New Age For God’s Kingdom, Israel in The Earth

New Age For God’s Kingdom, Israel in The Earth

WE TURN TO THE DISCUSSION OF THE DESTINY OF THE NATIONS. Especially as it relates to us in one of the great turbulent periods of our History.

We have been hearing of the meeting of the President and his cabinet with the leaders of Great Britain. And in this meeting, they are trying to find solutions for the problems of the world. They say they are discussing great problems. And out of these discussions will come decisions that will decide the destiny of the world today.

We as the children of the most HIGH YAHWEH understand what is to happen in the earth and we know that we will see a lot of these decisions overruled. However never fear, the nations of God’s Kingdom will survive. When we understand the background behind our race and the nations that emerged, from that background then we understand that YAHWEH has a great and tremendous purpose for his nations in the earth, and that they shall never be over thrown, or never be destroyed by the power of darkness in the world today.

We will consider the events around the crucifixion of the Christ and we will see that one of those events that stood out was the remarkable loyalty of the disciples of the Christ in the carrying forward of the principals of truth of the resurrection after they had been through this and realised the significance of the resurrection.

National Restoration

National Restoration

AFTER WE TAKE A LOOK AT WHAT IS BEING REPORTED TO US TODAY that we see we need a restoring. Thus we turn over into the book of Joel, and God says this about His nation: Fear not O land of mine, be glad and rejoice for YAHWEH will do great things. We surely need some great things done, and there is no question about that. We are surely inviting ourselves to be looted, at every turn. Be glad then, ye children of Zion, and rejoice in YAHWEH thy YAHSHUA for He hath given you the former rain moderately. But the MOST HIGH is not only going to bring you a former rain, but a latter rain as well, and it will be sufficient to bring forth the crop.

Now: of course God talks in symbolism, and he speaks in the book of Isaiah and says he will pour out his spirit upon his people like rain upon a dry ground. He talks about strange invaders, in the book of Joel, about armies of strangers who have come into the countries of the lands of Israel, and the United States of America, one of the strong nations of God’s Kingdom has seen this army of strangers come in. And God likens these strangers to insects, but says that he will pour out his spirit upon the people of his land. That he is going to pour his spirit out upon all of his people, and his old men and his young sons and daughters, and they are going to see visions, and they are going to understand that something is wrong, for an invasion has taken place, strangers have come into the land. God calls these strangers insects.

Mystery of The Kingdom

Mystery of The Kingdom

WE WERE DISCUSSING WITH YOU LAST WEEK, the subject from Mystery to Revelation, and we mentioned that there are several mysteries of God. This week we are talking about the mysteries of the Kingdom.

The mysteries of God are for your understanding. They are not for the entire world. Nor was it intended that the world would understand them at this time. That is one of the reasons why we have these mysterious passages which exist in the book of Matthew and in the book of Luke and so forth. When Jesus is speaking in the book of Matthew, chapter 13, verse 11, He says:–‘It is given unto you to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven, unto them is it not given.’ Then in Luke 8, we find that the mysteries are to be spoken in parables so that for some:–‘In seeing, they may not see, and in hearing, they may not hear.’

In fact it is very strongly spoken in Matthew that you would understand —but –they would not unless they suddenly professed conversion and joined you, and apparently this was not the design of the MOST HIGH. You see God recognized with the Omniscience of His intelligent wisdom, all that relates to earth, and all the strategy of the enemy. He knows the heart and soul and condition of every individual and knows that one of the Master strategies of Lucifer as he seeks to hold the earth and overthrow God’s kingdom is to profess that –they—are with you, and then they join you, and having joined you they seek to destroy from within, having infiltrated and penetrated. Then as one studies the history of God’s kingdom as it rises against the powers of evil which seeks to destroy it, you notice that the most successful attacks against God’s kingdom have come from infiltration.

The Criminals of The Dictatorship of The Proletariat

The Criminals of The Dictatorship of The Proletariat

LENIN’S WELL-KNOWN AXIOM to the effect that in revolutions for every honest-minded man (unfortunately) are to be found hundreds of criminals, can scarcely be applied to Hungarian Bolshevism, for among the notorious exponents of the same even the lamp of Diogenes would hardly have enabled us to detect one honest-minded man. Criminalists of long standing who lived through the horrors of the Red Regime in Hungary, which lasted from March 21 to the end of July, 1919, could testify, even without the decisions of the court of laws, that the leading spirits of the ‘Soviet Republic’ (with the exception of a few fanatics) consisted of common criminals, to the greater part of whom might be applied with perfect aptness the definition of Anatole France, ‘encore bête et déjà un homme.’

Every revolution has its idealistic champions, its enthusiasts who inflame the masses with a fiery passion and are themselves ready to endure all the suffering of Calvary in the service of the creed which they profess. Fanatic apostles of high aims may be sympathetic even in their fatal errors; and there is always something sublimely tragical in their fall. Who would doubt the unselfish enthusiasm of Camille Desmoulins, of Jourde, or of Louise Michel for their ideals, for which they were content to suffer and die?
Note: The Publishers of this volume are greatly indebted to Dr. Oscar Szollosy and to the Editor of The Anglo-Hungarian Review for permission to include this account of some of the chief actors in The Terror.

Our English Grandfathers

Our English Grandfathers

THIS LITTLE BOOK IS INTENDED TO FURNISH A BACKGROUND study of the history of the U.S., the history of the political and industrial freedom in England, from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the death of Queen Victoria. The author tries to use language familiar to pupils in the 7th year of the course of study in our Elementary schools.

Introduction: The white people who first came to this country were Europeans. Those who settled on the Atlantic coast from Maine to Florida were Englishmen. The ancestors of those English were Germans, who lived north of the Elbe river, in Germany, and near the coast of the North Sea. If we call the English our Grandfathers, then we must claim those early German people as our great grandfathers. From this it is evident that the American, the English and the German were all members of one great family or race, known as the Germanic family, in history as the Teutonic race.

Many of the inhabitants of Ireland, Wales, and Scotland have ancestors called the Britons. And there before the Germans were called the Celtic race. However they were related to the Germans.

The City on a Hill

The City on a Hill

FORMER PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN HAD A VISION OF AMERICA, that we should be like a “SHINNING CITY ON A HILL,” with the eyes of all people on us. This is also how his son the author of this book sees America. Therefore Michael Reagan covers issues and events that the rest of the Media did not touch. He is trying to carry on His fathers dream presented as a practical Reaganesque agenda for shrinking government, and expanding freedom in our land, so that America can once again be the “Shinning City on a hill’ that it was intended to be. A place of vital schools and safe streets. A place where families keep and enjoy the fruits of their labour. A place that thrives and prospers, but where the most important global export is ‘FREEDOM.”

Former Ronald Reagan said in his farewell address to the nation: (quote) “I have spoken of the Shinning City all my political life. In my mind it was a tall proud city built on rocks stronger than oceans, windswept, God bless, and teeming with all kinds of people living in harmony and peace. A City with free ports that hummed with Commerce, and creativity. And if there had to be a city wall, the walls then had doors and the doors were open to all who had the will and the heart to get here.” (Unquote). That is how President Reagan saw it.



EVERY INFANTRYMAN IN THE SOVIET ARMY CARRIES WITH HIM A SMALL SPADE. When he is given the order to halt he immediately lies flat and starts to dig a hole in the ground beside him. In three minutes he will have dug a little trench 15 centimetres deep, in which he can lie stretched out flat, so that bullets can whistle harmlessly over his head. The earth he has dug out forms a breastwork in front and at the side to act as an additional cover. If a tank drives over such a trench the soldier has a 50% chance that it will do him no harm. At any moment the soldier may be ordered to advance again and, shouting at the top of his voice, will rush ahead. If he is not ordered to advance, he digs in deeper and deeper.

At first his trench can be used for firing in the lying position. Later it becomes a trench from which to fire in the kneeling position, and later still, when it is 110 centimetres deep, it can be used for firing in the standing position. The earth that has been dug out protects the soldier from bullets and fragments. He makes an embrasure in this breastwork into which he positions the barrel of his gun. In the absence of any further commands he continues to work on his trench. He camouflages it. He starts to dig a trench to connect with his comrades to the left of him. He always digs from right to left, and in a few hours the unit has a trench linking all the riflemen’s trenches together. The unit’s trenches are linked with the trenches of other units. Dug-outs are built and communication trenches are added at the rear. The trenches are made deeper, covered over, camouflaged and reinforced. Then, suddenly, the order to advance comes again. The soldier emerges, shouting and swearing as loudly as he can.

The infantryman uses the same spade for digging graves for his fallen comrades. If he doesn’t have an axe to hand he uses the spade to chop his bread when it is frozen hard as granite. He uses it as a paddle as he floats across wide rivers on a telegraph pole under enemy fire. And when he gets the order to halt, he again builds his impregnable fortress around himself. He knows how to dig the earth efficiently. He builds his fortress exactly as it should be. The spade is not just an instrument for digging: it can also be used for measuring. It is 50 centimetres long. Two spade lengths are a metre. The blade is 15 centimetres wide and 18 centimetres long. With these measurements in mind the soldier can measure anything he wishes.

The infantry spade does not have a folding handle, and this is a very important feature. It has to be a single monolithic object. All three of its edges are as sharp as a knife. It is painted with a green matt paint so as not to reflect the strong sunlight.

The spade is not only a tool and a measure. It is also a guarantee of the steadfastness of the infantry in the most difficult situations. If the infantry have a few hours to dig themselves in, it could take years to get them out of their holes and trenches, whatever modern weapons are used against them.

Slouching Toward Gomorrah

Slouching Toward Gomorrah

MR. BORK STARTS THIS SLIDE OF AMERICA TOWARD GOMORRAH back to the sixties. I have always thought it started when this great nation of God’s kingdom joined the United Nations. (And thus we joined the world order in building a new one world government in which America loses her sovereignty.)

Mr. Bork believes that a nations moral life is the foundation of its culture. Thus Welcome to America 1998 and the rough beast which the Visionary poet Keats foresaw in 1919, which is now a monster of decadence, a plague several generations in gestation. We as a nation are now slouching not toward Bethlehem but toward Gomorrah, the Biblical city, burned to the ground for the sinfulness of its people. (Here in 1998, two years after this book was written we have gone further on down that road. Mr. Bork reminds us that our nation is in such serious moral trouble that its very foundation is crumbling.

Of our President back there in 1996 Mr. Bork wrote: (Quote) “Thirty years ago, Clinton’s behaviour would have been absolutely disqualifying. Since the 1992 election, the public has learned far more about what is known euphemistically as the ‘Character issue. Yet none of this seems to affect Clinton’s popularity. It is difficult to conclude that something about our moral perceptions and reactions has changed profoundly. If that change is permanent, the implication for our future is bleak.”(Unquote), (Well then how would you characterise things today?)

The Archaeological and Historical Writings of The Sanhedrin and Talmud of The Jews

The Archaeological and Historical Writings of The Sanhedrin and Talmud of The Jews

HERE IS ANOTHER BOOK REVIEW FROM THE SWIFT LIBRARY. At first glance the title might distract your interest. However, it is by a Christian Minister and since the book was reprinted in 1923, then perhaps Judean became Jew as is most often the case. This minister did not stress the difference between Jew and Israel. But he pointed out recorded facts and they are quite interesting.

Since we have given you the plans of our enemy for this ‘New Age,’ we as well as this Christian minister are always looking for conformation of the historical fact that there was such a ONE as YAHWEH in the flesh as YAHSHUA-Saviour, called Jesus of Nazareth. In this small book written by this Christian minister, we believe he found these old records which he was looking for.

Our author, thinking that no event of such importance to the world, as the death and Resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, could have inspired without some record being made of it by HIS enemies, the courts, legislatures, and historians, then our author set out to investigate this subject, to see what he could find as to old records. After consulting many various historians and corresponding with many scholars, our author persuaded two learned men, Dr. McIntosh and Dr. Twyman, to go with him to Rome to that Great Vatican Library, and then to Constantinople to the Library established in that city by the Christian Emperor Constantine. These three men would take with them, scribes to help record what they would find.

At the Vatican Library, there in Rome, our author and his friends were escorted into a great room at least 300 feet square. Here they saw many men who were priests and officers busy copying the papers brought to them by the officers. In this great room there were hundreds of paintings and our author noticed hundreds of ‘glass eyes’ with golden lids and lashes, and was told that these eyes were to represent ‘the All seeing Eye,’ but they were also the Light of this great room. Pastor Mahan said he thought he almost saw those many eyes ‘wink.’

The text our author and friends asked for were brought to them and most of the Scribes and Dr. Twyman were to stay here in Rome to copy from the great books while Dr. McIntosh and Reverend Mahan would go on to Constantinople to the Great Library, ’The St. Sophia Library.’ Dr. McIntosh tells us that all those Talmuds which we have been told that were burned by Gregory VI were the Talmuds of Babylon. But the records of the Talmud of Jerusalem and the records of the Jerusalem Sanhedrin were safe and in this St. Sophia Library in Constantinople. Therefore, we will never get discouraged thinking the old records are destroyed for YAHWEH has a habit of preserving those records of the development of HIS plan.

Bankers Behind The American Civil War

Bankers Behind The American Civil War

FOR YEARS THE AMERICAN COLONIES ENJOYED GREAT PROSPERITY they created their own money interest and debt free and taxation was small. The “English” Bankers were determined to bring the colonies under their sway. The colonists became exasperated with the re­peated attempts to impose taxes on them and in 1775 war broke out and on the 4th July 1776 they proclaimed their own independence.

In his book ‘A Matter Of Life Or Debt’ Eric de Mere relates how on a visit to England, Benjamin Franklin was appalled at the poverty he saw everywhere. He was asked how he accounted for the great prosperity of the American colonies and he replied: “It is be­cause we issue our own paper money. We call it Colonial Scrip and we issue enough to move all goods freely from the producers to the consumers and, as we create our own money, we control the purchasing power of money and have no interest to pay.” When this information reached the “English” Bankers they at once caused a Bill to be passed in Parliament forbidding the use’ of this Scrip Money.

Franklin stated that this “was the cause of the Revolution” and added, “The colonies would gladly have borne the little insignificant tax on tea and other articles, had it not been for the poverty amongst them caused by the “English” Bankers’ influence in Parliament.” The famous Parliamentarian Edmund Burke also confirmed this view.