WE WILL NOT UNDERSTAND THE NEW ORDER OF THE AGES, or the knowledge of the New Age until we stand on vistas of human understanding which dwarfs the concept of our Universe, as we knew it yesterday. For we knew almost an insignificant or small beginning as to what we are doing here, and why we came. At this hour we can study every phase of our natural sciences, and we find the astronomer has added in the last decade un-times the measurements of the Universe than he had before. In its perimeter of horizon the Universe is now ten times greater, and he is speaking in terms of limitless space, with limitless planets, with suns and moons and stars. In the realm of the Physicist, he had discovered greater power than he has ever wielded before in his conscious earth history. We have joined our experimentation, in all realms of chemistry and Physics. The taking of the use of things apart we have discovered the secrets of the Universe, that the last fifty years have brought to fruition. And today you can say that the men of your race have a system of thinking which gives them a pattern of the smallest units of the solar systems and the atom, the molecular masses, and the construction of substances. You have watched in the last twenty years the taking apart of the atom.
The tremendous energies of released power, the greatest fusion of power in their hands. You have watched the development of fuels and the products of combustion. We have moved into an age when men with knowledge of Jet propulsion can move themselves out into space, and bring themselves back again.