The Brotherhood of The Kingdom

The Brotherhood of The Kingdom

THIS AFTERNOON WE ARE SPEAKING ON THE SUBJECT OF ‘THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE KINGDOM’ a most important subject at this time. If ever there was a great movement across our nation to disrupt the Kingdom of God, and to black out for all time the civilization of God’s Kingdom, it is now. If there were also a time when the spiritual forces were awake and wondering, it is also in this hour.

I would think for a moment, in the 6th chapter of Matthew upon these words which Jesus taught us to pray: “In this manner pray ye, Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. THY KINGDOM COME, THY WILL BE DONE, IN EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN.” There is no doubt that this passage and this prayer which it is a part of, was the addressing of a people to their father. Jesus made it clear that when we pray this way, “OUR FATHER WHICH ART IN HEAVEN, HALLOWED BE THY NAME.” This is not a Universal prayer. It is not a prayer for Africa and Asia. This is a prayer for the children of God’s Kingdom. And when they pray, they pray ‘Our Father which art in heaven.’

If you would have noticed your newspaper this morning, you would have noted that the propaganda wave is now on. They are having their ‘Brotherhood Week’ program. And are celebrating the expansion in Brotherhood, as they referred to it, as the ‘brotherhood of Christians and Jews.’ And I note they are giving a special award to Mrs. Chandler of ‘The Times’ and a lot of others are getting their awards for Brotherhood. I noticed also an extension program advocating brotherhood as the principal that we are no longer to regard the religion of a man, or the particular god that he serves, but we are to recognize that there is a common brotherhood between them and us, because of the fact that we dwell in physical bodies with a common shape.