The Encircled Kingdom

The Encircled Kingdom

WE TURN TONIGHT IN OUR SUBJECT ‘THE ENCIRCLED KINGDOM.’ We view things that are in stark reality and to the conditions that relate to each one of us and the conditions in the nation in which we live at this hour.

There is no doubt that we have been taught to pray ‘Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven.’ We have been taught to pray for the ultimate achievement in victory in earth in the empowerment of God and HIS household. We must not be confused. For God is still the master of HIS universe and HE holds all things in the hollow of HIS hand. And through out the pattern of HIS creation and through out the things which HE has ordained, the Luciferian upsets, the battles and wars have never gotten outside of God’s control. The measures of the ‘time’ of God is not as short as we would like to make them sometimes, or the normal life span in earth. We must recognize that in the purposes of God which HE has ordained, that HE did all things well and wisely.

In this course in comparison with the antiquities of the earth and the situations, and the happenings in past history, your race has not been here very long. 7400 years of history will consummate the White man in earth. It starts with his Adamic origin and it ends with the White nations of Christendom which exist in the world today. It is a story of achievement and a story of progress which started out with a catastrophe of a fall, and with the visitation of God as our Father, and HIS restoration, the guidance of HIS wisdom, the lifting up of Divine standards and the guidance of patriarchs and prophets, and the fullness of God’s own embodiment with our race.