Israel, Israel Über Alles! The Talmud Unmasked

Israel, Israel Über Alles! The Talmud Unmasked

THE TALMUD gets its name from the word Lamud – taught, and means The Teaching. By metonymy it is taken to mean the book which contains the Teaching, which is called Talmud, that is, the doctrinal book which alone fully expounds and explains all the knowledge and teaching of the Jewish people.

As to the origin of the Talmud, the Rabbis regard Moses as its first author. They hold that, besides the written law which Moses received from God on Mount Sinai on tables of stone, which is called Torah Schebiktab, he also received interpretations of it, or the oral law, which is called Torah Shebeal Peh. They say that this is the reason why Moses remained so long on the mountain, as God could have given him the written law in one day.

Moses is said to have transmitted this oral law to Joshua; Joshua in turn to the seventy Elders; the Elders to the Prophets, and the Prophets to the Great Synagogue. It is held that it was later transmitted successively to certain Rabbis until it was no longer possible to retain it orally.

Whatever may be said about this story of the Rabbis, it is sufficiently known to us that before the birth of Christ, schools existed in Palestine in which sacred literature was taught. The commentaries of the Doctors of the law were noted down on charts and lists as an aid to memory, and these, when collected together, formed the beginnings of the Jewish Talmud.

In the second century after Christ, Rabbi Jehuda who, because of the sanctity of his life, was called The Saint, and The Prince, realizing that the learning of the Jews was diminishing, that their oral law was being lost, and that the Jewish people were being dispersed, was the first to consider ways and means of restoring and preserving their oral law. He collected all the lists and charts and from them he made a book which was called the Sepher Mischnaioth, or Mischnah – a Deuterosis, or secondary law. He divided it into six parts, each of which was divided into many chapters. We shall consider these later.

The Mischnah is the foundation and the principal part of the whole Talmud. This book was accepted by the Jews everywhere and was recognized as their authentic code of law. It was expounded in their Academies in Babylon – at Sura, Iumbaditha and Nehardea – and in their Academies in Palestine – at Tiberias, Iamnia and Lydda.

As their interpretations increased with the passing of time, the disputations and decisions of the doctors of the law concerning the Mischnah were written down, and these writings constituted another part of the Talmud called the Gemarah.

These two parts are so disposed throughout the whole Talmud that the Mischnah serves first as a kind of text of the law, and is followed by the Gemarah as an analysis of its various opinions leading to definite decisions.

All the precepts of the Mischnah, however, were not discussed in the Jewish schools. Those whose use was nullified by the destruction of the Temple, and those whose observation was possible only in the Holy Land were not commented upon. Their explanation was left until the coming of Elias and the Messiah. For this reason some parts of the Mischnah are lacking in the Gemarah.

In interpreting the Mischnah of Rabbi Jehuda, the schools of Palestine and Babylon followed each their own method, and by thus following their own way gave rise to a twofold Gemarah – the Jerusalem and the Babylonian versions. The author of the Jerusalem version was Rabbi Jochanan, who was head of the synagogue in Jerusalem for eighty years. He wrote thirty-nine chapters of commentaries on the Mischnah which he compiled in the year 230 A.D.

Tales of Durham

Tales of Durham

A.D. 687-995.

THE Venerable Bede was 15 when St. Cuthbert died. Bede worked with and talked to men who had known St. Cuthbert so when he wrote the “Life of St. Cuthbert” his stories had a basis of truth which cannot be denied. He attributes miracles to the saint which today would be farfetched but miracles seemed to happen more often then than they do now or they were more easily explained.

One of the miracles often repeated was the saint’s invention of the duvet.

At one point in his monastic life St. Cuthbert decided to become a hermit. Not for him some convenient cave in a river bank near civilisation. He insisted that the place for him should be one of the Farne Islands. After much argument about what should be taken with him, some monks insisted that they should join him to help build a suitable shelter but this help was refused. He landed with nothing but the usual clothes of a monk. It can be cold and wet on the North East coast and having dug a hole as shelter against the shore wind Cuthbert began his first night as a hermit. He had of course forgotten that he was a Saint and as such had miracles to perform that he never intended to happen. During the night a flock of “Cuddy’s Ducks” came to the saint and began to pluck the soft under feathers from their bodies and covered the saint completely ensuring that he was snug and warm in the world’s first duvet. When it is revealed that a “Cuddy’s Duck” is an eider duck and that “Cuddy” is the Northern abbreviation for Cuthbert the whole miracle has an authentic ring to it.

A minor miracle in the same island occurred in Cuthbert’s early days as a hermit when he had no means of feeding himself and it was only the kind ministrations of a fish eagle which brought him a daily fish that made life bearable on the rocky isle. Another miracle concerned this island, the abode of devils and evil spirits whose sole occupation was to prevent anything growing, and to this end had amassed rocks with which to cover the island. Cuthbert wasted no time in dismissing these evil creatures, cleared the rocks and plants began growing where nothing else had grown.

Take Your Choice Separation or Mongrelization

Take Your Choice Separation or Mongrelization

THE TITLE OF THIS BOOK IS TAKE YOUR CHOICE – SEPARATION OR MONGRELLZATION. Maybe the title should have been “You Must Take or You Have Already Taken Your Choice-Separation or Mongrelization,” but regardless of the name of this book it is really and in fact a S.O.S call to every white man and white woman within the United States of America for immediate action, and it is also a warning of equal importance to every right-thinking and straight-thinking American Negro who has any regard or respect for the integrity of his Negro blood and his Negro race.

For nine years I have read, studied and analyzed practically all the records and everything written throughout the entire world on the subject of race relations, covering a period of close on to thirty thousand years. For more than three years I have been writing the message of warning to the white men and women, regardless of nationality, of the United States that you will find recorded on the pages of this book.

This book is not a condemnation or denunciation of any race, white, black or yellow because I entertain no hatred or prejudice against any human being on account of his race or colour-God made them so. I have endeavoured to bring to the attention of the white, the yellow. and the black races the incontrovertible truths of history over a span of thirty thousand years. all in an honest attempt to conserve and protect and perpetuate my own white race and white civilization, and at the same time impress especially the black and yellow races with the fact that they must join in an effort to protect the integrity of their own race, blood, and civilization.

Be it said to the credit of the black or Negro race in the United States that no right-thinking and straight-thinking Negro desires that the blood of his black race shall be contaminated or destroyed by the commingling of his blood with either the white or yellow races. The desire to mix, commingle, interbreed or marry into the white race by the Negro race is advocated largely by the mulattoes or mongrels who are now to an alarming degree found within the Negro race in this country.

Surely every decent white man and woman in America should have cause to be alarmed over the mongrelization of their white race and the loss of their white civilization when Dr. Ralph S. Linton, a leading Professor of Anthropology of Columbia University, New York City, said just recently that at the present rate of intermarrying, interbreeding, and intermixing within nine generations, which is only 300 years, that there would be no white race nor black race in America- that all would be yellow. And in a recent article entitled “Who Is A Negro,” Herbert Asbury makes the alarming and sickening statement that “more than two million United States Negroes have crossed the color line. contributing, among other things an ever-widening stream of black blood to the native white stock.”

Signs in The Heavens and Weather

Signs in The Heavens and Weather

THE TOPIC TONIGHT IS ON A SUBJECT WHICH IS STRIKING QUITE CLOSE TO HOME for people all over our nation. But it has prophetic significance in the events which are taking place especially in the way it effects our weather. A great many people think that the forces of nature just run rampage without any direction. But I want you to know that this is not true. A student of the scripture not only understands that the Almighty not only controls all the earth, but under the direction of His spirit, the very winds of heaven blow. The conditions that effect the earth, effect the rain and effect all of the strategies which are in the balance of the heavens, we are told, are balanced by the Holy Spirit. We are told affecting the lows and the high pressures of the earth and the great moving, shifting air masses effect the capacities by which the rain is shifted from one part of the earth to the other. The Holy Scriptures tell us that God sends the snow and He sends the rain. And that He holds or withholds it for a purpose. And that there is nothing which happens upon the face of the earth which is not known to Him.

As we have established this afternoon, all the divine power throughout the Universe, and the effects of this power through the areas of earth that He might bring to pass that which He wants, I think, it is quite easy for us to see that weather has a large part to play in this matter.

Should We Serve God or Man

Should We Serve God or Man

IN THIS GREAT NATION UNDER GOD we have watched the fulfilment in the last 175 years of some of the greatest of God’s fruition and promises upon a people. To those who are the children of this Book, it is impossible for a people and a nation like ours of this western civilization and culture of which we are a part, to develop in the earth without having the attention of prophecy, or the proclamations which relate to its destiny, by the Most High God.

We have before us, in our possession the holy scriptures. And the holy scriptures contain all of the books written by the prophets by inspiration. All of the holy scriptures however are not found in the book which we call the Bible. But the Bible contains 64 books of holy scriptures and two books that by probable permission, are there which are not inspired at all. However, we mention this because they are the book of Solomon and the one of Esther. But generally speaking the other books contain the name of God in areas of inspiration, and those two do not contain the name of God.

There are a great number of books which contain the mighty revelations and the truths of the most High, and these were called scroll scriptures. So we possess within them a code as to what God intended for our household and our race to know. As we clearly discover, the genealogy of this book is important unto God. We are vitally interested tonight in genealogy. It is important for a people to know from whence they have come and how pure they have maintained the vision and the revelation that God has bestowed upon them. We are cautioned in the scripture to pay no attention to vain genealogy. And vain genealogy does not interest us. We do not care how far back they try to trace their ancestry. There is nothing the Negro can produce in genealogy tonight that is significant or of importance to us at all. We are not interested in the potentates of Asia, or the antiquities of the background of any of ancient Asia. These are vain genealogies. But the genealogies which preserve the structure back to ancient Adam, and then points out in all of the areas of responsible connections, that it has sought to maintain the purity’s that God has sought to maintain. This is not a vain genealogy. This is a most important genealogy. This is the reason we have in the book of Matthew and in the book of Luke, the genealogy of Jesus the Christ. And we point out to you that it was important to you that we point out that this was important to you that all of the genealogy of His household was traced back to Adam. Who is declared in that genealogy is the son of God. We are interested tonight in the Adamic race because we are citizens of the Adamic race, as people who are apart of the White society that God established in the earth. And it is vitally important unto us that there be no mutation and that there be a preservation of this genealogy. The vessels that God has provided for the carrying forward of the holy seed was that Adamic household.

Switzerland Knights Templar and Nazis

Switzerland Knights Templar and Nazis

Theatrically, the Templars disappeared off the scene in 1307, after having secured their future by founding Switzerland in 1291. During this year, the last of the Crusades and the final “retreat” took place, escaping to Europe and Switzerland; thereafter calling the latter Sui-Ilse (Soeurs Isis) or Schw(e)-Iss (Schwester Isis). During the Crusades, the Templars massively butchered civilians in Jerusalem; then butchered some of the later generations in 1933-1945.

During the last Crusade, the last Templar stronghold, Akkon, fell on May 18th, 1291. Only 2 Months later, just the time it took to travel to Europe. Switzerland was founded on August 1″, 1291. This is why the Swiss flag remains a simplified Templar’s flag in the same red and white colours; and why a Templar Warrior’s shield is still shown, with the Templar’s cross on it, at the front of all the Swiss embassies — a real provocation to the Muslim world.

Much of the Gold from ancient Egypt and Jerusalem was transported to Switzerland —-so we can assume that this is where the famous Templar’s treasure has been hoarded. A similar process seems to have happened during the Second World War, where treasure ended up in Switzerland, having been seized from the House of Judah [The Germans] — which would not have included Khazars, Edomites, Kenites, AshkeNAZlm, Pharisees, “Serpent Seed” (“Reptiles”) or Zionists.

Secrets of The Synagogue of Satan

Secrets of The Synagogue of Satan

SINCE TIME IMMEMORIAL THE “PEOPLE OF THE TALMUD” have looked for a temporal Messiah who would ascend to the “Throne of David” and literally put the material world under his feet and cause all “goy” to worship at the feet of the self-chosen people. Rejecting the thought that Jesus came to “fulfil the law and the prophets,” the People of the Talmud expect their rewards in this world, not in the next. This religion was uncompromisingly described by the philosopher and historian, Horace Meyer Kallen, of the New School for Social Research, in his Zionism and World Politics. We quote from page 9 of that work: “For them (the Jews), reward and punishment were here and now, where sin and virtue were, and the hope of good fortune for the righteous was a hope for this world and not another. Particularly this was the case for a whole people, a nation, whose span of life overreaches the brief mortality of the individual. The people of Israel, banished from its land for its unrighteousness, should be restored for its righteousness. This was Yahweh’s promise, and in this promise his people might take comfort. The restoration would be bodily, political, and physical. It would install an era of international peace and international comity, the rule of law replacing the rule of force and the life of cooperation, the life of conflict….

“This restoration, from the first exile in the seventh century before the beginning of the Christian era through the first millennium after it, is conceived in political terms..”

In these words Professor Kallen, Zionist and Talmudist, explains the whole of what we have come to know as the “Messianic Complex” of those who call themselves” Jews. They rejected the true Messiah because He refused to reign over them as a temporal king; told them that His Kingdom was not of this world; and also told them to render unto Caesar the things that were Caesar’s and unto God the things that were God’s. But the Pharisees expected physical, material, temporal fulfilment of prophecy; and could not divide the spiritual from the political.

This makes it impossible to oppose Zionism, Communism, and Socialism without also opposing Talmudism. For all are political, materialistic, oligarchic, and anti-Christian!

Shekinah Glory

Shekinah Glory

NOW THE WORD ‘SHEKINAH’ IS A HEBREW WORD, and it is talking about the Effulgent Majesty of the Glory that shines forth from the presence of the Most High God. Whenever the word appears it is of course in Hebrew and it is not in the translation, but it talks about the radiant light, and we call it by the name which was intended, The Shekinah Glory of the Most High Yahweh. It is an intense and very important area of development in the knowledge of the Scripture.

There are many things inside the scriptures that are translated in a rather poor light. Because of this then people have different ideas about the things the scriptures are talking about. They look upon the eventual doom of ungodly men and their endless torture and punishment, but they do not understand the scriptures.

On things about the Gospel is this, it is Glad Tidings of Great Joy to all people, and I can assure you that it would not be glad tidings to someone who is going to be punished and tortured through out all times, and all ages. So, we have some things to learn about. The Grace of Yahweh and also about the Light of Yahweh.

Separate Vessels

Separate Vessels

TONIGHT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT SEPARATE VESSELS, we think this is an important subject because there is many conditions and environments with different people, and it seems to be affecting the lives of different people, and people follow leadership sometimes that they do not understand. The question arises in the mind sometimes of the uninformed Christian, how long will God put up with this kind of betrayal that great Christian nations are receiving from people in positions of authority. Or of leadership that acts like a Judas goat leading the people of God’s kingdom in many instances down the road to betrayal. The answer is very clearly outlined inside the scripture.

For there is nothing taking place upon the earth that is not known to our father. He is not only the Eternal God and possesses these capacities of Omniscience but he knows the strategy and the patterns of the enemy, and he also knows the areas in which they carry out their function. In trying to gain those whom they use for a front for their programs. Lucifer has always been a super deceiver. And on the world horizon he operated as a deceiver. He even thought to introduce himself as having more power and more wisdom than God. With the seduction of Eve it was never what did God say it was never mind that this is what I say. But in these instances he had to be persuasive for he had to introduce the first areas of the fall which affected our race.

Scoffers – The Hippies – in The Latter Days

Scoffers – The Hippies – in The Latter Days

IN THE AREAS OF THE SCRIPTURES IN 2 PETER, he tells us that quite a discovery is taking place upon the face of the earth. For knowing that there shall come in the latter days, scoffers, walking after their own lusts. And they shall also say, ‘where is the promise of HIS coming.’

Strangely, the people who believe in the Second Coming are largely Christians and church goes, though this promise is known thru out the length and breadth of our race.

But we have had a strange experience over the last twenty-five to thirty-five years. For there have been many unqualified to preach the Gospel, standing in the pulpits of the Christian Churches. In fact, many of these people in their seminaries never had it brought to their attention that the return of Christ would be in the pattern of things. And in this hour, we are discovering that some of the strangest things are developing throughout the length and the breadth of our land. Every part of this great nation where we have had great and individual and personal freedom, and where we have known the greatness of God’s blessings, we discovered are not great areas of disturbance, and riots are sweeping over some of the youth of our land. They are dressing as part clown and they are acting in all areas of operation, like some strange monstrosity. They wear their hair long and in strange hair styles. And boys and girls can hardly be told apart, as they walk the streets.