Wednesday Night Bible Study 8th February 1967

Wednesday Night Bible Study 8th February 1967

QUESTION: When Paul was sent unto the Gentiles, were they Israelites who had been scattered or real Gentiles, or were they scattered Israelites called Gentiles?

ANSWER: Well, generally speaking all through the New Testament the Ethene translated gentiles were Israelites. The Apostle Paul was sent to the nations who were of the house of Israel and to the church. Sometimes he is ministering to the church and sometimes to the people who were the Lost sheep of Israel. Of course he knew they were in Britain. Who talks about one God who is the Father of us all. He talks to them about being of Israel. And he does not talk to them as he does to the heathen. So very little of Paul’s missionary activities were to people not of the heathen. So very little of Paul’s missionary activities were to people non-White, non-Israel. So it was to Israel or the White race of people he went.

Wednesday Night Bible Study 6th September 1967

Wednesday Night Bible Study 6th September 1967

QUESTION: I have heard that Jehovah is not the right name for God. Do you know why?

ANSWER: Yes, we know why. Jehovah is a name put together by Ecclesiastical teachers in 1030 A.D. The name of Yahweh is the only name of God and used way back in the days when Moses was writing the Pentateuch. In the days of the writing of the Book of Job almost 5000 B.C., the name was Yahweh. The time of Adam is 5400 B.C., for the year out of the Garden and up to the time of 1967 we are still on approximately the right date. There is not a years discrepancy in the present calendar plus or minus the four years and in all these things. So we are still less than one year out in our time. There may be shifts of calendars a matter of three months at the outside chance. The areas of Chronology will establish that Adam was 5400 years before Christ. The Alexandrian text was one of the most accurate of texts.

In the Scofield Bible he has so many footnotes that are rather interesting. But when he deals with chronology here in his concordance he tells you of this discrepancy for the time of Adam. He tells you that Usshurs Chronology of 4004 years is very much used because of its convenience but the most accurate chronology is the Alexandrian text and it has 5300+ years for Adam when he was driven out of the Garden of Eden, the other one listed here has 5400 B.C. years for Adam.

Wednesday Night Bible Study 6th April 1967

Wednesday Night Bible Study 6th April 1967

QUESTION: I thought Jeremiah was supposed to be St. Patrick but I see in one periodical that Patrick claimed that pirates seized young men on the west coast of Ireland, and sold them as slaves, and that he was one of them, and he died in England at the little Wattle church?

ANSWER: This is all a fallacy, the one known as Allah Follo was also St. Patrick, and Jeremiah, and is buried in Ireland, this is known as the burial place of St. Patrick, who was Jeremiah. The tradition says that he drove all the snakes out of Ireland. Jewry tried to get into that portion of Ireland where Black Irish are supposed to be, and Jeremiah drove all the Jews out of that area. They were called Black Irish because of their dress, and their hatred of the Jews. But Jeremiah drove all the snakes out of that area. Jeremiah and St. Patrick are one and the same not withstanding these stories which paint a picture of pirates that you mentioned.

QUESTION: Genesis 7:21; says all flesh died and from Noah and his three sons was all the whole earth repopulated, how do you explain that?

ANSWER: But it does not say that, “All flesh died that moved upon the earth both of fowl, and of cattle, and of every creeping thing which crept upon the earth.” This is all flesh that dwelt in that country, the word is, Eret, in Hebrew this means all that place or that area. But the flood of Noah’s time did not cover all the whole earth.

Wednesday Night Bible Study 5th July 1967

Wednesday Night Bible Study 5th July 1967

QUESTION: Will Russia ever take over our country?

ANSWER: No. She will never take over our country but she will attack because in Ezekiel it says ‘they will arise and come like a cloud.’ They will come by air and by sea, and by land and some will land here because there is the scripture that says they will be destroyed on the land of Israel as they come. It speaks of bodies by the thousands, taking seven months and seven years to bury and destroy the equipment after the attack. But God speaks out here in the Book of Ezekiel as to the strategy of the Soviet Union and things involved in it.

He says: ‘I will make my holy name known in the midst of my people Israel, and no more will I let them pollute my name anymore. Everyone will know that I am the Holy one of Israel.’ This will be His destruction, and when His destruction descends on them then they will be totally defeated. And those who dwell in Israel will go forth and burn their weapons, and their shields that they drop. They will be seven months burning these weapons. This is the Soviet Because He says: ‘I am against thee of God of the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal.’ Of course this is that land, He said you will come with all types of weapons and along with them comes Persia and Ethiopia and Libya.


Wednesday Night Bible Study 4th October 1967

Wednesday Night Bible Study 4th October 1967

QUESTION: (from the tape audience) If Seth is the first pure seed child from Adam and Eve, after Eve was seduced by Lucifer, then where did the pure white woman come from for a wife for Seth?

ANSWER: Seth was the seventh born to Adam and Eve after Cain. When Cain was born, Adam said: where did this one come from? And Eve answered: from the lord, (the name was Baalie, or Lucifer deified.) Thus Cain was the son of the ‘wicked’ or Evil one. This is confirmed in the Epistles of John and again confirms the Old Testament. Under the pattern of law, it took seven gestations to eradicate the evil from the womb. Children born to Adam and Eve in this time were not perfect enough for the building of the Kingdom.

Thus this cleansing of the womb took place and Seth was the seventh child after Cain. And now Adam said: ’I have begotten a man in my own image, and in my own likeness.’ And this was then, Seth. And then the genealogy of Seth is given. And also the genealogy of Cain. But the Enoch of Cain, is not the son of the Adamic line descended from Seth who was a great wise man of God. None of the generations from Cain were good. They were all evil men. Cain knew his wife who was from the Akkad people east of Eden.

Wednesday Night Bible Study 4th January 1967

Wednesday Night Bible Study 4th January 1967

QUESTION: How do we know that the dimension of spirit consists of Light, and what do we, or what relationship does this have with anything?

ANSWER: This may seem an unusual question but lets turn to the Book of John. It says, in the beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was with God, and the WORD was God. The same was in the beginning with God. This is of course the concept of all of God’s thinking. The clarification of the thinking of His mind and so forth, and the essence of His Spirit; “All things were made by Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made.”, referring to the embodiment of the man Christ Jesus. “In Him was Light, and the Light shineth in men, the Light shineth in darkness and darkness comprehended it not.

Now; there was a man sent from God to bear witness of the Light. That all men might see. John was not that Light but was sent to bear witness to the Light. That was the true Light which lighteth every man who came into the world. “He was in the world, and the world made by Him knew Him not.” Now actually as far as Light is concerned it is, in it’s wave length it is as much a part of a plane of Light in the patterns of dimensions as the physical wave length of the atomic world.

Wednesday Night Bible Study 1 February 1967

Wednesday Night Bible Study 1 February 1967

QUESTION: Do we have any evidence that the Adamic Race are Aryan?

ANSWER: This is a unique question. But it is fundamental. Aryan was the name which showed up in ancient Persia, in ancient India and everywhere the White Race went. Wherever they migrated, as they came out of the high Steppes, or the mountains where Eden existed in Central Asia, there also we find this name of Aryan. The four rivers out of the Garden are not to be identified with later rivers of the same name, because those four rivers came out of ancient Eden. When the Adamites came out of that area they were called Manu and Aryan. And these words meant that they were sons of YAH (Genesis 4:26). YAH was also one of the oldest words we have in language anywhere for GOD. The word YAHWEH was the name of GOD in the ancient Coptic Hebrew and Aramaic.

We know that Aryan was a name for the White Race in its earliest history and of course they continued to be Aryans. The White Persians were Aryans. The Germans referred to themselves as Aryans way back in the earliest formation of their tribal life. The Anglo-Saxons called themselves Aryans.

Many Russians Hoped That Hitler Would Free Them from Stalin

Many Russians Hoped That Hitler Would Free Them from Stalin

TO PUT IT BRIEFLY: ETHNIC RUSSIANS WERE MUCH LESS LOYAL TO THE SOVIET REGIME in their encounters with the German occupiers than historians have believed up to now. This is the story told by UiO researcher Johannes Due Enstad, who has recently published a book about the German occupation of Northwest Russia during World War 2.

Orthodox cross procession in Northwest Russia, 1942. That the Germans opened the churches closed by the Bolshevik was well received by a religious peasantry. Source: The Russian state archive for film and photo documentation, 3/261/5.

After World War II the Soviet Union created a grandiose history of how all the inhabitants of the Soviet Union were loyal to the regime and formed a common front against the Germans in the “Great Patriotic War”.

It has been common knowledge for a long time that this is an untrue story, because many Baltic and Ukrainian people despised the Bolshevik regime. At the same time, western historians have largely agreed that the ethnic Russians were loyal to the Stalin regime when the Germans invaded the Soviet Union in 1941.

According to Enstad, who is a post-doc at the Department of Literature, Area Studies and European Languages at the University of Oslo, it is time to crack this myth apart. In a book recently published by the academic publishers Cambridge University Press, he addresses which side the people of Northwest Russia chose during the German occupation.

A Phone Call to Poison Control

A Phone Call to Poison Control

I GATHERED ALL VACCINE INGREDIENTS INTO A LIST and contacted Poison Control. After intros and such, and asking to speak with someone tenured and knowledgeable, this is the gist of that conversation.

Me: My question to you is how are these ingredients categorized? As benign or poison? (I ran a few ingredients, formaldehyde, Tween 80, mercury, aluminium, phenoxyethanol, sorbitol, etc.)

He: Well, that’s quite a list —But I’d have to easily say that they’re all toxic to humans —Used in fertilizers —Pesticides —To stop the heart–- To preserve a dead body–- They’re registered with us in different categories, but pretty much poisons. Why?

Me: If I were deliberately to feed or inject my child with these ingredients often, as a schedule, obviously I’d put my daughter in harm’s way —But what would legally happen to me?


Hoskins Report Nine Million Germans

Hoskins Report Nine Million Germans

HOW THE ALLIES SOUGHT TO EXTERMINATE THE GERMAN PEOPLE AFTER WWII. A review of Crimes and Mercies: The Fate of German Civilians Under Allied Occupation. 1944-1950. By James Bacque. [London, England: Little Brown & Co, 1997] Reviewed by Michael A. Hoffman II and printed with permission[1].

ED NOTE: This book has already been taken out of print. The Establishment’s media will not discuss the subject. Remember, these are our brothers and sisters who were exterminated without reason while held defenceless. The WORD does not allow this.

This courageous history is the latest in a string of valuable revisionist counter-intelligence books such as Alfred de Zayas’ A Terrible Revenge John Sack’s An Eye for an Eye and Hugo Rasmus’ Schattenjahre in Potulitz, which detail the Allied Holocaust which resulted in millions of German deaths after the conclusion of the Second World War.

6 Million Jews?
What About 9 Million Germans?

This was worse than any ‘holocaust’ allegedly caused by the National Socialists in wartime, for this was post-war genocide after total surrender, against a completely prostrate people.