Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – September – October 1996

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – September – October 1996

Washington: Associated Press

President Clinton has a benign cyst on the left side of his neck, but it presents no threat to his health, NBC reported Aug. 31, 1996.

The President wants to wait until after the election to have the cyst surgically removed, the television network said.

There was no immediate conformation from the Clinton campaign which was campaigning by bus in Tennessee when the report was aired.

Responding, Christina Martin, a spokeswoman for Republican Presidential candidate Bob Dole, renewed a request that Clinton release his medical records.

They say that it is benign. But whose word are we supposed to take on this since they won’t release his medical records, said Martin.

I have a favour to ask of you on the tape circuit. Is there anyone out there who is a teenager who would like to correspond with a teenager who is reading and studying this type of material which goes out from here? If so, would you send me your name and address, and I will pass it onto a teenager who would like such a correspondence. She is home schooled and is quite interested in hearing from another teenager who is considering this subject of Identity and all that goes with it.