The Kingdom Which Cannot be Moved

The Kingdom Which Cannot be Moved

LET US TURN TO A PASSAGE WE FIND IN HEBREWS (12:26‑29), FOR THE FOUNDATION OF SOME OF THE REMARKS WE ARE GOING TO BUILD ON. ‘Yet once more I will shake not the earth only but also heaven.’ And this, ONCE MORE, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things which cannot be shaken may remain. For we receive a kingdom which cannot be moved. Let us therefore have Grace whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and Godly fear.

So, we receive a kingdom that cannot be moved. But let me point out that, once more, signifieth the removing of all those things that can be shaken. There is no question about the patterns of the Scripture, nor the promises God made to His Household, or the statements He made concerning their Destiny that this was specifically, and without question made to a Race. More than this as we survey the content of the Holy Scriptures a blind man might not possibly understand this, and one intentionally resigned to cover his mind from the areas of truth, but the MOST HIGH had ordained that ‘Ye shall receive the Kingdom.’ He not only made this a part of the compact with the race, but out of the race emerges what we call culture.

And culture is the sum total of the things a race feels, and sometimes the subconscious pattern of its thinking, but are the covenants, the promises and the religious aspects, the philosophical factors that govern its thinking. Thus it is that when God gave to your race as He establishes that race, that Adamic Household from Seth and Noah, and again as He spoke to Abraham, He said He would make of Abraham a Great Nation, and a Company of Nations,