The Open Secret of Ireland

The Open Secret of Ireland

THE object of Mr Kettle, in writing this book, is, I take it, to reveal to English readers what he not inaptly terms as “The Open Secret of Ireland,” in order to bring about a better understanding between the two nations, and to smoothe the way to a just and final settlement of their old-time differences. Any work undertaken on such lines commends itself to a ready welcome and a careful study, and I feel sure that both await Mr Kettle’s latest contribution to the literature of the Irish question. As the son of one of the founders of the Land League, and as, for some years, one of the most brilliant members of the Irish Party, and, later, Professor in the School of Economics in the new National University in Dublin, he has won his way to recognition as an eloquent exponent of Irish national ideas; whilst the novelty of his point of view, and the freshness, vigour, and picturesque attractiveness of his style ensure for his work a cordial reception on its literary merits, apart from its political value.

Undoubtedly, one of the main sources of the Anglo-Irish difficulty has been mutual misunderstanding, generating mutual mistrust and hatred. But the root of the difficulty goes deeper. It is to be sought in the system of misgovernment and oppression which successive generations of British rulers have imposed upon what, with cruel irony, British historians and statesmen have been wont to call “the sister country.” This is the real “open secret” of Ireland, a secret that all who run may read, and the effective bearing of which is: that tyranny begets hatred, and that freedom and justice are the only sure foundations of contentment and goodwill between nations.

During the past thirty years, and especially since 1886, when Mr Gladstone threw the weight of his unrivalled genius and influence into the scale in favour of justice to Ireland, a great deal has been done to erase the bitter memories of the past, and to enable the English and the Irish peoples to regard each other in the light of truth, and with a more just appreciation of what is essential to the establishment of genuine and lasting friendly relations between them.

But it would be idle to ignore the fact that, to a considerable section of the English people, Ireland is still a country of which they possess less knowledge than they do of the most insignificant and remote of the many islands over which the British flag floats. Mr Kettle’s book ought to be of service in dispelling this ignorance, and in enabling Englishmen to view the Anglo-Irish question from the standpoint of an educated and friendly Irish opinion.

The output of purely political literature on the Irish problem has been increasing during the past few years, and there is room for a book which aims at focusing attention upon some aspects of it which the mere politician is apt to pass lightly over or to ignore altogether. Like most of Mr Kettle’s work, the book bears the impress of his individuality, and, to many of his readers, this will constitute much of its charm and merit. At the same time, in order to prevent misunderstanding, it is necessary for me to state that I do not commit myself to acceptance or endorsement of everything which the book contains. I content myself with stating, from personal experience, that nothing which Mr Kettle writes about Ireland can fail to be worthy of notice by everyone interested in the Home Rule controversy, and that I believe the circulation of this volume will serve to stimulate thought about Ireland, and so to hasten the advent of that brighter day when the grant of full self-government to Ireland will reveal to England the open secret of making Ireland her friend and helpmate, the brightest jewel in her crown of Empire.

The Old Lady Unveiled

The Old Lady Unveiled

THE OBJECT OF THIS BOOK is to awaken the public to the truth that the Bank of England, commonly believed to be the most disinterested and patriotic of the nation’s institutions, has been since its foundation during the reign of William of Orange a private and long-sustained effort in lucrative mumbo jumbo, and that it is in these days under! international control, serving foreign nations better on occasion than it serves England.

As a preliminary to the writing of such a book, one generally undertakes a certain amount of research work on well-defined and easily followed lines. If, for example, one wished to find out all there is to be known about Barclays Bank, one would first of all search the records at Somerset House or at the registered offices of the company.

There would be no difficulty in unearthing such important information as the names of the share­holders, the amount each has invested, the real capital of the company subscribed in cash as against the proportion, if any, that has been “watered” by the capitalisation of profits, the total amount of profits earned and the present financial position of the concern.

Resolutions affecting the policy of the bank, its scope and powers and their amendment from time to time, would be set forth in the files as required by the limited companies acts, which also lay down that these shall be open for inspection by the public.

Research affecting the Bank of England is not quite so simple. The investigator is blocked at every turn. There are no files of the Bank of England at Somerset House. Since it is not a limited company, but operates under Parliamentary charters, it has no registered offices and therefore no place where by law its accounts may be scrutinised.

Enquiry at the Bank itself has negative results, unless the enquirer has more than usual persistence. Then he will doubtless have the positive satisfaction of being ejected by minions in uniforms as impressive and official seeming as those garbing the posse from the Brigade of Guards which watches over the sterling virtues of the Old Lady of Thread­needle Street throughout the hours of night.

Here is a reply, dated January 18th, 1933, to a written enquiry:

“In reply to your recent letter I have to inform you as follows:

(1) The list of stockholders published by the Bank is for internal use and is available to Proprietors of Bank Stock only.

(2) The Bank have no statutes or. Articles of Association, their constitution being based upon a Charter of 1694 and various Acts of Parliament, of which the chief is that of 1844.

I may mention that a Statistical Summary, compiled by the Bank of England, has recently been made available at an inclusive charge of 12s. per annum, payable in advance.

RONALD DALE, Secretary.”

And that is as far as the Bank is prepared to assist those who may have the temerity to be interested in its affairs. The Statistical Summary, of course, confines itself mainly to the note issue and the Bank reserves, and this information is in any case published weekly in the London Gazette. The Sum­mary gives away no secrets.

The New Unhappy Lords

The New Unhappy Lords

ALTHOUGH this book is written from a British point of view, my hope is that it will prove useful to the patriots of other lands, not least those of the United States and South Africa. In recent years several excellent American books, devoted to an exposure of traitors on that side of the Atlantic, and of their powerful protectors, have been published, and if their authors care to study the facts here made available, and the deductions drawn from them, they may conclude, as I have done, that the conspiracy in their midst, so far from having a purely American significance, is global and aims at securing as far as possible control over the whole world. They will certainly perceive that the tech­niques employed to bring about the subjugation of man­kind are very much the same as and sometimes identical with, the techniques used for the furtherance of traitorous policies in the United States.

As a conspiracy by its very nature is secret, it is not often possible to bring against it a direct case, as distinct from a case based on circumstantial evidence. When a conspiracy has been active for many years, however, there are bound to be occasions when it reveals its existence, and these self-exposures have to be used as pointers to its overall plan. What provides the main proof is that, the policy objective having become known, there has been continuity of the policy pursued to achieve it in one country after another, with no turning aside during the course of several decades. Whether or not one takes a deterministic view of human life, multitudinous events have the appearance of being accidental. Even so, where policies all over the world are shaped to the attainment of one end, the explanation that they can be traced to a large number of accidents or coincidences places a greater strain on credulity than does the belief that they have been deliberately contrived, especially when the mass of circumstantial evidence is examined. Any belief that the present drive for political monopoly derives from a universal fear of further wars can scarcely survive the evidence produced in this book of the actual use for which the various internationalist agencies have been employed. The fear undoubtedly exists, but my thesis is intended to make clear beyond doubt that it has been and is being shamelessly exploited for the setting up of a world tyranny.

It is exasperating to the author, and so it may be to the reader, that the makers of the conspiracy have to be given some general name, such as the Money Power, or the Power Elite, or the manipulators of international policy. As they do not name themselves, and as they work sometimes in one combination, sometimes in another, and as—like the rest of humanity—they are often rent by internal dissension and by rival bids for power, I do not know of any way of avoiding this difficulty. One can but vary the message contained in Holy Writ and say : “By their policy objec­tives shall ye know them”. Several of the agents and agencies are not thus hidden, and these I have duly named.

The Children of Our Heavenly Father

The Children of Our Heavenly Father

THIS AFTERNOON, WE ARE SPEAKING ON THE SUBJECT OF ‘THE CHILDREN OF THE HEAVENLY FATHER.’ And we are well aware that this is one of the subjects which would be considered highly controversial, if the background of the individual is not sufficient or he is not willing to abide by the facts that emerge. But I think one of the most important things that you can know is who you are and where you came from. As we have often cited, if you do not know who you are and where you came from, how do you know where you are going?

It is very important that we understand today the difference between people and races, and nations. It is important that we understand the content of the scriptures. And that academically we approach the subject as it relates to the species on earth that we call man. And that we understand the difference between man and Hu-man also because this is basically important. The word Hu-man means spirit man. There is a difference between men engendered with spiritual life and the races which do not have that particular pattern of origin.

The Chalice

The Chalice

A GREAT MANY INSTITUTIONS ARE BEGINNING TO COME TOGETHER, AND TO CELEBRATE TOGETHER. There is two times of the year when they come together. One is at Easter, and one is at Christmas. A great number of these institutions of course do not believe that Jesus is the Christ. But they do acknowledge that HE rose from the dead. So we have a witness that is with us today that these things are true. We would thus go back into the background of history and pick up some of the trends of things that transpired. The thing that makes Palm Sunday so great in the declaration of Christendom. For in this declaration we have a foundational truth.

As you go back into the declaration in the Gospel of St. Mark: ‘When they came nigh unto Jerusalem and unto Bethany, at the Mount of Olives HE sent forth two of his disciples, saying, go over into the village that is against you and as soon as you have entered in, you shall find a colt upon where never a man sat. Loose him and bring him. If any man say, why do you do this, then say that the LORD hath need of him.

And straightway he will send him hither. And he went and therefore found a colt tied by the door. And certain men who stood there said what need ye of this colt. And he said, Jesus hath need of it. And certain of them commanded, and they let them go.

The reason why this declaration had been given by Christ was because in the writings of Zechariah in the 9th chapter, 9th verse: “Rejoice greatly oh, Daughter of Zion; Shout O, daughter of Jerusalem; behold thy King cometh to thee. He is just and having salvation, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass.”

The Chalice or The Crown Palm Sunday

The Chalice or The Crown Palm Sunday

PRAYER; ALMIGHTY AND ETERNAL FATHER, AGAIN WE COME INTO THY PRESENCE AS THEY CHILDREN, thankful that you have given unto us an inspiration of thy spirit, this reserved unto us in the Word, which you spake unto thy prophets. That you unveiled by the administration of thy own ministry, and have preserved unto us unto our time, thru the documents of the scriptures. And words which were spoken unto us by thy apostles and by the revelation of thy spirit, and thru the communications of the household of thy people.

We are thankful that our people can say ‘Our Father which art in heaven.’ That we know the eternalness of thy kingdom because it has been established in earth by thy people. And we are looking forward to thy word being covenanted with us. To the establishment of thy kingdom in power with majesty and with Glory. That thy majesty shall be known from one end of the earth to the other. And thy Glory and thy Peace shall be resolved upon earth, and which shall acknowledge thee.

The powers of thy kingdom shall be restored to establish thy kingdom forever. And in the process, destroy the powers of darkness. And this power of righteousness and Glory is something which we are all a part of. We thank thee our Father, that in this hour when these events are taking place that there is this sure promise. And with this promise comes abiding hope in the face of the gains of the forces of darkness in our environment and the successes of those who would destroy thy kingdom.

France’s National Day of Prayer

France’s National Day of Prayer

AN INVOCATION OF OR PRAYER TO ANYONE LESS THAN GOD ALMIGHTY IS A HERESY AND A BLASPHEMY which, ns St. Peter has told us, above shall bring “swift destruction,” and after the events of the night of our Lord’s arrest and trial no one should know better the truth of that than St. Peter himself. Did we not see this exemplified quite recently in the National Life of France, that poor Country now lying under the heel of the NAZI Devil-ridden regime? On France’s last day of National Prayer she called upon her relics and idols to deliver her from the oncoming Hordes of Germans soldiery. We quote the actual report, taken from the Dublin Standard, of the prayers used in Paris on that day:—

Led by the Cardinal and her Prime Ministers, France invoked in a mighty act of Faith all the great leaders of that Christian past which has made her. High on the shoulders of boy scouts the priceless reliquaries of the Crown of Thorns and of St. Louis (King Louis 9th died 1270) the King were carried over the heads of the faithful, whilst from the pulpit a mitred Prelate implored, his arms outstretched to heaven, all the Saints of France, in a paroxysm of beseeching faith:—‘Come thou our Lady and thou St. Michael, thou St. Genevieve who protected Paris; thou Louis, model of all Monarchs, thou Joan of Arc, Liberator of our territory, thou simple Cure d’Ars, and little Theresa, who have sprung from our homesteads, come to our help, all of you, Saints of France.’

The Mystery of The Serpent

The Mystery of The Serpent

THE DISPOSITION of being improperly curious caused me to. enlist in the United States Navy in 1919. The second ship in which I served was the battleship, U. S. S. Wyoming, in which the chaplain was father Brady.

After getting accustomed to ship’s routine I began plying him with questions. First, I wanted to know all about the Catholic Church, because I had been brought up as a Baptist and did not understand his Sunday services, the first portion of which was ex­clusively Catholic. He gave me an old “dog-eared” Catholic history book and turned me loose on my own. Next, I wanted to know all about Biblical history, because I could not understand it. I also wanted to know what became of the ten-tribal House of Israel—the ten “lost” tribes.

Father Brady admitted he did not know what became of Israel, although he believed the people still existed amidst the Gentiles in similar manner as the Jews, their brethren. I argued, however,that the Jew is readily recognized by his peculiar mental and physical characteristics, and if he is a brother of lost Israel, then, is it not logical to believe the House of Israel would have the same character­istics? If so, where were they?—You cannot conceal a people who Jehovah declared to Abraham would ultimately be as numerous as the stars above and the sand on the sea shore. Father Brady could not answer.

On one occasion when I inquired of him the reason for wars between Christian nations of white men he said: “Sparks, in the first place, it is impossible to understand current events unless one in­quires into turmoil of yesteryear which still had its roots in the remote past. Wars do not happen of their own accord or by accident —they are man-made. One must understand the cause of things which seem of no importance or are incomprehensible. One must discover whether or not there are secret strings moving men to action or binding them to inaction during religious, political, financial and economical crisis which burst forth without warning and without any logical reason. One must know whether or not the rulers of nations are the real rulers or merely puppets. Above all, take the attitude of Sir Patrick Manson (1844-1922) who once said:

” ‘Never refuse to see what you do not want to see, or what might go against your own cherished hypothesis or against the views of authorities. These are just the clues to follow up, as is also, and emphatically so, the thing you have never seen or heard before. The thing you cannot get a pigeon hole for is the finger point showing the way to discovery’ .”

Apparently that was meant for a challenge. I accepted it as such, and in 1931 after being transferred to the U. S. Asiatic Fleet, I joined the Masonic Fraternity in quest of more light, and soon advanced to the 32nd degree in the Scottish Rite in which I began studying the Hindu Scriptures and comparing them with our Bible. That study was supplemented with the Divine Revelation in the Great Pyramid of Gizeh at Cairo, Egypt, Oriental and Occidental history in out-of-the-way books, papers, pamphlets and manuscripts which had escaped the censors.


The Mask of Edom

The Mask of Edom

THROUGHOUT THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA ON OCTOBER 2, 1984, World Zionism’s continuing propaganda blitz took on a new dimension. That evening, for two hours on prime time, a TV public broadcasting network began a weekly nine-episode showing on “Jewish Civilization.” This may well be the most extravagant pseudo-documentary of “the Jew’s wrote in Bible and secular history” ever contrived.

Not content to target the general public, the production is specifically aimed at the school-age children of North America. Here the series producers have achieved a virtual monopoly of classroom attention by students and teachers in the public schools. This announcement appeared in the “Public Schools Staff Bulletin,” October 5, 1984:


“Heritage is also being supported by the most ambitious educational program in the history of public broadcasting, designed to reach every secondary school and college in the U.S. and Canada. It was more than five years in production and is narrated by Abba Eban, former Israeli ambassador to the United Nations and the United States.”

It can be safely assumed that the private church schools of the evangelical fundamentalists, which aid and abet the Zionist Jews’ spurious Claims to the heritage and Land of Israel, will not fail to add this bonanza to their curriculum.

The Brotherhood of The Kingdom

The Brotherhood of The Kingdom

THIS AFTERNOON WE ARE SPEAKING ON THE SUBJECT OF ‘THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE KINGDOM’ a most important subject at this time. If ever there was a great movement across our nation to disrupt the Kingdom of God, and to black out for all time the civilization of God’s Kingdom, it is now. If there were also a time when the spiritual forces were awake and wondering, it is also in this hour.

I would think for a moment, in the 6th chapter of Matthew upon these words which Jesus taught us to pray: “In this manner pray ye, Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. THY KINGDOM COME, THY WILL BE DONE, IN EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN.” There is no doubt that this passage and this prayer which it is a part of, was the addressing of a people to their father. Jesus made it clear that when we pray this way, “OUR FATHER WHICH ART IN HEAVEN, HALLOWED BE THY NAME.” This is not a Universal prayer. It is not a prayer for Africa and Asia. This is a prayer for the children of God’s Kingdom. And when they pray, they pray ‘Our Father which art in heaven.’

If you would have noticed your newspaper this morning, you would have noted that the propaganda wave is now on. They are having their ‘Brotherhood Week’ program. And are celebrating the expansion in Brotherhood, as they referred to it, as the ‘brotherhood of Christians and Jews.’ And I note they are giving a special award to Mrs. Chandler of ‘The Times’ and a lot of others are getting their awards for Brotherhood. I noticed also an extension program advocating brotherhood as the principal that we are no longer to regard the religion of a man, or the particular god that he serves, but we are to recognize that there is a common brotherhood between them and us, because of the fact that we dwell in physical bodies with a common shape.