Who Are the Québécois?

Who Are the Québécois?

ON OCTOBER 30, 1995, THE PEOPLE OF THE PROVINCE OF QUEBEC, CANADA, voted in a province-wide referendum. Its purpose was to determine the political destiny of Quebec vis-à-vis the rest of Canada. A “yes” vote would have meant that Quebec would become an independent sovereign state. As it happened, 50.6% of those voting chose to remain with Canada, only 1.2% more than those voting for independence — a difference of less than 50,000 votes out of an eligible 4.8 million . Yet the sovereignty referendum, the second in Quebec’s history, was only one example of the political tensions that have existed between Quebec and the rest of Canada for decades. Another vote in the “neverendum” process is likely.

Who are these passionate people, the Québécois (Quebecers) whose leaders clamour for a sovereign state—who demand to be maîtres chez nous (“masters in our own house”) free of Canadian control? What is their ethnic or racial origin and their place in world history? To answer that their ancestors “came from France” is not sufficient. This work will reveal the origins of the francophone (native French-speaking) people known as the Québécois. Evidence will be adduced from secular and Biblical history that points to a surprising ancestry for these people. Speculation will also be offered as to their future, in light of their origins and history. First, however, a brief review is necessary, especially for non-Canadians reading this work, of their more accessible past.

The Hebrew-Celtic Connection a Missing Link in Fulfilled Prophecy

The Hebrew-Celtic Connection a Missing Link in Fulfilled Prophecy

IN THE 8TH CENTURY, B.C., THE ASSYRIAN EMPIRE WAS AT ITS PEAK, and its armies threatened the nations on the eastern Mediterranean seaboard, including Israel. The Assyrians were a brutal, fearsome people, the most terrible, perhaps, in all the earth’s history. Conquered lands were literally plundered of everything of value – even people, who were taken to slavery in foreign lands. The wall murals of the Assyrians, some of which now bedeck the British Museum in London, depict scenes of horrible savagery and torture. Men were sometimes skinned alive, or impaled on poles to slowly die outside the gates of a city.

Earned archaeologist, Sir Austen Henry Layard, rediscovered and unearthed the ancient Assyrian cities, and graphically described the scenes on the wall murals he found: “Captives… were stretched naked at full length on the ground, and whilst their limbs were held apart by pegs and cords they were being flayed alive. Beneath them were other unfortunate victims undergoing abominable punishments. The brains of one were apparently being beaten out with an iron mace, whilst an officer held him by the beard. A torturer was wrenching the tongue out of the mouth of a second wretch who had been pinioned to the ground. The bleeding heads of the slain were tied round the necks of the living who seemed reserved for still more barbarous tortures.” (“Discoveries In The Ruins Of Assyria And Babylon,” p. 456)

John Tyndall – A Tribute

John Tyndall – A Tribute

JOHN TYNDALL – FOUNDER OF THE BRITISH NATIONAL PARTY, editor of Spearhead and chairman of the National Front during its most successful era – died on July 19th a few days after his 71st birthday. His shockingly premature death leaves the racial nationalist movement reeling at the loss of its most astute and courageous leader.

There could never be a good time to endure such a loss, but it seems particularly tragic that we have lost JT precisely at the moment when the ideas to which he devoted his life have been most thoroughly vindicated, while the party he created remains in crisis.

Born in Exeter on July 14th 1934, John Tyndall spent his childhood in the London area and was educated at Beckenham & Penge Grammar School. Devoting his earliest years to sport, he had trials as a fast bowler with Kent County Cricket Club before national service in Germany with the Royal Horse Artillery.

The Tyndall family was descended from William Tyndale, the pioneer translator of the Bible into English, who was a persistent irritant to the political authorities of his time and was burned at the stake in 1536. A more recent ancestor was JT’s namesake and great-great-uncle Professor John Tyndall, one of Britain’s greatest scientists.

The Rape of Justice

The Rape of Justice


In my travels throughout the United States, I have found that the first complaint of our citizens is the sorry state of our legal system. They do not complain that the laws themselves are onerous, but rather that their administration is almost universally unfair and unjustified. I have even heard farmers arguing with each other at their markets, each protesting with inverted pride that “Our county has the crookedest lawyers and judges in this state,” only to be met with the fervent response from a farmer representing another county, “Oh, no, our lawyers and judges are a lot crookeder than the ones in your county!”

Americans recognize that we must have laws, and that we must abide by them, otherwise life would become intolerable. The problem is that law-abiding citizens are usually greeted in our courts with disbelief that anyone still obeys the laws in this nation, and two, that a legal system which is operated by and for criminals has no greater enemy than the law-abiding citizen.

The first purpose of law has always been “Salus Populi,” the safety of the people. I write this in a building which has five locks on every door. Twenty-five years ago, the doors were never locked. We hardly knew where the key to the front door was kept. With hundreds of other citizens in Washington during its tropical summers, I went to a nearby park to sleep in the era before air conditioning. Today, no one in his right mind would close his eyes in a Washington park, either by day or by night. It is rightfully known as the “murder capital of the world,” rather than as the capital city of the United States of America.

This situation has been created, not by the negligence of the police, who are working harder than ever, but by the legal system, which abruptly denied the previous basis of our legal system, “Salus Populi,” in 1933, with the advent of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who adopted the Marxist concept that the legal system was being used unfairly to defend property. Because of the Communist decree that all property was now the property of the state, the legal system need no longer defend crimes against personal property. This was soon extended to crimes against persons. The doctrine of compulsory equality meant that no citizen was entitled to wear a gold watch or to live in a large home.

Other citizens who wished to deprive them of their excess property, even at the cost of their lives, were looked upon with approval by the legal system. If they injured or killed too many citizens in their exuberance, they might be confined for a short time, but they were soon released to continue the Marxist campaign of “levelling,” that is, of reducing all citizens to a common level of fear and despair. This goal was first achieved in the Soviet Union, when Wall Street bankers financed the “noble experiment in compulsory equality.” Soviet Russia was reduced to a giant concentration camp, a Gulag in which tomorrow might be worse than today, but it would surely be no better. The United States has travelled that same road with remarkable speed, constantly accelerating the techniques which force our citizens to new levels of personal depth and degradation.


The Remnant of Judah Revealed in Germany

The Remnant of Judah Revealed in Germany


“Behold, the eyes of the Lord God are upon the sinful kingdom, and I will destroy it from off the face of the earth; saving that I will not utterly destroy the house of Jacob, saith the LORD. For, lo, I will command, and I will sift the house of Israel among all nations, like as corn is sifted in a sieve, yet shall not the least grain fall upon the earth.”

This subject is unusual in our circles regarding the kingdom message. I have entitled this message “The Remnant of Judah revealed in Germany”. I did a study a few weeks ago on the union of the two crowns, explaining how James VI of Scotland became James I of England. That, coupled with my recent visit to Hanover, raised the subject that has always been of interest to me.

However, it is a controversial subject in Kingdom circles. It is the question of a remnant of Judah being found in Germany.

Remember what the Scripture says. God said He would sift the House of Israel as grain is sifted in a sieve, yet He would not let those grains be lost. We know that the bulk of the grain was gathered into the appointed place, but we know that, as the exiled Israelites migrated across Europe, grains were left here and there and we should not be blind to that.

Satan Prince of This World

Satan Prince of This World

WHEN THE AUTHOR OF THIS BOOK. COMMANDER W. J. G. CARR DIED ON OCTOBER 2, 1959, he left this book in manuscript form along with many scribbled notes, reference books, half formulated thoughts, etc. His last wish was that the book be finished and published in order that all men might know of the plot which exists to wipe out every trace of decency in the world and all civilizations as we know them now.

Such a task is manifestly beyond ordinary means. I, his oldest son, have been asked to try and edit, revise and correct the manuscript as best possible before publication. This I have done to the best of my limited ability. I have not added anything to the original draft or changed anything except where requested to do so in marginal notes in my father’s own handwriting.

I found the work frustrating because it was far beyond the scope of my ability. At the same time, I found it extremely interesting and rewarding as I tried to sort out the thoughts and ideas of a man who died almost seven years ago.

At some points in the manuscript I found notes such as: “Check the accuracy of such and such a point” or “dig out more information on such and such a person”. On each occasion, 1 deleted the point queried completely, for it was always my father’s strong belief that nothing should ever be written until completely proved out in the light of existing knowledge. Since I do not have the necessary sense of values to decide what information should or should not be used in such cases, I felt safest by leaving the information out completely.

Pawns in The Game

Pawns in The Game

IT WAS ONE OF THE MOST WELL-KNOWN “SECRETS” OF THE BRITISH OLIGARCHY, that the model for the British Empire was Venice. Benjamin Disraeli, the late-nineteenth-century prime minister of England, let the cat out of the bag in his novel Coningsby when he wrote, “The great object of Whig leaders in England from the first movement under Hampden to the last most successful one in 1688, was to establish in England a high aristocratic republic on the model of the Venetian–-William the Third told–––Whig leaders, ‘I will not be a doge.’— They brought in a new family on their own terms. George I was a doge; George II was a doge––George III tried not to be a doge–- He might try to get rid of the Whig Magnificoes, but he could not rid himself of the Venetian constitution.” The well-known secret of all the Whig insiders was that the Venetian takeover of England was a 200-year project beginning with the break of Henry VIII with Rome and concluding in 1714, with the accession to the throne of George I.

Mother Shipton’s Prophecies

Mother Shipton’s Prophecies

This rare collection of Mother Shipton’s prophecies was sent to us by a NEXUS reader who told us that, thirty years ago, she painstakingly transcribed them and managed to smuggle them out of the Mitchell Library, Sydney (now the State Library of New South Wales).

The originals were kept in a locked room, along with many other volumes of prophetic writings deemed unsuitable for viewing by the general public.

To our knowledge, this particular translation has never been made available to the public before appearing in NEXUS Magazine. While NEXUS published these transcriptions in an earlier issue (Vol.2, #3), we thought them worthy of repeating for the benefit of our newer readers, particularly in light of recent world events.

Mother Shipton reputedly was born Ursula Sontheil in 1488 in Norfolk, England, and died in 1561.

She exhibited prophetic and psychic abilities from an early age. At 24, married to Toby Shipton, she eventually became known as Mother Shipton. Many of her visions came true within her own lifetime and in subsequent centuries.

These rare verses from Mother Shipton seem to have prophetic indications for our times, but of course are open to interpretation.

And now a word, in uncouth rhyme
Of what shall be in future time
Then upside down the world shall be
And gold found at the root of tree
All England’s sons that plough the land
Shall oft be seen with Book in hand

The Venetian Takeover of England A 200-year Project

The Venetian Takeover of England A 200-year Project

IT WAS ONE OF THE MOST WELL-KNOWN “SECRETS” OF THE BRITISH OLIGARCHY, that the model for the British Empire was Venice. Benjamin Disraeli, the late-nineteenth-century prime minister of England, let the cat out of the bag in his novel Coningsby when he wrote, “The great object of Whig leaders in England from the first movement under Hampden to the last most successful one in 1688, was to establish in England a high aristocratic republic on the model of the Venetian–-William the Third told–––Whig leaders, ‘I will not be a doge.’— They brought in a new family on their own terms. George I was a doge; George II was a doge––George III tried not to be a doge–- He might try to get rid of the Whig Magnificoes, but he could not rid himself of the Venetian constitution.” The well-known secret of all the Whig insiders was that the Venetian takeover of England was a 200-year project beginning with the break of Henry VIII with Rome and concluding in 1714, with the accession to the throne of George I.

The Comet of 562 AD and The Arthurian Wasteland

The Comet of 562 AD and The Arthurian Wasteland

The following quote is taken from the Brut Tysillo, the most ancient surviving written history of the British Isles and clearly refers to a comet of “enormous size” striking Britain and Ireland.

“And then a Star of enormous size appeared to Ythyr, having a single shaft, and at the head of the shaft a ball of fire in shape of a dragon, and from the dragon’s jaws, two beams went upward, the one beam reaching towards the farthest parts of Ffraink and the other beam towards Iwerddon, which split into seven smaller beams. And Ythr and all who saw this spectacle feared, and they asked the wise men what it might mean. And then Merddin wept and said, “O nation of the Bryttaniait! now are ye bereft of Emrys Wledic, a loss that cannot be replaced.” Brut Tysillo, aka the “Ystorya Brenhined y Brytanyeit” Jesus MS. LXI.

Incredible though it may seem to many historians, archaeological evidence of the vitrification of several ancient hill forts and stone structures of these islands gives compelling authority to the contention that Britain and Ireland were devastated by this comet in the year 562 AD.

At the time it entered the Earth’s atmosphere and wiped out the majority of a British population that was purportedly in excess of ten million, many of the estimated two million who survived were forced to seek refuge in Brittany and other parts of what was known as the Cambrian or Khumeric Empire.

So devastated was their homeland by the fireball, that must have scorched the Earth at temperatures in excess of 10,000 centigrade, before causing the boiling sea to cover the land.

This was followed by a fatally toxic fall-out in the air, that rendered the previously bountiful western islands uninhabitable for between 7 and 11 years.