The Tetragrammaton

The Tetragrammaton

THE ORIGIN OR INVENTION OF LETTERS IS A SUBJECT that has frequently engaged the attention and researches of learned men, and as often defied their power to explain, with any considerable amount of probability and satisfaction. The several alphabets of the known world, indeed, exhibit that mutual similarity of form, which fully warrants them in assigning to the whole class one common source; but that source is apparently sought for in every place except where, we are persuaded, it can alone be found.

It has been very much the fashion hitherto to depreciate the literature and traditions of the Cymry; yet we can confidently assert that in them lie treasures which would amply compensate for any amount of trouble that may be taken in arriving at them. The patient and-impartial study of Welsh lore will assuredly tend to throw no inconsiderable light upon the science and mythology of all nations.

Even the sacred Tetragrammaton of the Hebrews, taken by itself, is perfectly inexplicable—we cannot see how it represents the great I AM, and wherefore it is invested with extraordinary terror—or why it may not be pronounced or revealed. But the origin and reason of all this are discovered to us in the Bardic traditions. There we learn that God created the world by the melodious threefold utterance of His Holy Name—and that the form or figure of that Name was /1\ , being the rays of the rising sun at the equinoxes and the solstices converging into a focus—“the eye of light.” These rays, we are informed, according to the influence which the sun has upon the earth at the different seasons which they represent, show God in His various characters as a Creator, a Preserver, and a Destroyer.

The Hoskins Report Germany Meets The Establishment

The Hoskins Report Germany Meets The Establishment

World War I

World War I was fought for two principal reasons: the land and wealth of Germany, and the land and wealth of Russia. The land had been ordered by God to be given to the people forever, but had been taken by the rulers. The establishment wished to possess this land and wealth of the Tzar of Russia, and the land and wealth of the Kaiser of Germany.

The first part, capturing the wealth of the Tzar, was realized. To prevent the Tzar of Russia, or any member of his family from ever reclaiming this wealth, they were shot. All of his land and property and that of his nobles, plus that of the Russian Eastern Orthodox Church, of which he was head, was seized. This together constituted the total land area of Russia. A prize indeed! No wonder the world bankers were so eager to finance the communist revolution[1].

The second reason, the attempt to seize the German land, was only partially successful.

Sinim: A Biblical Mystery Land

Sinim: A Biblical Mystery Land

IN AN IMPORTANT PASSAGE OF BIBLICAL PROPHECY, Isaiah 49:12 says, “Behold, these shall come from far: and, lo, these from the north and from the west; and these from the land of Sinim.” Where is Sinim, and who are the objects of the prophecy?

The Bridgeway Bible Commentary designates the passage in Isaiah 49:8 to 50:3 as, “Israel rebuilt.” We are told, “Once more God promises the return of the captive Hebrews to their homeland.” Our specific key verse in this prophecy therefore relates to exiled Israel, leading some expositors to think that the mysterious name Sinim reveals the location of the lost ten tribes.

Famous 19th century evangelical commentator John Trapp agrees and thinks that lost Israel is to be found in China: “Botterus (cf. Arias Mont., Osorius, A. Lapide) saith that there are reckoned seventy millions of men, which are more than are to be found in all Europe; and who knows but many of those of the ten tribes of Israel are there?”

Others look to China for the missing Israelites as well. The Scofield Bible says, “Sinim: The word is supposed to refer to a people of the Far East, perhaps the Chinese.” The Preachers Commentary concurs: “Sinim (a name often given to China, which represented the end of the earth).”

Barnes Notes suggests we may find lost Israel in China on philosophic grounds: “It may be added, that this is the only place where that country is referred to in the Bible, and there may be some plausibility in the supposition that while so many other nations, far inferior in numbers and importance, are mentioned by name, one so vast as this would not wholly be omitted by the Spirit of Inspiration.” If this is an appropriate determinant to identify China, why not America? Barnes does not similarly feel it peculiar that evangelicals believe the USA is wholly omitted in Scripture!

Winston Churchill – Further Notes

Winston Churchill – Further Notes

WHEN HIS FARTHER TOOK CHURCHILL TO HARROW PUBLIC SCHOOL, the headmaster asked him to write an essay. He failed to do so and handed in a blank sheet of paper. All was well however, the headmaster could see his potential. He had to – the governors would have been very angry with him turning down the grandson of the Duke of Marlborough!
The inability to write essays continued. Bert Piper was a a cook on the Isle of Man steam Packet Co., When I was there. His brother was Liverpool City Recorder and their father had been in the same class at Harrow as Winston Church and wrote his essays. Twice when reading biographies of Winston Churchill I came across a man, different name each time, described as a “Literary Secretary”, which I read as ghost writer.
Winston Churchill had a large research team for the production of his 5 volume history of the second world war. Were these and his “Literary Secretary”, the actual writers of this history? Winston Churchill merely acting as editor, cutting out anything unfavourable to himself. He did say history would be kind to him, for he would write it!

Opposite Leeds University is a second hand bookshop. The proprietor obtained a set of the history with one volume missing, he thought it would be a good sale, so he searched around in the book trade and replaced the missing volume. They were still on his bookshelves. That’s what scholars think of Winston Churchill’s History. Winston Churchill received the Nobel Prize for Literature!!!

The Last Signpost

The Last Signpost


(Mark 1. 15)

WE ARE GETTING VERY NEAR THE END OF THE JOURNEY. It has been long, hard, and dangerous: the road often rough and stony, many foot getting torn and wounded. But the glad news is this, that the end is at hand; the end of “this present evil age”, as the Scriptures call it. Soon the “King” is coming, to mete out His rewards of honour and service to those who have been “found faithful”. These Overcomers, we are told, will then live and reign with him a thousand years” clothed in His own resurrection Image of immortality.

We thus see, that although this little book is entitled “The Last Sign Post”, it is not so much the End we wish to look at, but a glorious New Beginning. Not a Departure, but a wonderful Arrival, reaching the Dawn of a new and long-awaited Day of Peace on earth, in which men will be led to do God’s Will here in earth, as in heaven.

As far as “this present evil age” is concerned, we are not out of the wood yet. There is a dark cloud gathering! But, to all who have eyes to see, this cloud has a magnificent silver (if not ‘golden’) lining! Those who are in close touch with God and with His truth and revelation and Word for us today, who rejoice in that “wore sure word of prophecy, whereunto we do well that we take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place until the day dawn”, are not fearing pending evil. Their “heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord”! Are you one of these? and if not, why not?

The Letter J in The English Language

The Letter J in The English Language

THE LETTER J WAS THE NEWEST ADDITION TO THE ENGLISH ALPHABET. The letter “J” is the tenth letter of the alphabet used for the modern English Language. It is also used in a number of other languages, including French, German, and Spanish. The letter “J” evolved from the letter “I,” so the early development of the two letters is the same.

Our J was developed from tenth letter of the Phoenician alphabet, “YOD.” The Phoenicians used the letter to represent the beginning “Y” sound of YOD, which was their word for hand. When the Greeks adapted the Phoenician alphabet around 800 B.C., they used the letter, which they named “iota,” for the sound of the vowel that is much like the consonant “Y.” The Etruscans adopted the Greek alphabet about 700 B.C. and the Romans adopted the Etruscans alphabet in 650 B.C. Both peoples continued to use “I” in this way.

In Europe, in the Middle Ages (A.D. 400’s through the 1400’s) scribes began writing a lengthened form of “I” at the end of a word. They used this form especially for a Roman Numeral, such as VIII (the numeral for eight). After the invention of printing in the late 1400’s, the long- tailed “I,” which began to look like “J” was used at the beginning of a word, while an ordinary “I” was used in the middle. “J” began to be used for the consonant sound in France around about 1620, and the English printers soon followed this practice. The first English language book to make a clear distinction between “I” and “j” was published in 1633. “I” and “J” were not considered to be separate letters until 1801, with the publication of William Perry’s Royal Standard English Dictionary. Perry’s dictionary was the first to alphabetise words separately under “I” and “J.”

The Hoskins Report China

The Hoskins Report China

NASDAQ, Wal-Mart & Downsizing America

FORGET? I THINK NOT! WE’VE SEEN IT BEFORE AND WE’VE LEARNED. Scotland was invaded and conquered by England’s cartel and forced to pay tribute to agents of its figurehead king.

My ancestor was lucky, he was banished to America. The rest of our poverty striken Saxon kinsmen laboured in the fields until sheep-wool became more profitable to the cartel owners than their farm labour. Then, the cartel imported sheep, burned our villages and sent our kinsmen to Edinburgh and Glasgow to live in 6 floor walkups and work for starvation wages in the cartel’s mill and shipyard corporations. Families were still living in these walkups with one bathroom on the first floor when I visited Scotland in 1982 – our own Saxon kinsmen!

The overflow Scottish population was loaded on ships and sent to work vacant Catholic farms in Northern Ireland. There, they again laboured for a pittance and fought the Irish Catholics whose land they took, while both paid tax-tribute to the same cartel who stood back laughing – having done it to them many times before.


John Lynch, founder of Lynchburg, was one of these Scot-Irish survivors. My own ancestors were English, Scottish and Irish. My wife’s ancestors came from France and England. In America we all prospered. Then the Royal Cartel repeated in this country everything they had done to our ancestors in the old country. Having enough, we withdrew from the king’s cartel, and in leaving we stated the reasons why:

The Hoskins Report Esau’s Illusions

The Hoskins Report Esau’s Illusions

ESAU’S STRENGTH IS “DECEPTION”. His ability to deceive comes from his study and knowledge of the WORD. The Book of Jasher 7:23-30 reveals that the WORD is “Adam’s Cloak”. Covered by Adam’s Cloak man is covered with God’s Laws and thinks logically.

The Cloak of Adam was stolen by Ham and used to do evil. Nimrod inherited the Cloak and the whole world believed him to be their leader when he used it. Esau coveted the Cloak. He lay in wait and slew Nimrod and stole the Cloak and has used it ever since to deceive mankind. Organized religion is today paid by the international merchant to censor the WORD. While pretending to be clothed in Adam ’s Cloak of Truth they actually wear Esau ’s Cloak of Deception.

“Thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.” Rev 18:23

The Dollar Illusion

Take a minute and look at a dollar bill. It was created out of nothing. Banks can create as many pieces of “nothing” as they like any time they want and use these created “nothings” to buy whatever they wish – things like land, ships, cities and men[1].

It’s legal. Lawmakers passed laws making it legal. Lawmakers passed these laws in exchange for the bank owned media giving them favourable publicity so they could be elected to their cushy jobs. Of course, it should be emphasized again – the media is bank-owned – and it is the banks who create “nothing” out of thin air which they used to purchase the media.

Our sound money system is a gift from Esau[2] – it is media created – it is an illusion.

The Hoskins Report The Serpent’s Seed

The Hoskins Report The Serpent’s Seed

FOLLOWERS OF THE WORD KNOW THE STORY OF THE SERPENT AND EVE; how Eve was persuaded by the serpent to eat the apple, and that she in turn persuaded Adam to also eat. It was for this reason that both were driven from the Garden of Eden and the serpent was cursed by God.

Stories Making The Rounds

An ancient story that is still making the rounds today says that Eve had sexual relations with the serpent and then gave birth to Cain. The story of Cain and Able by different fathers has an ancient history.

The “Inspired” Bible

Almost everyone knows the Bible story of the Serpent and Adam & Eve, and probably also has heard of some of the speculation that is going on about the relationship between the three. The difficulty in resolving the problem is the lack of support information. This lack is due to the way the
Catholic Church selected the Scriptures they used to put together the first Bible.

Before and after the death of Jesus there were literally hundreds of books in existence that were deemed “holy.” The thing that made them holy was that they contained the WORD that was God.

The natural question is; What exactly is the WORD? The traditional answer is; the WORD is exactly what it implies – the wishes or the Commandments of God. Most scripture is divided into two parts:

The Hoskins Report Pigs Ate Yankees

The Hoskins Report Pigs Ate Yankees

DURING THE WAR BETWEEN THE STATES THE YANKEES ATTACKED MY GRANDFATHER’S REGIMENT AT CROSS KEYS. It was wild. Yankee shouts, rebel yells, shells exploding, cannon firing, deadly musket rattle on the left and right, the horizon filled with writhing blue bodies trying to get to you with bayonets.

My grandfather fired, loaded, fired, loaded, fired, and – they were gone. The smoke quietly blew away. The wounded moaned. The dead lay everywhere. A hat raised on a ramrod was instantly torn by minie balls. They were over there. You didn’t stick your head up to look around.

The Yankee generals were proud. They wouldn’t send a trace flag to tend to their wounded and dead.

After a time the pigs came. They ate the bodies. They ate the badly wounded, too. At first, a shout or the sudden noise of a shot would melee them scatter. But only at first. They returned and ate until gorged. Nothing would make them stop.

Later, someone offered my great-grandfather some pork. My grandfather was revolted. He replied. “I’ll kill Yankees if I have to, but I’m not going to eat ’em!”

In our family we know better than to eat pig. When you eat pig you eat a scavenger. When you eat a scavenger you eat what that scavenger has eaten.

The Pig

Swine are to the animal world what the turkey buzzard is to the bird world. They do the job they were created to do. No rotten carcass, stinking offal, or rancid garbage remains where pigs root.