Jesus The Rock That Will Not Roll – Part 2

Jesus The Rock That Will Not Roll – Part 2

“Every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit… Therefore by their fruits shall ye know them”. – Matt. 7:18, 20

In the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, written near the beginning of the Twentieth Century and proclaimed by the Jewish world, and their Christian stooges as being “counterfeit”, (note that in order to have a counterfeit, you must first have an original, and the counterfeit is made as close to the original as possible in order to fool people. If these “Protocols” are counterfeit, the Zionist Movement has been following them like a “blueprint” for over eighty years), in Protocol XIII, we read: “In order to distant people who may be troublesome from discussion of the political… in order that the masses may not guess what we are about. We will further distant them with amusements, games, pastimes, passions, people’s palaces (whorehouses) . . . so we will begin through the press to propose competition In all arts, in sports of all kinds . . . these Interests will distant their minds from questions in which we would find ourselves compelled to oppose them”.