Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – September 1990

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – September 1990

ANOTHER BAD EARTHQUAKE, THIS TIME IN THE PHILIPPINES. One disaster after another this year. And then this from Dr. Kai Loh Chan at National University of Singapore, Associate Professor of Zoology: ‘Prepare to leave America soon, after all America is Great Mystery Babylon’ (quote and un- quote) If America is Babylon then why are so many people trying to get in here??

The Church of Scotland deletes the Virgin Birth from Doctrine. Direct reference to the Virgin Birth was omitted from the Church of Scotland’s New Publication ‘A Statement of Faith’, so as to avoid potential division among the church members.

Wilson Ark; A northeast Arkansas school district is taking a forecasters prediction to heart and has tentatively planned an early December Earthquake break. They will not hold classes in District 57 on Dec. 3 & 4., in difference to the prediction of a major earthquake along the New Madrid Fault during that time. Ivan Browning claims to have accurately predicted last fall’s Northern California Earthquake within one day. He also says he predicted the 1971 Quake in the San Fernando Valley, and the one in Nicaragua in 1972, and Mount St. Helens volcano in 1980.