The History of That Holy Disciple Joseph of Arimathea

The History of That Holy Disciple Joseph of Arimathea

This pamphlet is a facsimile of a tract published and printed by Hewitts of Glastonbury, and given by one Mary Whitehead of Meare to her niece Sarah Ann Whitehead, in 1871

Wherein is contained, The true Account of his Birth, his Parents his Country, his Education,, his Piety; and how he begged of PONTIUS PILATE the Body of Our Blessed Saviour, after his Crucifixion, which he buried in a new Sepulchre of his own.

Also the Occasion of his Coming to ENGLAND, Where he first preached the Gospel at Glastonbury in Somersetshire; and where is still growing that noted White-Thorn, which buds and blossoms every Christmas on the Place where he pitched his staff in the ground.

With a full Relation of his Death and Burial

The Celtic Memory

The Celtic Memory

Wayne Lawrence


THIS OVERVIEW OF THE GAELIC CELTS WILL BE OF INTEREST NOT ONLY TO PEOPLE OF IRISH AND SCOTTISH DESCENT, but also to anyone with ancestral ties to the `British Isles’. A geographical name which appropriately reflects on a bygone era of Celtic domination when England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland were populated by Britons (Brythonic speaking Celts).

The Gaelic speaking Celts (the Gaels) the last to migrate to the British Isles, went directly to Ireland from the Continent (perhaps from France & Spain) in the first century BC. Their language became the `lingua franca’ of the Irish, and their descendants in Scotland, hence the name Gaelic Celts. Their history encourages nostalgia and their culture deserves acclaim and envy. Nevertheless, the realities of history must be recorded with impartiality.

A perusal of the contents will alert the reader to historical facts which have been omitted or minimised by most popular historians. We believe the reader will acknowledge these pertinent facts which explain the misfortunes and ultimate decline of the Gaelic Celts ascendancy in Ireland and Scotland.


The Demise of The National Message and Secretary Stough

The Demise of The National Message and Secretary Stough

LOOKING BACK IN HINDSIGHT, IT IS NOW POSSIBLE TO SEE THE INFLUENCE OF THE “HIDDEN HAND” using The British Israel movement to further its agenda. This was particularly so of the period between the two world wars.

Jewish Banker, Edward Hine, had already prepared the way, by influencing independent BI groups who were very numerous in his day, to amalgamate under the banner of The British World Federation. However, unlike many of the other groups, Hine did not accept the Germans as being Israel, although they were Saxons, but instead classified them as Assyrians!

This was of course very necessary to further the hidden hand’s agenda, of stealing Palestine from its occupants, to create a homeland for the Jews and thereby reinforce their identity of being Israel which they had stolen from true Israel now occupying most of Europe and other dominions to which they had spread, i.e. the Caucasians!

Dr. Wesley Swift, mentioned that the Rockefellers funded the BIWF, from its creation in 1919 (a good illuminati number) and perhaps they still do!

Several identity ministers and preachers were not too enamoured with Hine. For example William Greig referred to him as that “Prophet Hine, Polish Jew, English Sailor, Bell Ringer, Pew Opener, Parish Beadle, Christmas Hamper, and Company;”.

Once the enemy’s main objective had been achieved, the Identity movement was to be eliminated. This would be done slowly so as not to raise suspicion. In the early post war period, BI preachers could fill halls with several thousand people, now they will be lucky to have an audience greater than 50.

Henry Kissinger Named as a Soviet Agent

Henry Kissinger Named as a Soviet Agent

ALEKSEI NICHOLAEVICH ROMANOFF, WHO OPERATED UNDER THE COVER NAME MICHAL GOLENIEWSKI, has revealed with documentation the fact that Secretary of State Henry A. Kissenger was, under a code name a member of a secret unit of Communist Intelligence.

The true identity of Aleksei as the heir to the all Russian Imperial Throne is known to the governments of the United States, Great Britain and other countries. Nine years ago the Herald of Freedom published two issues containing documentation in support of his identity Included in this documentation were numerous supporting statements from reliable sources. No one in government, of those who know his identity, has ever denied it.

On June 11, 1971 the New York Daily Mirror announced the exclusive publication of “Reminiscence and Observations by H. J. H. Aleksei Nicholaevich Romanoff, heir to All‑Russian Imperial Throne, Tsarevich and Grand Duke of Russia, and head of Russian Imperial House.” In introducing him as a columnist the Daily Mirror stated: “Herman F. Kimsey, former Chief of Research & Analysis of the Headquarters of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, in an affidavit signed June 3, 1965, said,

‘I am convinced and I continue to be convinced, that the person referred to as Col. Goleniewski is in fact the and Grand Duke Aleksei Nicholaevich Romanoff of Russia, and son of Emperor Nicholai II of Russia.’

The Great Pyramid and Our Lord’s Passion

The Great Pyramid and Our Lord’s Passion

THE GREAT PYRAMID’S DIVINE REVELATION DEFINES, in terms of modern astronomical science, the dates of the Birth and Passion of the promised Saviour of humanity. Its symbolical representation has stood for 46 centuries, awaiting the discovery of its confirmation of the many independent traditions and records concerning the purpose of its Revelation. The modern presentation of the astronomical data, defining the dates of the life of the promised Saviour, has remained on record for nearly nine years.

To my own knowledge, several capable scientists, during the past eight years, have endeavoured to find a flaw in the presentation of the scientific principles of demonstration, or an error in the detailed presentation of the astronomical data. The silence of these and other critical investigators, skilled in the mathematical and astronomical elements of the problem, is significant, particularly in view of the world-wide interest and opposition that the Great Pyramid’s Divine Revelation has created and aroused respectively.

The date of the birth of the Saviour of humanity is defined as 6th October (Julian), B.C. 4. The day coincides with the 15th day of the Hebrew month Tisri in B.C. 4, and the 15th of Tisri is the day of the Hebrew Feast of Tabernacles. The Gospel according to John (i, 14, R.V. margin), in referring to our Lord Jesus Christ as “the Light of the World,” therefore says “The Word became flesh and tabernacled among us.”*

The Creation and Control of Money

The Creation and Control of Money

FARMERS AND BUSINESSMEN TALK FREQUENTLY ABOUT “MAKING MONEY”. But this common statement is most misleading. When a farmer grows a bag of potatoes he does not at the same time create a money equivalent. Farmers and businessmen obtain money from someone else in exchange for what they have grown or produced. It is true that some people attempt to make money in the form of notes, but if caught they finish in prison tor counterfeiting! Who, then, does make a community’s money? How is it made and controlled? A modern economy is controlled almost completely by financial policy. There is practically no barter. All exchanges of goods and services take place through money. No understanding of the problems of an economy, including inflation, is possible without an understanding of the creation and control of money.

The essential feature of any form of money is its acceptability. The psychological factor is all-important. Counterfeited $20 bills act as money just so long as they are accepted by those handling them. Throughout history many different forms of money have been used by different people— shells, different types of stones, metals made into different types of coins, paper money of numerous sizes and types. But so long as people believe that they can at any time obtain goods and services for any type of money, then they accept it and it acts as money Money has no value in itself at all. A million dollars is useless on a desert island. The first essential in examining the money question is to stop regarding it as an end in itself, to realize that money is a man-made system and that the system can be changed by man. To worship a man-made money system is a form of superstition. It is not money which is the root of all evil, as some maintain, but the love of money.

The Fall and Rise of Abraham’s Kin

The Fall and Rise of Abraham’s Kin

THERE ALWAYS SEEMS TO BE SOMETHING TO WRITE ABOUT ALTHOUGH I NEVER KNOW BEFOREHAND WHAT IT WILL BE. God always finds something and always the subject is thought provoking. The following subjects are those that really ought to have our whole nation thinking. Of course, the ‘thought-shapers’ (Media, churches, schools) have their pet subjects all worked out, so no chance (yet) of a ground swell fascination for things other than their themes. Nevertheless, God uncovers things for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

Once in every several weeks I go along to a Bible study group, where, on one occasion a certain student told me of a wonderful find a friend of his came across whilst working overseas. “This friend I know called Peter heard about fair-skinned tribes living in the Hindu Cush, not far from the Tarim Basin,” he said, “Some say that the Tarim Basin was the site of the Noahic flood.” So I asked him if he could contact this friend to get me more details. While this was going on another friend phoned me and asked “Have you heard of the Urumchi Mummies?” He began telling me about an article he read in a weekend edition of one of the national papers, some radio interviews he heard and a recent book he bought about these mummies. The book outlines the mummies as looking Nordic or Celtic and that they were buried north of the Tarim Basin in western China. Some of the mummies are over 3000 years old.

The writer of the book as well as the media were guessing as to what had become of the race of people of whom these mummies belonged. Nor, it seemed, could they work out why their culture died and if descendants live today .. if so, then where are they?

The Banker, The Model and The Jewish Spy

The Banker, The Model and The Jewish Spy

Role Model on Trial

LADY MICHÈLE RENOUF FACED TRIAL IN DRESDEN, GERMANY ON 16TH OCTOBER 2020. This Blog Will Explain the Reasons Why German Prosecutors Abandoned Their Case after Two and a Half Years of Preparations. What Did the German State Fear Would Be Exposed in Open Court? This Blog Will Explain over the Coming Weeks and Months… Thursday, January 14, 2021

Churchill and Hitler

Churchill and Hitler

WINSTON CHURCHILL WAS KNIGHTED AFTER WORLD WAR 2 AND BURIED IN WESTMINSTER ABBEY, perhaps the highest tribute that could be paid to him, while Adolf Hitler has been accorded the status of perhaps the most evil politician in human history.

Winston Churchill in 1940

“When I look around to see how we can win the war I see that there is only one sure path. We have no Continental army which can defeat the German military power.. Should [Hitler].. not try invasion [of Britain].. there is one thing that will bring him back and bring him down, and that is an absolutely devastating, exterminating attack by very heavy bombers from this country upon the Nazi homeland. We must be able to overwhelm them by this means, without which I do not see a way through. We cannot accept any aim lower than air mastery. When can it be obtained?” [Extract from Winston S Churchill ‘The Second World War’ (Volume 2 Their Finest Hour Appendix A), Memo from Prime Minister to Minister of Aircraft Production, 8. July 1940].

Was Churchill’s Gold Bug Jewish?

Was Churchill’s Gold Bug Jewish?

IN VOLUME 5 OF HIS BIOGRAPHY WINSTON S. CHURCHILL, published in 1976, historian Martin Gilbert relates the working relationship that existed during the 1930’s between Churchill and the South African economist and gold mining executive Sir Henry Strakosch. Most of the figures on German armaments that Churchill brought to the House of Commons and publicized elsewhere were supplied by Strakosch, who wished anonymity in the affair.

Strakosch eventually had to pay heavily for such services. Gilbert relates that Strakosch saved Churchill from financial ruin in 1938 when, due to declines in the New York markets, Churchill’s brokerage account went into debt in the amount of £18,000 ($90,000), which Churchill could only begin to cover by selling his house Chartwell. Strakosch picked up the tab for this fancy sum, at a time when a decent American salary was perhaps $2,000 per year. In addition, Strakosch bequeathed Churchill £20,000 when he died five years later. See note: 1

In the first volume of his Churchill’s War (1987), David Irving repeats this story but adds that “Strakosch was a Jew born in Moravia, Czechoslovakia.” The purpose of this note is to express my skepticism that Strakosch was a Jew, and to expose the specific political cause that his involvement served.