Frisians Sons of Issachar

Frisians Sons of Issachar

This study is to show that the Frisians are descendants of the tribe of Issachar, one of the Lost Ten Tribes. Many books have been written about the nations of north-western Europe to be of Israelite descent in general, and Great Britain (Ephraim) and the United States of America (Manasseh) to be Joseph in particular.

The Celts

There are many parallels between the Celts, who surfaced in Europe from about 600 BC onwards, and the ten tribed northern House of Israel (also called Ephraim and Samaria), which was taken into Assyrian captivity from 721 to 718 BC, and which broke loose from their captors, after the fall of the Assyrian Empire to the Babylonians (609 BC).

The Celts are the descendants of the House of Israel, Samaria, Bit Khumri (Assyrian for Beth Omri, the House of Omri), hence ‘Khymri’ or ‘Cimmerians’. There is quite an astonishing, analogy between the Northern House of Israel with their levites/priests on the one hand and the Celts and Druids on the other.

Among the Celts, the Druids were the only teachers of religion, like the priests/Levites were in Israel. The Druids offered sacrifices, like the priests did in Israel. Among pagan nations it is normally the civil government which judges criminals, especially so in murder cases. This was not so among the Celts. The Druids, and not the kings or heads of tribes, decided about life and death, as did the priests in Israel.

Like the priests, the Druids had their high priest. Like the priests and Levites, the Druids were in charge of religion. Another strong link is the fact that both Levites in Israel and Druids among the Celts were exempt from military service and paying taxes.

The Celts seemed to have raised commemorative stone monuments like the Israelites and the oak tree played a significant role in the lives of both the Celts and the idolatrous Israelites of the Northern Kingdom.

The Celts had special feasts in May and October, a corruption of the feasts of the Eternal (Lev 23).

The Celtic day started at sunset – as it did in Israel – and the Celtic year started, according to certain historians, in autumn – as the year still does with the Jews.

The most gruesome analogy is the one of human sacrifices. For this reason Julius Ceasar considered the Celts barbaric and it was one of the reasons for God to drive the Ten Tribes out of the promised land. Could it be that Baal and Moloch. the gods the Israelites worshipped, were in essence the same as the Celtic gods Belenos (Baal) and Lug (Mo-loch)? Human sacrifices were made to both (Mo)loch and Lug.

Mother of God

Mother of God

IT IS A FITTING THING THAT IN THE NATIONS OF ISRAEL WE SET ASIDE A DAY CALLED “MOTHER’S DAY.” There is nothing more important to our Faith than that which revolves around a mother. For if we have the Ark and the Keystone of our Christian Faith, the Resurrection then the foundation stone is the Virgin Birth.

One of the mysteries that surround the great patterns of revelation is the fact that you and I may not select our mothers, but God selected His mother. When we talk of the mother of God, we are totally supported by the Scriptures. It is a very strange thing but Protestants’ haven’t talked too much about the areas of the Mother of God, and yet it is very much in the Scriptures. We will discuss this area and its meaning.

When God was ready to establish the household of His people in the earth, and to bring forth His Kingdom, there were areas which were a mystery to those of the earth. But in the Wisdom of His creation He begat the Adamic races for the occupancy of His Spiritual children. He did something special when He produced the pattern of the Adamic race, for He placed His sons and daughters in the world. Then when He had prepared a wife for Adam by taking Eve from him, He again applied a tremendous Spiritual emphasis. For His Spiritual children had lived in the heavens and been guided by His Spirit, and in their incorruptible seed, their spiritual consciousness was in the areas of perfection. The Attitude for God’s love for His creation and His attitude toward all He had placed in operation throughout the ages was one of an extensive patterns of concern and one of love that could not be found in any other area of the Universe.

Miracle of Deliverance

Miracle of Deliverance

THIS AFTERNOON WE TURN INTO II CHRONICLES, AND WE READ THIS WORD: “If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I WILL hear from heaven, and forgive their sins and heal their land. My people who are in trouble, and are called by my name, and if they realize that they are in trouble and they want to get their nation out of trouble, and want to be delivered, if they will humble themselves.

Oh, I know that you think, oh, we can work it out for ourselves, and militarily. So you want to do it all by yourself while the majority of the people in the world are against you. For you are only 1/6th of the worlds population. The Kingdom of God which is only one sixth of the world’s population is going to need a lot of help before it gets through. You are being disarmed while the enemy builds up its arms while he masses his troops and his people, and runs test wars against you.

Now if My people called by My name, Israel, issue ruling with God, if you will just humble yourself and pray, and seek my face—then turn from any of your wicked ways.

Now listen. HE says if you will do this, I will hear you from the heavens and I will forgive you and heal your land, and deliver my people.

HEAR this now: If my people will just humble themselves, and pray, come on Father we need help. Come on Father for we need you to avenge your land. And if you will do this then startling things will commence to happen.

Michael Prince of Space

Michael Prince of Space

WE ARE IN THE MIDST OF AN AGE THAT CONSIDERS ITSELF RATHER SOPHISTICATED. It’s advanced so far into the areas in which its technology has guided it that sometimes we are prone to evaluate the Universe we see only as it relates to the material substances we have been able to measure and to mould. There are a great number of people that evaluate all the accomplishes of life by how much of the material things men have been able to gather for themselves personally or for their families and there are men working night and day just for the sheer purpose of seeing how much they can accumulate to pass down throughout the gener­ations to come. From the same standpoint, they may at times recognize spirit­ual values.

There are times when these spiritual values have not been as distinct to their thinking as the substances which they have handled with a par­ticular affinity to the development of resources in the world they live in. we are living in such a highly technical society today that every range and every branch of Science has within it a whole field of operation requiring a virtual college education for that individual field.

Men or Beasts

Men or Beasts

AS WE TURN IN OUR SUBJECT TONIGHT MEN OR BEASTS, few know much about them. Many ministers do not know the difference between the creatures on the earth. And some of them erroneously as men, and think them as all people are one and the same. One of the greatest areas of Clergy in their lack of understanding is that they try to make you think that everyone on the face of earth descended from Adam. And to arrive at a conclusion that is more serious is to conceive that now everyone who exists on the earth came out of the house of Noah. And that all of the clashes we have today in the race question emerged out of Noah.

Thus, the whole world is brought back to one man, and his family. However one is not a bible student if he is not aware of this. And the churches which are accepting this is bound to be out of step with the truth of the Bible. One of these days there will be a great awakening and they will discover the great catastrophe which is now descending upon the children of the kingdom. Probably there is no single transgression in the scriptures, conceivably opposed by the Most High God, by his teaching, than this intermingling, this mongrelisation of races. And it is quite obviously that one of these great areas of catastrophe that is descending upon us is by Supreme Court decisions.

Mechanics of The Kingdom

Mechanics of The Kingdom

THIS AFTERNOON, as we are discussing the ‘mechanics of the Kingdom,’ there are a great many people who do not understand God’s purpose in the earth, as it relates to them and to their race, and as to establishing of God’s Kingdom in earth as it is in heaven. Because of this, they do not understand the processes in the revelation of and the purposes of God in the earth. As we have said unto you in the past, that the will of God’s sovereignty and the revelation of it and that which God has determined do, He shall bring to pass.

We have discussed this that as God predetermined, He did predestine, and there were certain things that He was going to do and this is the prerogative of God, because He is God. And this also is important to you and to your understanding because you know in your declaration that the Eternal God is omniscience, and has all power and possesses all abilities. And the very essence of His Spirit holding all things together, is an Omnipresent factor which relates to God and His ever present Universe. And we predicate our thought upon the Eternal nature of our Father, and the very words themselves, as we associate them with these ideas.

Measures From The Heavens

Measures From The Heavens

TONIGHT AS WE TURN TO SOME OF THE MEASURES OF THIS YEAR we discover of course that this is to be a very eventful year from its beginning. We said here last Sunday night that the signs in the heavens were meant to be read, or they never would have been placed there. In the days when Enoch was inspired with patterns of revelations, he was taken into the heavens, and he was there shown the ‘Gospel of the Heavens’ called the “Gospel of the sky”, and he was shown the signs of the Zodiac and the houses of the sun and the moon, and the movement of the Planets, showing their various orbits and how they squared and opposed and the measures which were given to him; this knowledge given to him to know he wrote down as it was called: “The Gospel of the heavens” he thus interpreted the measures and the signs, and some of these are disclosed in the books he wrote: “The mysteries of Enoch” and the “Secrets of Enoch” each contained some of this knowledge.

Seth, another of the original Magi was instructed with some of this knowledge, in fact given much instructions in this matter.

The Gospel message of the Stars not only covered much of the world, but every single type of concept. The scripture says in the 19th Psalm vs. 4 “Their line is gone out through the earth, and their words to the ends of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun” In the F.F. version it is still the story of the Zodiac: “There is no speech or tongue, where their voice is not heard. To all lands they bring hope, the whole world hears their speech”.

The Manifestation of The Sons of God

The Manifestation of The Sons of God

WE MENTIONED LAST SUNDAY ABOUT THE FACT THAT THE BAPTIST CONVENTION WAS FAR TO THE LEFT, and then the Liberal theologians were way off to the left. For they are talking about the total integration of all people. They are not going to pay any attention to any of the old stuff, for everyone is a Christian now days.

So today everyone is to worship together, and they are going to marry together, and live together. Everyone is the same for they all came from Adam and then all came from Noah. So they are making these statements.
Now we mentioned this last Sunday. They say the first one to be baptized was of course the Ethiopian. And we told you last Sunday that this Ethiopian was a white Israelite, and not a Negro. But the reason why they thought he was a black man was that he came from North Africa. But in scriptures they referred to this man as an Ethiopian just as you would to one from Europe as a European.

The fact of the matter was that he was reading Hebrew, and was heading for Jerusalem and the Temple. And at that time they would not have allowed a Negro in the Temple in Jerusalem. And besides, the Negroes did not read Hebrew in those days. In fact this was a man at the head of the Treasury of Queen Caddice the Ethiopian queen and Israelite from the colony of long ago started by Queen Sheba and the son of Solomon. This man was the chief of the treasury and a man of great brilliance. And he was baptized by Philip while he was on the way to the temple.

Pevensey Castle – Wanderings of an Antiquary

Pevensey Castle – Wanderings of an Antiquary

THE coast districts of Sussex were rendered important in ancient times by their productions, as well as by their position, which was favourable for communication with Gaul. They were separated from the rest of the island by a wide belt of very thick forest extending from Kent westward into Hampshire, known to the Romans by the name of Silva Anderidce, and to the Saxons by that of Andredes-weald and Andredes-leah. This name it either took from, or gave to, an important town on the coast named Anderida or Portus Anderidse fortified place, and its townsmen brave

We have no notice in the Roman writers of the history of this town, further than that its name is entered in the Itineraries. When the Saxon invaders landed in AD. 477, under their leader Ælla, and his three sons Cymen, Wlencing, and Cissa, they found this town, which they called Andredes-ceaster, a very strongly fortified place and its townsmen brave and skilful warriors. It was not till 491, fourteen years after their arrival, that Ælla and his son Cissa obtained possession of it, and then they were so incensed at the long and obstinate defence of its inhabitants, that they slew all that dwelt therein, so that not a single Briton was there left. Such is the account given by the Anglo-Saxon chronicle.

The wars of Ælla and the fate of the Roman Anderida appear to have been long celebrated in Saxon song, for the old historian Henry of Huntingdon, who made great use of such popular materials, has given us from tradition a more circumstantial account of the attack upon this important town. He tells us that Ælla led a very large force to the siege of this well-fortified town (urbem munitissimam). The Britons assembled “like bees,” and harassed the besiegers by day and by night but the more the Saxons suffered from their attacks the fiercer they became, and they made continual but unavailing efforts to force their way into the place. But whenever they made their assaults on the walls, the Britons attacked them behind with arrows and darts so hotly, that they left the walls, and turned upon them.

Adolph Hitler Founder of Israel

Adolph Hitler Founder of Israel

A hardcover edition of this book was originally printed by a Publisher of Marva, 1211 Genf, Case 254, Switzerland, © Copyright 1974 Kardel ISBN 3 85800 001 9

Translated by the Oficyna Wydawnicza “Fulmen”, Warszawa © Copyright 1996 Fulmen ISBN 83 86445 020 5 and in Poland is already sold out.

This introductory edition was translated by the Publisher, Modjeskis’ Society Dedicated to Preservation of Cultures, P.O. Box 193, San Diego, CA 92038, © Copyright 1997 Modjeskis’ Society ISBN 09657523-0-5 and is also available for distribution under the address of this Society.

All rights to said editions are preserved, as well as translation rights into other languages by the Society combined with interested entities.

Typical signs of Jewish features are: Eyes are usually shiny and both eye lids are heavy and swollen. The lymph bag under the eyes is usually fuller and stands out more than on Gentiles. The high cheekbone as a rule creates a sunken cheek. The nose can only be differentiated by its slightly moving nose wings when viewed from the front during breathing. The upper lip is short and the lower lip stands out and this gives the face a sensual expression.” Source: Twelve volumes “Jewish Encyclopaedia” on all questions pertaining Jewry and the Jewish curious nature and notions.

Adolf Hitler, with high probability a grandson of the Jew Frankenberger. Driven by his boundless hatred towards his own kinsmen, this man brought to reality his Vienna’s youth dream to settle the European Jews in the Orient.