The Blue Tunic Army of Christ

The Blue Tunic Army of Christ

TONIGHT WE SHALL TALK TO YOU ABOUT THE BLUE TUNIC ARMY. Although there is nothing said about the Blue Tunic Army in the Scriptures, nevertheless, it is rich in tradition, tradition that is shown in the records which the pastor Mark had, as he pastored the Christian church in Alexandria, Egypt. The Essene company also had records that describe the activities of the Blue Tunic Army, and the history of Joseph of Arimathea contains much concerning this army.

If we turn back the pages of history to the time of Jesus, we learn that there had been a tremendous operation of intrigue going on in Palestine and particularly inside the city of Jerusalem and inside the Temple of that city. About 500 years before the birth of Christ, when a few thousand Israelites of the tribes of Judah, Benjamin and Levi returned to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple, after 70 years of captivity in Babylonia, a mixed multitude of alien Asiatic pagans came along with them, which was most unfortunate. It so happened that these aliens brought from Babylon a new and radically different kind of religion, religion that was not based on the commandments of God, but, instead, was based on the traditions of men; and this religion over the centuries has been called the tradition of the elders, or Talmudism, and today is called Judaism.

When the Temple was rebuilt about 515 B.C., a government under God was then reestablished in the city of Jerusalem. This government, called a theocracy, was then once more administered by the Levites as God had commanded, and the sons of Aaron again served as the priests in the Temple worship. But soon thereafter, the pagan aliens from Babylon began their intrigue of subversion and conquest of the government and religious worship. These Babylonian pagans were related to the Canaanites, Amalekites, Hittites and other people that God had told the Israelites to avoid, who also living at that time in the land of Judea and particularly in the city of Jerusalem.

The Kingdom of Zion

The Kingdom of Zion

 Have you ever wondered why everything happens the way it does?
 Who could possibly benefit from all of the suffering and exploitation in this world?
 Does evil really exist and affect our lives?

This book is especially written for those who are aware of the existence of evil in this world, and who are entirely repelled by it.As I have explained extensively in my other books, ontologically there are basically two kinds of people in this world:

 Good (True, Theomorphic Beings)
 Evil (Counterfeit beings – robots and demons)

Mentally there are also basically two groups:

 those who accept evil, for they are evil or severely programmed by evil, and find little or nothing wrong with themselves, their families and friends, their institutions, their communities, their nation, and their world
 those who react automatically against evil, against abuse, exploitation, and injustice wherever they see them for they are not evil

A common illusion of the unaware, the “successful”, and those who do not seem to be suffering much, is that everything is okay, things are getting better, and the world order is essentially “good”.

But, the truth is, nothing is okay, things are getting worse, and the world order is temporally and spiritually evil. As hard as it might be for the average person to conceive, this world is ruled by evil.This book is to explore the nature of evil at the highest level, its origin, its unseen agenda, its support, its progeny, and its elect in this world. As the Gnostics have known and taught since time immemorial, there is duality in this dimension, this part of creation – Good and evil – and the two opposing forces have been at war ever since the demonic consciousness took hold in some parts of this sector of creation.

The war between the spiritual essences of Good and evil is largely on a spiritual level, yet it impacts and fates this physical world and all of its inhabitants. Only a fool or a demon would argue that evil does not exist, or that it is not getting worse in this world. What is occurring at this time is unprecedented: all evil is being exposed and will soon be destroyed forever, including the source of evil.

The Light in every form, as in the Beings of Light, is being withdrawn from this dimension, and evil with all its manifestations, including all evil beings, is being left to its final fate, total destruction. The permanent solution to the temporary problem of evil is on the way.

The Bloodstream of Babylon

The Bloodstream of Babylon

TONIGHT WE ARE TALKING ON A SUBJECT WHICH IN ITSELF, PRESENTS QUITE A UNIQUE CHALLENGE. Because it is a story of a power utterly designed to rule the world. The power whose evil is far greater than many recognize. And whose strategies reach out in many avenues. We have discussed with you in the past the symbol of Mystery Babylon the Great. For it is identifiable in the scriptures, especially in the New Testament as Christ unveiled these mysteries to John in the book of Revelation, that all the evil powers in these three branches of ‘Mystery Babylon (666) are political, social in its design and economic strategies and religion. All are outlined here as Satan, Beast, anti-Christ, and false prophet.

The Beast system is symbolic of the Political system of the masses who are under the control of Babylon. That the false prophet is all the false religions and false processes which are advocated out of these evil and false anti-Christian powers, and shows their designs for World Rule.

That the very seed of the Dragon, the inassimilable household of Lucifer, and his offspring dominate and control the programs of anti-Christ, anti-God. And thus the three ‘unclean frogs’ of Revelation that gather men to the struggle for the climax of this age actually are again, the symbols of, ‘the Beast’. The ‘False Prophet’ and the Dragon work with the ‘Beast’ system and all are manipulated by Babylon’s Economic powers.

The Slaughter of Altnaveigh

The Slaughter of Altnaveigh

ON JUNE 17TH 1922, THERE TOOK PLACE IN THE TOWN LAND OF ALTNAVEIGH, a blood-thirsty massacre of defenceless Protestant people, as the Roman Catholic, Irish Republican Army sought to strangle at birth the new State of Northern Ireland, by these and other acts of genocide. As it is vital that our people, especially our young folk, remember the fact s of hi story and what fate would await us in a Roman Catholic-dominated, all-Ireland statelet, we issue this the first in a series of “Lest We Forget” pamphlets.

Newspapers of that time reported the massacre with the following headlines:-


Rev. P. McKee who conducted the funeral services of the victims, had this to say:-

“From this congregation, a young lad, a man in the prime of life, and his wife have been done to death in ways that leave un-manifested no form of bestial cruelty and fiendish malice––the marauders have left us a bloody mile of roofless houses, and blood and fire on what was once a beautiful country road. I shall never forget the sights I saw, or the narratives told to me by the survivors. God give me strength to remember that lesson and to interpret it.—even in warfare there is a certain limit to atrocity, a certain code of honour is practised by all but the vilest savage.
In this, those who wrought Saturday’s deed of shame have no share––-When the victims asked their assassins, “What have we done?” they got the answer — “YOU ARE PROTESTANTS”.

The Beast Has A Banner

The Beast Has A Banner

THE E.E.C. OR EUROPEAN UNION HAS ITS OWN FLAG; twelve golden stars upon a blue background. It is frequently to be seen nowadays flying from town halls and public buildings. This same flag appears as the logo on all properties and projects which receive European funding, even on Protestant church properties which have taken aid from Europe.

The prevailing religious ethos of the European Union is Roman Catholic; reflecting the vast numerical majority of Roman Catholics within the borders of its member states, such as Italy, Spain, France and Portugal. Students of Bible Prophecy know that the aim of the European Union is to destroy the national sovereignty of the member states including Great Britain and submerge them in a United States of Europe, as the first step in fulfilling the centuries old conspiracy to create a one-world government, economy and religion.

Bearing all this in mind we find the following interesting information regarding the design of the flag or banner of the European Union.

The Blood of The Righteous

The Blood of The Righteous

WE ARE SPEAKING ON THIS SUBJECT OF THE BLOOD OF THE RIGHTEOUS CRYING OUT FROM THE GROUND, and for our story we turn to the Book of Matthew for the tremendous indictment by Jesus against these deadly, and devilish people. Not only was Jesus creating by this indictment, Judgment, but He also said: ‘Upon you shall come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth.’ Hear this now, what a tremendous indictment out of the lips of Christ. Matthew 23:25. ‘Upon you shall come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth. From the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias, son of Barachias whom ye slew between the Temple and the Altar.’ ‘Verily I say unto you, all these things shall come upon this generation (offspring‑people).’

The indictment that Christ had just declared, that all the righteous blood of all the children of the Most High, the children of His Spirit, the children of His progeny, that He had placed in the earth, and now referred to in the Scripture as The Righteous. In other places they were known as Saints, believing offspring of the Most High God. Therefore God said that all His believing offspring who would be murdered, put to death on the face of the earth, that He would require all of their blood at the hands of this certain people. A people that were blood thirsty who would seek to kill and destroy.

The Bible is True

The Bible is True

PROBABLY THERE IS NO OTHER SUBJECT INSIDE THE SCRIPTURES THAT IS MORE IMPORTANT to us at this moment than our subject for today, ”Is the Bible True?”

Let us turn in the beginning to II Timothy 3:16. “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction and in righteousness.”

Prior to this then, the declaration given to Timothy was; ”Know this; that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of themselves, boasters, covetous, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, Unholy, without natural affection, truce breakers, false accusers, fierce, despisers of those who are good. Traitors, heady, high minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God. Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof, from such turn away. Therefore thou from a child, thou hast known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation, through Faith which is in Christ Jesus.”
The significance in these passages is that it was given unto a household and unto a race. It was given to a people who had the capacity to respond to such areas of distinction, and in the course of this declaration we discover that the pattern of the inspiration and the proper use of the Scriptures for doctrine was advocated.

Let us go back into the Book of Deuteronomy and we discover that God, in His declaration, had bestowed upon the Children of Israel a volume of documents and of records. He gave them the Scriptures and their scrolls. He gave them an area of precise and clear inspiration. And so, we read in Deuteronomy, chapter 33; concerning this man of God, this man Moses blessed the Children of Israel before his death and he said to them:

How The Popes Gave Ireland to England

How The Popes Gave Ireland to England

GENERATIONS OF ROMAN CATHOLIC IRISH REPUBLICANS HAVE PROCLAIMED loud and long that the source of all of Ireland s woes has been the presence of the English. The Emerald Isle, once famed as a land of Saints and Scholars, has been drenched in blood down the centuries, as inhuman fiends posing as patriots have murdered, maimed and massacred, rebelled and waged civil war, often with the blessing of the Roman Catholic clergy, in the supposed cause of Irish freedom.

However the suppressed facts of history are that when King Henry II of England landed with an army of 4,000 at Waterford in October 1171, he came at the Pope s behest and carrying as his authority the Papal Bull Laudabiliter, by which the Roman Pontiff claimed the right to bestow Ireland as a gift to the English King on condition that he suppressed the ancient Celtic or Culdee Church, and brought the island and its people into submission to Rome.

We reproduce herewith the Bull Laudabiliter by which Pope Adrian IV (above) gave Ireland to England:

The Bible and Race of Destiny

The Bible and Race of Destiny

WE ARE TURNING THIS AFTERNOON TO A LITTLE DISCUSSION OF THE DESTINY OF YOUR RACE. Too many people have not been informed that the Bible has a message which relates to our race. Therefore, we want to make this affidavit that this book which we call the Bible was not only given to prophets and patriarchs, and Apostles of your race, but it was written unto you. And to no one else in the earth. It also denotes in it what your responsibility will be and what you shall undertake and what part you shall play in the events that are still to come. I do not know of any way to start with the story of your race or to discuss the purposes of the MOST HIGH GOD unless you go back to the beginning, the points from which we have come and that we might also look forward to this panorama of history that we have yet to go.

One of the significant things about this book, is that it gives us the key and the clue. For the great panorama of vision and inspiration is not to be found altogether within the covers of this book. A great number of the documents written and produced by the Patriarchs called of God, and a selection of those bound together in this book called the Bible, depended largely upon the Council of Nicaea. And the decisions made there gave us these 66 books called the Bible. And there is no doubt in our thinking that these books be preserved, except two of these books which should never have found their way into the scriptures. A great number of scriptures more binding, given by inspiration of the records of your race, should have been included in this content. The important thing however is to follow the declaration and to understand the background of our race and our society.

The Battle for The Mind of Our Youth

The Battle for The Mind of Our Youth

TONIGHT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT THE SITUATION IN OUR NATION WHICH IS THE BATTLE FOR THE MIND OF OUR YOUTH. And many people do not realize how close this is related to our nation’s situation of the development in our society of the philosophy and ideologies that are diabolically opposed to all that has made America great and from the source from which came our great prophets. There is no doubt that this nation was begotten in freedom from the days of our founding fathers.

They came into this nation with the desire to have complete freedom. And even though out of the background of certain common denominators, and the ratio of these common denominators, for alto there are many nations in Europe, still those coming were of one ratio in background. Their faith at that time was already diversified although they did recognize a belief in Jesus as the Christ. At the same time, there did exist, and it can exist in such a society, a certain amount of persecution, and certain complexes, just to determine just what the individual will or will not believe. Also the founding fathers and the colonists who came over here to lay the foundation, came to worship God as they pleased. And to develop in this nation, which as yet was only a Colonial vision to them, an opportunity which cannot be denied them in the great achievements that were ahead and the destiny which was behind them.