Then Are Ye Abraham’s Seed?

Then Are Ye Abraham’s Seed?

AS WE TURN THIS AFTERNOON UNTO OUR SUBJECT WE TURN INTO THE BOOK OF GALATIANS, and we find our text laid out in these simple words of the Scriptures. In fact they are so simply written that it would be very hard for anyone to misunderstand them. We find in the third chapter in the 29th verse of Galatians, “If ye be Christ’s then ye be Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise.” If you belong to God, if you belong to the Good Shepherd, ye belong to Christ, then ye be Abraham’s seed.

Now by the same token we note by some translations, they reverse this translation. And they said, if ye be of Israel, then ye belong to Christ. And this, my friends, is also a very vital translation. And in other translations then you see, If ye be Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and you belong to God. Then once again if ye be Christ’s then are ye Abraham’s seed.

Now this makes it rather clear that the people referred to today as Christians, and many of them are referred to as the Church today, are from the house of Abraham, and the Seed of Abraham in every generation. But ye belong to God. And if you are of the household of God, and if you are Christians then it is because you are Abraham’s seed. But by no stretch of the imagination can they change it or translate it any other way. Because the fact remains that if ye be Christ’s, ye are Abraham’s seed.

And if you belong to God then ye are also Abraham’s seed and it amounts to the same thing either translation establishes the fact that if you are of the Household of God, the family of God, or if you belong unto God then you are of the Seed of Abraham. For God hath made his statements clear as to the house of Adam and to his descendants, from Adam thru Seth, and to Enoch, and down thru the house of Noah. And then every time God spake to the house of Abraham, he said, “Ye are my Israel.”

Letter Bible Myth or History

Letter Bible Myth or History

Dear Mr. Ashley,:

ON PAGE 3 OF THE MARCH/APRIL 2002, VOLUME 7, NUMBER 2 ISSUE OF THE GOOD NEWS, you or someone makes the statement The Bible: Myth or History? Belief in the Bible is declining at an astounding rate. Perhaps that’s not that surprising, considering that plenty of reporters, educators and scientists will tell you that the Bible is mostly myth and that the biblical stories couldn’t have happened the way they were written. But is a different myth being foisted off on us?

One of the main reasons that this is happening is because they do not understand the Bible, who wrote it, who it is about or anything about it for the most part. Therefore, I submit the following study that I have put together over the years of intensive study of the Scriptures for your review.

Judge Not or Not to Judge

Judge Not or Not to Judge

“JUDGE NOT, THAT YE BE NOT JUDGED.” (MATTHEW 7:1) has become the Great American “Cop‑out;” and is uttered with equal fervour by both Humanists, antichrists and even Christians. Christians have not only allowed our enemies, the Humanists and Jews to steal our Scriptural weapons in the battle against evil, and it would appear, we have also willingly taken up their banner.

God gave the Bible, with His Laws and Statutes recorded therein, so that we can use them to “judge” between good and evil. But the antichrists and all too many Christians say we cannot judge, thus forbidding us to act according to God’s Laws and Statutes.

That men have, almost from the beginning, resented being “judged” for their evil, sinful and un-Godly acts. For it is clearly seen in Genesis 19:9, “And they said, Stand back. And they said again, This one fellow [Lot] came in to sojourn, and he needs be a judge [Preach ‑ Teach God’s Laws and Statutes ‑ condemning their sinful acts]: now will we deal worse with thee, than with them [the Angels who had come to visit Lot before God’s destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah]…”

Of course men must “judge” and is clearly shown in Exodus 18:13, “And it came to pass on the morrow that Moses sat to JUDGE the people…”

Where Did Cain Get His Wife?

Where Did Cain Get His Wife?

THIS IS A QUESTION THAT HAS CAUSED A LOT OF CONTROVERSY IN CHRISTIANS AND ONE WHICH THEY HAVE AVOIDED FOR CENTURIES; especially the Judeo‑Christians because most of them do very little if any serious Bible study. They simply let some so‑called member of the clergy tell them what is what.
Since Cain was banished to the land of Nod, after his brother’s murder, and before Eve gave birth to her third son Seth (Compare Genesis 4:8‑17 with Genesis 4:25), then there was as yet only one (supposed) descendant of Adam on earth, and this was the reprobate Cain. We know that Cain had a wife, and evidence would indicate that he had taken a female from among the BEASTS OF THE FIELD, ONE OF THE OTHER RACES.
After the birth of his first son, Enoch, Cain built a city (Genesis 4:17). THERE CAN BE NO CITY WITHOUT INHABITANTS AND THOSE WHO INHABITED THE CITY WHICH HE BUILT WERE OBVIOUSLY THE INHABITANTS OF THE LAND OF NOD, the same creating that had been given to Adam as servants in the Garden of Eden. They were driven forth with Adam, and became wanderers, which is the meaning of the word NOD. These were a numerous people who had been CREATED (Genesis 1:27) before the FORMATION of Adam.
Before Cain was driven forth from the presence of God, he complained:
“My punishment is greater than I can bear, Behold, Thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass that everyone that findeth me shall slay me.” (Genesis 4:13‑14)

Lazarus and The Rich Man

Lazarus and The Rich Man

JUST AS MOST CHRISTIANS DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE STORY OF LAZARUS AND THE RICH MAN, as taught by Jesus in Luke 16, neither do they understand about the Jews, this is a direct result of the erroneous teachings of our Christian “Ministers.” Therefore, we are going to deal in detail herein with the story [parable] of “The Rich Man and Lazarus,” as it was taught by Jesus and as recorded in Luke chapter 16 in the King James Bible.

Most Christians have read a tract or heard a sermon in which this story is used. Almost invariably the speaker or author will say, “The rich man was being tortured in the fires of hell and Lazarus was in heaven.” They then insist this story “proves” their doctrine that “after death most human beings will spend the eternal ages screaming and crying in great heat and fire.” Ignoring God’s statement to the contrary: “They have built also the high places of Baal, to burn their sons with fire–-which I commanded not, nor spake it, neither came it into my mind.” (Jeremiah 19:5)

At the present time thousands of tracts and books are in circulation in Christendom which repeat the general claim that this story told by Jesus to His disciples is simply about “the bliss of heaven and the torment of hell.”

Now, lets read the story from Luke 16. As we read, please note, there are people, animals and objects in the story other than the rich man and Lazarus. These are very seldom mention by our “Ministers” and are even more seldom explained.


The Los Lunas Stone New Mexico

The Los Lunas Stone New Mexico

THE LOS LUNAS INSCRIPTION IS AN ABRIDGED VERSION OF THE DECALOGUE OR TEN COMMANDMENTS, carved into the flat face of a large boulder resting on the side of Hidden Mountain, near Los Lunas, New Mexico, about 35 miles south of Albuquerque. The language is Hebrew, and the script is the Old Hebrew alphabet, with a few Greek letters mixed in. See Cline (1982), Deal (1992), Stonebreaker (1982), and/or Underwood (1982) for transcriptions and translation, and Deal (1992) for discussion and photographs of the setting.

George Moorehouse (1985), a professional geologist, indicates that the boulder is of the same basalt as the cap of the mesa. He estimates its weight at 80 to 100 tons, and says it has moved about 2/3 of the distance from the mesa top to the valley floor since it broke off. The inscription is tilted about 40 degrees clockwise from horizontal, indicating that the stone has settled or even moved from its position at the time it was inscribed. (The above photograph was taken with a tilted camera.)

At present the inscription is badly scrubbed and chalked up. However, Professor Frank Hibben of Albuquerque reportedly saw the inscription in 1933, when it was covered with lichens and patination. By one report, it was seen as early as 1871 (Fell 1985, p. 34). Moorehouse compares the surviving weathering on the inscription to that on a modern graffito on the top of the mountain dating itself to 1930.


John 3:16 Was Added

John 3:16 Was Added

When I first heard that John 3:16 was added at some point in time and that it was not in the original, I was a little sceptical. But after doing a little research on it, I find that it would indeed appear that it was added.

Please read and let me know your thoughts on it. Also let me know your thoughts about it and if there is anything that I should add to it.

Original New Testament (ONT)

(See Authentic New Testament). Footnote: While much that was in his documentary source (the Memoirs of John the Priest) has been adapted by the Greek author to bring the text into line with his ideas, as here, some passages, largely by way of commentary, stand out as his distinctive contribution. Whenever possible attention has been drawn to these, as in this instance, and some have been placed below the main body of the text and in slightly smaller type. The present passage is John 3:16‑21. [This passage has been so placed by the translator].

The Ferrar Fenton Bible Translation has the following in bracket indicating that the verse WAS ADDED BY THE TRANSLATORS at some point in time.

[For God so loved the world that He gave the only‑ begotten Son, so that every one believing in Him should not be lost, but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son to the world that He might condemn the world; but that He might save the world through Him…] and ends with John 3:21, Therefore it would appear that all the verses from John 3:16 forward to John 3:21 were added.

The Assyrian Invasions and Deportations of Israel

The Assyrian Invasions and Deportations of Israel

DURING THE YEARS SINCE J. LLEWELLYN THOMAS WROTE “THE ASSYRIAN INVASIONS AND DEPORTATIONS OF ISRAEL” opponents of the Israel Identity Truth continue to produce the same outworn and fallacious arguments in opposition to the facts. Thomas largely based his conclusions on the Scriptures and ancient inscriptions found on Assyrian monuments. However, his scholarship and research has in recent years been incontestably corroborated by the testimony of the clay cuneiform tablets found (in 1850 A.D.) at Nineveh, in the Assyrian Royal Library of Ashurbanipal.

The cuneiform tablets, known as the “Royal Correspondence of the Assyrian Empire” provided the “links” between the so-called “Lost Tribes of Israel” and the Scythians and Cimmerians from whom most of the Caucasian inhabitants of Western Europe, Scandinavia, Britain and America are descended. At the time of their translation in 1930, the relevance of the tablets to Israel was overlooked because they were in complete disorder and among hundreds of miscellaneous texts dealing with many matters of state. Contributing to this situation was the fact that the Assyrians called the Israelites by other names during their captivity.

Definite statements on the subject of the Deportation of the Israelites of the Northern Kingdom from Palestine into Assyria have been made by some eminent authorities of the Church of England.

They deny that Israel was ever entirely carried away into captivity and state that the whole nation was never removed out of their land. They assert that those of the captivity were quite insignificant in number, that the bulk of the nation remained in their land long after the invasions.

Trees (People) of The Bible

Trees (People) of The Bible


1). “And it came to pass…that the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,

2). Son of man, speak unto Pharaoh king of Egypt, and to his multitude; Whom art thou like in thy greatness?

3). Behold, the Assyrian was a cedar (A TREE) in Lebanon with fair branches, and with a shadowing shroud, and of an high stature; and his top was among the thick boughs.

4). The waters made him great, the deep set him up on high with her rivers running round about his plants, and sent out her little rivers unto all the trees (PEOPLE) of the field.

5). Therefore his (THE ASSYRIAN) height was exalted above all the trees (TALLER THAN THE OTHER PEOPLE) of the field, and his boughs were multiplied (HAD MANY CHILDREN), and his branches became long because of the multitude of waters, when he shot forth.

6). All the fowls of heaven made their nests in his boughs, and under his branches did all the beasts of the field bring forth their young, and under his shadow dwelt all great nations (countries).

7), Thus was he fair in his greatness, in the length of his branches; for his foot was by great waters. (NOW WE CHANGE AND GO TO THE GARDEN OF EDEN)

The Secret Covenant of The Jewish Secret Society Known as The Order of The Illuminati

The Secret Covenant of The Jewish Secret Society Known as The Order of The Illuminati

I CAN’T GUARANTEE THE AUTHENTICITY of this document, although the context pretty much describes the truth as it is. We don’t know when it was written and exactly by whom, but it looks like it was composed by a British person if we look at the spelling of words, which is British English.

This information was sent to me by someone who for obvious reasons wants to be anonymous. This person gave me this reply when I asked if he/she could verify the authenticity of it:

“The document was passed to me by a gentleman who has long been a researcher into these things and it was meeting him that first caused me to search the web for more information. That’s how I came across your site. I think he was afraid to let me see it at first as he was unsure I could be trusted. He told me there are those who would kill to stop this information getting out. You will understand why I cannot reveal his name – I only know him by his first name anyway; he wouldn’t reveal his surname. I believe he works as a member of an aircrew, but precisely where I don’t know.