Israel in The Book of Revelation

Israel in The Book of Revelation

IN OTHER ISSUES, I have traced for you some of the many references to Israel in the New Testament, showing that the New Testament is as much an Israel book as is the Old Testament. In this issue, I want to examine the Book of Revelation, to show you that this, too, is an Israel book.

No book in the whole Bible is as little understood as the Book of Revelation. It is a prophetic book: history pre-written. But it is much more difficult to understand than any other prophetic book, because it is written principally in symbols.

The Land of The Dead – A Study of The Deportations from Eastern Germany

The Land of The Dead – A Study of The Deportations from Eastern Germany

WE, the undersigned Americans, are deeply disturbed by the policy of mass deportations now practiced in Europe and by the comparative silence of our press and the total silence of public opinion on this vital issue. We therefore wish to bring to the attention of our fellow-citizens the particularly flagrant application of this policy to the inhabitants of Eastern Germany. We are singling out this group now not because of any political or emotional preference, but because they form the largest single bloc of expelled persons and therefore present the greatest problem.. The plight of the second largest group, the Sudeten-Germans and Hungarians of Czechoslovakia, has already been brought to the attention of the world by a pamphlet recently issued by the American Friends of Democratic Sudetens, of which some of us were sponsors.

We are offering the present pamphlet to the American public not in any spirit of recrimination, but in the belief that only knowledge of the truth can guide us to a lasting and democratic peace. We are prompted by concern for those standards of justice and humanity which used to be the pride and armor of American policy. We are convinced that to the extent to which these standards are betrayed, the coming peace will be built on quicksand.

The King’s Jews

The King’s Jews

Will you come for a walk with me along Exeter High Street? There is a house there belonging to a man called Godeknight, which he rents to Amiot – a Jew. Amiot has received a demand to pay £2 towards the 65,000 pounds of silver that is being demanded by the Holy Roman Emperor, Henry VI, to ransom the King of England, whom he has captured.

The King in question is Richard I, Richard the Lionheart, and the year is 1193 – a mere 820 years ago.

Jews held a unique position in Medieval society. They were the only non-Christian religion that was tolerated in the Western Christian world. But tolerated because they were the property of the king – named as The Kings’ Jews. This, of course, gave the Jews special protection – anyone harming them was, in effect, harming the king.

The Early British Church Originally Hebrew Not Papal

The Early British Church Originally Hebrew Not Papal

THIS EDITION IS RE-CAST, and is a reproduction of EARLY BRITISH CHURCH of former series collated. It has for its object the proof that the British Church is the result of Hebrew inception and not from Rome. It also establishes deductive evidence that the original British settlers were Hebrews in their original.

We must refer our readers to articles written by the same author in The Covenant People, vol. xiii, and others prior to this and afterwards, say, from 1907 in C.P. All evidences are given there ; and considering that these articles have been before the public and sent to very many of the clergy and bishops, and not one single refutation having been brought against the evidences, we must take it for granted that they are tacitly accepted as incapable of disproof. In 1897, the Thirteenth Century Anniversary of the landing of “Augustine the Monk,” which made such a wrong impression, the first series of this EARLY BRITISH CHURCH went out in its thousands to very many of the leaders of our Church and the author received very many “private” acknowledgments and thanks

The Crime of Race Mixing

The Crime of Race Mixing

Most are so far brainwashed that they think we shouldn’t study this. However, we know  “We must worship Him in both SPIRIT and in TRUTH.” John 4:24 (Not just in spirit) Learn the truth of over 200 bible scriptures listed here that command racial segregation.

Describing The Crime of Race-Mixing Demonstrated

Punishable Only By The Death Penalty, Mandated By Our King Jesus Christ. (Government’s Responsibility)

Read for yourself out of God’s Holy Word, as we’ve printed here directly from the King James Version; the Nordic Race has always been a separate unmixed Ethnic Culture and Heritage distinct and Separate from all the other Wonderful Cultures and Beautiful Peoples God placed on His earth.

This Culture in the days of the Kingdom of David and Solomon Enforced the Capital Punishment Laws in Government, much like the Government of the United States of a America which enforced intermarriage as a Felony in 28 States with mandatory fines and imprisonment all the way up until the year 1968.

America was made a homeland for whites by killing millions of non-whites. As the nation deteriorated we stooped as low as to make jail sentences for a black marrying a white, rather than capital punishment our God has always required. The great state of Alabama has kept interracial marriage illegal up until the year 2000. Immorality is still immorality and our people must repent of SIN!

This was just some of the first acts of rebellion against our God Jesus Christ. God Doesn’t change “I am YAHWEH, I changeth not” (Mal 3:6) So neither Can we try and change His New Jerusalem (CHRISTIAN AMERICA).

To understand the word GENTILE simply means RACE, and the Chosen Israel RACE go to this website. to see how it is used through the entire bible.

Nowhere to Hide Says CIA

Nowhere to Hide Says CIA

It is easy now to get someone’s identity and whereabouts from their cell phone at any time by your mobile phone signal?
New laws coming in makes cell phones a dangerous thing to have, as anyone may now be targeted by drone attacks even within the USA, and in many countries innocent people have already been bombed, wedding parties, children at play, and even outside school groups have all been killed by remote idiot drone attacks, as there is now nowhere to hide.
The Military Industrial Complex only has one remit and that is for war, and once this huge financial leviathan is rolling it cannot be stopped, and if there are no enemies it will invent them, and at a last resort will target them at home, and in the US now we are all at risk.

Jesus The Rock That Will Not Roll – Part 3

Jesus The Rock That Will Not Roll – Part 3

My advice to all of you who use God’s “love and mercy” to put our church people to sleep is “Repent, or ye shall all likewise perish!”

God’s Spirit is calling us to end the stage shows and dramas in His house of worship. His sword has been drawn, and soon it will be wet with the blood of the unrighteous hypocrites who have made a mockery of Him in the name of Christianity.

How can we reach men and women for Christ, when instead of “evangelization”, we see “evangossip”. They sing lies such as: THIS WORLD IS NOT MY HOME, I’M JUST APASSIN’ THROUGH, as they get men and women, boys and girls to compromise with evil. They seem to completely forget Christ said we were to pray: “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, IN EARTH as it is in heaven”. No wonder we aren’t doing much to hold back evil!

Jesus The Rock That Will Not Roll – Part 2

Jesus The Rock That Will Not Roll – Part 2

“Every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit… Therefore by their fruits shall ye know them”. – Matt. 7:18, 20

In the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, written near the beginning of the Twentieth Century and proclaimed by the Jewish world, and their Christian stooges as being “counterfeit”, (note that in order to have a counterfeit, you must first have an original, and the counterfeit is made as close to the original as possible in order to fool people. If these “Protocols” are counterfeit, the Zionist Movement has been following them like a “blueprint” for over eighty years), in Protocol XIII, we read: “In order to distant people who may be troublesome from discussion of the political… in order that the masses may not guess what we are about. We will further distant them with amusements, games, pastimes, passions, people’s palaces (whorehouses) . . . so we will begin through the press to propose competition In all arts, in sports of all kinds . . . these Interests will distant their minds from questions in which we would find ourselves compelled to oppose them”.

Jesus The Rock That Will Not Roll – Part 1

Jesus The Rock That Will Not Roll – Part 1

Christian Youth and Parents, Have You Been “Sucked in” by this Satanic Delusion?

“This know, that in the last days (of this age) perilous (dangerous) times shall Come. For men (and women) will be lovers of their own selves – . Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away”. – 2 Timothy 3:1-5 – Jesus Loves to Rock and Roll Or Does He?

For many years, knowledgeable men and women have known of plans to Capture the minds of our people through “Cultural subversion” – Although we have been told that anti-Christ Communism is dead, the same anti-Christ crowd, headed by Talmudic Zionism, is pursuing the same objective today. During the Korean War (1950-53) this was popularly known as “brain washing”. The Chinese Reds had a more descriptive term, they called it “Thought Control” or “Mind Control”.

Christian Youth and Parents, Have You Been “Sucked in” by this Satanic Delusion?

“This know, that in the last days (of this age) perilous (dangerous) times shall Come. For men (and women) will be lovers of their own selves – . Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away”. – 2 Timothy 3:1-5 – Jesus Loves to Rock and Roll Or Does He?

For many years, knowledgeable men and women have known of plans to Capture the minds of our people through “Cultural subversion” – Although we have been told that anti-Christ Communism is dead, the same anti-Christ crowd, headed by Talmudic Zionism, is pursuing the same objective today. During the Korean War (1950-53) this was popularly known as “brain washing”. The Chinese Reds had a more descriptive term, they called it “Thought Control” or “Mind Control”.

Jesus Christ Was Not a Jew – Nick Goggin

Jesus Christ Was Not a Jew – Nick Goggin

Many Christians and even church leaders are under the mistaken belief that Jesus was a Jew. Nothing could be further from the truth.

In the New Testament, the English word ‘Jew’ is a translation of the Greek Ioudaios (Yehudah-os), a Judean or inhabitant of Judah (Yehudah) – Judea – the former territory of the tribe of Judah (Yehudah).

Judea and Galilee were two separate states and political entities, as any Bible with maps of the Holy Land in New Testament times will show. Jesus Himself was not a Jew (Judean) living in Judea – he was a Galilean who lived in Galilee (Matthew 26:69, John 7:41), although a descendent of the Tribe of Judah. The Judeans of prominence were not of Judah, but of the evil Edomite people. Pilate was using irony when he wrote ‘Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews [Greek = Judeans]’ (John 19:19) – i.e. ‘the Galilean who was King of the Judeans’, as in ‘Queen Victoria of England, Empress of India’. Jesus grew up in Nazareth in Galilee. His disciples were fishermen from the Sea of Galilee. Christ visited Jerusalem, but spent most of His life in Galilee. John 7:1 says, ‘After this Jesus stayed in Galilee; He could not stay in Judea, because the Jews were out to kill him’. His followers were constrained ‘for fear of the Jews’ (John 7:13, 19:38, 20:19).