The Spiritual Race

The Spiritual Race

THE CHALLENGERS OF THESE CHRISTIAN NATIONS ARE KNOWN AS THE NATIONS OF THE ANTI-CHRIST. Now the difference between the two is easily identified. The anti-Christ nations do not recognize that Jesus is the Christ. They serve the powers of darkness and the forces of evil by their ambition and their greed, and by their design and power to crush and rule the world and hold it in slavery. This makes them the system of the world order, which are the nations that had their origin in the earth.

They either were created here or came in the days of Lucifer’s rebellion, and scattered over all the world. They made up the races of people which are not part of the Adamic Race. They are not the people whom we know as the White nations today.

The Adamic Race from the time of Adam to out time, is marked by the Biblical anthropology of nations. As we study them carefully, we discover that the seed line of the Adamic Race is traced into all the great White nations of the world, the basically strong line descending from the days of Adam through Seth. When Seth was begotten of Adam, irrespective of the violation of Divine law that had previously existed, there had been a careful selection on the part of God of this individual to carry forward the program of HIS Kingdom

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter September 1997

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter September 1997

THE MAN WHO SPARKED THE OKLAHOMA CITY BOMBING PROBE, GLENN WILBURN, IS DEAD. He was so mistrustful of the official investigation that he forced the opening of a new Grand Jury probe, and now he is dead at 46 years of age.

Hours after his death, State Representative Charles Key, who had joined him in this cause, went before the panel and gave them a list of potential witnesses. Glenn Wilburn had lost his little grandsons in the bombing, Chase and Colton Smith. He was angry with the movement of the investigation and had worked these past two years trying to bring about this Grand Jury probe.

The first two witnesses called were men who had reported seeing two other persons with McVeigh the morning of the bombing.

The S.S. Constitution sailed again, July 20, 1997. Hope this is also symbolic of the time when our Constitution will again be able to sail and mean something for the American people.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter September 1995 Part 1

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter September 1995 Part 1

AS WE HAVE BEEN WATCHING EVENTS IN WASHINGTON, D.C. HERE IN THE BEGINNING OF THIS MONTH, we are reminded of a tape by Wesley A. Swift as he told of an event taking place in 1962 that we think has had a great lot to do with these later days of the ‘Ruby Ridge’ Affair, the Waco disaster, and yes, even the bombing of Oklahoma City and before all of them, the affair of the arrests and trying for conviction of the Aryan Nations. This was the setting in place of the government agency with a ‘Director’ appointed by the Executive Branch of Government to manage ‘Religious Affairs’ in this nation. Thus, in this packet is included the message ‘Will the Christian Church take a Government Czar.’ Hopefully, this will explain some things to you and build up your spirits as the events of September and October take place here in our nation in Washington, D.C.

The Buildebergers have stretched out their time table for the putting in place of their ‘One World Government’, setting it back two years to 1002. Wonder why?

Over 1200 years ago the Mayan Priest prophesied that the solar eclipse of July 11, 1991, would herald man’s encounter with Masters of the sky. Do you wonder what they meant, or are you following events over these past few years.

Under Louis Freeh, the FBI has been turned from an internal American Police Agency, into an International force. Late last year, the FBI had set up a Training School in Budapest, Hungary where they are educating and ‘training’ police officers for Hungary and the Czech Republic and Poland.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter September 1995

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter September 1995

EVENTS ARE COMING TO PASS ALMOST FASTER THAN A PERSON CAN KEEP UP WITH, even though a great cover-up is still going on in higher places. Some of our people watch developments for a little while and never making a study of events, get bored and think nothing is happening, so they go back in to their sleep and turn to the World Order for amusement.

The Waco and White Water hearings are producing some results, although they are not well publicized. The FBI has now suspended 4 officials in the cover-up of the ‘Ruby Ridge’ affair. And this is about the approval for the ‘shoot-on-sight’ order during that 1992 siege at Ruby Ridge, in which Mrs. Randy Weaver was shot in the head while she held her baby in her arms. And her young son was shot in the back. As least one of these 4 men who were suspended, had admitted destroying FBI documents, and another has admitted knowing about it. So far, Larry Potts has not admitted knowing about this order, although some investigators allege that Potts approved the order to FBI snipers.

The special rules of engagement said FBI snipers ‘could and should’ use deadly force against armed men spotted in the open at the Weaver compound. Long standing FBI policy bars the use of lethal force except in self-defence.

Since the fiasco at Ruby Ridge, then we had the Waco affair. And now the Oklahoma City bombing wherein Larry Potts was in charge of all the investigations. Thus, the people of the country see a conspiracy to cover-up the facts, but slowly the facts are coming out.

Top Secret Information Who’s Behind The 5G Cull Of Humanity?

Top Secret Information Who’s Behind The 5G Cull Of Humanity?

In 1999, HP scientist Richard P. Walker was granted a patent for what would become known as the Internet of everything, now better known as 5G. Walker and the rest of his Silicon Valley colleagues had been fed military technology by Lockheed Martin and IBM.

HP spun off Agilent Technologies that same year as the vehicle through which the Walker patent would come to fruition. All ensuing patents pertaining to 5G would be mysteriously absorbed by Agilent, whether in the areas of surveillance, cybernetics, genetic engineering, human micro-chipping, or “wet works”.

The corporation pushing Walker’s Agilent patent forward is SERCO, a powerful British company close to Lockheed Martin, GE and BAE. The first and last are the two biggest defence contractors in the world. All four are part of Crown Agents USA Inc. The golden share in SERCO was historically controlled through British Nuclear Fuels (BNFL) by Queen Elizabeth II.

In 2009 BNFL was shut down after spinning off its Westinghouse subsidiary. They had acquired Westinghouse in 1999, four years after Westinghouse bought CBS. BNFL’s nuclear plants had been privatized in 1996 and were taken over by British Energy. The same year BNFL shut down, British Energy was taken over by Electricite de France.

In 2000, Serco and Lockheed Martin took control of the UK’s Aldermaster weapons site. They also control two-thirds of the British Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE). The other third was owned by BNFL. During the past decade, AWE began exporting stolen US-enriched uranium from a Eunice, New Mexico facility through its Urenco subsidiary. Urenco Executive Chairman Stephen Billingham came from British Energy. They were aided in this effort by the Highland Group, whose associates include the Clintons and Robert Mueller.

The Secret Script

The Secret Script

THE SECRET SCRIPT OF THE DRUIDS, is known as Coelbren in Welsh and is Paleo Hebrew the true script of the Hebrews according to Allan Wilson. The Hebrews never wrote right to left, but the Edomites did and do, although the Hebrews did write up and down or in circles. They say the Paleo-Hebrew documents have disappeared and that Coelbren never existed, despite stones with this script can be found across the UK and other parts of the world. This is to hide the fact that the Caucasian peoples are the true Israel. The modern block Hebrew is the alphabet of the Yiddish speakers!

The Spirit Which is of God

The Spirit Which is of God

Before we go into the subject, I would like to recall to your minds what Christ said about our times.

CHRIST WARNED US THAT THE ABOMINATION OF THE DESOLATOR WOULD STAND IN THE HOLY PLACE AT THE END OF THE AGE, and we would see the abomination of the desolator standing in the Holy Place, and we would know that we had approached the very climax of the this age. Of course we well understand this abomination of the desolator for we have watched him at work, even as he seeks the desolation of our cities and our societies. We have watched the strange and peculiar development of Israeli in our time. We note that this abomination of the desolator has moved in. We know that his armies were made up of the most evil forces of mankind as they moved into the land of Palestine. They were made up of the gangsters of Chicago and of New York, and of the Sicilian Jew’s that had carried on their operations against the people of Europe and of the Mediterranean, and this was the forces that by violence and force of arms went into Palestine. Then we watched as in Palestine, as they desecrated Churches and Shrines and put to death Christians and Arabs alike, and they drove others out into the desert waste’s to die. All this we witnessed as we surveyed the periods of time.

The Spirit of The Ever Living

The Spirit of The Ever Living

Dr. Greer speaking: ‘Tidings out of the north and out of the east shall upset the bear and she shall come out against Israel. (Daniel 11:44)

ON THE MAP YOU WILL NOTICE THAT NORTH OF RUSSIAN IS THE U.S. and east is Red China. The recognition of Red China by the U.S. could well be the signal that the time has come for the final show. Also remember, that Christ fulfilled all the ‘spring festivals’ in His first coming. And He comes as the Reaper in the ‘fall festival’. So we can look for His appearance in the ‘Fall’ of what ever year He comes. As America recognizes her enemies and gives aide to them as she turns her back on all here, fellow Israelites, and friends, then we are fast being stripped of what ever physical power we might have. Thus it can be truly said that we will fall on our knees as a nation to seek the help of our Heavenly Father.

So as I listen to these talks from the library of the late Dr. Swift, I am always thrilled to hear again the inspiring plan of our Father. To know that His plan is to have His offspring on the earth for a nuclei of the world of tomorrow. Today’s talk, “The Spirit of the Everlasting” is one of the most inspiring you will ever hear.

HoloHoax More Jewish Lies Exposed!

HoloHoax More Jewish Lies Exposed!

FOR MORE THAN FIFTY YEARS, SINCE THE END OF WORLD WAR II, THE TALMUDIC, ZIONIST JEWS have sought to manipulate through Jewish Socialization, White Western public opinion by crying, “Poor, persecuted Jew,” while systematically victimizing White Christian culture. This constitutes a perfect description of the Jewish Socialization or Jewish Socialism. Both atheistic, Jewish, Socialism and atheistic, Communist, Socialism are ideas predicated upon the practice of engineering society along atheistic and Jewish ideas. This has been the method of operation of the atheistic, Talmudic, Zionist Jew even before the first century or the time of Christ.

Truth at Last: Israeli history textbooks are now being rewritten, reports Ethan Bronner in “The New York Times” (August 14, 1999) as a new generation of historians are replacing myths with facts about the nation’s founding. “Schoolchildren have long been taught that Jews have always been surrounded by enemies and that their victory over five Arab states in the 1948 War of Independence was a new miracle of David-and-Goliath proportions.” The Times reports. “But–now officially approved textbooks make plain that many of the most common Israeli beliefs are as much myth as fact. The new books say, for example, that it was the Israelis who had the military edge in the War of Independence.”

They admit that Palestinians did not voluntarily leave their land, as has been taught, but that they were expelled by Israeli soldiers. One ninth grade text, “Passage To The Past,” mentions the 1948 massacre carried out by radical Zionist forces in the village of Deir Yassin. This is from a report of The American Council for Judaism, December 99.

The Weaving of The Spider’s Web

The Weaving of The Spider’s Web

AS WE STUDY THE WEAVING OF THE SPIDER’S WEB WE TURN TO THE 59TH CHAPTER OF ISAIAH, where first we have a declaration: Behold the Lord’s hand is not shortened that it cannot save; neither His ear heavy that it cannot hear.

Then we have a warning: He hath warned His people Israel, and this holds true especially in these last days: His people are to have grave and tremendous problems as they face the weavers of the spider’s web, and the layers of the cockatrice’s eggs. His warning says that the cockatrice’s eggs are scattered throughout the western world of His kingdom, and the spider’s web is seeking to engulf and enmesh all of Western Christian society with their multiple plots which they weave into one massive conspiracy. Then who are the weavers of the spider’s web? They are the children of Lucifer, and the cockatrice’s eggs are the plans and program of Lucifer’s kingdom.

As we look at our great nation with its standard of the outstretched wings of the eagle, we see the Great Nation which God ordained for HIS purposes: The nation that moved the farthest westward and took its position in the program of God’s kingdom. We see this nation developing from its beginning as colonies to a declaration of freedom, to a free nation, a free society where justice reigned, where men were tried by juries or by judge (whichever they chose) and where the Supreme Court was held in bonds by the Constitution; a nation of private enterprise stretching westward to the Pacific Ocean; a nation containing the trees of prophecy such as the myrtle trees. Yes-the great and final nation of God’s Israel emerging and worshiping the Most High God.