The Children of Our Heavenly Father

The Children of Our Heavenly Father

THIS AFTERNOON, WE ARE SPEAKING ON THE SUBJECT OF ‘THE CHILDREN OF THE HEAVENLY FATHER.’ And we are well aware that this is one of the subjects which would be considered highly controversial, if the background of the individual is not sufficient or he is not willing to abide by the facts that emerge. But I think one of the most important things that you can know is who you are and where you came from. As we have often cited, if you do not know who you are and where you came from, how do you know where you are going?

It is very important that we understand today the difference between people and races, and nations. It is important that we understand the content of the scriptures. And that academically we approach the subject as it relates to the species on earth that we call man. And that we understand the difference between man and Hu-man also because this is basically important. The word Hu-man means spirit man. There is a difference between men engendered with spiritual life and the races which do not have that particular pattern of origin.