The Eternal Throne

The Eternal Throne

WE TURN TONIGHT TO THE SUBJECT THE ETERNAL THRONE. And from the very body of God comes this declaration: ‘Thy throne, oh, God is forever and forever.’ There is no question about the fact that we as Christians are in a struggle tonight against forces which would destroy our Christianity, eliminate the continuity of Christian Civilization and eliminate the ability of Christian nations to be free. In this period in which we live is the sinister design to accomplish the envelopment of all of the world with their strategies of evil and their political strategies of destruction is obvious to every student of world. Never have we had more evidence before us of a design to destroy the kingdom of God. Nor has there been more necessity for us to understand as to what the scripture has to say about the outcome of these events.

We turn tonight in the declaration of Divine purpose, to an area of government contract which God made. And we would turn to the 89th Psalm for its repetition. And we read in the 34th verse: ‘My covenant will I not break for all of the things which have gone out of my lips. Which I have sworn by my holiness, and I will not lie unto David, that his seed shall endure forever, and his throne as the sun before me. It shall be established before me as the moon, a faithful witness in the heavens.’ This declaration made here by the Psalmist and sworn to by his own holiness. That He has established here in the earth a throne that is forever.
This of course has a special significance to us for we turn to the book of Luke. And we read here the announcement made by the Angel Gabriel, to the Virgin Mary, and it relates to the infancy.

The Essene Company at The Time of Jesus

The Essene Company at The Time of Jesus

BACK IN THE DAYS WHEN NEBUCHADNEZZAR CONQUERED THE JUDAH KINGDOM THEY TOOK THE KING ‑‑- Zedekiah into captivity and killed all his sons. But the Davidic throne was transferred to the west as Jeremiah transferred the crown by taking Zedekiah’s daughter Tea Teph — his own granddaughter —- to Ireland, and there marries her to the king of Ireland who was of the Zerah line of Judah. Thus the king line was transferred to an Israel nation — in the house of Joseph. Later when some of Judah, Benjamin and Levi came back to Judea they would never be secure in control of their government but just remember that the king-line had been transferred, and this old line in old Judea was to end.

Now; while in captivity some of these Israelites of the Judah kingdom fell, and they mongrelized, still the faith was kept alive even there. Always these two pillars of wisdom were with Israel, in the Judah captivity as well as the ten tribes in their captivity and migration. The two wisdom schools were started by Enoch and Job in the city of On, Egypt so long before the birth of YAHSHUA (Jesus) in old Judea. But these two schools of wisdom still remained with the race so what they did consist of? There were two words -‑‑ two parts of the wisdom schools. Thus it was always written that there was two pillars of wisdom with Israel.

The End of The Satanic Power

The End of The Satanic Power

WE SPEAK TONIGHT ON THE ULTIMATE DEFEAT OF SATANIC FORCES. We bring to your attention that fact that Satanic forces are now showing their forces all over the world. And they have been, for many centuries, of course, in a position to establish for themselves, temperate victories. They have backed powers of World governments, and moved behind them the children of Lucifer. And still, we have watched the ancient areas of Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome, as they moved into the Empires running these kingdoms, even when they were occupied largely by Scythians, or people of Israel. But still the Beast System moved in with its power.

The scriptures quickly tell us that we have an adversary which has divided his strategy into three groups. And it is referred to as 1. Beast, 2. Anti-Christ, 3. False Prophets.

Now the scripture tells us in the book of John, that there are many anti-Christs. And those that deny that Jesus came in the flesh, or as the embodiment of God are ANTI-CHRIST. There are many people that are looking for ‘one anti-Christ’ to arise, one anti-Christ to lead the forces of darkness. But there are MANY ANTI-CHRISTS on many fronts, leading the forces of darkness in the world. Of course, who might be the top sinner to head the entire program, even to incarnate himself, would be in the area and power of the anti-Christs.

When John was first writing his Epistles, he said, there already exists in the world, MANY ANTI-CHRISTS.

The Encircled Kingdom

The Encircled Kingdom

WE TURN TONIGHT IN OUR SUBJECT ‘THE ENCIRCLED KINGDOM.’ We view things that are in stark reality and to the conditions that relate to each one of us and the conditions in the nation in which we live at this hour.

There is no doubt that we have been taught to pray ‘Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven.’ We have been taught to pray for the ultimate achievement in victory in earth in the empowerment of God and HIS household. We must not be confused. For God is still the master of HIS universe and HE holds all things in the hollow of HIS hand. And through out the pattern of HIS creation and through out the things which HE has ordained, the Luciferian upsets, the battles and wars have never gotten outside of God’s control. The measures of the ‘time’ of God is not as short as we would like to make them sometimes, or the normal life span in earth. We must recognize that in the purposes of God which HE has ordained, that HE did all things well and wisely.

In this course in comparison with the antiquities of the earth and the situations, and the happenings in past history, your race has not been here very long. 7400 years of history will consummate the White man in earth. It starts with his Adamic origin and it ends with the White nations of Christendom which exist in the world today. It is a story of achievement and a story of progress which started out with a catastrophe of a fall, and with the visitation of God as our Father, and HIS restoration, the guidance of HIS wisdom, the lifting up of Divine standards and the guidance of patriarchs and prophets, and the fullness of God’s own embodiment with our race.

The Elijah Ministry

The Elijah Ministry

WE TURN TONIGHT TO THE BOOK OF MALACHI AND TO THE PASSAGE WHICH SAYS: BEHOLD, I will send you Elijah the Prophet, before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. He shall turn the hearts of the Fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the Fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse. (Malachi 4:2-6)

Now there is no question why God said: I send you Elijah, or the Spirit of Elijah. We turn back to II Kings and we find that Israel is in a serious plight. The leader of Israel is Ahab the King, and the Queen is Jezebel, an outlander woman brought in from the hills of Belial, where here strange patterns and backgrounds were of idolatry and had all the conspiratorial patterns of later Babylon. In fact they had brought in her Priests and they had planted groves and established her type of religion. Because she was the Queen she exerted all her power and pressed heavily against the Priest and Prophets in the House of God. She put to death hundreds of the Prophets of God.

When Elijah, the man of God, came forth he then pronounced the areas of doom upon them and upon the families and upon that portion of their destiny. Then he of course was made a target of her animosity. Ahab had sought for Elijah through all the Kingdom, there was a warrant out for his arrest where ever he be found.

Elijah said: because of this evil, God will send a drought upon this land and there will be not any dew or any rain at least for 3 years or until there is an end of these things.

Book 10 Reigns of Edward 3 and Richard 2

Book 10 Reigns of Edward 3 and Richard 2


Chapter I

A. D. 1327

THE deposing of Edward II. procured not the English all the happiness they were made to expect. The government of a weak and imprudent King was not more dangerous. than that of a minor Prince, under the direction of a passionate mother, and a young inexperienced minister, more presumptuous and less able than the Spencers.

Accordingly the people quickly found, that they had not gained much by the change. Happily for them, Edward’s minority was of no long continuance. As soon as the young Prince had taken the government upon himself, he converted the misfor­tunes of the late reign into blessings, and the injuries received from France and Scotland, into glory and triumphs.

When the commissioners sent to Kenelworth, had returned with Edward II’s. resignation, the Prince his son was again proclaimed, under the name of Ed­ward III and crowned a few days after.[1] The Queen and Mortimer, whose interest it was to make the whole nation accomplices of their violent proceedings, affected on that occasion, to cause a coronation medal to be struck, importing the universal consent of the people to the present revolution. On one side was, the. young King crowned, laying his sceptre on a heap of hearts, with this motto, POPULO DAT JURA VOLENTI. On the reverse, a hand held forth, as it were saving a crown falling from on high, with these words, NON RAPIT SED RECIPIT[2].

Though Edward was but in his fourteenth year, he had a mature judgment, and a penetration uncommon to that age. However, in compliance to the laws of the land, the King must have governors, and the state regents. The Parliament chose twelve from among the Bishops, Earls, and Barons, of whom Henry of Lan­caster was declared the chief. The Queen opposed not this nomination; but, as she had the power in her own hands, she seized the government, and shared it only with her creatures.

The Elect of God

The Elect of God

AS WE CONSIDER OUR SUBJECT, I WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT WE HAVE HAD AREAS OF ECCLESIASTICAL ERROR, and much of this error has been tied of course back into the various institutions inside the Christian church who have thought to interpret the content of the Scripture according to the desire of some of those in their areas of leadership who wanted Priestly authority or ministerial authority, and wanted concept of God and the program of God, which was not in keeping with the word of God itself, but in their interest. Because of this we have had a lot of strange conclusions which have taken place within areas of our Faith.

We are in the climactic period, at the end of an age. We are in the period of time when every secret thing shall be made known. We are in the hour when the spirit of God is going to bring out a greater understanding of the pattern of the past, and of the tomorrows than at any time in all our history. And in the course of these patterns the Truths of God will not only emerge, but they are emerging for the understanding of God’s people beyond anything which has happened in the past. And God has raised up ministers for this purpose, and he is unveiling the content of His Word for this purpose.

The Earth Will Fight

The Earth Will Fight

AS WE TURN TO THE SUBJECT, THE EARTH FIGHTS FOR THE WOMAN, we want to point out to you that the 12th chapter of Revelation is one of the great Mysteries, but one of the most vital chapters concerning the powers of darkness and the powers of Lucifer. But it starts out with a message which is a part of the Christmas message as well. There appears this wonder in the heavens: A woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of stars. And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.’ This woman with the 12 Stars upon her head was the woman, Israel, God’s Family in the earth. It was established with the Adamic race, and with the family of Seth, and with the children of Enoch and on down.

It was brought out again in the areas of Divine commitment to Abraham as his name was changed from Abram to Abraham. It was established out of the sons of Jacob with the established points of 12. Thus out of Jacob there emerged the great sign of the ministry of the Kingdom. And even as there were 12 sons of Jacob, 12 disciples, 12 holds a pattern of numerology in the Scriptures and also in the patterns of God. So we discover that this woman clothed with the sun is the WOMAN, ISRAEL. In fact God made the remark that as the Serpent would bruise the heel of the woman, he would also bruise the Serpents head. This was part of the Covenant. We want to point out to you therefore that this woman who was clothed with the Sun, the Light of God shining upon her, in guidance, also had a Crown upon her head of 12 Stars and she stood with the Moon under her feet. But behold! another wonder, a great Red Dragon, having 7 heads and 10 horns and 7 crowns upon his head.

The Dwellers of The Deep

The Dwellers of The Deep

TONIGHT AS WE TALK ABOUT, OUT OF THE DEPTH, it is a continuity of the things we have been discussing and which we feel that you must know. There is no doubt about the identity of the people who constitute Gods Household and His people, and identifying the area of opposition as the World Order. We have discussed from time to time how clearly God identifies the World Order, as Luciferian in its origin. It is made up of all the peoples who do not constitute the race of His Household and His Kingdom. We cited to you this afternoon that Lucifer was acknowledged as the Prince of this world. Not my Friends: over Gods Kingdom, but Prince of the World Order, in the earth.

Do not fail to make the distinction between the World Order and the earth, because we are referring to all of the forces who are in the earth who are not of THE KINGDOM, when talk of the world. Lucifer is Prince of this World Order, and he was once, .Prince of the one‑third of the Sidereal systems, with all the watching Angels, and all their administering spirits, before his rebellion. The timeless patterns of yesterday we cannot track in this single message, but of the things which concern us now, we can trace. Of its relationship to events which preceded it, we may be brought to a deeper understanding as we search the Scriptures.

The Powers of a Jury an Enquiry

The Powers of a Jury an Enquiry

THE following is an attempt towards an Examination into the just grounds of a proposition, which hath been advanced by some sages of the law, and assented to by many other persons; but which the Writer of this little Tract apprehends to be false in itself, and of the most dangerous consequence with respect to public liberty in general, and the Liberty of the Press in particular. If the light in which he considers it be a just one, no subject can be more worthy of the public attention. It is observed by Mr. Hume, that whenever any attempts to wrest from us the Liberty of the Press shall succeed, we may then conclude, that the liberty of Britain is gone for ever. And though the freedom of the press may often degenerate into a censurable licentiousness, yet it is certain, that a free people have much more danger to apprehend from a restraint of the Liberty of the Press, than from any, even the worst abuse of it.

The ingenious author just quoted, observes; that, “’tis sufficiently known, that despotic power would steal in upon us, were we not extremely watchful to prevent its progress; and were there not an easy method of conveying the alarm from one end of the kingdom to the other. The spirit of the people must frequently be routed to curb the ambition of the court; and the dread of rousing this spirit, must be employed to prevent that ambition. And nothing is so effectual to this purpose as the Liberty of the Press; by which all the learning, wit, and genius of the nation, may be employed on the side of liberty, and every one animated to its defence.”

That the freedom of the Press may, and sometimes does, degenerate into licentiousness, cannot be disputed; but the laws against sedition and libelling are already amply sufficient, and much too strong to be left to the arbitrary decision of any Lord Chief Justice. The liberty which this nation enjoys, has rendered it the admiration and the envy of Europe; the man who is insensible of its value and its importance, is unworthy to live in a free country. With the Liberty of the Press in particular, Civil Liberty in general is closely and inseparably connected: they will stand or fall together. Let us not, then, suffer our opinion of the value of this inestimable Privilege to be lessened, because it is attended, as every thing human is, with some inconveniences; but which are infinitely overbalanced by its advantages; nor let us suffer that Liberty, for which our gallant ancestors have so often and so nobly hazarded their lives and fortunes, to be wrested from us by the quibbling of lawyers.

Whether in the following pages any light is thrown upon the subject which is attempted to be investigated, the Public will determine. They are not written to serve the purposes of any party; nor has the Writer, in what be has advanced, been influenced by any motives, but the love of Freedom, and of his Country.