The Liberating Power of Truth

The Liberating Power of Truth

WE PRAY FOR DR. SWIFT WHO MADE A GREAT EFFORT THIS MORNING TO BE WITH US AND DELIVER HIS MESSAGE; ‘The Bible is True.’ Our Father we pray that thou will make up for him the strength which he put forth to be here, and that thou will overcome this horrible Satanic poison attack which is still interfering with his full expression of mental and physical energy. Hasten that glad day when he will be made absolutely whole and free from the results of the attack of Satan upon him. So, Lord, bless his ministry and bless his message of this fact that the Bible is True. Be with us Father as we go forward with this service and we pray in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Dr. Swift regrets the fact that he did not feel able to be here tonight. The strain of the afternoon message was a little too much for him so he is resting now, but expects to be here Friday night and next Lord’s day also.
I want to speak to you on the subject, ‘The Liberating Power of Truth.’ Using the words of Jesus in John 8:32. “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”

This afternoon Dr. Swift was speaking about the Bible and that it is true. He gave us some scriptures to prove that the Bible is the Inspired authorized Word of God. We are speaking about the liberating Word of God and this Bible is the Book of Truth, and we may know this by its effect on us. I Corinthians 2:14; “But the natural man understandeth not the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness unto him; neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.”

The Law of The Spirit and The Race Question

The Law of The Spirit and The Race Question

WHEN TALKING ON THIS SUBJECT OF THE LAW OF THE SPIRIT AND THE RACE QUESTION, remember we have spoken to you as to your existence in the heavens. This is a rather unique thing this premise that men must understand who they are and from whence they have come. You must know the great mystery as to what the prophets talked about as they referred to the Holy Seed. And why all of the laws in the Old Testament concerning the race question, the great clarion call for the segregation of HIS race, of HIS Household, and of HIS people.

The great problem which besets Christianity today is that there are many thousands upon thousands of churches that do not know who they are or from whence they came. They believe that they are the children of God, but that this has been a sort of psychological transition that has been spiritually placed in their lives and in their hearts for the purpose of God. And they do not recognize what has happened in the midst of their experience that God has regenerated, or reactivated something that they originally possessed on a Celestial Plain, but no longer remember because of the veil of the flesh and because of the violation of law in the very origin of our race. Often, we hear that as Adam fell, then all men fell. And by Adam’s transgression then transgression passed upon all men.

The Kings of the Earth and Their Armies

The Kings of the Earth and Their Armies

IN THIS HOUR, THE KINGS AND THEIR ARMIES ARE GATHERING TO COME AGAINST THE KINGDOM. We take this thought out of the book of Revelations. And it tells us that the armies of the Beast System are gathered against HE, who comes on a White horse. HE, who comes at the head of God’s Kingdom.

In the areas of the interpretation of prophecy, and in the understanding of symbolism that we find in the scripture, then remember that when it refers to the rider upon the White horse, or refers to Christ as LORD of Lords, and the one known by the declaration of HIS Majesty and power in the armies of Heaven on White horses that followed HIM, then always, the White horse symbolizes the authority of the Kingdom, the administration of the Kingdom. And the White horse represents the nation of YAHWEH’S Kingdom.

I think it most important that people recognize the background of the scriptures and keep in mind that the scriptures were written for your race and to your race, and to no other race. For the Holy Scriptures were written by men of the White race who were inspired to record the things that God had stirred them to record. And those scriptures are interpreted by the ministers of your race as they have their minds in tune with God concerning the mysteries of HIS Revelations.

I want to point out to you that the Adamic race is the White race. And that the word Adam is translated all through the Old Testament as man. It should have been translated White man. The word ‘Enosh’ should have been used for the other races around the White man. Thus, it is that when we see the symbolism of the Kingdom in prophecy, we see the great White horse and the forces behind HIM.

The Kingdom and The Lake of Fire

The Kingdom and The Lake of Fire

I WOULD LIKE TO TALK TO YOU FOR A LITTLE WHILE ABOUT THIS SUBJECT. THE KINGDOM AND THE LAKE OF FIRE. Probably there is nothing more important for you to know than what the Everlasting Gospel consists of. To know that when we talk about the Everlasting Gospel that we can truly understand that it is Peace on Earth Good Will to men. And that within this Eternal Gospel the Angel could thus say: I am bringing glad tidings of Great Joy which will be good news to all people.

There are a great many people who do not know how they can fit that into the theology by which they challenge the Gospel of the Kingdom with. Those who preach the Gospel of the Kingdom know that this Gospel is the transference of God’s Kingdom from heaven to earth with a spiritual seed, with the very sons of Glory, with the very purposes He has of establishing a Kingdom in the earth forever.

And that His Grace reaches out to the ends of the earth, and to people of every race, and every kind. That it has been His purpose to bring them all into proper relationship to Himself, to teach them the errors of their way, and to give them the capacity to think correctly. And the Administration of Righteousness in the earth was to be conducted by the children of His Kingdom. His children, who had a spiritual capacity to think His thoughts, the offspring of THE MOST HIGH, having been begotten in the spirit, in the beginning.

The Kingdom Which Cannot be Moved

The Kingdom Which Cannot be Moved

LET US TURN TO A PASSAGE WE FIND IN HEBREWS (12:26‑29), FOR THE FOUNDATION OF SOME OF THE REMARKS WE ARE GOING TO BUILD ON. ‘Yet once more I will shake not the earth only but also heaven.’ And this, ONCE MORE, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things which cannot be shaken may remain. For we receive a kingdom which cannot be moved. Let us therefore have Grace whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and Godly fear.

So, we receive a kingdom that cannot be moved. But let me point out that, once more, signifieth the removing of all those things that can be shaken. There is no question about the patterns of the Scripture, nor the promises God made to His Household, or the statements He made concerning their Destiny that this was specifically, and without question made to a Race. More than this as we survey the content of the Holy Scriptures a blind man might not possibly understand this, and one intentionally resigned to cover his mind from the areas of truth, but the MOST HIGH had ordained that ‘Ye shall receive the Kingdom.’ He not only made this a part of the compact with the race, but out of the race emerges what we call culture.

And culture is the sum total of the things a race feels, and sometimes the subconscious pattern of its thinking, but are the covenants, the promises and the religious aspects, the philosophical factors that govern its thinking. Thus it is that when God gave to your race as He establishes that race, that Adamic Household from Seth and Noah, and again as He spoke to Abraham, He said He would make of Abraham a Great Nation, and a Company of Nations,

The Kingdom of God is Within

The Kingdom of God is Within

AS WE TURN TO YOUR SUBJECT AND LOOK FOR THE POWER OF THIS KINGDOM, we also see some of the facets of the design of the evil conspiracy of some government officials and agencies as they try to integrate your race, little realizing what they are doing, that they are only following the guidance of Luciferianism.

But turning to the scripture in our subject, we turn to the Gospel of Luke, the 17th chapter and the 21st verse. Here, Jesus is talking to the Pharisees who are not of the ‘false’ Pharisee group. Here are men who are debating with Jesus. And these men of Israel, doctors of the law, they said unto Jesus, ‘When will the Kingdom of God come on earth?’

Now, they were aware that the Kingdom would come, that it must come to pass, for they felt a strange tugging as the spirit of God made them realize that the Kingdom would soon be revealed. And Jesus said, ‘The Kingdom of God cometh not by observation, neither shall they say, ‘lo, here, or there. For behold, the Kingdom of God is within you.’ (Luke 17:21). This seemed like a strange statement. For surely, when the Kingdom of god finally comes in, it will come with great power and Glory. It will come in with mighty battles and defeat of the powers of darkness. Thus, what did Jesus mean by this statement that ‘the Kingdom of God would not come by observation.’?? Because the actual development was a plan of God which has been echoing down the ages, and fulfilling most of the passages of scripture, although blind people could not understand it unless spiritually, it was brought to their attention. So when Jesus said that the spirit of God was in them, little did they understand what it was that HE meant.

The Kingdom Comes With Power

The Kingdom Comes With Power

THERE IS NO QUESTION ABOUT THE FACT THAT THE KINGDOM OF GOD COMES WITH GREAT POWER. In Matthew chapters 5 and 6, Jesus taught HIS Disciples how to pray:

“Our Father which art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, in earth as it is in Heaven. For thine is the Kingdom, and the Power and the Glory, forever.”

HE instructed HIS Disciples, that as they prayed this, pray ‘Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven.’ Then they were not only to pray this prayer because in similitude it covered the greatness of all the issues that were of great need, but in this, HE had covered the full scope of the necessity of prayer. However, God was not talking about the individual necessity of a cry for help, but HE was giving them a pattern of prayer. HE didn’t say every man had to pray this way, HE said cover these things when you pray, ‘Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done in earth, thy Kingdom come again in power and great glory.’

Jesus went about throughout all Galilee preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom. HE healed all manner of sickness. HE met every need of HIS ministry. But the embodiment of YAHWEH, God, preached and taught the Gospel of the Kingdom. (Matthew 4:23). Why? Because the Gospel of the Kingdom was the Gospel of God embodied in the earth, victorious over the power of darkness, and the ultimate achievement of the scripture promises.

Book 18 Reign of James I

Book 18 Reign of James I

ELIZABETH HAD NO SOONER BREATHED HER LAST, but the Council met to consult about the measures that were to be taken in the present juncture. The Queen, who had delayed to name her successor till the end of her days, at last declared, the King of Scotland was to ascend the throne of England after her, and it was not doubted but her will agreed with this declaration.

So, the Council deemed it necessary, before all things, to be assured of it, by perusing the will, which was immediately opened, and found to confirm what the Queen had declared by word of mouth. The King of Scotland had therefore in his person a threefold right, which rendered his title indisputable.

The first was what is called in England, a Parliamentary right, which derived its validity from the act of Parliament, securing the Crown to Henry VII. and his heirs. The second was hereditary right, for this Prince was the nearest relation, and natural heir to Elizabeth. These two rights were
farther strengthened by the Queen’s will, which made the third.

The Irresistible Word

The Irresistible Word

AS WE TALK TO YOU THIS AFTERNOON ABOUT ‘THE IRRESISTIBLE WORD,’ WE SEE ALL KINDS OF THINGS DEVELOPING AROUND AS IN ALL SIDES. We are seeing strange things happening which never happened which never happened before. I guess that you realize that the prophecies and the measures of prophecy are coming to pass. Earthquake dates are stepping up and increasing and they are falling on datelines and moving into their stated areas. The military preparedness is fast moving into preparation throughout the world. In fact, this morning the headlines said that we are expanding and stepping up the war. Why? Because the enemy is stepping up the war. Strategies are being looked over again. And in fact, this very week, we have watched the transfer of South Korean troops to the Vietnam area. But South Korea is about to be invaded by North Korea in a stepping up of the war. The fact is that we have committed to war in that area.

As I speak of this, it is with the recognition that there is no way for us to solve this situation as a great nation of God’s Kingdom, unless you face Communism and all that is involved within it with a total dedication. And we should fight such wars that are necessary where they will accomplish the most for the Kingdom, allowing spiritual vision to guide you in the decision and the strategy.

If we had as much leadership as the enemy has in following out their blueprint, for they are going right down the line with their blueprint and here we sit with the greatest blueprint ever given to a race stating the purpose of God’s Kingdom and aware enough to utilize it. This is why god will raise up great leadership and much will transpire in the great nations of God’s Kingdom. Because it is their destiny to fulfil and achieve the victory. The world is in trouble and it is expanding as fast as it can into WWIII and Armageddon.

The Invisible Power of The Spirit

The Invisible Power of The Spirit

WE ARE THINKING THIS AFTERNOON OF THE GREY AREAS, IMPLIED OF UNSEEN FORCES AROUND THE KINGDOM FOR PROTECTION, and the relationship which God has with you, bringing to your cognition the things that you should know. There is no question but that we are living in one of the most important periods in the history of our race. As we have told you before, you are not here by an accident in time and measure which suddenly placed you in human experience. Often we have heard it stated, I did not ask to be born. But this is of course, rather a short-sighted position.

There is no one in this room this afternoon, who did not volunteer to come. There is no one in this room this afternoon who was not begotten by the Father in the plains of spirit before the world was framed. There is not one in the single Household of the Most High God who is not spirit of His Spirit and life of His Life, who had viewed the catastrophes which had taken place in the violation of Divine law. And as such, had witnessed what had happened to this creation, especially as it had affected the earth. And when God in the majesty of His Grace said, ‘I will put this in order’, You said, ‘We will go.’ When HE said, ‘I shall send My own children into the world and we will build a Kingdom there, subordinating the darkness,’ you were the volunteers.

And of all times in human history, to have been selected by the Father to come this, is without question, the most interesting period. And I would not have exchanged it for any part of history or time. For you have been born into a period when you are going to see a climax of events. The ultimate triumph of God’s Kingdom. And there is no doubt in my mind that you who are seated here, that almost all of you will witness the climax of this age and the re-entry of Christ back into the human field of existence.