The Law of The Spirit and The Race Question

The Law of The Spirit and The Race Question

WHEN TALKING ON THIS SUBJECT OF THE LAW OF THE SPIRIT AND THE RACE QUESTION, remember we have spoken to you as to your existence in the heavens. This is a rather unique thing this premise that men must understand who they are and from whence they have come. You must know the great mystery as to what the prophets talked about as they referred to the Holy Seed. And why all of the laws in the Old Testament concerning the race question, the great clarion call for the segregation of HIS race, of HIS Household, and of HIS people.

The great problem which besets Christianity today is that there are many thousands upon thousands of churches that do not know who they are or from whence they came. They believe that they are the children of God, but that this has been a sort of psychological transition that has been spiritually placed in their lives and in their hearts for the purpose of God. And they do not recognize what has happened in the midst of their experience that God has regenerated, or reactivated something that they originally possessed on a Celestial Plain, but no longer remember because of the veil of the flesh and because of the violation of law in the very origin of our race. Often, we hear that as Adam fell, then all men fell. And by Adam’s transgression then transgression passed upon all men.