Shekinah Glory

Shekinah Glory

NOW THE WORD ‘SHEKINAH’ IS A HEBREW WORD, and it is talking about the Effulgent Majesty of the Glory that shines forth from the presence of the Most High God. Whenever the word appears it is of course in Hebrew and it is not in the translation, but it talks about the radiant light, and we call it by the name which was intended, The Shekinah Glory of the Most High Yahweh. It is an intense and very important area of development in the knowledge of the Scripture.

There are many things inside the scriptures that are translated in a rather poor light. Because of this then people have different ideas about the things the scriptures are talking about. They look upon the eventual doom of ungodly men and their endless torture and punishment, but they do not understand the scriptures.

On things about the Gospel is this, it is Glad Tidings of Great Joy to all people, and I can assure you that it would not be glad tidings to someone who is going to be punished and tortured through out all times, and all ages. So, we have some things to learn about. The Grace of Yahweh and also about the Light of Yahweh.