Book of Kailedy

Book of Kailedy

The Kolbrin is a collection of ancient manuscripts said to have been salvaged from the Glastonbury Abbey arson in 1184.

The Kolbrin is also said to have had a connection to Jesus, historically through his Great-Uncle, Joseph of Arimathea.

This Culdian Trust version of The Kolbrin was publically disclosed online by Professor James M. McCanney, M.S.

The Gospel of St. John Identity Interpretation

The Gospel of St. John Identity Interpretation

IN 1997, POPE JOHN PAUL II ANNOUNCED that a new “translation” of the New Testament would be necessary because over the centuries there were mistranslation made in the New Testament regarding the Jews and Jesus Christ.

What Pope John Paul II failed to mention was the fact that the church fathers and 21 Church Councils not only backed up the “anti-Semitic” statements in the New Testament in regard to the Jews but reaffirmed them, time after time and called for action to curb the Jews.

The announcement by John Paul II, was not the first in the shots being fired in the war by the Jews against Christianity.

In the 1950’s the “New Revised Version” of the New Testament was first published by those who wanted to tear down Christianity, and more recently a number of new “interpretations” of the New Testament have been published in an effort to absolve the Jews of any wrong doing over the centuries.

One recent edition just simply took out all of the references deemed to be critical of the Jews, including about half of the Gospel of St. John. (“New International Version: Holy Bible.”)

God’s Strategy For Global Victory

God’s Strategy For Global Victory

WE ARE TURNING TONIGHT IN OUR THINKING ABOUT GOD’S KINGDOM and we are talking about God’s strategy for global victory. And we think it is important for people to understand that in this crisis hour in which we live, is not surprising God. There is nothing taking place upon the earth which is a surprise to God. And there is nothing that is happening which HE has not already declared through the lips of HIS prophets. Nor is there any strategy which declares the victory which shall come to pass which HE has not already pointed out to us. And HE has made it clear that such a victory shall be accomplished. We are well aware of the seriousness of some of the things which have come to pass.

An individual who is not aware of the content of this Book, will look out as any intelligent American with great gravity upon the world situation and he is struck with inner fears as he has watched this great nation of God’s Kingdom, this great Republic with its Constitution and it guarantees of those Rights, and with the formation and the establishment of Liberty. The individual realized that we are a nation of States and State Rights. And that we had certain assurances to which we were committed and to which were to be preserved in this nation of free men.

Who realized that unfair taxation would never develop in a nation like ours. Knowing that these things were the heritage of this nation, he now surveys the situation in our times, that our nation which signed the Declaration of Independence was no longer an independent nation. It had joined itself to an organization of world government. It had surrendered some of its sovereignty. It was being trapped day after day to surrender more of its sovereignty. Such an American, might meet great consternation as he looked at the attitude of the public concerning many of these situations.

God’s Liberation

God’s Liberation

THIS AFTERNOON, WE ARE TALKING ABOUT GOD’S LIBERATION, and that throughout God’s Kingdom there is a great need of Liberation. That God’s Kingdom nations need to free themselves from their entanglements. They need to be liberated from the forces of darkness which is seeking to destroy them. The enemies of God’s Kingdom are far more tangible than most people realize.

The ideas that are promoted and propagated over all the assurances of public opinion have been carefully designed as to wipe out Christian civilization and introduce the world to all these schemes of the Soviet way of life. There is no discussions or talks which the head of our nation can make with the head of the Soviet Union which will accomplish anything. There is no peace being arrived at by such manipulation. Even the meeting in Vienna did not produce anything of such value. We have been invaded in this country by one echelon of the enemy probably more deadly than his military forces, and we have been invaded by his military forces as well, whether you realise it or not.

Ancient Israel in Spain and Britain

Ancient Israel in Spain and Britain

MOSES MARGOLIOUTH was a learned and respected minister in the Church of England of the nineteenth century. As his name might indicate, he was also of Jewish extraction. Born in Suwalki, Poland in 1818, he arrived in England in 1837 and converted to the Christian faith the following year. McClintock and Strong’s Cyclopaedia adds the following:

“In 1840 he entered Trinity College, Dublin, and, after completing his studies, was ordained in 1844. He held various positions in the Episcopal Church, and at the time of his death, Feb. 25, 1881, he was vicar of Little Linford, near Newport Pagnell, Bucks, England. He is the author of many works: Fundamental Principles of Modern Judaism Investigated (London 1843); History of the Jews in Great Britain (ibid., 1846); A Pilgrimage to the Land of my Fathers (ibid. 1850, 2 vols.); History of the Jews in Great Britain (expanded 1851, 3 vols.); Abyssinia, its Past, Present, and Future (1866); The Spirit of Prophecy (1864); Sacred Minstrelsy: A Lecture on Biblical and Post-Biblical Hebrew Music (1863); The Oracles of God and their Vindication (1870); Vestiges of the Historic Anglo-Hebrews in East Anglia (eod.); The Poetry of the Hebrew Pentateuch (1871); The Lords’ Prayer No Adaptation of Existing Jewish Petitions (1876). Besides, he left a great many works in manuscript.”

Ancient Hebrew Sea Migrations

Ancient Hebrew Sea Migrations

MODERN SCIENCE and archaeology in recent years have made tremendous progress in uncovering facts about our forgotten past. Not only has much of the Sacred Story been confirmed as fact, but many misconceptions about it have been proven untrue. A common misconception of yesteryear was the idea that although the Phoenicians traded and established colonies throughout the Mediterranean area, their Israelite neighbours never set foot on a boat or visited distant lands in ancient times. This idea persisted in spite of the fact that the word, ‘Hebrew’ itself is known to have signified “a colonist.” Modern research has in fact now documented that ancient Semitic colonization in Europe, including Hebrew, was “enduring and significant,” according to Dr. Cyrus H. Gordon, whose extensive research was highlighted throughout an entire issue of BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGIST magazine (March, 1996). Having written over 20 books and learned over a dozen languages, Dr. Gordon is widely considered the leading American archaeologist and antiquarian of the twentieth century. His research has established that “no longer can we… consider Israel the vacuum-packed miracle from Sinai. Rather must we view Greek and Hebrew civilizations as parallel structures built upon the same East Mediterranean foundation.” (“HOMER & BIBLE,” page 72).

American Christless Christianity

American Christless Christianity

THE FRENCH GENIUS, VICTOR HUGO WROTE “When a people forgets God, He sends earthquakes”. That is why the U. S. must expect a political earthquake, because the Americans are “spitting” at Christ and thus angering God His Father.

Even the New York Times of Jan. 14, 1923 published a letter entitled Christless Christianity. At least 90%, of Americans of standing reject Christ’s words implying: that they know better [than Christ] and believe that there are good Jews. In vain Chicago is building 70 or more churches—: there will be no Christ in them, as long as Americans “know better” or pretend to be less intolerant than Christ or “less prejudiced” than Our Savior.

As soon, as one says anything critical of the Jews he is classified as an “anti- Semite.” You can in­sult the English; German, or French nations and nobody cares. But do not dare proffer a word against the Jews.

“Licking their boots” and extolling them—is the only thing allowed. “If the true spirit of Christ was alive, Christians would not turn against the Jews as they do” wrote H. M. Troch.

A Synopsis of The genealogy of The Brigantes or Douglas Family

A Synopsis of The genealogy of The Brigantes or Douglas Family

This book originally published in 1754 was in both English and Spanish with both languages within the same volume, with odd numbered pages in Spanish, the even numbers being in English..
In the period when this volume was published spelling was quite variable and to make matters more difficult from a republishing point of view it was printed with old English-Gothic type set, so had to be reproduced by a combination of OCR (optical character recognition) and voice recognition of dictated text. So for this reason, the text in this book is not exactly as the original although every endeavour has been made to retain the old spelling where possible.

A Royal Priesthood

A Royal Priesthood

THE VAST BULK of organised Christendom today teach that this verse refers to the Church, the mystical Body of Christ, and yet a closer examination of the text will show that this is not the case.

Peter began his epistle with the words “to the strangers scattered throughout Asia. ”

The Greek word for stranger means a sojourner or a temporary resident. It is the same word used by Paul in Ephesians 2:19 where it is translated as foreigner. In verse nine which we are considering Peter uses the pronoun ‘ye’ which is emphatic in the Greek and therefore he is implying that the people he is addressing in his letter are distinct from those amongst whom they live. So a picture is building up not of a multi-racial Christian Church, but of a chosen generation (better translated as race) who were only temporary dwellers in their present location, strangers or foreigners living among people who were not of the same ethnic background.

Beware of Agent Provocateur

Beware of Agent Provocateur

The agent provocateur may be a paid, or unpaid agent enlisted by the enemies of our folk. His function is to infiltrate, disrupt, and/or destroy.

Like a Trojan Horse, the agent provocateur works to destroy our folkish communities from within. He does this by first winning the trust and confidence of those he has targeted.

There are two kinds of provocateurs: the soft provocateur, and the hard provocateur. Both are dangerous to the kindred, so be on guard.

The soft provocateur is an expert at the three D’s of destruction: Dissension, distraction, and disruption.

His arsenal includes fabrications, distortions, misrepresentations, and misinformation. He spreads slander systematically and craftily; seeking to undermine the kindred leadership, and thus deny it of it’s driving force.

He plants seeds of doubt with the object of turning the kindreds attentions away from folkish activity, and instead diverting it and it’s resources against itself. His modus operandi is: divide and conquer!