Stranger Than Fiction

Stranger Than Fiction

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates taught his students that the pursuit of truth can only begin once they start to question and analyse every belief that they ever held dear. If a certain belief passes the tests of evidence, deduction, and logic, it should be kept. If it doesn’t, the belief should not only be discarded, but the thinker must also then question why he was led to believe the erroneous information in the first place. Not surprisingly, this type of teaching didn’t sit well with the ruling elite of Greece. Many political leaders throughout history have always sought to mislead the thinking of the masses. Socrates was tried for “subversion” and for “corrupting the youth”. He was then forced to take his own life by drinking poison. It’s never easy being an independent thinker! Today, our ruling government/media complex doesn’t kill people for pursuing the truth about the world (at least not yet!) They simply label them as “extremists” or “paranoid”, destroying careers and reputations in the process. For many, that’s a fate even worse than drinking poison hemlock!

All Who are Led by The Spirit of God are The Sons of God

All Who are Led by The Spirit of God are The Sons of God

For as many as are led by the SPIRIT OF GOD, are sons of God. (Romans 8:14)
Some will say that we concentrate on this subject more than is necessary, but it is such an important subject and yet so little understood by those who are affected by the above statement.
We would remind you that it is a fact that, as the sons and daughters of the kingdom reach for Knowledge, the more they learn, the more they want to know. In fact existing in their subconscious mind is this knowledge waiting to be formed for understanding as God’s children of His Spirit reach for this knowledge.
It is however so easy – this reaching, and yet seems so far fetched to may – this idea that there is a race of people that were begotten in Spirit by the Most High God. It is not accepted in their physical minds that the physical body of Adam was to start generating the seed out of which the Celestial Children would make their entrance into a physical world. Their spirit and soul consciousness would enter into a physical body so to bring to pass this great program of our Father for His Created World. You are to understand that you were born first “of the Spirit” then by the breaking of the water as you entered the physical world.

Slaves, Blacks, Jews, Germans and The Olympics

Slaves, Blacks, Jews, Germans and The Olympics

A large amount of material has been written about the relationship of Blacks to Whites and Blacks to Jews in the scheme of things.

Blacks have long had had a love-hate relationship to whites for a number of reasons, which are well known to everyone. Their relationship to the Jews on the other hand has vacillated between out-and-out hate to unmitigated love. This is due to the Jews having for many decades been in the forefront of championing civil rights and in some cases have even given their lives to that worthy cause, albeit unwillingly.

Whether this is so because of guilt feelings on the part of the Jews I don’t know. That seems to be a plausible explanation even though guilt feelings toward another race are actually an unknown quantity amongst the Jews.
We know that the slave trade was a multi-layered affair involving numerous nations and groups of people. None of the slaves would have been captured had it not been for other Blacks who went inland from the African coastal regions raiding unsuspecting villages and marching the unfortunates to the coast. How many died during these brutal marches will never be known. Once arrived at the coast they were sold to White slavers who had been waiting for their “merchandise”. These slavers were of different nationalities, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch and last but certainly not least, the ubiquitous English, always present when injustice and horrors have been committed.

As everyone knows, trade requires capital. Traders seldom if ever have their own capital. As everyone also knows, merchandise and the means of transporting this merchandise must be insured against loss.

Seven US Presidents Jewish Pawns

Seven US Presidents Jewish Pawns

Masters of Deception

The names of Presidents Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson

and Richard M. Nixon will certainly be found one day inscribed in big red letters in the official annals of the rise and fall of the United states.

These seven masters of deception incurred their guilt by debasing their solemn oaths of office on behalf of undisclosed domestic and foreign principals without any apparent qualms or misgivings, to enhance their political fortunes totally oblivious of the threat to United States security and survival.

These seven masters of deception knowingly and willingly in effect and in fact “poisoned the wells” of security and survival for the United States. Without any evident scruples, they individually betrayed the sacred traditions enshrined in the letter and spirit of their oaths of office, that precious heritage bequeathed to each of these seven masters of deception as successors to that high office exalted by the immortalised first president of the United States, the venerated George Washington.

The disclosures which follow here are now revealed for the first time anywhere. They now expose for the first time to the grass roots population of the United States the secret un-American, non-American and anti-American strategy to which these seven masters of deception knowingly subscribed. The uninhibited practice of that strategy by these seven masters of deception is primarily responsible for desperate predicament in which the United States today finds itself in the Middle East.

Secrets by The Thousands

Secrets by The Thousands

Harper’s readers are familiar with Mr. Walker’s articles and the skilful mechanics of the Allied war. He now gives us a look at some of the disconcertingly effective tricks that were hidden up the enemy sleeve.

Someone wrote to Wright Field recently, saying he understood this country had got together quite a collection of enemy war secrets, that many were now on public sale, and could he, please, be sent everything on German jet engines. The Air Documents Division of the Army Air Forces answered.:

“Sorry – but that would be fifty tons.”

Moreover, that fifty tons was just a small portion of what is today undoubtedly the biggest collection of captured enemy war secrets ever assembled. If you always thought of war secrets – as who hasn’t? – as coming in sixes and sevens, as a few items of information readily handed on to the properly interested authorities, it may interest you to learn that the war secrets in this collection run into the thousands, that the mass of documents is mountainous, and that there was never before been anything quite comparable to it.

Secret Societies – Jim Marrs

Secret Societies – Jim Marrs

BE FOREWARNED. IF YOU ARE PERFECTLY COMFORTABLE and satisfied with your own particular view of humankind, religion, history, and the world, read no further.

If you truly believe that humanity has almost reached the peak of its scientific and spiritual fulfillment and that the corporate-owned mass media is keeping you well enough informed, stop here.

But if you are one of those millions who look at the daily news, scratch your head in wonder, and ask, “What in the world is going on?,” or if you entertain questions of who we are, where we came from, and where we’re all going, you are in for a joy ride.

This book deals with the secrets of government, hidden history, and clandestine religion; the secrets of wealth, power, and control; the secrets rarely recorded in the history books and never mentioned in the mass media. This material may be disturbing and unsettling to some. But no one has ever gained wisdom by studying material that only reinforced their own predetermined ideas.

Addressed here will be issues many would have us believe occupy only the fringe of knowledge. But how often have fringe issues suddenly become areas of major concern? Older readers might recall that irritating but seemingly inconsequential German radical who gained power in Europe in the 1930’s. Then there was that small conflict halfway around the world in an obscure place called Vietnam. Or we might remember that little-noticed burglary of Democratic Party headquarters in 1972.

The book also deals with conspiracy, an activity long decried by the major media despite the fact that the American judicial system regularly convicts people for criminal conspiracy.

Do secret societies truly exist? Is there really a secret government? Is there a worldwide conspiracy bent on the subversion of freedom and democracy? Or is such talk just the irrational ramblings of “conspiracy theorists”?

Secret Societies and Subversive Movements – Part 1

Secret Societies and Subversive Movements – Part 1

“ There is in Italy a power which we seldom mention in this House . . . I mean the secret societies. . . . It is useless to deny, because it is impossible to conceal, that a great part of Europe—the whole of Italy and France and a great portion of Germany, to say nothing of other countries—is covered with a network of those secret societies, just as the superficies of the earth is now being covered with railroads. And what are their objects ? They do not attempt to conceal them. They do not want constitutional government: they do not want ameliorated institutions . . . they want to change the tenure of land, to drive out the present owners of the soil and to put an end to ecclesiastical establishments. Some of them may go further. . .” (DISRAELI in the House of Commons, July 14, 1856.)

IT IS A MATTER OF SOME REGRET to me that I have been so far unable to continue the series of studies on the French Revolution of which The Chevalier de Boufflers and The French Revolution, a Study in Democracy formed the first two volumes. But the state of the world at the end of the Great War seemed to demand an enquiry into the present phase of the revolutionary movement, hence my attempt to follow its course up to modern times in World Revolution. And now before returning to that first cataclysm I have felt impelled to devote one more book to the Revolution as a whole by going this time further back into the past and attempting to trace its origins from the first century of the Christian era. For it is only by taking a general survey of the movement that it is possible to understand the causes of any particular phase of its existence. The French Revolution did not arise merely out of conditions or ideas peculiar to the eighteenth century, nor the Bolshevist Revolution out of political and social conditions in Russia or the teaching of Karl Marx. Both these explosions were produced by forces which, making use of popular suffering and discontent, had long been gathering strength for an onslaught not only on Christianity, but on all social and moral order.

Sargon The Magnificent

Sargon The Magnificent

About thirty years ago in a series of lectures a certain German professor, himself a higher critic, announced his belief in the Divine inspiration of the first chapters of Genesis; his regret at the attacks being made upon their authenticity by other professors; and his conviction that if a certain discovery could be made it would largely help to counteract those attacks. He apparently did not expect that such a discovery would be made; but I hope to show that when the cuneiform inscriptions found in Babylonia and now available for anyone’s inspection are studied from a new point of view, that discovery is ours.

In support of this new point of view, extracts from works leading Assyriologists are quoted in the following pages, and their translations of the inscriptions are given. It can scarcely be thought presumptuous on my part if I suggest a new application of those inscriptions considering that the deductions already drawn from them are indeterminate and unconvincing. While taking advantage of them I make bold to suggest that their decipherers, like others before them, may sometimes have “failed to see the wood for the trees.”

That the writers, from whose works I quote, hold different views from my own naturally makes any of their evidence that supports my views the more convincing because it is involuntary. Since the history which they have deduced from Babylonian inscriptions is admittedly conjectural, and rests upon a certain hypothesis described by one of them as almost incredible, it is well that some other hypothesis should be tested, and I claim that my new version of Babylonian history rests upon a much more reasonable one.
That a new interpretation should be welcome is suggested by Professor Sayce’s words:

Russia in Prophecy

Russia in Prophecy

WHERE IS RUSSIA IDENTIFIED IN THE BIBLE? Many people believe that Russia is Gog of Ezekiel 38, but studying the prophecy of Ezekiel and history proves that not to be true. Can Russia be traced back to the book of Beginnings, the book of Genesis? Absolutely! And, I believe that the identity of Russia has been one of the best kept secrets next to the identity of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel that has ever been uncovered!

Origins of the Russian People

The “present day Russians Ukrainians; and Belarusians-[are] the ancestors of the eastern Slavs” (The Making of Modern Russia, Lionel Kochan, John Keep, p.2).  There was one original group called the Slavs, but then they all split into three groups, “by AD 800, three main geographical and linguistic divisions had arisen; the East Slavs inhabiting a large part of European Russia, the South Slavs who settled in the Balkan Peninsula, and the West Slavs who settled in what is now Poland, Czechoslovakia and East Germany” (History Of Poland Mieczyslaw Kasprzyk Chapter one, emphasis added). Where did these Eastern Slavic people come from?

It has long been generally understood by many Russian academics that much of their population is descended from a branch of the Scythians. A famous Russian poet, Alexander Blok, for example, noted such in one of his poems, The Scythians (Blok 1970 : 161). Also, Russian historian Alekseyev, in his work, In Search Of Our Ancestors, writes that the Russians are a branch of the Scythians (Alekseyev 1972 : 297).


The Rothschilds and The Genocide in Armenia and Germany

The Rothschilds and The Genocide in Armenia and Germany

The Armenian and Jewish Holocausts have popularly been regarded as two distinct and unrelated dark episodes of recent history. This appearance weakens with careful and insightful study. May it be here suggested, perhaps for the first time, that they are not only inextricably connected but are indeed two phases of one lengthy operation which spanned close to fifty years, guided by a group of cunning, patient and most powerful planners.
The twentieth century has been called the century of oil. Our Age is referred to that of Hydrocarbon Man. Yet this phenomena is barely one hundred years old. It was a hundred years ago that our planet was actually shifting energy sources from coal to oil. In fact it all began in Northwestern Pennsylvania, in a remote little place called Titusville to be exact, where oil was first extracted via drilling yielding the first oil well. The American oil business itself was to be mastered and monopolized by John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company who was to supply the entire world’s oil needs from the wells of Pennsylvania.
It is here necessary to point out one of the most important aspects of the oil business. Due to the extremely flammable nature of oil it’s extraction, refining, and transport must be done under supremely stable conditions, in others words, in an environment of peace and tranquility. Rockefeller was able to become the “richest man in the world” by virtue of an early oil empire nestled in peaceful Pennsylvania. Standard Oil’s first bout with serious worldwide competition would come from a region halfway around the world whose stability was far from that of Pennsylvania.