WE ARE TURNING THIS AFTERNOON TO A LITTLE DISCUSSION OF THE DESTINY OF YOUR RACE. Too many people have not been informed that the Bible has a message which relates to our race. Therefore, we want to make this affidavit that this book which we call the Bible was not only given to prophets and patriarchs, and Apostles of your race, but it was written unto you. And to no one else in the earth. It also denotes in it what your responsibility will be and what you shall undertake and what part you shall play in the events that are still to come. I do not know of any way to start with the story of your race or to discuss the purposes of the MOST HIGH GOD unless you go back to the beginning, the points from which we have come and that we might also look forward to this panorama of history that we have yet to go.
One of the significant things about this book, is that it gives us the key and the clue. For the great panorama of vision and inspiration is not to be found altogether within the covers of this book. A great number of the documents written and produced by the Patriarchs called of God, and a selection of those bound together in this book called the Bible, depended largely upon the Council of Nicaea. And the decisions made there gave us these 66 books called the Bible. And there is no doubt in our thinking that these books be preserved, except two of these books which should never have found their way into the scriptures. A great number of scriptures more binding, given by inspiration of the records of your race, should have been included in this content. The important thing however is to follow the declaration and to understand the background of our race and our society.