coming of the white race?

ANSWER: The facts are sort of turbulent because the Continents did not sink all at once. In the areas of Lucifer’s being driven out of the heavens, and the areas of his battling and mongrelisation and mutations that were taking place in the earth, this situation existed for many thousands of years. But the actual sinking of Lemuria took place approximately 14,000 to probably 38,000 years B.C. actually, and this is how long it took for Lemuria to all go down section by section from one catastrophe to another. Some of the Islands were left as the final sinking occurred about 11,000 years before The Christ. And 11,000 years is also about right for the sinking of Atlantis. But of course the white race did not come from Atlantis or Lemuria.

In fact the Tungus people, the original creation, when God placed them in earth as men and women, they were somewhat Asiatic, or shall we say an Asiatic type. The Tungus people migrated out of Asia, migrated across Europe and on to Atlantis and Lemuria. They were the original people of earth. But during the period of Lucifer’s rebelling and being driven into earth he brought with him the Negroes, so the Negro was not on earth originally but were brought in here when Lucifer came. And he used them to intermingle and mongrelise the people of earth. The resulting conditions created by this work of Lucifer, created a pattern that was not good.

Wednesday Night Bible Study 24 June 1966

Wednesday Night Bible Study 24 June 1966

QUESTION: I have read that all Semites are not Israelites. That Gad, Asher, Dan, and Naphtali, were from servant girls and were not true Israelites. They were of mixed blood. How would that be reckoned?

ANSWER: This is not necessarily true. There are true Israelites. In fact, the tribe of Gad were the Romans. They were of the Lombards. And their skin is as white as anyone. There were many blonds as well as dark eyed Lombards. And they exist throughout all Italy. They are not as dark as some Italians, for there is a fusion of blood. But the true tribe of Gad is very, very white.

The question of Asher, Well, Asher is Sweden. And I think you would have a hard time proving that Asher wasn’t pure white, pure Israel. Even though they are confused today in the areas of their thinking and their politics, because a tremendous area of Socialism moved in, a lot of pressure has been put on them as they are trying to mongrelize Sweden and have brought in Negroes from areas of the British Colonies on some kind of an exchange operation. The true Swede is more or less staying clear of this although some are falling. We have the motion picture industry most forward in mixing the races anyhow. And today Sammy Davis Jr. is married to a Swedish girl and he talks about a polka dot child. But these are the kind that should be eliminated from the United States. But as far as Asher is concerned, Asher is true Israel.

Now, Dan is true Israel. Dan is not mixed up as other races. Early Dan went out to sea in ships. Dan was a seafaring nation and they did a lot of exploring. Then went up the Danube and the Deniper which have Dan’s name, as well as a lot of other places. In fact, the landing spot of Dan was in Denmark, or Dan’s land. They knew they were Israel and they have always held to the pattern of their identity. Very few Danes don’t know that they are Israel. So you have a pure stock there.

Wednesday Night Bible Study 16 November 1966

Wednesday Night Bible Study 16 November 1966

QUESTION: What is the meaning of the serpent flying around the staff?

ANSWER: You mean the caduceus?

QUESTION: Well, the snake is supposed to be the symbol of the Jews, so why did the doctors choose it?

ANSWER: No, the Jews did not have anything to do with the doctors choosing that symbol. Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness when the people were murmuring. But the people of Israel were not Jews. None of these in the wilderness were Jews except a few who came out of Egypt, the mixed multitude. But the Jews were never Israelites. So Moses was told to make a brass serpent and put it on a pole and those who saw it would be healed. This is its start. The medical profession has two serpents with wings wound around the pole, the wings on top. This winged serpent was a sign of the medical profession and it came from the sign of Moses and the serpent on the pole. The medical profession then just designed these two serpents for a sign of their profession. Yes, the Jews are in the medical profession, the medical association. The Jews control it. The Fishbines ran it for instance, but I understand today that a Jew does not head it anymore. And there has been a lot of kickback on the Fishbines. But the Jews had nothing to do with the selection of this sign.