IRS Documents Reveal Attack on Christians

IRS Documents Reveal Attack on Christians

ACCORDING TO TEXE MARRS, FLASHPOINT, by Living Truth Ministries, 1708 Patterson Road, Austin, Texas 78733, September 1998, (Vol. 98-0), (800) 234-9673: Living Truth Ministries is now under withering attack from the IRS due to our vocal demand for truth and our obedience to God’s Word, the Holy Bible, in exposing evil in the world. But we are not alone. In a recent publication of the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), that organization’s Chief Counsel, Jay Sekulow, detailed the shameful campaign by the Internal Revenue to silence pastors, churches, and individual believers. This issue is so important I wanted Flashpoint readers to be appraised of this incredible development. (Texe Marrs)

We now have the cold, hard evidence that confirms our worst suspicions! The Internal Revenue Service has conducted an unbelievable campaign against our client, a small church in upstate New York. This campaign included secret photographic surveillance of the church grounds by an IRS agent.

When I first saw the actual IRS documents; obtained in our ongoing court battle with the IRS, I directed our Legal team to do whatever was necessary to stop the IRS right away before other churches and their members become victims.

It is important that we not telegraph our case to the IRS, but I wanted you to see for yourself just how far the IRS has gone to intimidate Christians. I have included on these pages a representation of just a fraction of the evidence we have uncovered so far.

Infanticide Incorrectly Called Abortion

Infanticide Incorrectly Called Abortion

ACCORDING TO WEBSTER’S DICTIONARY THE DEFINITION OF INFANTICIDE IS THE MURDER OF AN INFANT. Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being with premeditated malice [the intentional doing of a wrongful act without just cause of excuses]. The definition of abortion is, “The expulsion of the human foetus prematurely, particularly at any time before it is viable [capable of living on its own]; miscarriage.”

Today, infanticidist [One Who Murders an Infant, per Webster’s Dictionary], using a method called Dilation and Curettage, cutting the squirming and resisting baby’s body and placenta into pieces with a loop‑shaped steel knife and suck them into a jar. Because it is struggling and trying to escape it is apparent that even the baby knows that it is a human being and is trying to protect its’ life. From the jar the baby’s body pieces are reassembled on a table to verify that all the parts have been removed. This is a far cry from a miscarriage whereby the human body naturally expels the unborn infant.

We are presenting an argument that infanticide [incorrectly called abortion] is actually the murder of an unborn infant and is NOT a right of privacy due to the mother. It will also set forth the argument that the changing of the meanings of the words describing the positions taken by so‑called Pro‑Lifers and Pro‑Deathers are actually distorting what the issues really are. We will only address situations where there has not been a pregnancy caused by rape or incest, or situations where the mother’s life would be in danger if the baby’s life is not terminated. Approximately 95% to 98% of all unborn infanticide is for conveniences’ sake. Why is a foetus a person in the sense in which a baby is? Since no sane person would say that it is lawful to kill a baby, if it is shown that a foetus is in fact a baby, then killing a foetus would be tantamount to murder! Biblically it can be shown that foetuses in the womb struggled against each other as evidenced by Genesis 25:22.

One Seedliners Are Using Genesis

One Seedliners Are Using Genesis

IT SEEMS THAT THE ONE SEEDLINERS ARE USING GENESIS 4:1 TO BE A STUMBLING BLOCK FOR ISRAEL; and because of this, we are getting a little perturbed and distraught over all the refuse being promoted by people well-meaning, but who ridicule Two Seedline teaching.

They go to great lengths with their oral gymnastics trying to prove it’s all a spiritual matter. They scoff at the idea of a Genetic Enemy. We are not the one making the claim that it is a matter of Genetics, but the Bible unmistakably conveys this definite fact in no uncertain terms.

The one-seedliners (or non-seedliners, or may be anti-seedliners) point to Genesis 4:1 where it says:

And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from Yahweh.

They will say: You see there, Cain was the son of Adam. They don’t seem to realize that Eve was already pregnant with Cain before Adam knew her. If they would only take the time to study and see what the rest of the Bible has to say on the matter, they wouldn’t come to that erroneous conclusion.

Israel in The Book of Revelation

Israel in The Book of Revelation

WE HAVE PREVIOUSLY TRACED FOR YOU SOME OF THE MANY REFERENCES TO ISRAEL IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. This shows that the New Testament is as much an Israel book as the Old Testament is. The two books in the New Testament we haven’t covered as yet, are Hebrews and Revelation. In this lesson, we want to examine the book of Revelation, to show that this too is an Israel book.

No book in the whole Bible is so little understood as the book of Revelation. It is a prophetic book, history prewritten. It is much more difficult to understand than any other prophetic book, because it is written principally in symbols.

The period of time covered by this book is the entire Christian era and even beyond, into the beginnings of eternity. When the prophet Daniel wrote his prophecies, these were not for his own times, but for the remote future. In Daniel 12:4,9 the angel Gabriel told Daniel,

But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words and seal up the book, even to the time of the end: Go thy way Daniel, for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.

In contrast to this, the angel told John in Revelation 22:10, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand.

So the book of Revelation prophetically covers all the time from Yahshua to our own day and onward.

Nobody can hope to understand this book unless he knows that it is an Israel book, most of the symbols are Israel symbols. When we recognize this, many of the difficult passages become fairly clear. Let’s examine some of these.

From Israelite to Saxon

From Israelite to Saxon


First of all, the people of Israel were No More Divided into Tribes, but had, centuries before, passed into the more advanced stage of national organization. It is the natural progress of any progressive people.
It is the family, then the tribes, then the nation embracing the tribes. We Must Think of Israel as a Nation and a Company of Nations, no more called Israel, for the best of reasons, but called by the name, above all others, of sons or House of Isaac, or Saxons, with many other branch names.

Secondly, we must remember that They Were Not the Original Founders of Israel in the Isles; that is to say, in Britain, but they came in very late in British history, even a thousand years after the House of David had arrived and been established there.

Thirdly, when the detractors, sceptics and those who discard the Israel Truth one must remember that they are members of races that have absolutely nothing that they can look back upon proudly. They may have a few things which their kind invented; but they are far a few between. The Jews for instance have nothing, no heroes, no great men, no great women, all they have is lies and false history.

They have only one attribute that they excel in and that is thievery and murder. They have nothing else. The Christian Identity Truth has been around for thousands of years, but was only kept up with by a few writers. This is because Israel was to lose her identity as Israel, and became known by other names.

False Doctrine of Being Born Again

False Doctrine of Being Born Again

WHILE IT IS NOT OUR DESIRE TO RIDICULE ANYONE’S PRAYER TO YAHWEH FOR REPENTANCE SUCH AS FOUND IN 2 CHRONICLES 7:14, or any effort one might put forth to amend one’s ways, but the doctrine of being “born again” cannot be found in the Scriptures.

We are sure many will be quick to quote John 3:3 where it says: “Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of Yahweh.”  Actually, this passage does not say “born again,” but “born from above.” You will have to admit there is a world of difference between being born again and being born from above. Being born from above simply does not imply being born again.

Again: Strong’s Concordance: #509 another (an’‑o‑ then); from 507; from above; by analogy, from the first; by implication, anew: Kev‑‑ from above, again, from the beginning (very first), the top. Again: Thayer’s Definition: #509  anothen

1) from above, from a higher place; used of things which come from heaven or God

2) from the first, from the beginning, from the very first

3) anew, over again Being born from above simply does not imply being born again.

You can check almost any Bible commentary and it will confirm “born from above” is a correct rendering. It may also be rendered “from the beginning.”  It was Nicodemus only who didn’t understand this, and churches, as a whole, have taken the same position he did. While the churches do not go to the extent of saying one must re-enter one’s mother’s womb, they take another erroneous position.




In John 8:32, we are told, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” It is paramount, therefore, we find that TRUTH and never deviate from it, for without the enemy’s shackles can never be broken.

“Now David was the son of that Ephrathite of Bethlehem Judah, whose name was Jesse; and he had eight sons: and the man went among men for an old man in the days of Saul.” (1 Samuel 17:12)

With this study, we will investigate a doctrine contrary to all that is Holy, and will only tighten our chains of servitude all the more. This great Fallacy is a formula for disaster, and when we are finished, we will see clearly how UN-Scriptural it is. The proponents of this heresy dub it “In Search of The Missing Birthright.”

Once analysing the nature of the distortion and the unsoundness of its foundation, one can recognize it for the Fraud it really is. Its very beginning is a deception, for the “birthright” was never lost. The undeniable intent of this heresy has nothing to do with the “birthright” was never lost

The undeniable intent of this heresy has nothing to do with the “birthright,” but to remove the Scepter from the tribe of Judah and transfer it to the Tribe of Ephraim. Let’s call it what it truthfully is. If the Scepter were to go to Ephraim, as they falsely claim, Ephraim would have everything and Judah nothing. Once grasping their subterfuge as a means to divert the eye toward the birthright while manipulating the Scepter, their entire shell-game is exposed.
After propagating the above highly misleading title-heading, the proponents of this false doctrine will say:

Gathering The Nations

Gathering The Nations

AMONG THE FORCES, WHICH GUIDE INTERNATIONAL POLICIES AND RULE THE NATIONS OF THE WORLD, significant changes have occurred within the lifetime of this generation.

Changes too vast and significant to escape the notice of Yahweh. Among the most evident of these is the strong movement to bind all the nations into one organization, the United Nations; so one group of men may be the undisputed masters of the entire world.

They would rule with irresistible force in their own interest, crushing any who might oppose them. What would we find if we were able to uncover those who are the real masters over many politicians and rule them out of the shadows?

We have seen the United Nations in action for many years. We have seen it utterly impotent for good but powerful enough for evil. We see the constant efforts, even on the part of some Americans, to extend this power over us, so that we may become a helpless pawn in the power of the nations, which envy and hate us. May Yahweh pity and save this nation, if the one worlders have their way!

Has Yahweh overlooked this remarkable phenomenon? No indeed, nothing important escapes His foreknowledge. The Bible contains many prophecies, which deal with this organization, and none of them are favourable to it. We know that this fact will arouse the bitter hatred of many people who consider themselves well meaning.

Bible Questions and Answers

Bible Questions and Answers

YOU ARE WELL AWARE, THAT THE BIBLE HAS ALWAYS BEEN SUBJECT TO ATTACK BY PAGANS, ATHEISTS AND AGNOSTICS, but it was not until modern times that questions concerning its validity have been entertained by our so‑called “Ministers” who profess to proclaim its message.

It was about the middle of the nineteenth century that a “school” of higher criticism came into being and since that time its students, its adherents, have made militant advances in its Satanic efforts to discredit the Divine Revelation of the Scriptures. The results of their evil works have brought forth a harvest of unbelief that today infects the entire Christian Church.

This, modernism, the monstrous offspring spawned by this so‑called higher criticism, has succeeded in deceiving millions of Americans into believing the Bible to be of human origin and subject to many errors. Thus the faith that was once held by most Americans, who accepted without mistrust the authenticity of the Scriptures, has been all but destroyed.

Much of this has been accomplished by asking questions, some hard, some ridiculous, some that are completely irrelevant, but all are questions Christians find hard to answer. Which is the reason for their presentation in the first place.

Following are some of the most popular questions, which have been answered with the best possible explanation and confirmed by the Scriptures.

Its Time

Its Time

IT IS TIME YOU MEN OF ISRAEL TO STOP YOU STUPID AND SILLY BICKERING. It is time to stand together against the enemy that would destroy us and our families if they only could.

Whenever one of the White’s in the Nationalist Party are attacked by the enemy, those in the KKK and the Christian Identity and other White People, their leaders will say, shhhhh while the enemy is attacking them they are letting us be, so be quiet and don’t stir them up.

Whenever one of the KKK people or group is attacked, the leaders of the National Socialist say shhhhhh the enemy is after them and letting us alone, so be quiet and not get their attention focused back on us. The Christian Identity people are much the same. If we make no trouble for them perhaps they will let us slide by for awhile.

One camp in the National Socialists say I don’t like Covington; another group says I don’t like those who don’t like Covington; others don’t like any of the others because they want to be recognized as something great.

Its time to join together in a common cause and that is defeating the enemy at whatever cost it takes. Fight and destroy them, in the press, on television, on radio (support those shortwave networks that are fighting the good fight against the enemy, you spend your money on women and beer and booze, well stop drinking and spend your money on these shortwave networks; they are fighting the good fight while you try to get into your brother Israelite’s wife’s britches, or bed his daughter, sister or something. Stop that foolishness, for God will not help us while we do those things. Stand up like men, and fight the enemy with every thing you have.