The People Who Found Grace in The Wilderness

The People Who Found Grace in The Wilderness

AFTER BESTOWING HIS LAW UPON THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL, by giving the Law to Moses, then God said: My Grace and My Mercy shall follow you still. He can understand the procedure of temptation, and the patterns of repentance which he established by the Holy Spirit concerning the patterns of Law, but there was one law of course where His Grace and His Mercy could fall upon the offender, but He said: the judgments would pass to the third and fourth or fifth generation, and so forth. What was this? We discover it is established very, very clearly as the scattering of your seed in another race, or the co‑mingling with another race. For in this area of mongrelisation the child being born, lacking the spirit capacity, because the passing of Light by the children of Spirit would not be there.

Now: we want to point to you that God says: My Grace shall follow you still. He talks about how His Grace was following Israel, how Israel found Grace in the wilderness. And how Moses called upon God to let him see HIS face. And God makes this declaration unto Moses: ‘I will do this thing’, ‘I will make My goodness to pass upon you’, ‘I will proclaim the name of YAHWEH before thee’, ‘And I will be gracious unto them to whom I will be gracious, and I shall show My Mercy unto them, who I choose to show Mercy.’ And then God speaks unto to Moses concerning Israel and says: ‘My Mercy shall follow thee still.’ But, by the same token the process of mongrelisation and integration brought a judgment upon society which could not be straightened out, and therefore one of the things God brought out through the Priesthood was that they should send away the offenders, they should send away the outlandish woman and the child, or if a woman married outside of Israel she was to send the Outlanders away, or judgment of God would fall upon them.

The Patterns of Revelation

The Patterns of Revelation

WE ARE THINKING OF THE PATTERNS OF REVELATION, THINKING OF THE DAY THE ANGEL CAME TO JOHN AND SAID: “Come John and I will show you the great whore who sitteth upon many waters. And with whom the kings of the earth have committed their many fornications.” And John discussed this very thoroughly and he says: “He carried me away in the spirit, and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of Blasphemy, having 7 heads, and 10 horns.” (Rev. 17:4)

And this is Mystery Babylon the Great, and “I saw the woman, and she was full of the blood of the Saints (believing offspring) and with the blood of the Martyrs of Jesus the Christ, and when I saw her I wondered about her.” “And the Angel said unto me, wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman.” The seven heads are 7 kingdoms, on which the woman sitteth. There are 7 kings, 5 are fallen, one is, and one is yet to come; and when he cometh he must continue a short space. Then the 8th., is to come out of the 7th., And he talks about how these 10 horns are 10 kings who have no kingdom as yet, but will rule with the beast system for one hour, in the attack of the Beast upon God’s Kingdom. And then comes the end of the age.

But in these circumstances as this was spoken of, here this woman, mystery Babylon, you are speaking symbolically of something which is inside the Kingdom of God. And we have also inside the Kingdom of God a status of society which is called, “The New Jerusalem”, and this New Jerusalem is the Great city of God. It descended down out of heaven, down thru Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and on down to our time.

Our own book of Revelation tells us that the New Jerusalem is made up of the people of the 12 tribes of the children of Israel. Then we have the Satanic beast or the “City of Lucifer, Mystery Babylon the great, the mother of Harlots, and the abominations of earth.” (Rev. 17:5)

The Patterns of Judgment

The Patterns of Judgment

AS WE TURN TO THE SUBJECT OF JUDGEMENTS, THEN HERE AND THROUGH OUT THE WORLD, we find people, great numbers of people, who have a great fear concerning knowledge of God’s judgement. But concepts of the relationship between the believer and his Father is always determined in the thinking of the individual by the background of the teaching he has received as a child, as he has been raised in any theological pattern of thought. Therefore, the attitude of the individual as to what is to come to pass or what God’s attitude is toward him, is always dependent on what he had been taught.

Now, we recognize that from the beginning of Christ’s teaching to HIS Disciples and in those areas which preceded this through out the great pattern of the development of theological knowledge in our race, that there was Biblical teaching, fundamental teaching concerning God’s plan, concerning the individual, the reason for his being here, his destiny, the conclusion of his purposes, and ultimately what was to be his destiny. We are to understand also that all through the Old Testament, scriptures, even those which are not in our Bible, although they do exist, but in the records which we have in the scriptures we can pick up the thread of revelation. Then in the New Testament, under the New Covenant, we can pick up the pattern of revelation.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – September 1991

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – September 1991

AS SOME OF YOU KNOW, A DISK IN MY BACK SHATTERED AND CAUSED THE VERTEBRA TO COLLAPSE, this happened July 17th and a month of misery resulted, with a few days in the hospital to break a cycle of pain, and put me on my feet again. I am doing pretty good again, and the Dr. has turned me loose to do anything I can without aggravating the spot in my back, between the shoulder blades. Kathy put out the last months material as it was mostly ready. I am now back at the word processor, many interesting things are happening in the world.


For my Birthday (79 years) a package arrived early from J.P. of Wichita, Kans. Allie brought the package to the Bedroom where I was lying down and opened the package, and needless to say I sat up in bed rather quickly. Here was a picture of the Heads of a Lion and a Unicorn very close together. I turned then to the book of “Symbols of our Celtic-Saxon Heritage”, by W.H. Bennett and found this story:

‘A Horn from a large animal about 20″ in length, slightly curved, and increasing from the tip to about five or six inches in diameter at the base and around the base there was a carving depicting a VINE and two figures, a Lion and Unicorn, was given by a Nobleman in Britain, marking a gift of property to a York Minister. It seems that his ancestors had brought this horn from Ancient Persia, however this was considered to have marked the transfer of the Throne which was in Judah to the west, finally to England.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – September 1990

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – September 1990

ANOTHER BAD EARTHQUAKE, THIS TIME IN THE PHILIPPINES. One disaster after another this year. And then this from Dr. Kai Loh Chan at National University of Singapore, Associate Professor of Zoology: ‘Prepare to leave America soon, after all America is Great Mystery Babylon’ (quote and un- quote) If America is Babylon then why are so many people trying to get in here??

The Church of Scotland deletes the Virgin Birth from Doctrine. Direct reference to the Virgin Birth was omitted from the Church of Scotland’s New Publication ‘A Statement of Faith’, so as to avoid potential division among the church members.

Wilson Ark; A northeast Arkansas school district is taking a forecasters prediction to heart and has tentatively planned an early December Earthquake break. They will not hold classes in District 57 on Dec. 3 & 4., in difference to the prediction of a major earthquake along the New Madrid Fault during that time. Ivan Browning claims to have accurately predicted last fall’s Northern California Earthquake within one day. He also says he predicted the 1971 Quake in the San Fernando Valley, and the one in Nicaragua in 1972, and Mount St. Helens volcano in 1980.

The New Order Of The Ages – Time

The New Order Of The Ages – Time

WE WILL NOT UNDERSTAND THE NEW ORDER OF THE AGES, or the knowledge of the New Age until we stand on vistas of human understanding which dwarfs the concept of our Universe, as we knew it yesterday. For we knew almost an insignificant or small beginning as to what we are doing here, and why we came. At this hour we can study every phase of our natural sciences, and we find the astronomer has added in the last decade un-times the measurements of the Universe than he had before. In its perimeter of horizon the Universe is now ten times greater, and he is speaking in terms of limitless space, with limitless planets, with suns and moons and stars. In the realm of the Physicist, he had discovered greater power than he has ever wielded before in his conscious earth history. We have joined our experimentation, in all realms of chemistry and Physics. The taking of the use of things apart we have discovered the secrets of the Universe, that the last fifty years have brought to fruition. And today you can say that the men of your race have a system of thinking which gives them a pattern of the smallest units of the solar systems and the atom, the molecular masses, and the construction of substances. You have watched in the last twenty years the taking apart of the atom.

The tremendous energies of released power, the greatest fusion of power in their hands. You have watched the development of fuels and the products of combustion. We have moved into an age when men with knowledge of Jet propulsion can move themselves out into space, and bring themselves back again.

The Netherworld – Hell – The Inner Earth

The Netherworld – Hell – The Inner Earth

QUESTION: Where is the Netherworld?

I DON’T HAVE TOO MUCH KNOWLEDGE OF THE NETHERWORLD. I probably wasn’t ever there. I can tell you this, two ways. We have limited sources of knowledge and extensive sources of knowledge. To me, the thoughts from the extensive knowledge, requires intuitive as well as spiritual intensity, as one spends lots of time on it. I haven’t spent too much time studying devils. But the Netherworld is interesting only because it is real, and it is just as much a habitation as the outer surface of the earth.

The Netherworld is the Inner Earth. It consists of caverns and inter-hall areas. There are more physicists today that believe that the earth is not solid, and believe that if it is not a large cavern centre; that it is a large centre and probably several thousand miles across, whose land surface would be as great as the outer earth land surface because it is unbroken by seas.

Now I tell you this because the Netherworld is in the Inner Earth, of this Earth as we live on.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – September 1988

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – September 1988

CAN THE SOVIETS BE TRUSTED TO REALLY LEAVE AFGHANISTAN? Soviet Eduard M. Rosenthal let the cat out of the bag at a news conference as he said: ‘To withdraw troops does not mean we leave a country in the lurch. There are many cultural and economic faculties in that nation, and the Soviet Union would not abandon anyone. (Unquote) Did you really think the Soviet Union would give up its foothold close to the warm waters of the Indian Ocean??

The President of Pakistan, a friend of the U.S, and the rebels fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan was killed along with two Americans, strange, but that plane blew up just like the fire in the oil platform in the North Sea. Big accidents have taken place in several nations. The American Government is aware of Post Nuclear devices. Electromagnetic devices and the Tussian Woodpecker.

Did you notice that Jimmy Carter and wife met with the PLO? Remembering that Carter is a Rockefeller stooge, this is interesting news. Remember that the U.S. Government forbids the U.S. Officials to meet with the PLO because Israeli forbids it. Wonder if the unseen government is trying to upset and undermine the unstable condition in the Mid-east?

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – September – October 1996

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – September – October 1996

Washington: Associated Press

President Clinton has a benign cyst on the left side of his neck, but it presents no threat to his health, NBC reported Aug. 31, 1996.

The President wants to wait until after the election to have the cyst surgically removed, the television network said.

There was no immediate conformation from the Clinton campaign which was campaigning by bus in Tennessee when the report was aired.

Responding, Christina Martin, a spokeswoman for Republican Presidential candidate Bob Dole, renewed a request that Clinton release his medical records.

They say that it is benign. But whose word are we supposed to take on this since they won’t release his medical records, said Martin.

I have a favour to ask of you on the tape circuit. Is there anyone out there who is a teenager who would like to correspond with a teenager who is reading and studying this type of material which goes out from here? If so, would you send me your name and address, and I will pass it onto a teenager who would like such a correspondence. She is home schooled and is quite interested in hearing from another teenager who is considering this subject of Identity and all that goes with it.

The Nations Will Survive

The Nations Will Survive

NOW, THERE ARE CERTAIN THINGS WHICH GOD ALMIGHTY HAS PROMISED US. There certain things which have been promised to our civilization, that no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper.

Now, among the people who constitute the Israel in this Book, remember that it was the House of Joseph which would father Anglo-Saxondom, with the ultimate promise that they would be a great nation and a company of nations. The covenant God made with Anglo-Saxondom, this House of Joseph, which is America and the British Empire, which today would represent the strength of Anglo-Saxondom, the scriptures would clearly profess that they would carry the true name of real Israel. And they would be the symbol of His Kingdom at the climax of the hour. And against these nations would come the attack of the forces of evil in the climax of this age.

Now, under such a declaration, I want you to turn with me to the 33rd chapter of Deuteronomy — and the LORD speaking of Anglo-Saxondom, this house of Joseph, said:-“Blessed to the LORD is he — not only with his lands will the God of Heaven bless him with, but also his strength upon the ocean for he shall be a great sea power. The precious fruit brought forth by the sun, and the precious fruit brought forth by the moon, and for the chief things of the ancient mountains (nations) and for the precious things of the lasting hill.”